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Really tired of level 7's autoclicking chests on Ilum.


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I think you have that backwards...if they werent farming to start with then no one would need to penalized or have restrictions.


Those who advocate anarchy are just as guilty as those who take advantage of it.


Read your own post.You want to level restrict planets.

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Have to pay for what? You DO understand that EVERY chest on almost EVERY server is being camped by a hacker. So right now NO ONE is getting chests other than the hackers.


To make matters worse ToR's anti cheat system doesn't detect Cheat Engine which is destroying this game right now.


What I am talking all these post about different restrictions being place.Also I was farming bio today and I saw plenty of chest.Didn't do me any good since I don't slice.

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Read your own post.You want to level restrict planets.


I did read it...This isnt a sandbox game.Give me one good reason why a level 7 should be on a level 50 planet if isnt to goldfarm or powerlevel.


Sightseeing? Common sense should preclude that.


Your individual freedom? When it hurts almost everyone else in the game, then that means nothing.

Edited by Fezra
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What I am talking all these post about different restrictions being place.Also I was farming bio today and I saw plenty of chest.Didn't do me any good since I don't slice.


Chests are lootable by anyone. And they don't bother with the low level ones because they can loot the level 50 ones and make 100k/an hour

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I did read it...This isnt a sandbox game.Give me one good reason why a level 7 should be on a level 50 planet if isnt to goldfarm or powerlevel.


Sightseeing? Common sense should preclude that.


Your individual freedom? When it hurts almost everyone else in the game, then that means nothing.



"Seems like the smartest and easiest way to do this would be to level restrict planets...when you go to the galaxy map there is already a level range listed."



Hurts everyone?You don't talk for everyone.You may think you do.You don't.In case you haven't notice this a game.

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Chests are lootable by anyone. And they don't bother with the low level ones because they can loot the level 50 ones and make 100k/an hour


I see what your saying.I still would go with your suggestion.It wont effect others.

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This is insane. The best way to stop this is to make Ilum restricted to everybody but 50s, 40s at the very least.


People can b**** and moan all they want, but there is no reason for anybody below those levels to be on Ilum other then the reason that's pissing everybody off.


First time I went to ilum was just after I got my ship. This was before I knew about chest and stuff. Just went there to have a look. Spent about 2 mins there died and went off back to questing lol

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Can you be a little more specific please? How many millions exactly?

And how do you know how many credits exploiters are making? That raises some very interesting questions :cool:


Each chest contains around 10k credits + loot, and is on a 7 min respawn timer.


Thats 80k an hour or 1,920,000 credits in 24 hours, not counting the actual loot value in the chests.


See the problem now?

Edited by defiantlegacy
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Spent some time out there tonight on my server, the first Pub camper, fell for the PVP flag trick, so we stole his chest for an hour or 2 til he stopped showing up, then found an Imp camping one, had some Pubs ask us to help kill a Force Ghost, and his AOE killed the level 13 camper, good times.


You can beat them, just watch where it spawns, and keep a timer from the second it despawns.

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Spent some time out there tonight on my server, the first Pub camper, fell for the PVP flag trick, so we stole his chest for an hour or 2 til he stopped showing up, then found an Imp camping one, had some Pubs ask us to help kill a Force Ghost, and his AOE killed the level 13 camper, good times.


You can beat them, just watch where it spawns, and keep a timer from the second it despawns.


Ha nice, yeah I know the ghost can kill them a lot ha,

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Each chest contains around 10k credits + loot, and is on a 7 min respawn timer.


Thats 80k an hour or 1,920,000 credits in 24 hours, not counting the actual loot value in the chests.


See the problem now?


Never have I seen such possible BS in all my life. At most the chests contain 3,000. Not 10,000. Which chest are you making up?

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I agree, Ilum isn't great looking. Takes forever to get to PvP area. Barely any Repubs. Lvl 11-13s camping chests and magenta crystal areas. Alot of the missions there are bugged.


Why on Earth is a sub-50 even allowed on that planet? There isn't any need for that. Why do you need to be on any planet that your skill set can't handle for that matter? Anything on Ilum should only be given or awarded to lvl 50 players. Star Wars doesn't have EXPLORERS.


Why don't every chest get guarded by a champion then where you can't loot until they are dead? Seriously, what is wrong with BW thought-process?


If I wanted to throw money away at a game I'd buy MW3 and its crappy mappacks. Seems we might be doing the same with this game.


Gee..did you ever think maybe thats the only place sub-50 players can get resources? All my skills were 400 by Level 25 (yes thats right). Ilum is where I would have to go to get resources. Do I survive long enough to get them, not really- but blocking access is one DERPY DERP move.

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Why do you care? It's only a few thousand credits.


Granted, if they farmed there for hours on end then yeah, that could be an issue. The only people who would do that I think are credit sellers, and level locking wouldn't really solve the issue, only delay it.


I'm pretty sure you get more credits though by doing daily quests, getting the items offered by vendors, and putting them on the GTN, along with selling Biochem items.

Edited by cdstephen
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Why do you care? It's only a few thousand credits.


Granted, if they farmed there for hours on end then yeah, that could be an issue. The only people who would do that I think are credit sellers, and level locking wouldn't really solve the issue, only delay it.


I'm pretty sure you get more credits though by doing daily quests, getting the items offered by vendors, and putting them on the GTN, along with selling Biochem items.

Hacks and exploits are bad for the game. They cause inflation and economic instability. Legit players get tired of sky rocketting prices and unsub to play a different game. Early economy issues will destroy TOR faster than anything else.

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Why do you care? It's only a few thousand credits.


Granted, if they farmed there for hours on end then yeah, that could be an issue. The only people who would do that I think are credit sellers, and level locking wouldn't really solve the issue, only delay it.


I'm pretty sure you get more credits though by doing daily quests, getting the items offered by vendors, and putting them on the GTN, along with selling Biochem items.


You can make well over a million a day AFK, PER chest. That is the problem.

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I thought you couldn't get to Ilum until 40.


I'm doubting level 7s.

Cute though.


and even if they are, who cares?

No matter what Bioware does, it's never going to stop.

People will find away around it.

They always do.

Edited by Logiick
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When I played WoW there were bots like this all over northrend. They used hacked accounts, install the bot and let them farm nodes til they are banned. The bot makes them invisible and let them move "under" the map.


If you ever wondered what happens to a hacked account, thats it.

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I thought you couldn't get to Ilum until 40.


I'm doubting level 7s.

Cute though.


and even if they are, who cares?

No matter what Bioware does, it's never going to stop.

People will find away around it.

They always do.


you can't be serious?


Yes they are there... I kill them.

They do not aggro the mobs guarding the chest.


How would people find a way around it if the mobs now aggro both factions? Thats all you need to do to fix it.

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