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Are we seriously going to get absolutely no word on faction imbalance or low pops?


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The people saying that this is a player created issue are slightly naive, and probably imperial, tho i wont go that far to accuse everyone of that. You can go on any review site out there and more often then not people will say the empire is better then republic in aesthetics, voice overs, story lines and playability (hell BH gets a healer as its first companion i mean come on).


To use just one example of many, the empire has by far the better armor models, consulars look like banana tree space nuns, while the inquisitors look far better to most people. Hell smugglers look like high school wrestlers for most of their lives, yet they have the advantage of being the only class with a hint of personality.


Many review sites agree with this and this was said alot pre and during launch, thus people went with this side since most found it more pleasing to play. Bioware is guilty of making republic too bland and there is more then enough people who will agree with this. And even if a lot of you dont, review sites do, and they are who people thinking about buying the game are listening to before they make their decisions.




So why then was there faction imbalance during the first beta weekends when the NDA was still imposed?


People didn't know anything about the imps or repubs and still chose imp.

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It isn't their fault that you rolled on a low pop server when many of us were urging people to roll on servers that HAD queues at launch to avoid this issue.


I rolled on a server with a queue now its low pop. Was I suppose to be psychic and predict the population decline?

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Give Republic Togruta and Wookiee as playable races and remove Cyborg and Zabrak. And that will quickly re-balance the factions on each planet if not help with the in-balance. I think that the reason Republic gets the shaft is because they have the most boring races to play as. Other then Twi'lek all other races look exactly the same with minor change to appearance. (Skin color, eye cover) while the Imperials have vastly more different looking races to choose from entirely.
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What I don't understand is that most of the people I see complaining about faction imbalance are Imperials. Yet, they refuse to roll Republic themselves. I mean, if you're part of the problem, why go on complaining that other people need to fix it. Show some initiative! Be part of the solution!
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The only time faction balance matters is in open world PvP. Illum is the reason for this uproar. There's nothing like spending and hour searching for republic in Illum and only having 10 of your 150 kills complete. This would be a non issue if open world PvP was abandoned like the failure it is. Why other MMOs have acknowledged this and bioware hasn't is beyond me.
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So why then was there faction imbalance during the first beta weekends when the NDA was still imposed?


People didn't know anything about the imps or repubs and still chose imp.


People obviously will try a lot of characters during early beta since everything is new, and obviously a lot more people found imperial far more pleasing in many aspects. Most people make atleast 1 character on each faction. People from beta found that imperial was more aesthetically pleasing early so they went imperial at release.


They were already aquainted with the game so they leveled faster, geared faster. Pounded republic with geared 50s in WZs. people soon saw that empire was dominant so besides aesthetics, people then shifted so they weren't on the losing faction. If republic was on empires level of aesthetics i bet beta would have been far more balanced and would not have set this in motion.


Tho again, this does not change the fact that people reviewing this game see that empire is better than republic on many levels. My point is that people buying now have absolutely no reason to go republic, because they hear that bioware made empire so much cooler. My point stands that if Bioware made republic more aesthetically pleasing it may have had a chance to compete with Empire for peoples interests.

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The attitudes of some people here are pretty bad. People want to be on healthy servers so they can do group content. How is it somehow their fault servers are imbalanced and populations are low.


If the only solution is to "re-roll empire" than what's the point of having the Republic side at all?

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I seriously do NOT want "balance".


I do NOT want a 50/50 server split. I LOVE being the underdog faction because "I" get PvP whenever I want.


When I queue for a WZ, solo almost always pops up. Group of 4, maybe a 10min wait tops. When I go to Ilum, I kill Imps, not search for "implements".


Sure, it blows when we get a 16 person Ops group going just to be rolled by 56 Imps...but I love making THEM do the running. Let them come to you. When they flip a zone, flip a different one. I love the cat and mouse game needed in PvP right now. Beats steam rolling them ANY day and makes every one of those 30 daily special!

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Because they could have limited character creation in the beginning on servers relating to faction. The faction imbalance is manageable if you do it from the beginning.


Now? Yeah...not so much...


That wouldnt work at all. The game is launched, ppl are trying things out, just because I rolled a doesnt mean I wont try b c d e and stick with one of those.


There is nothing that can be done, this is totally player preference.


The only cure is to NEVER NEVER NEVER divide a playerbase. Doing so is shooting oneself in the foot.

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What are you talking about? They did it starting at their launch in the NA. I should know I was there.


Interesting, I was there from launch until December of last year, and there was ZERO, let me say that again..Z E R O...servers that said 'Sorry, we already have too many Asmos/Elyos on this server, you have to roll on the other side'.


Once they merged servers, the factions that were dominating were now not the dominant ones, and NCWest did NOT cap the amount of people that could transfer off X server onto Y server that already had a dominant number of that factions numbers.


It was until much much too late into the game that they gave faction incentives, which were hilarious at most. 'Hey everyone, roll an Asmo and we'll give you extra XP amulets to level faster! Hey you're normally blocked from SC so you can't run Besh Temp. etc. etc, but every other week we'll give you a portal to show you how badly we screwed up".


You're absolutely freaking delusional if you think NCWest dealt well with faction imbalance.

Edited by Indiesnob
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Common sense has been lost in our youth today.


Bioware cannot be blamed for player's choices at the Faction Selection Screen. I am a Republic player on a server that has a 50/50 balance between the two factions and I'm quite happy.


If you're so unhappy with your server, find one that will better suit your needs.

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The people saying that this is a player created issue are slightly naive, and probably imperial, tho i wont go that far to accuse everyone of that. You can go on any review site out there and more often then not people will say the empire is better then republic in aesthetics, voice overs, story lines and playability (hell BH gets a healer as its first companion i mean come on).


To use just one example of many, the empire has by far the better armor models, consulars look like banana tree space nuns, while the inquisitors look far better to most people. Hell smugglers look like high school wrestlers for most of their lives, yet they have the advantage of being the only class with a hint of personality.


Many review sites agree with this and this was said alot pre and during launch, thus people went with this side since most found it more pleasing to play. Bioware is guilty of making republic too bland and there is more then enough people who will agree with this. And even if a lot of you dont, review sites do, and they are who people thinking about buying the game are listening to before they make their decisions.


First everything last thing you said is totally your opinion and the opinion of anyone who wrote an article. My goodness when will you all stop stating what you like as a fact that everyone agrees with.


Its player preference, if someone chooses a side based on clothing fine. If someone chooses a side and class because a healer first fine. If someone finds so and so story better fine. That is an individuals OPINION and NOT FACT.



You should feel ashamed for this post.

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If only they could offer one-way faction transfers to guilds. I doubt this engine has that ability though, and it would be a costly one regardless. I know of atleast 3 guilds on my server that dropped their 50 Empire toons to re-roll Republic. Does it fix my server's imbalance? No, but it helps and we didn't need Bioware's help to do it. We're making a difference ourselves. =\ It's a shame it comes down to bribing, and I doubt there are enough people willing to start from scratch.


As for server merging, I think quite a few servers can use them right now. Not as a faction imbalance fix, but for a heavier server population. One reason I quit Warhammer early was because the server I picked started out Full but ended up dying and they waited too long to server merge. I hope they do it before it gets to that point of low population.

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Common sense has been lost in our youth today.


Bioware cannot be blamed for player's choices at the Faction Selection Screen. I am a Republic player on a server that has a 50/50 balance between the two factions and I'm quite happy.


If you're so unhappy with your server, find one that will better suit your needs.


so stop everything we have worked for and start all over?! WOW if that is even an option in your head then you must have all the time in the world to play this game.

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so stop everything we have worked for and start all over?! WOW if that is even an option in your head then you must have all the time in the world to play this game.


Notice how it's always the people happy with their server/faction telling other people re-roll?

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I think the only logical thing to do is create and promote faction switches (i.e. operative to scoundrel, inquisitor to sage, etc). But, in order for this to work, there needs to be some type of incentive; a reward that I'm not sure of: credits, mount, title? Something.


It wouldn't hurt Bioware's image and I doubt it would hurt the community. Once this is done, they could look at even ratios and start combining servers to increase population. But that's probably a pipe dream. Haha.

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Interesting, I was there from launch until December of last year, and there was ZERO, let me say that again..Z E R O...servers that said 'Sorry, we already have too many Asmos/Elyos on this server, you have to roll on the other side'.


Once they merged servers, the factions that were dominating were now not the dominant ones, and NCWest did NOT cap the amount of people that could transfer off X server onto Y server that already had a dominant number of that factions numbers.


It was until much much too late into the game that they gave faction incentives, which were hilarious at most. 'Hey everyone, roll an Asmo and we'll give you extra XP amulets to level faster! Hey you're normally blocked from SC so you can't run Besh Temp. etc. etc, but every other week we'll give you a portal to show you how badly we screwed up".


You're absolutely freaking delusional if you think NCWest dealt well with faction imbalance.


Right...because there weren't any people going ballistic when they did this and they didn't make a statement explaining and justifying why they decided to go this route when they did.


You're either lying that you were there at the NA launch or have a very short memory span.

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Yet you avoided the issue of how people would feel if they aren't able to play with their friends or guildmates.


Instead of saying the same thing over and over again, flow with the conversation and keep up with the points. Try to answer them.


Otherwise you are just repeating the same thing over and over it's pointless.


So how do you think people would react if they weren't able to play with their friends? I wouldn't have resubbed.


I didn't. Never said it was something that wouldn't or didn't cause issues. But to me it is a hell of a lot better to work this out in the beginning rather than weeks or months down the road.


Anyone that has a better solution to balancing factions feel free to chime in.

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Right...because there weren't any people going ballistic when they did this and they didn't make a statement explaining and justifying why they decided to go this route when they did.


You're either lying that you were there at the NA launch or have a very short memory span.


I remember ppl mentioning that they implemented that close to launch, however never encoutered being told I couldnt roll a certain side. I tried a few different servers around 6, I get bored easily :rolleyes: .


This tells me that maybe imbalance wasnt such a huge issue with aion thus no outrade because alot of ppl never encountered not being able to roll 1 side or the other.


Now seeing how bad imbalance is claimed to be here, the outrage would cause the forum servers to self destruct.

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I really can't see a game developer telling people what faction they must roll if they want to play the game. Whats next, making someone roll a specific class to create class balance?


It's called incentives. You give the underdog some perks (i.e. XP bonus) so more people roll there.

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