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Let's start a list and see how many Operatives are rerolling with Nerf


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started a PT. will see how bad it is first though


i'm not a fotm reroller, almost the opposite in fact. i rolled operative from day one, with little knowledge about how they would turn out. i didnt want to be anothing kiddie with a glowstick


if i wanted fotm, i would just make a sorcerer. but that will never happen

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Not going anywhere myself. Love the class' playstyle and story. Not a fotm guy though. I don't even have the skills being nerfed yet and i can still roflstomp kids. Usually place in top 3 even at lev 24.


Can't speak to end game pve or PVP though.

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I am staying as Operative.


I played my BH Powertech to 44 and quit her. She was pure tank, good utility, but low DPS. I just missed the rogue style game play.


I didn't know that the operative could literally be the rogue with a gun so once I found that out I rerolled (just wish I could use a pistol).

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Not going anywhere myself. Love the class' playstyle and story. Not a fotm guy though. I don't even have the skills being nerfed yet and i can still roflstomp kids. Usually place in top 3 even at lev 24.


Can't speak to end game pve or PVP though.

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I'm going to stay an OP in concealment spec though if they fix/change up medicine I might switch to that at some point. These nerfs are needed in my eyes and I completely understand why they are doing it (though I think it is a tad much, but if it is they'll slowly bring us back up to par)


I love being a stealthy class that can heal and deal tons of burst damage. Very risk vs. reward type gameplay.

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Well, I have a 50 scoundrel and rolled an Operative because I loved my Scoundrel so much. Once the nerf goes live I'll probably continue my Op until 36 and then shelve him until some sort of compensation is given for the nerf. Once operatives are balanced again, I'll pick him back up.


Until then, I have a body type 4 male powertech. I hate him, but he certainly feels overpowered in comparison.

Edited by MatchpointServe
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I am going to re-roll sorc just because I feel that the medic doesn't have anything to offer compared with the other two healing classes. Mercs are better at single-target healing and sorcs better at multiple. The medic just doesn't have the juice to compete with other good players.


B/c I want to get into raiding shortly, I want the best possible character for that. Besides I hate that Ops are so dependent on stealth.

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I've considered rerolling more than once by now but no, I will not be rerolling because of the nerf.


I hope I won't be excluded from PvE content because of this. If that kind of thing starts happening and nothing is done to fix it, it's bye bye to the game instead.


You will, people call out for ranged dps for PvE

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There is another nerf coming? Didn't realize.


And in one line, you nicely sum up the problem.


We took a big hit in the 1.1 patch, in that biochem stacking and such have been fixed. No one that I know is claiming that change shouldn't have been made, but there's no question that a nerf to the stacking of short-term damage boosts is disproportionately penalizing to burst DPS classes capable of controlling exactly WHEN their bursts occur. So yes, we took the hit harder than everyone else, even though it was a change to underlying mechanics and not a specific class nerf.


The problem, though, is that the devs didn't give it any time to see whether that change was enough, or whether an imbalance still existed. 1.1.1 hit the test server a day or two after 1.1.0 went live, so there's no possible way they had any up-to-date data on whether Operatives were still too strong, especially given that there are really no level 50s on the Public Test Server (for lack of a copy function). And I don't see how ANY of their metrics could have justified the PvE side effects of an Acid Blade nerf, which makes this change especially hard to swallow for those of us who don't PvP often.


Last night I went to do some Hard Modes, and the group leader's comment was that he hadn't seen any DPS Operatives in quite a while. I rarely see any of them around, either; quite a few Operatives I know respec'd to a healer build, because at least that'll stay in demand and no one's calling for a nerf of Operative healers. But Operatives were always in short supply, and it's just getting worse.

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I hope I won't be excluded from PvE content because of this. If that kind of thing starts happening and nothing is done to fix it, it's bye bye to the game instead.


It's already been happening ever since 1.1 was released. Groups that explicitly advertise for "ranged DPS" have been happening for about a week now, and I've had two times when a group leader booted me from a pickup hardmode group once he saw I was an Operative. Even if it's not justified by the current state of the game, the perception is already becoming commonplace that we're a weak PvE spec, and it's only going to get worse once this next patch comes out.


And I'm not even going to say that they're entirely wrong. I went through a hardmode today with a nicely balanced group, The Juggernaut would jump right into the pack of enemies, the Sorcerer and Mercenary would unload AoEs, and me? By the time I got into stabbing position, half the enemies were dead. Sure, I'd do impressive damage at close range, but I spent so much time getting TO that close range that it didn't feel like I was doing as much. (Okay, I did much better against boss mobs, or when I had time to get into position before the fight started, but still, I can see why others would think that ranged DPS is better.) My best utility was that I'd put two points into Incisive Action, which let me throw Kolto Injections when the healer started falling behind in one fight...

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I've re-rolled and i'm already level 34 on my juggy.....it's so nice not having energy issues and actually having SUSTAINED damage is fantastic.


i felt a nerf was needed but i thought they'd be reasonable about it and help our sustained dmg seeing they're removing our main burst.


gl though i hope this nerf doesn't cripple y'all as much as i think it will, 20% less armor pen is rough, and a 1.5 stun is a joke, anyone who specs into that is a bit ****ed in the head.

Edited by Evuke
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i havent done pvp yet so havent experienced the pvp side of the nerf


i lvl'd heal spec, i do admit that anything that lower's my dps puts a major cramp in my style as heal spec needs all the dps it can get


i will not be rerolling, i love the play style of this class, enjoy the healing/dps i can do with the same spec,


as for the game, i dont want one class to be op, have 75% of the player base playing that class because they want to see chart toppers, i do want a balanced game where u are on top because of talent, gear, and some luck thrown in too boot


i know that is wishfull thinking, but am open to bioware doing nerf's/buffs, they see the numbers for everyone on pretty spreadsheets, we only see our numbers as they flash across the screen, so im sure they know when one class is in need of some small tweeks, i just hope if they tweek too much, and our class gets broken, that they fix it asap so we can continue to enjoy this awesome ai


I agree that Ops should be nerfed as I don't want to feel like I'm having things handed to me. I feel this nerf goes too far though and they should give something extra such as more energy or a reduced cooldown of combat stealth in the concealment tree. Obviously this is pure speculation for the time being but I believe that as Op/Scoundrel is one of the less played classes that they have been victimised a bit for their 1v1 burst when they have far less survivability than other classes. I feel they should add something whilst nerfing like more energy or a more effective shield probe other than in the medical tree as this will give better sustained damage/survivability.


I will not be re-rolling though. I love my Op and I've invested time in him. If the concealment tree is underpowered (as I suspect it will) I'll just opt for the lethality tree and adapt to that and spec the extra point into the +stealth points in the concealment tree.

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I am staying as Operative.


I played my BH Powertech to 44 and quit her. She was pure tank, good utility, but low DPS. I just missed the rogue style game play.


I didn't know that the operative could literally be the rogue with a gun so once I found that out I rerolled (just wish I could use a pistol).


I really want a pistol as well. I just stare at in cutscenes like, "why can't I use you!"

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Why should you stick with a class through the worst of times? What if you aren't having fun? Should you be forced to stick to just that class? When I picked agent did I sign a contract not to play other classes, even if I like that class better? Some of you guys need to step back and realize it's a game. Plus when everyone is a sorc or a merc, bioware will have an easier time balancing things :cool:


Have you not heard of Watcher X? Once you get into Imperial Intelligence you don't get out!

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I'm simply quitting


I dont think we are too strong, because Troopers and sorcs are near invincible regardless of spec, high sustained damage, and have high team utility. Operatives can kill OR heal, we cant do both. Unless we are healers (and 2nd class healers as well), we have near zero team utility. Our burst SHOULD be ridiculous. People always QQ about rogue archetype classes because stealth = annoying. Always! They can do zero damage but they will always be ANNOYING and the target of QQ.


If BW does a crazy blanket nerf after the game came out for 1 month instead of addressing key problems (itemization, poorly thought out crew skills, skill activation lag), i see no future in this dev team.


Remember, the PVP devs in SWTOR are the same for warhammer. Everything looks great on paper but implementation is poor poor poor. Remember bright wizard anyone? If you don't roll a mage archtype, YOU LOSE!


In regards to the fact that everyone hates the 1v1 burst and stealth classes I have to agree. I'm just going to play the class and if it needs a buff I'm going to ask for it. IMO though Sorc/Sage are ridiculously OP atm condsidering they can heal and DPS in the same spec and are good for most situations whether that be 1v1 or with a group.


I'm going to respec for a week then go back to Concealment and see if I can relearn it. In either case I'm going to go and do pwnage on everyone and prove that it wasn't the class and they're just crap.


Don't forget that most newb classes will be Jedi/Sith classes because they're like moths, attracted to the lightsaber.

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And in one line, you nicely sum up the problem.


We took a big hit in the 1.1 patch, in that biochem stacking and such have been fixed. No one that I know is claiming that change shouldn't have been made, but there's no question that a nerf to the stacking of short-term damage boosts is disproportionately penalizing to burst DPS classes capable of controlling exactly WHEN their bursts occur. So yes, we took the hit harder than everyone else, even though it was a change to underlying mechanics and not a specific class nerf.


The problem, though, is that the devs didn't give it any time to see whether that change was enough, or whether an imbalance still existed. 1.1.1 hit the test server a day or two after 1.1.0 went live, so there's no possible way they had any up-to-date data on whether Operatives were still too strong, especially given that there are really no level 50s on the Public Test Server (for lack of a copy function). And I don't see how ANY of their metrics could have justified the PvE side effects of an Acid Blade nerf, which makes this change especially hard to swallow for those of us who don't PvP often.


Last night I went to do some Hard Modes, and the group leader's comment was that he hadn't seen any DPS Operatives in quite a while. I rarely see any of them around, either; quite a few Operatives I know respec'd to a healer build, because at least that'll stay in demand and no one's calling for a nerf of Operative healers. But Operatives were always in short supply, and it's just getting worse.

Sums it up perfectly.


I'm pretty concerned that BWs metrics are..flawed, to say the least. They either mix PvE/PvP performance, or don't take PvE into account at all.

And part of me fears that they also have no meaningful way of measuring survivability or utility.


Because if we step away from the discussion wether this nerf is necessary, and look at HOW this nerf was planned, only two words come into mind: Overdone & reactonary.

As you mentioned, they have no way of knowing wether the Buffstacking-nerf has already fixed the burst problem (from my recent experience, it pretty much has).

Then, flat out nerfing a classes dmg by ~10-15% in PvE and changing the main pvp talent in a way that doesn't balance, but in fact just cripple it (1,5sec stun being a single GCD, being essentially nothing) is hardly thoughtful balancing.


It doesn't appear like they have a plan where they want to go with this, but just went OH MY GAWD ITS TOO POWERFUL NERF IT BY...IDK LIKE HALF OR SOMETHIN!!!1.

Combat design like that doesn't bode well not only for us operatives, but for the game as a whole

Edited by Skurkanas
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I'm not rerolling. I'll play my agent even after the nerf, cause I wanted to play agent since the class was announced.


Yes, it will be hard until I get to at least champion gear and biochem to 400 (for now I have a stupid armstech), but then it will be good.

Edited by CorruptedFlesh
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