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Ability Delay GREATLY improved with todays patch


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Ability delay is all but gone for me. My FPS on the fleet is amazing when yesterday it was unbearable. FPS in WZs is a massive improvement as well.





It's improved but it is still there for me and is still annoying me when I want to get on my speeder and it always cancels...

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I only get ability delay on certain planets, Belsavis is one of them, it's OK in the morning but when more people are on the planet, it gets bad. Hoth got to that point a couple times as well.


In pvp it definitely seems to be better, on my jugg smash required me to hit it at least 6 times for it to go off before, now it goes off almost right away.

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Running a 6 core here, and tbh, I think ability delay might have gotten a little worse - then again, it could just be my sniper and the cover system.


I think us snipers have it the worst. I'll talk to other classes and they don't get nearly the amount of issues we get.

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Went from horrible to very bad. Before I had major issues doing shield probe, evasion and cloaking screen at all, now they will work slightly more often, but today I still found myself clicking evasion 20-30 times before it went off again in huttball.


These need to work seamlessly and fast and hardly ever do. Evasion/cloaking screen need to be done in rapid succession to effectively utilize an ops pvp abilities. Your not there yet.

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Ilum is still a lagfest but my crappy computer is mostly to blame there. Ability delay in WZs is gone though. It's like playing a different game.


I agree with this statement. I was running about 45-70 ms lag and I would spam flashbang about 4-5 times till it finally went off. I played this morning in only two WZs and hit it once and it worked and I would normally stop fighting at about 5% health BEFORE the patch because I assume it wouldn't go off. I still died but at least it was from running away AFTER the ability hit my target, first try. Woot! TY FOR LISTENING BW! :D

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I doubt it


And why do you doubt it? We even get rooted for half a second when we stun. Pulse grenade, diversion, shrap bomb, sabotage charge etc. all take their time before they hit their target (because they are grenades). Add these to cover problems and our version gets hindered like crazy by ability delay.


So how do you have it worse? :D

Edited by Bosseking
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I experience no significant improvement in WZ or in FPs. Maybe it made a difference for melee classes but my Trooper feels clunky as usual. Also, it feels like the patch made WZs more unstable, I crashed several times during Voidstar and experienced some major lag.
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Yeah i dont know but what i dont see any longer is as many or maybe none of the animation stutters i would get. Half moves and move interuptions and whatnot.


Dunno. its different but i am also getting more solidly beaten.


Still coming up with top medals often but it seems im getting hit more often.

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