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"Lady" title for female Sith


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I wish those who answer "no, because it's not canon/lore" read the whole thread.


It IS lore. It IS canon. Examples have been given, I'm gonna repeat one for the sake of it, Darth Maladi, a member of Darth Krayt's "One Sith" and head of the Sith Intelligence, was called "Lady Maladi".


So the whole "it's not lore/canon" or "it doesn't fit" stuff is nonsensical - since it has already been extensively used in Lucasfilm approved canon material.

Edited by Korrigan
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I wish those who answer "no, because it's not canon/lore" read the whole thread.


It IS lore. It IS canon. Examples have been given, I'm gonna repeat one for the sake of it, Darth Maladi, a member of Darth Krayt's "One Sith" and head of the Sith Intelligence, was called "Lady Maladi".


So the whole "it's not lore/canon" or "it doesn't fit" stuff is nonsensical - since it has already been extensively used in Lucasfilm approved canon material.


I agree, I can't understand why some people say it isn't possible to have the title.

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I agree, I can't understand why some people say it isn't possible to have the title.


For the same reason Jedi do not have force lightning even though it IS LORE. It was a foolish mistake on the part of the few novelists that used it which is why it is NOT used often.


The lore even states that use of syth-crystals (red) was (their use among Jedi was strongly discouraged) which means some jedi had red lightsabers.


Just because its in the lore does not mean Bioware has to use it, it can be omitted if it doesnt fit their view of what they want in the game.

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Just because its in the lore does not mean Bioware has to use it, it can be omitted if it doesnt fit their view of what they want in the game.
It's not an ORDER, it's a request... a request that:

1) fits the lore, so no "zomg it breaks my immersion" problems. It's approved by Lucasarts already.

2) doesn't take much developer time to implement (it would just come at the same time than Lord).


I've seen way more crazy, useless and developer demanding request here... ;)


Anyway, this forum is for suggestions/requests. Don't like it, don't read it.

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Anyway, this forum is for suggestions/requests. Don't like it, don't read it.


I do believe suppling reasons why it shouldnt be implimented falls into the same suggestion/request catagory.


If you dont like someones counter points, dont read them or reply to them. See, it works both ways and also makes you look bad.

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I do believe suppling reasons why it shouldnt be implimented falls into the same suggestion/request catagory.


If you dont like someones counter points, dont read them or reply to them. See, it works both ways and also makes you look bad.

It doesn't really make me look bad when the opponent uses arguments based on nothing while I'm based on facts approved by Lucas. Before people say "zomg it's not lore, NO!" they should do some research, specially if the only thing they know from Star Wars are the movies.


Nice selective quoting of my post by the way, how convenient to ignore the annoying parts to just focus on one sentence taken out of context ;)

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For some reason, this reminds me of an issue that occurred in the British judiciary upon the appointment of Lady Butler-Sloss to the Court of Appeal. As no female had ever been appointed, she was referred to as ‘Lord’ for a while. It was such a patriarchal world that it took six years for Lady to become permissible.


Whilst I wholly accept the lore argument, I happen to have other motivations for wanting its implementation too. Principally, I would like to reclaim ‘Lady’ from flimsy, whimsical notions of classical 19th Century femininity and give marked terms equal status. Beyond that, it always makes me feel uneasy when people make the traditional masculine title universal as it perpetuates the notion that male terms are ‘stronger’ therefore more desirable. If anything, if we are to have a single title for both genders then I would actually prefer ‘Lady’ just to give the classically female title more status and power for once. I find it worrying that so many people will so readily equate 'Lord' with greater strength, even after so much social change. :rolleyes:


One of the primary reasons that I like Darth is that it is a wholly invented title thus, I presume, has no innate connotations of sex. If possible, I'll always prefer something conceived of independently of classical masculine or feminine titles that can apply to both. Sadly, 'Lord' is clearly derived from reality so inevitably jars when situations likes this arise.

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For some reason, this reminds me of an issue that occurred in the British judiciary upon the appointment of Lady Butler-Sloss to the Court of Appeal. As no female had ever been appointed, she was referred to as ‘Lord’ for a while. It was such a patriarchal world that it took six years for Lady to become permissible.


Whilst I wholly accept the lore argument, I happen to have other motivations for wanting its implementation too. Principally, I would like to reclaim ‘Lady’ from flimsy, whimsical notions of classical 19th Century femininity and give marked terms equal status. Beyond that, it always makes me feel uneasy when people make the traditional masculine title universal as it perpetuates the notion that male terms are ‘stronger’ therefore more desirable. If anything, if we are to have a single title for both genders then I would actually prefer ‘Lady’ just to give the classically female title more status and power for once. I find it worrying that so many people will so readily equate 'Lord' with greater strength, even after so much social change. :rolleyes:


One of the primary reasons that I like Darth is that it is a wholly invented title thus, I presume, has no innate connotations of sex. If possible, I'll always prefer something conceived of independently of classical masculine or feminine titles that can apply to both. Sadly, 'Lord' is clearly derived from reality so inevitably jars when situations likes this arise.


That is an excellent post.

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Except it's not canon. Females were called Lord or Lady, males Lord, that's it. I can also see the potential abuses here... definitely a bad idea in my opinion.



Would maybe fit a "dark dungeons of the hutt" game, but definitely not a Jedi ;)


Bah, why remove something that works and fits the lore? :(


Why should females get more titles then males? Either give both genders both titles, or give them both the same.

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Could you please add the "Lady" title as OPTION for female Sith characters?

It's a bit weird to me to see my female Sith Marauder named "Lord <namehere>".

It fits the lore too, e.g. Darth Maladi was also called "Lady Maladi" (actually she was mostly called that way, rarely if ever "Darth", and never "Lord").


This shouldn't take too much developer time :)




+1 OP- simple (??) addition that would improve "feel"

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I do believe suppling reasons why it shouldnt be implimented falls into the same suggestion/request catagory.


If you dont like someones counter points, dont read them or reply to them. See, it works both ways and also makes you look bad.


So, the fact is there're tons of both female players and characters. But you still think they shouldn't add the title "Lady X"... Well, it's your opinion but, maybe they should remove the "Lord" title and give the "Lady" title to every male character. Now, are you telling me you wouldn't make a suggestion to add the Lord title in-game?




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Sith are Darth, Lord. Simple as that. It's like asking title "knight" to be added to sith...

It's not canon, does not fit in.

I'm a woman and I don't bother. And I want lord title on all of my chars.

(Aside from this, I can't really see lady as a military title somehow..)

Edited by bmwfive
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I'll just say:


Lady Maladi


"When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselves — and only the films. Even novelizations are interpretations of the film, and while they are largely true to George Lucas' vision (he works quite closely with the novel authors), the method in which they are written does allow for some minor differences. (...)"



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(Aside from this, I can't really see lady as a military title somehow..)

Why not? Is ‘Lord’ inherently stronger? Why is it inherently stronger if the titles should describe equivalent social positions? Oh that’s right, it’s due to the absurd remnants of patriarchy rendering anything masculine inherently more valuable due to ‘superior strength’ or such, isn’t it? :rolleyes:


As for relying on the films, they omit female Sith entirely so attempting to use that as 'absolute canon' to determine proper protocol in this area is rather impractical. If SW:TOR truly abided by the films as an absolute reference then women would occupy relatively irrelevant positions as damsels in distress or romance interests.

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Don't know, can't help it :D

In my opinion, in sw lord is title for both genders (as someone already pointed out) and I see no point of relevance who is what gender.

I have no problem with women, specially being one, but lady sounds more like something nice and polite, something I would not want to have on my sith juggy :D


As for movies and canon, just pointing out something that proves my point.

Lord is traditionally sith title, I see more problem in giving females new title, than I see in sharing one with males. That's just my opinion. And if they implement the title, my chars will (hopefully) still be lords. ;)

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"When it comes to absolute canon, the real story of Star Wars, you must turn to the films themselves — and only the films. Even novelizations are interpretations of the film, and while they are largely true to George Lucas' vision (he works quite closely with the novel authors), the method in which they are written does allow for some minor differences. (...)"



Ok, then this game isn't canon either, right? We can safely add this title then, which is widely used in the expanded universe, since the game is not canon, but part of the expanded universe... ;)


I have yet to understand why people are negative about things that would not affect their experience of the game at the least, but just make some people happy. It's not like the title will replace "Lord", it's just an additional title for female chars.

I guess some people just have to say "no" for the sake if it, unless the idea comes from themself.



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