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Sorcerer Nerf....


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Striaght from your article babe:


Hybrid Builds & Armor Differences


In a thread lovingly entitled “Marauders getting the shaft??,” forum poster, “TwoHearted” said: “Georg Z. has stated that pure DPS will do “marginally” more DPS than hybrids. Will this be enough? For PvE I think so, but for PvP we better have some good defensive CD or we will get pwned.”


Zoeller responded:


“If you look at what I really said, you will not find the word ‘hybrid’ in there.


The design for the game is that if you fully spec into a specific role (dps, tank, healer), you will be comparable in effectiveness to characters of all other classes in the same role. No second class healers, tanks, or dps.


A DPS Juggernaut is a pure DPS character, not a hybrid.


Hybrid, in my book, means that you are spending a significant part of your skill points in ‘other’ skill trees (e.g. Healing). There is no intended design that says that such builds should get within 5% of effectiveness of a pure build and I never made any comments in regards to that.”


IE this is his own opinion of what hybrid means. Ironically your still wrong by even this definition as it has been stated many times in this thread by sorcs that it is not worth it to go fully up a tree for PVP.


Specifically his example, is correct. However this is a class that does not get the ability to do anything to a significant degree with little investment. That is plainly not true of all classes. So his example, while correct, is horribly flawed. Essentially presenting only the best case scenario.


Regardless of all that though the opinions of one man do not override the definitions of an entire genre. Definitions decades old, started by D&D, which still hold true and are used in their original context today. You can choose to believe differently, and hold your own definition as he does. But that is not the definition relevant to the genre.

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Now before we even start i need to point out that I AM A SORCERER!!!!!!


Now i normally play PvE Corruption Spec, as i hate respecing all the time. Since the 1.1 Patch i found that healing in WZ's seem pointless, and extremely boring. As i normally get around 10 medals before the patch i find it extremely hard to break 6 (Inb4 "you are doing it wrong")


So i decided to switch to a hybrid spec Since we killed everything in the 1st 2 days of the week (GJ making Raids very easy, NM here we come :) ) Anyway my spec is 0/20/21




I have so Much utility it is absurd.

Knock back : Roots targets

Shield : Absorbs around 3000 Then when it breaks it blinds EVERYONE around you

Force speed : 20 sec CD making you nearly impossible to kill as you can get a way most of the time.

Whirlwind: Instant 10 sec CC. When it breaks it stuns for 2 seconds.

Heal : They heal for so much, for a dps tree (But i don't even use them that much due to being healed by damaging abilities.


The Utility would be fine if i didn't push out 400-600k of damage a game with 70-100k healing. I understand what people are thinking when they say nerf sorcs. There has to be a give and take. The only classes that HARD counter me are Ops which just got nerfed... and Bleed spec Marauders.


PVP Stats:

HP: 15810

WP: 1615

Expertise: 460 (9.62%)

Crit: 26.29%

Surge: 72.39%

Alacrity: 10.03%

Bonus Damage: 673.1

Bonus Healing: 484.8



Flame On!!!


It's funny, I'm also a sorcerer and I've been saying the same thing for almost a week now and all I get are trolls.


My proposed solution was to move chain lightning one rung up the lightning tree and move wrath two rungs up the madness tree so you couldn't get them both.


It would fix the problem of absurdly strong hybrids and make it so Sorcs are a little bit more tame at low lvls.

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When we see the videos of it being done, then we can comment.


What we have here is 67 pages of people commenting on a picture when they have no idea how it was created.


It really is stupid.




It's funny, I'm also a sorcerer and I've been saying the same thing for almost a week now and all I get are trolls.


My proposed solution was to move chain lightning one rung up the lightning tree and move wrath two rungs up the madness tree so you couldn't get them both.


It would fix the problem of absurdly strong hybrids and make it so Sorcs are a little bit more tame at low lvls.


Can it really be called a hybrid when it's a full DPS spec that uses 2 dps trees?


A Sorcerer said it himself... What kind of proof do you need?


Video proof, as i've said multiple times already now, as it lets us se how they play, their rotations, if they even used the spec that was mentioned, if they managed to stay out of the line of fire or was focused by people (as we've already said we can get high numbers "if left alone" ) and that they didnt use their life tap and heal in a corner buff :) 3 min in a corner will get you over that 75K medal line.

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I've also seen alot of people calling that spec stupid, and I thought I might actually explain WHY.


he uses a spec of 0/20/21 which means not a single point in the heals tree meaning the only methods of healing himself is seethe( I play a sorc not a sage, but I imagine you people can work out the mirror abilities) that must be used out of combat, and everyone gets an ability like that making it redundant - A big heal that takes 3 seconds to charge(and that's a looong 3 sec in a WZ - 5 sec if their being attack (or that's what it feels like)) - and a small heal, takes 1.5 sec but uses a LOT of force quickly and heals for 2.4K on a CRIT (Which as he stated is a petty 26%, meaning a lot of 1.5K is likely). MEANING and form if healing in that spec is a waste of time that could be used to help the team which leads me to believe he sits in a corner for those heals, or just uses his shield over the corse of the game - which if you do the math is pretty much 5K heals every 30 sec if his shield is knocked down every time, or could even mean 5K heals every 5.5 sec which is his CD on the shield, giving his 100K heals in just 20 shields, not a great feat if you ask me.


His DPS trees are rather foolish - he has a point in deathmark, which is rather pointless as he only has a very weak DOT and another half decent dot on a 15 sec CD, nothing grounbreaking in regards to dmg. Going that low in the lightning tree gives you chain lightning, that has a 6 sec CD and for me does around 2.6dmg on a crit, which can hit 5 ppl when their grouped up giving a max single hit basically of over 10K dmg per cast theoretically. He DIDN'T put a point in lightning storm, which is rather foolish IMO as you reduce your max potential dmg by not having an ability that can Finish the cd on your chain lightning and make it an instant cast (has the same chance of wrath). Putting lightning barrage in isnt as great as you think, letting your force lightning basically reduce the channel time in half once every 10 SECONDS IF you crit on a very low dmg dot, which makes me think he tab targets affliction on everyone, to get dmg, but not really helping the team, it's just a point raiser.


Going that low on the lightning tree also doesn't give you forked lightning (which is almost vital if your using something like chain lightning), and reverberating force that when all 5 points are in gives me chain lightning basically a 130% surge bonus (letting me hit from anywhere from 2.5 - 4.5K crit, but armor can mitigate a lot of that).


I would be more inclined to believe him IF he ran a spec more like http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZdcbrzRrhZcMcRsMz.1 - as it would make a simple

force lightning(till wrath procs)>Shock (with a 45% chance to hit again with reduced dmg)>lightning strike (Uses wrath proc, gives chance for chain lightning bonus to proc letting it be instant cast ASWELL as a change to hit again with reduced dmg)>Chain lightning (If lightning storm procced). The problem with that spec is you are 100% static, you cannot move alot of that time while casting untill you proc wrath, alot of skill management is involved aswell, nowhere near as easy as tracer missile>tracer missile>tracer missile>heatseeking missiles>rail shot enemy is dead.


The problem with that spec is also no good way to heal, 3 sec big and a 1.5 sec small.


So long story short good damage and utility, however damage is RELIANT on a number of skills that only proc on a 30% chance (also speaking of the build I linked) - the 100K heals is gotten from using the shield. And as I said in my above post, can it really be a hybrid spec if it uses 2 DPS trees?


I am a 50 sorc on the Swiftsure server stats are as follows >


HP - 15700

WP - 1551

Expertise: 271 (6.41%)

Crit: 32.13%


Alacrity: 4.63%

Bonus Damage:624.1

Bonus Healing:449.2


I run full madness tree in PVP, and can say it's alot easier and better than above spec :D


Though since alot of people don't carry the brain power to read a detailed explanation longer than 2 sentences i fully expect this to disappear amongst the flamers and QQ'ers without a look.

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I sorta disagree about broken aspect are a couple of things make it SEEM that way and mostly just that we are a ranged class ACTUALLY has tools to stay at range! this annoys melee because actually have to work to kill us but here is the thing... once we use all our escapes if our enemy isn't dead we die very quickly after... also if any of those escapes are on cooldown again melee will shred us quickly SO boils down to this...


If you take away our damage we will suck...and be forced into only healing....


if you take away our healing then will be more dps around...


if you take away our escapes we will die and have no chance vs other class...


if ask me what really needs addressed are more general issues with pvp.


1: interrupts NEED to lock out all offense of defensive attacks when hit, ie we shouldn't be able to use our other heal or resurge when interrupted... this i think is about 90% of the problems.


2: Add healing/dps stances to our class! do to way we function as a whole we don't really have to choose to have HUGE healing or HUGE damage! we get both at same time! just because i'm dps spec'd doesn't mean i can't crit heal for 4-5k because i can! yes takes me longer to do it but still doesn't matter! i can heal when needed! force us to choose dps or healing not both!


3: wrath needs changed right now lets me INSTANT cast chain lightning which is WHERE a ton of our burst comes from! seen this hit people for 4k or around instantly and its an aoe! Wrath is ment to let us cast crushing darkness so make it just make crushing instant cast! is probably one of more core issues with the class!


4: lastly make our 31 point abilities WORTH getting! right now they are not worth having... and is why you see us hybrid so much.


what you cant do is nerf our escapes because with out those abilities we will be useless/pointless for the most part. Our damage right now is pretty decent not to high or low, and its good sustained damage. Taking away chain will remove our burst, buffing thundering will make lightning spec more desirable. My fear is that answer to sorc will be to make our escapes huge in cooldown and not deal with real issues at hand.

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1: interrupts NEED to lock out all offense of defensive attacks when hit, ie we shouldn't be able to use our other heal or resurge when interrupted... this i think is about 90% of the problems.



2: Add healing/dps stances to our class! do to way we function as a whole we don't really have to choose to have HUGE healing or HUGE damage! we get both at same time! just because i'm dps spec'd doesn't mean i can't crit heal for 4-5k because i can! yes takes me longer to do it but still doesn't matter! i can heal when needed! force us to choose dps or healing not both!


I think that is a fantastic idea, as it stands now, juggs etc carry defence/attack stances - BH carries support(healing), AP or a dot stance etc.


Giving the sorc stances that make healing or damage good wouldn't likely stop the qq'ers(man i hate that word), but it would make more sence.

3: wrath needs changed right now lets me INSTANT cast chain lightning which is WHERE a ton of our burst comes from! seen this hit people for 4k or around instantly and its an aoe! Wrath is ment to let us cast crushing darkness so make it just make crushing instant cast! is probably one of more core issues with the class!


I think adding lightning strike to that would make more sence, chain lightning would then not be insta cast unless procced by the other proper ability still.


4: lastly make our 31 point abilities WORTH getting! right now they are not worth having... and is why you see us hybrid so much.


Agreed, they are a bit on the weak useless side atm.

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I sorta disagree about broken aspect are a couple of things make it SEEM that way and mostly just that we are a ranged class ACTUALLY has tools to stay at range! this annoys melee because actually have to work to kill us but here is the thing... once we use all our escapes if our enemy isn't dead we die very quickly after... also if any of those escapes are on cooldown again melee will shred us quickly SO boils down to this...


If you take away our damage we will suck...and be forced into only healing....


if you take away our healing then will be more dps around...


if you take away our escapes we will die and have no chance vs other class...


if ask me what really needs addressed are more general issues with pvp.


1: interrupts NEED to lock out all offense of defensive attacks when hit, ie we shouldn't be able to use our other heal or resurge when interrupted... this i think is about 90% of the problems.


2: Add healing/dps stances to our class! do to way we function as a whole we don't really have to choose to have HUGE healing or HUGE damage! we get both at same time! just because i'm dps spec'd doesn't mean i can't crit heal for 4-5k because i can! yes takes me longer to do it but still doesn't matter! i can heal when needed! force us to choose dps or healing not both!


3: wrath needs changed right now lets me INSTANT cast chain lightning which is WHERE a ton of our burst comes from! seen this hit people for 4k or around instantly and its an aoe! Wrath is ment to let us cast crushing darkness so make it just make crushing instant cast! is probably one of more core issues with the class!


4: lastly make our 31 point abilities WORTH getting! right now they are not worth having... and is why you see us hybrid so much.


what you cant do is nerf our escapes because with out those abilities we will be useless/pointless for the most part. Our damage right now is pretty decent not to high or low, and its good sustained damage. Taking away chain will remove our burst, buffing thundering will make lightning spec more desirable. My fear is that answer to sorc will be to make our escapes huge in cooldown and not deal with real issues at hand.


See I'm ok with this. I think interrupting all offensive abilities is a little much, but locking out all healing is definitely needed.

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See I'm ok with this.

^^^ evidence that it is a complete over-nerf^^^


Ironically, Commandos are the ones putting up 700K and getting 12-16 medals a WZ. I have seen Sorc videos, and they are all mediocre at best. But hey Commando Power, come here and beg for Sorc nerfs. We all know your ego needs boosting, since you're bad at PVP.

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^^^ evidence that it is a complete over-nerf^^^


Ironically, Commandos are the ones putting up 700K and getting 12-16 medals a WZ. I have seen Sorc videos, and they are all mediocre at best. But hey Commando Power, come here and beg for Sorc nerfs. We all know your ego needs boosting, since you're bad at PVP.


commandos in assault spec dotting maybe. it's horrible actual damage, but tops scoreboards.

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Now before we even start i need to point out that I AM A SORCERER!!!!!!


Now i normally play PvE Corruption Spec, as i hate respecing all the time. Since the 1.1 Patch i found that healing in WZ's seem pointless, and extremely boring. As i normally get around 10 medals before the patch i find it extremely hard to break 6 (Inb4 "you are doing it wrong")


So i decided to switch to a hybrid spec Since we killed everything in the 1st 2 days of the week (GJ making Raids very easy, NM here we come :) ) Anyway my spec is 0/20/21




I have so Much utility it is absurd.

Knock back : Roots targets

Shield : Absorbs around 3000 Then when it breaks it blinds EVERYONE around you

Force speed : 20 sec CD making you nearly impossible to kill as you can get a way most of the time.

Whirlwind: Instant 10 sec CC. When it breaks it stuns for 2 seconds.

Heal : They heal for so much, for a dps tree (But i don't even use them that much due to being healed by damaging abilities.


The Utility would be fine if i didn't push out 400-600k of damage a game with 70-100k healing. I understand what people are thinking when they say nerf sorcs. There has to be a give and take. The only classes that HARD counter me are Ops which just got nerfed... and Bleed spec Marauders.


PVP Stats:

HP: 15810

WP: 1615

Expertise: 460 (9.62%)

Crit: 26.29%

Surge: 72.39%

Alacrity: 10.03%

Bonus Damage: 673.1

Bonus Healing: 484.8



Flame On!!!


I'm willing to agree with what you've said except for in regards to Healing too much. With 0 points in the Healing tree your only serious heal is 3 seconds and is 100% susceptible to

pushback. If that's honestly helping you in a fight (not talking about out of combat after a battle here which is pointless since everyone has a ooc recharge ability), then people are playing you very, very wrong.


Healing Sorcs/Sages have very nice healing once they get the HoT and the channeled heal with the instant bubble combined with the Conveyance/Force Bending buff, but then they lose out on most of the damage/utility that comes from the other two trees.


The Healing tree already has some pretty lackluster talents. Fadeout isn't that good in the first place, but on top of that requires you to get Dark Resilience (also pretty terrible use of points) first. And why? They aren't even related. One reduces the damage on your life tap ability, and one adds a speed boost to the bubble. It should be nudged over one spot, and require the bubble activation time talent as a prereq. It makes NO sense where it is.


So, if you move 1 - 2 of the CC abilities from the other two trees deep into healing, then you wouldn't have sorcs with high CC and high damage (but low healing). You'd either have high healing - average CC - low damage or high damage - average CC - low healing. Replace Kintect Collapse with Egress, and move it over to above Preservation. Relatively small change, but might just be enough.

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3: wrath needs changed right now lets me INSTANT cast chain lightning which is WHERE a ton of our burst comes from! seen this hit people for 4k or around instantly and its an aoe! Wrath is ment to let us cast crushing darkness so make it just make crushing instant cast! is probably one of more core issues with the class!





this is the best one , remove pom :D lol ... looooooooooooooooooooolllll..... no no i can not stop ..........loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool


i am hybrid tree maxed out aoe dmg dealer , can u explain to me how removing pom or making it instant only for a dot will balance the other trees and not just your madness one ?




http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600hMbZfc0MdMRZcMcRs0z.1 why should go for 20/21 ?

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^^^ evidence that it is a complete over-nerf^^^


Ironically, Commandos are the ones putting up 700K and getting 12-16 medals a WZ. I have seen Sorc videos, and they are all mediocre at best. But hey Commando Power, come here and beg for Sorc nerfs. We all know your ego needs boosting, since you're bad at PVP.


Note that I believe commando's are overpowered atm as well and despite my name chosen far before release my mains are vanguard and scoundrel (non-scrapper). I roll alot of alts and play everything but those two are my main classes.


Scrap what you believe, reality requires you to do that before making reasonably objective judgements. I can tell you right now that I'm unlikely to play an overpowered spec, I'm drawn to lesser known about or possibly even underpowered specs. I like to run with things that are not OP and do well :). On odd occasion classes I've played in the past have been buffed into OPness, pretty much kills my fun and I nerf call them and likely stop playing them.


Easy mode is boring lol.


commandos in assault spec dotting maybe. it's horrible actual damage, but tops scoreboards.


Assault spec is similar in many ways to my Dirty Fighting Scoundrel. Yes we do indeed rack up alot of damage simply spreading DOTS, but if your wise your still focusing damage and using your CC's to assist in taking down individual targets. Even as Dirty Fighting I am not devoid of burst.


The AOE pressure damage keeps everyone's health a little lower and if not kept on top of, costing healing resources, allows far far easier burst as people's HP marches down. It also allows for ranged and LOS jousting against many/most classes. The addition of a snare to various people just makes it even better.


Assault spec by all means has differences, but alot of the same strengths. They too can spread around AOE DOTs, focus damage more or less at will, snare a good amount of people at all times, and provide CC support when needed.

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Now before we even start i need to point out that I AM A SORCERER!!!!!!


Now i normally play PvE Corruption Spec, as i hate respecing all the time. Since the 1.1 Patch i found that healing in WZ's seem pointless, and extremely boring. As i normally get around 10 medals before the patch i find it extremely hard to break 6 (Inb4 "you are doing it wrong")


So i decided to switch to a hybrid spec Since we killed everything in the 1st 2 days of the week (GJ making Raids very easy, NM here we come :) ) Anyway my spec is 0/20/21




I have so Much utility it is absurd.

Knock back : Roots targets

Shield : Absorbs around 3000 Then when it breaks it blinds EVERYONE around you

Force speed : 20 sec CD making you nearly impossible to kill as you can get a way most of the time.

Whirlwind: Instant 10 sec CC. When it breaks it stuns for 2 seconds.

Heal : They heal for so much, for a dps tree (But i don't even use them that much due to being healed by damaging abilities.


The Utility would be fine if i didn't push out 400-600k of damage a game with 70-100k healing. I understand what people are thinking when they say nerf sorcs. There has to be a give and take. The only classes that HARD counter me are Ops which just got nerfed... and Bleed spec Marauders.


PVP Stats:

HP: 15810

WP: 1615

Expertise: 460 (9.62%)

Crit: 26.29%

Surge: 72.39%

Alacrity: 10.03%

Bonus Damage: 673.1

Bonus Healing: 484.8



Flame On!!!


Someone claiming to be Sorc posting stats that indicate full or nearly full champ gear says he's OP.


So let me get this straight. You do well in PvP, while wearing some of the best gear, and that's OP?





























































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People don't roll the class that fits their playstyle or that they just like for RP purposes anymore, wow changed the game. It's now about what class is the most OP so that I can be the best without actually having to have skill...


80% Sorc population in most WZ matches I've been in lately should tell someone looking at the stats that there is a problem with the class...

Edited by Creedom
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People don't roll the class that fits their playstyle or that they just like for RP purposes anymore, wow changed the game. It's now about what class is the most OP so that I can be the best without actually having to have skill...


80% Sorc population in most WZ matches I've been in lately should tell someone looking at the stats that there is a problem with the class...


WOW did a great many evils to gaming society, including increasing the prevalance of that type of players, but it did not start that mentality. That mentality was alive and well in Mythics' Dark Age of Camelot.


But that was when Mythic had all it's people and sole control of their game before being gobbled up by EA. They nerfed and buffed on a regular basis and no FOTM OP class stayed that way for long. It actually became kind of a running joke, the constant cycle of changes that kept any one class from being OP for long lol.

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All I gotta say is 10sec stun! 10secs is like a lifetime in PVP. No stun should be 10sec. Can we fight and not have the game pausing on me! And imagine if 2 or more are on you, I'm a tank, I'm dead before I can throw a single attack. And don't even get me on their run speed, if you actually do manage to get close to killing one in 1v1 they just run. As a guardian I have absolutely no "escape now" move.


How about instead of nerfing them, bioware just give the others extra utility!

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All I gotta say is 10sec stun! 10secs is like a lifetime in PVP. No stun should be 10sec. Can we fight and not have the game pausing on me! And imagine if 2 or more are on you, I'm a tank, I'm dead before I can throw a single attack. And don't even get me on their run speed, if you actually do manage to get close to killing one in 1v1 they just run. As a guardian I have absolutely no "escape now" move.


How about instead of nerfing them, bioware just give the others extra utility!


there is no 10 sec stun in this game.


stop lying and start to learn to play the game.

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there is no 10 sec stun in this game.


stop lying and start to learn to play the game.


Sorry chose my words wrong,"Whirlwind: Instant 10 sec CC. When it breaks it stuns for 2 seconds."


But thanks for pointing out the correction and also proving what a *****hole you are. I can see you try to make a positive discussion in the forums here. I hope there's so many more like you.


I'm sure you'll be gone once you can pick a panda.

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The sorcerers greatest weakness is they simply don/t scale very well, as people get more gear, they get progressively weaker, but early on, their utility tends to overwhelm people, it's why you generally get people once they reach battlemaster stage wonder what the big deal about sorcerers is.


At that point, there isn't really one and they're one of the weaker classes, but the glut of mid champ gear/sub 50's/new 50's wondering why6 sorcerers are allowed to destroy them.


Terrible 31 point talents and utility spread way too thin means they don't get any of the +dmg talents.


Do you know how much harder a marauder can hit with full battlemaster? a sniper? an assassin? it's quite noticeable as these classes scale very well.


Know how much harder a sorcerer hits? barely anything


The class peaks to the top about lvl 30, makes another jump around 48, and then scales backwards from that point on, and by the time they reach the very top end currently, they drop to the middle, fast forward 6 months, and you'll likely see them pretty lowish and with everyone finally geared up wondering why the hell they were ************ so much.

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The sorcerers greatest weakness is they simply don/t scale very well, as people get more gear, they get progressively weaker, but early on, their utility tends to overwhelm people, it's why you generally get people once they reach battlemaster stage wonder what the big deal about sorcerers is.


At that point, there isn't really one and they're one of the weaker classes, but the glut of mid champ gear/sub 50's/new 50's wondering why6 sorcerers are allowed to destroy them.


Terrible 31 point talents and utility spread way too thin means they don't get any of the +dmg talents.


Do you know how much harder a marauder can hit with full battlemaster? a sniper? an assassin? it's quite noticeable as these classes scale very well.


Know how much harder a sorcerer hits? barely anything


The class peaks to the top about lvl 30, makes another jump around 48, and then scales backwards from that point on, and by the time they reach the very top end currently, they drop to the middle, fast forward 6 months, and you'll likely see them pretty lowish and with everyone finally geared up wondering why the hell they were ************ so much.


this is true. prepare for a sorc/sage buff ones everyone is geared

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