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Today I hit level 50


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fully remarkable how good PVP is sub 50.


It's like night and day.


from 10-49, PVP is fun, competitive, and runs a lot. lots of people workign together, about equal wins from republic and imps, annnnnnd then you got the 50's.


What happened that endgame got so screwed up so fast?!

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fully remarkable how good PVP is sub 50.


It's like night and day.


from 10-49, PVP is fun, competitive, and runs a lot. lots of people workign together, about equal wins from republic and imps, annnnnnd then you got the 50's.


What happened that endgame got so screwed up so fast?!


Well if you actually take a look at the difference between 10-49 and the 50s we see two things:

1. Getting gear becomes a ****** RNG system to get your 50 equipment which could prevent people from gearing up at all for PvP based on their luck.

2. Expertise is introduced to equipment for PvP which inevitably caused the need for 50s only brackets and in some servers that is enough to bring PvP to a hault


So in summary what happened is at 50 you get to gamble for PvP gear and expertise is introduced, that's pretty much it.

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I should have listened and stayed 49..


Seriously how can you fail this bad at PvP, Bioware? lol.


Game will die in less then a year.


Easy solution. PvP on the way to 50. Allow lower levels to purchase centurion gear with commendations. Problem solved. You are geared enough the moment you hit 50 if you are a dedicated pvp player.


Will they do it? Uh 1.1.??? Nerfing classes to the ground???


I doubt it.

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PvP from 10-49 consists of nothing but ninja capping because people have the attention span of a three year old. How exactly does level 50 PvP fail?


Because at 50, it is exactly the same thing, with the exception that player skill now takes a back seat to gear, and everyone now quits WF's with even more frequency.. as it's all about completing daily's and weeklies to get MAH UBER LOOTZ SO I CAN PWNZ.

Edited by Jebi
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Easy solution. PvP on the way to 50. Allow lower levels to purchase centurion gear with commendations. Problem solved. You are geared enough the moment you hit 50 if you are a dedicated pvp player.


Will they do it? Uh 1.1.??? Nerfing classes to the ground???


I doubt it.


I bet you feel silly with that account name now.

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fully remarkable how good PVP is sub 50.


It's like night and day.


from 10-49, PVP is fun, competitive, and runs a lot. lots of people workign together, about equal wins from republic and imps, annnnnnd then you got the 50's.


What happened that endgame got so screwed up so fast?!


Thats easy - its called pvp gear. Its ruined this game, it ruins wow and will ruin the next mmo sheep team that copies this formula. You dont give people who sit online 24 hours a day practicing pvp even MORE of an edge in pvp. The gear causes huge disparities.. Id wager half the class balancing issues are more that the class, scaled with this stupid gear is OP. If we all had the same gear on, the matches would be just like 1-49. FUN.


"But this isnt a FPS!" Yeah you're right - I want to PVP, in an MMO, for FUN. wow, what a concept. There are LOTS of very cool ways to reward hardcore pvpers in a mmo without gearing them to the point of breaking the game.

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SWG lasted 8 years.


Enough said.


SWG was a sandbox, it actually had stuff to do. It's PVP also didn't consist of a mindless gear grind in some tiny little instanced shoebox. Massively Multiplayer you say?


Not enough said, clearly.

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Big baby crying that he can't steam roll lower levels.


Deal with it. :rolleyes:


You aren't that bright or?


10-49 = skill > gear

50 = gear >>>> skill


Bioware should take a closer look why exactly the lower bracket is much more enjoyed by the player base. Hint hint, no stupid expertise there.

Edited by Dalnar
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You aren't that bright or?


10-49 = skill > gear

50 = gear >>>> skill


Bioware should take a closer look why exactly the lower bracket is much more enjoyed by the player base. Hint hint, no stupid expertise there.


You need that gear treadmill to keep the majority of players playing once they hit 50. You don't need that same thing during the leveling process. You can post about it all you want but it is highly unlikely to change. Really, players should be able to start farming the Centurion gear after 40 (still not usable until 50) so that the gap is not so bad. That, I think would help a lot.


I actually have a lot of fun in the lvl 50 bracket (full disclosure I have full champion gear with battle master ear/implant/wep), but the fun is more about skilled players with all of their tools available, compared to the 1-49 where you have a lot of new players, without the full complement of skills, nor the experience in maximizing their character.

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Should of rolled a stealth class so you can AFK in warfronts. There is your solution!


Would be just as much fun, that's for sure. But the main problem is that there are only about 1 warzone match per day at 50 due 70% probably already has quit SWTOR after hitting 50.

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In champion gear you can outplay battlemasters without much of a disadvantage

And champion gear takes a pretty short period of time to get. at least to the 300 expertise point


Short time? Ive been 50 for almost 2.5 weeks and have 4 champion items.

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Short time? Ive been 50 for almost 2.5 weeks and have 4 champion items.


Short is subjective to the free time you have ;) I have a semi-geared guardian as well, but rolled alt for lower pvp bracket. More fun, more matches, no stupid random generator and if my wins do not count towards daily I'm not mad.

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You need that gear treadmill to keep the majority of players playing once they hit 50.

and thats the core of it. the eq/wow type carrot on a stick is a poorly designed mmo.

its a crap game that needs gimmicks to keep players paying a sub fee.

its why UO>EQ.

edit, its also why DAoC was so great. the game is what hooked you not the gimmick side games.

Edited by Padgemoe
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Short is subjective to the free time you have


Free time in MMO's is measured more in the hour to hour than day to day.

Dailies and weeklies are incredibly generous with bags, at least after/before this Ilum fiasco :)

If anything there's tough diminishing returns when you put more time into PvP

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Name an MMO with more than 300k current subscribers and no time sinks

Take your time


You are right about this. But its because those "time sinks" are crutch for devs. I swear a MMO that actually brings invention to the market and offers something else will be the long awaited "wow-killer".


Doesn't mean its stupid mechanics tho.

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