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Let's start a list and see how many Operatives are rerolling with Nerf


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If they do get crippled by this nerf there is only one thing to do IMO, switch the specs around a bit.


But I guess being drastic, QQing and rerolling is the FOTM way of things. I'm not that type of person. Plus I have many up an coming toons cos I really enjoy leveling int his game and seeing the stories. So far a merc and sorc up in their 40s, then a jugg and mara around 25-30 something.


So far my only 50 is my operative which I enjoy. So if they really lack the damage to stay full consealment I'll just go hybrid med/conseal.

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I'll still play my 50 and as a raider.

FOTM class...are you daft? I am the only op in my guild and there has to be 15 sorcs, 15 juggs, and 10 or so mercs. I have honestly never ran into another dps specced op in a fp on my server, Darth Sion. I think all you forum warriors need to play the game more and see how it really is. Just because something can kill you and you cant consistently kill it doesn't make it overpowered; it just makes you bad. It doesn't matter what class that I play, I will still be good at it and you will still be whining for a nerf to balance out your lack of skill. If the shoe fits.....


POSTS like this, saying other people are bad.....are exactly why i'm going to be lawl'ing hardcore when that nerf comes and people realize just how much they relied on their class, and that it TRULY was not their amazing skill. lol. Knocked back to ground with the rest of us.


Funny how every operative out there, pretty much thinks its their skill. I suppose it was fate that damn near every operative is amazing in pvp with crazy skill. LOL!

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As was said before I played 30 odd levls without HS the only thing thta hurts the class is the 20% reduction on acid blade., but If you know how to play the class you'll be fine post nerf. Now, the eazymode anklehumpers migth not now what to do now with the nerf, but thta just means we will be killing thier poorly played Sorcs/sages now..or trying to get away from thier tracer missles Edited by Killomend
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GG GW2 is coming.


I couldn't be more excited for GW2 to come out. When it finally does, all you whiny little *****es that use it as an excuse to "Play a better game" will be gone once and for all!

Edited by Konkeroar
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Stop complaining about the nerf. I'v stunlocked a person now for 8 seconds due to the fact the resolv dosn't jump to the full just from the 3 sec knockdown.. and the armor pen must'v been a joke i still critt, do the same dmg as before.



GJ BW U just nerfed us better ... haha i'ts funny, stunlock is insane... =))

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Almost L30 on my Sorc. I can't remember the last BG where I didn't top damage by 100K or so. Normal full length BG sees >300K damage and about 65-70K in shields all while providing crazy utility/support. Without really trying (cause I'm medal farming after all, gg stupid system) I score/assist 2-3 times a huttball match, in voidstar I simply annihilate the enemy team, in Alderaan I have the highest mobility providing the quickest response defending two nodes.


PvE is equally a total joke. I don't even need a companion, I can solo the class quest at level.


Can't wait to try the healing tree I'm sure it's equally absurd.


Seriously, if you are a skill player, just reroll Sorc/Merc/PT and save yourself a lot of frustration while waiting for BW to fix the class.

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Not really re-rolling but rather just treating PvP as an XP/Credit filler now.


They stated they would base balance on metrics and not forum whining and on top of that they didn't balance it but rather destroyed it as a viable spec.


Thus I will treat PvP as the sideshow joke that it is and only participate in it to advance the storylines as I try each character.


I might return to PvP as entertainment when I get around to my Sorc as it has everything a PvP toon could want -- great CC, great damage, great healing, great mitigation and great utility.

Edited by Hellapain
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Seeing how well their code works for other aspects of the game how well do you think the metric gathering code works?


They stated they would base balance on metrics and not forum whining and on top of that they didn't balance it but rather destroyed it as a viable spec.

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