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Delays are gone!


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This was a deal breaker for me. This issue has obviously not been fixed in the latest patch. I have deleted my characters and removed my recurring subscription info. The only positive feedback that I can give is that I wish I was refunded the purchase price of the game.


It's funny because that wasn't positive feedback.

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Normally I would be getting delays within OPs and PvP. For me, it was always related to having lower frames at those times (about 15 fps). I logged in today, saw the notes, went immediately into a Warzone, and imploded with happiness. Practically no ability delay and it felt how it does when I'm out there by myself.


Very excited to see they are still working on optimizing it even more!

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No, seriously. Log in and check.


I just tried all of these:

- Mounting up and moving instantly as soon as the cast bar is finished: didn't get dismounted

- Chaining abilities, especially in melee: no delays before or after abilities

- Queueing abilities during the global cooldown: not a single ability fails


They... they actually fixed the delays.


My Sith Marauder actually looks like he's fighting in a smooth, relentless chain of attacks too. No more awkward pauses between abilities with my character just standing there waiting for the delays to pass.


Maybe for you. My jedi sure doesn't seem to be fluid at all >< It's not fully fixed yet. On the way, but not there yet. MY OPINION.

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No they're not :|


abilities are still not going off, and i'm still getting stuck in animations (master strike)


Wouldn't be surprised if at least 75% of the people saying "oh ma gawd good job Bioware!!" haven't even played long enough to notice (if at all).

Edited by Esaru
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No they're not :|


still stuttering during animations too, or getting stuck in them (master strike)

Indeed. Sith Juggernaut (obviously) is the same. It still stutters when trying to execute moves and also gets 'stunlocked' by his own parry animations.


The latest patch changed nothing for my Juggernaut. It plays like a clunky mess still.

Edited by JediKabuto
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I stopped right there. You could have the best post in the world and the cure to Cancer and/or AIDS and I wouldn't even know.


In WoW you can MOUNT without your mount even being present. TOR does it right. People keep crying about this. Its not bugged or broken or delayed. When you click mount, YOUR MOUNT SHOULD BE 100% VISIBLE when you decide to take off.


Are you going to start driving down your road 1/2 a second early with your car in the garage and you not even in the seat yet?


The mounting is working as intended. Just because something is done in another game , doesnt make it right / wrong here. Give it a rest.


You're wrong, as soon as the cast completes I should be able to move. If the UI says its done, its should be done. Doesn't matter is its a mount or a heal or whatever else, if the UI says its done and/or I can use an ability, and it doesn't then allow it, that is broken. It has nothing to do with any other game, it has to do with what THIS games UI is saying not being true.

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You're wrong, as soon as the cast completes I should be able to move. If the UI says its done, its should be done. Doesn't matter is its a mount or a heal or whatever else, if the UI says its done and/or I can use an ability, and it doesn't then allow it, that is broken. It has nothing to do with any other game, it has to do with what THIS games UI is saying not being true.


Wrong. This was the case before the patch. Not anymore.


I already posted about this earlier:


The speeder isn't screwed up, people.


You're trying to move before the entire cast time is up.


You can't move until the cast bar actually shows the "completed" flash/effect.

It's the same as in WoW, actually.

There the cast bars light up when the cast is complete. Same here now. You can tell exactly when it's done by the cast bar going into a glowing "complete" state. It then starts fading graphically, but that's irrelevant to performance because the ability has been performed and will no longer be interrupted.


It now works like in WoW. In WoW, if you don't wait for the cast bar of any ability to "glow" as a sign of it being completed, you'll interrupt the ability/get dismounted too.


I think this is just an after effect of the delays that have been around for a while until being fixed in this patch.

People are trying to move faster than they should out of annoyance at the delays that existed before.

Edited by ShadowMasterRP
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Sorry, but this was not fixed. I may have noticed a small, tiny difference but chaining abilities together on a Sentinel still makes half of them not go off when you press the appropriate ability, a lot of them still stutter and quite a few were cancelled during the animation.

Pretty much the same as it was before.

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It now works like in WoW.


Nope, it's not like in WoW, im not trying to bash SWTOR atm, but i can have 100% failure in mounting here, but 0% fails in WoW. Probaly due to things explained earlier in this thread - when WoW ignore client-server lag and gives you a "grace" period at the end of cast, when cast did't cancelled by moving.


People telling that is kind of cheating, when used smart, but it gives you a feel that you actualy have not delay due to natural unavoidable "ping" delays.


WoW have his tricks behind, which we never notice until SWTOR combat engine mess come up :)

Edited by Wikar
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No they're not :|


abilities are still not going off, and i'm still getting stuck in animations (master strike)


Wouldn't be surprised if at least 75% of the people saying "oh ma gawd good job Bioware!!" haven't even played long enough to notice (if at all).


Ability delay means abilities going off slowly, that there is a delay between you pressing the button and the ability activating. That has been improved A LOT, it's not perfect, but it's acceptable. You're talking about completely separate issues that no one has claimed are being addressed.

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Sorry, but this was not fixed. I may have noticed a small, tiny difference but chaining abilities together on a Sentinel still makes half of them not go off when you press the appropriate ability, a lot of them still stutter and quite a few were cancelled during the animation.

Pretty much the same as it was before.


No idea how that's possible when I no longer even have to look at my action bars.


I can now reliably hit anything, queue it up and have it performed properly, instantly after the GCD. I can run around and jump about like a psychotic maniac and not have any problems executing abilities.


And Marauder = Sentinel, so I don't see how the Sentinel can still have problems when the Marauder doesn't.

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Please stop spreading false information... Bioware could seriously read this and put less work into fixing these problems.


Nothing is different. It's a placebo effect, as I see it. People read the freaking patch notes and then convinced themselves things are different. Things are not different, at all.


I'm glad to see they're focused on slowly fixing things, but this is NOT a huge change. Barely felt, if at all.

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Please stop spreading false information... Bioware could seriously read this and put less work into fixing these problems.


Nothing is different. It's a placebo effect, as I see it. People read the freaking patch notes and then convinced themselves things are different. Things are not different, at all.


I'm glad to see they're focused on slowly fixing things, but this is NOT a huge change. Barely felt, if at all.


Some thigns are better.


*global cool downs are not cycling with out an ability being used... as much as before.

*delay is better, but there still are massive issues with lag and delay.


If this is what BW thinks is "fixed" then this is the last month I play.

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I've for the most part had only other melee (particularly Jedi knights) commiserate with me about ability delay and failure. Today I have seen an enormous increase of people complaining of those very same issues that they claimed didn't exist simply because they're a ranged class that didn't have them. I took my Sentinel's actually marked increase in fluidity between skills (though far from perfect as I still get some issues but less than before) in stride and take evil satisfaction in the misery of the ranged.


1 step forward, 1 step back.


That said, they fixed some of it for some people. They're getting better at it. I have good hopes.

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Some thigns are better.


*global cool downs are not cycling with out an ability being used... as much as before.

*delay is better, but there still are massive issues with lag and delay.


If this is what BW thinks is "fixed" then this is the last month I play.

You might think to look at the Dev Tracker, there are some additional fixes in the pipeline for 1.1.1 as stated by Mr. Zoeller, which are currently on the test server. Plus more stuff to follow. I've never understood making threats instead of just taking the time to keep informed.

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Has nothing to do with AA, since I do warzones in max settings and Ilum in low settings, and had the issue in both areas.


The controls are just locking up. Force lightning starts the animation but does nothing, all instant casts just do nothing. Change targets and smash the escape key a few times and it becomes responsive again, but wastes 10-15 seconds which I dont have in PvP.


Like I said, never had an issue before 1.1. After 1.1 my instant casts were a 50/50 gamble. After this latest patch my interface is now locking up. Its going downhill.


you are having the same issues as me maybe this is the sorc nerf?

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On my VG yesterday I noticed that my shield wouldnt fire off, now this didnt happen all the time and to be honest I think it might of only done it 2 or 3 times, I found that if I dropped target and did it, it went off ever time.


So it seems that for some odd reason it locks when you target someone every now and then. But I have to say the fix was a massive improvment on the whole and really really makes a huge difference well done.

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