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Who Is To Blame For Server Imbalance: We Are


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Bioware can't fix server imbalance, not ever, because we as players decided as a majority to go sith instead of republic, so please stop complaining about a problem Bioware did not create.


Anyone care to prove me wrong?

So it's our fault they made the empire far more attractive?

Subjective i know but here is something that IS their fault


Why aren't there faction changes?

My entire guild would use it just to avoid huttball every single wz

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It seems to me that if Bioware had just created a 3-faction game to begin with, they wouldn't be in this situation.


I am curious as to why so few games release with a 3-faction framework, when it is obvious that this kind of setup would completely alleviate the prospect of imbalanced factions. Look at Dark Age of Camelot, for example; when one faction gets too big for its britches, the other two can band together to even things out again. And since all of SWTOR's classes are mirror classes, its not as though creating a 3rd faction would entail balancing individual classes' skills against each other.


It seems like simply having three factions is the best idea that is consistently not implemented in MMOs, and SWTOR is unfortunately no exception.


Ah well. I'm still enjoying myself, though there is room for improvment.

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So it's our fault they made the empire far more attractive?

Subjective i know but here is something that IS their fault


Why aren't there faction changes?

My entire guild would use it just to avoid huttball every single wz


While I think you could create a system that would work in theory (every class can switch to their mirror class with maybe a fiarly lengthy quest chain to rationalize it) the problems that I think BW would run into is that they'd also have to either move your companions from one faction to another or force you to abandon all your current companions to make the change-- then how would you get new companions? Would you have to go through the entire mirror-class story from the beginning?


Maybe that is how it should be done. You can switch factions, but you lose your ship and all your companions, and while you keep your level of progression you have to start the class story from scratch if you want new companions and a new ship. That way there's a consequence to switching sides, even if it is a fairly minor one.


The other issue is; do you make it so that either faction can switch sides? Because if you do it seems very possible that could actually make the problem worse, with lots of Republic players dropping to play Imp side-- especially since so many Jedi seem enamored with the idea of "falling to the dark side" as a story element. (Can't say I hear too many Sith talking about how cool it would be to "fall to the light side.")


So are you just going to make it so that Imps can go Republic? And if so, then won't you have people complaining that it's not fair?

Edited by Mannic
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There are other reasons people roll empire/sith, especially on pvp realms. Basic human psychology, tendencies, as well as impressions on the setting by age group.


To those who the prequels were their childhood age star wars universe their impressions likely are:

Jedi are stupid emotionless meatbags (fake people)

Defeated easily by their counterparts sith.

Republic is ineffectual bunch of souless worthless public servants

Aliens end up being bad-guys or jar-jarish


Sith/opposing side

Have emotions (i.e. real people)

Tougher/stronger Emperor vs. Yoda. Sith with no speaking part vs two jedi



Then you add to the fact that people are inherently not-so-nice. Give them an environment with no recourse or detriments of being a bad-guy (theft, nurder, etc) and the occurance of such shoots through the roof.

I.E. you can play a bad-guy and get away with x,y,z but its ok. just a game.


Lookinjg at WoW you see their active player base trends "bad guy" or psychologically triggering bad-guy (Horde.. hello name association) versus pve where alliance trends higher.


So we have swtor where the good guys are in a logn line of souless humorless inefficnent *****bags versus the cool bad guy we'll win some day sith/empire


Gee. wonder who the average person will pick..


Further, especially the younger you are, the desire to be on the side of the in-crowd/favored side rears its head.


Also - just walk around the two sides for awhile. You quickly can pick up the fact that more care, time, abnd effort went into one side versus the other.

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Anyone care to prove me wrong?


No, you are not wrong because the choice is ultimately ours, but BW isn't entirely innocent in this either. If Republic wasn't so lame looking/sounding/acting, the decision to go Imp wouldn't be so easy to make. Most people won't decide to roll Republic just to even out things for the community. They need a carrot to tempt them across.


I say screw canon and lore. Bend the rules a bit (more) and make the Republic less lame BW.

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this is what happens when you create a two faction system. Thank god the creators of Guild Wars 2 arent this stupid and are implementing a three faction system so problems like these will never exist.

How's pinning your hopes and dreams on a game working out for you?


I think I can hear the sound of your heart breaking causing a rip in the space time continuum originating from the future.

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IMHO, the faction imbalance is due to people wanting to be on the zerg side. It became apparent early on that the "cool" hardcore PvPers were going to go Empire, so everyone decided that they wanted to be on that side too. People are only now rationalizing their decision with claims about animations, story, and art. These imbalances existed in the guild launch program before anyone saw the end game gear or played the stories. On top of that, most PvPers are spending the majority of their time in warzones anyway, and only do the class quests when necessary. Most of the my guildies in our PvP division hit space bar through the dialog.


Quite frankly, I think a lot of people are trying to cover up the fact that they wanted to join whichever faction was most populated so they could easymode PvP. My advice is suck it up. Huttball matches is what you get. If you don't like it, reroll Republic. No one is stopping you from doing it.

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Things I prefer about Empire : Colour scheme - reds purples and blacks - fab, I much prefer to brown cloaks and or a shabby looking thief (smuggler).


British accent for most of npcs, great to listen to, much more interesting than the American ones for republic.


Armour design, fantasy/sci fi mix for sith and very smart uniform for operatives can't really go wrong picking imp. in my eyes.

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How's pinning your hopes and dreams on a game working out for you?


I think I can hear the sound of your heart breaking causing a rip in the space time continuum originating from the future.


Not to mention GW2 doesnt have faction PvP AFAIK, they have realm PvP which is not faction bound. Then again, who knows since there's no release version or public beta yet anyway.

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How's pinning your hopes and dreams on a game working out for you?


I think I can hear the sound of your heart breaking causing a rip in the space time continuum originating from the future.


lol troll much? I only listed GW2 as an example because so few MMO's these days know how to do PvP right. I'm not even planning on playing another MMO after this awful mess of a game we've been subjected too. Much to jaded for that. Thanks Bioware.

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IMHO, the faction imbalance is due to people wanting to be on the zerg side. It became apparent early on that the "cool" hardcore PvPers were going to go Empire, so everyone decided that they wanted to be on that side too. People are only now rationalizing their decision with claims about animations, story, and art. These imbalances existed in the guild launch program before anyone saw the end game gear or played the stories. On top of that, most PvPers are spending the majority of their time in warzones anyway, and only do the class quests when necessary. Most of the my guildies in our PvP division hit space bar through the dialog.


Quite frankly, I think a lot of people are trying to cover up the fact that they wanted to join whichever faction was most populated so they could easymode PvP. My advice is suck it up. Huttball matches is what you get. If you don't like it, reroll Republic. No one is stopping you from doing it.

You sir is over powered! You shouldn't crit the forum members for that much dmg in one post. Fact is the game was designed for playing as many different classes as possible. Hopefully people will wise up and start playing chars on both factions. All this "Empire got cooler gear" as the reason why they rolled Empire is a load of crock cause the gear looks crappy anyway and most people are considering saying screw the set bonus because the crap looks fugly!

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It is the fact the the armor and story are lame compared to the Imps - I have tried both and seen both armors - people want to look COOL not lame - they want story of epicness not "woe is me" type BS.


Maybe it's just me..but I think most if not all of the Imp armor looks like hammered hell rolled in steaming green bantha poodoo. I'd rather run buck naked than wear that stuff. At least if I ran naked I could retain *some* dignity, rather than intentionally losing all of it then some.


Insofar as better Imp stories than Republic stories...I wonder...if people realize that's all subjective to their tastes? The end of Act One as a Smuggler was freaking AWESOME. By the time you got to the end you ended up hating your primary nemesis so much you just couldn't wait to blow them into molecules. And the final resting place is pretty fitting too, I might add.


On the flip side..some people don't care for anything to do with the Smugglers. Not the stories, the mechanics, et al. And that's their prerogative. But in the doing so, it illustrates my point succinctly:


People have individual tastes, and claiming one faction's stories are "better" than the other sides is purely, utterly subjective.

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So it's our fault they made the empire far more attractive?

Subjective i know but here is something that IS their fault


Why aren't there faction changes?

My entire guild would use it just to avoid huttball every single wz


Because it's only been a month.


Suck it up and make a new character. You'll get back where you are in a month's time.


Long-term, being years, yeah, you might want to convert a character you've had *years* of experience with.


But a month?



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Wait wait wait....

WoW didnt event everything about gaming? Are you serious?


Amazing, isn't it!!




There are other reasons people roll empire/sith, especially on pvp realms. Basic human psychology, tendencies, as well as impressions on the setting by age group.


To those who the prequels were their childhood age star wars universe their impressions likely are:

Jedi are stupid emotionless meatbags (fake people)

Defeated easily by their counterparts sith.

Republic is ineffectual bunch of souless worthless public servants

Aliens end up being bad-guys or jar-jarish


Sith/opposing side

Have emotions (i.e. real people)

Tougher/stronger Emperor vs. Yoda. Sith with no speaking part vs two jedi



Then you add to the fact that people are inherently not-so-nice. Give them an environment with no recourse or detriments of being a bad-guy (theft, nurder, etc) and the occurance of such shoots through the roof.

I.E. you can play a bad-guy and get away with x,y,z but its ok. just a game.


Lookinjg at WoW you see their active player base trends "bad guy" or psychologically triggering bad-guy (Horde.. hello name association) versus pve where alliance trends higher.


So we have swtor where the good guys are in a logn line of souless humorless inefficnent *****bags versus the cool bad guy we'll win some day sith/empire


Gee. wonder who the average person will pick..


Further, especially the younger you are, the desire to be on the side of the in-crowd/favored side rears its head.


Also - just walk around the two sides for awhile. You quickly can pick up the fact that more care, time, abnd effort went into one side versus the other.


It's kind of funny how you can be both amazingly subjective and absolutely ignorant all at the same time.

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