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How can you not run SWTOR on max?


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this is funny i have a 4 year old desktop that cost $800 and in the beta i ran max settings and never lagged so i am sure a new $600 one should be just fine


Beta did not have AA enabled.. Run that with max AA and we will see how fine you will do with max settings

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When you guys say maxed out, you need to clarify what your monitor resolution is...


I guarantee most of the people listing cheap computers in here would not be "maxing out" settings on a 30" at 2560 x 1600 ... it's a LOT of pixels :p


I mean, if you've got a 15" monitor over there, I'm sure an older computer could push that many pixels pretty easily :p


My computer is old, but not cheap. And my gpu is only a year old. I'm running at 1920x1200.


But let's be realistic. Some people can't afford to upgrade. Some people have budgets, and they stick to them. Some people are saving their money and living with what they have instead of buying something new.


Other people are content to live with their parents and let their kids' grandparents pay for their video games.

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To the condescending OP, you're not running this game at max settings until you're seeing it at > 5760x1200 resolution. And getting a constant 60FPS at this resolution seems to be impossible even with crossfired 6950's and a i7-2600K CPU. You're probably playing at 1920x1080 resolution or lower which isn't nearly as challenging to get reasonable performance on. MMO's are a lot more immersive at high resolutions or multiple monitors and that really takes a high-end rig to make happen along with a game that's not graphically challenging at lower resolutions. So, I'm glad that it doesn't take a monster machine to run this game at 1920x1080 or multiscreen setups would be impossible.


And like Blizzard, EA/BW wants this game to be accessible by as large of audience as possible so they aren't requiring their player base to go out and buy a new rig to play effectively. They seemed to have done a good job in balancing their game graphics with current hardware.

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lol? obvious troll, but i'll feed it.


my computer is 3 years old, $700, intel core i5-430m(duel core) with 4gb ram and an ATI HD5650, i can run the game on max settings if i want to lag out, or i can run the game on medium settings(which looks exactly the same cause of the games stupid cartoon graphics) and play with only minimal lag. Or, i could play on low settings(Oh snap, the black in the shadows is now grey!) and get 10 more fps which never drops...

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To the condescending OP, you're not running this game at max settings until you're seeing it at > 5760x1200 resolution. And getting a constant 60FPS at this resolution seems to be impossible even with crossfired 6950's and a i7-2600K CPU. You're probably playing at 1920x1080 resolution or lower which isn't nearly as challenging to get reasonable performance on. MMO's are a lot more immersive at high resolutions or multiple monitors and that really takes a high-end rig to make happen along with a game that's not graphically challenging at lower resolutions. So, I'm glad that it doesn't take a monster machine to run this game at 1920x1080 or multiscreen setups would be impossible.


And like Blizzard, EA/BW wants this game to be accessible by as large of audience as possible so they aren't requiring their player base to go out and buy a new rig to play effectively. They seemed to have done a good job in balancing their game graphics with current hardware.

Lol something about a pot and a kettle...

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All you people claiming that a $500-$600 Desktop will run this game on max settings with no issues MUST be smoking something.


I wish I was smoking something!


SO a 955BE i could fond for around $100

600w PSU around $50

8 gigs ram say around $40

GST 450 about $115

asus motherboard around$50

any old case for around $60

Windows $120

HHD $40

Add that up and see what you get. I used the parts in my computer as reference. If you know what you are doing you can build a gaming focused PC for SUPER cheap. A PC like that could max this out without trying.

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oh my god this made me LOL hard!


also for all of you people saying blahblah bigger priorities blahblah i am 20 have 2 children don't work neither does my partner live at home with my parents and still managed to buy a machine that cost 2500$ if you are the age of 13-16 then i understand but even then i don't see why your parents woudn't get you a machine that wasn't from 1720 for christmas or something



I want to tell you everything that is wrong with this post, but i'd end up forum banned.

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Whether this game is ran on max settings or at 75% of max there is little difference in game immersion.


And this crap about fps... if the game is getting ~40 fps immersion is going to be fine. People claiming >100 fps are just epeening.


If money is a problem buy a good motherboard,cpu and mid range gpu. Cannibalize your other hardware from the machine being used currently.


Max settings really aren't necessary to have a fun game.

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To the condescending OP, you're not running this game at max settings until you're seeing it at > 5760x1200 resolution. And getting a constant 60FPS at this resolution seems to be impossible even with crossfired 6950's and a i7-2600K CPU. You're probably playing at 1920x1080 resolution or lower which isn't nearly as challenging to get reasonable performance on. MMO's are a lot more immersive at high resolutions or multiple monitors and that really takes a high-end rig to make happen along with a game that's not graphically challenging at lower resolutions. So, I'm glad that it doesn't take a monster machine to run this game at 1920x1080 or multiscreen setups would be impossible.


And like Blizzard, EA/BW wants this game to be accessible by as large of audience as possible so they aren't requiring their player base to go out and buy a new rig to play effectively. They seemed to have done a good job in balancing their game graphics with current hardware.


untrue about being hard to run at 5760-1200 res...my rig does it fine. only problem with this game at that res is the damn UI noting being able to be moved.


you dont need a high end compter or 1000$+ one to play this game at max but you do need a compter that all the parts in it play nice with each other

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oh my god this made me LOL hard!


also for all of you people saying blahblah bigger priorities blahblah i am 20 have 2 children don't work neither does my partner live at home with my parents and still managed to buy a machine


don't work neither does my partner live at home with my parents


don't work live at home with my parents


live at home with my parents


my parents




'Nuff said.

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I just can't comprehend how in this day and age where i could buy a laptop for like 200-300 that could run the game on max settings?

I have a $500 laptop that most certainly CANNOT run it on max settings. And I only bought it a few months ago.


However, it's definitely playable on low settings.

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lol? obvious troll, but i'll feed it.


my computer is 3 years old, $700, intel core i5-430m(duel core) with 4gb ram and an ATI HD5650, i can run the game on max settings if i want to lag out, or i can run the game on medium settings(which looks exactly the same cause of the games stupid cartoon graphics) and play with only minimal lag. Or, i could play on low settings(Oh snap, the black in the shadows is now grey!) and get 10 more fps which never drops...


did you even read the post , it clearly said people who run on low fps with low settings

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I just can't comprehend how in this day and age where i could buy a laptop for like 200-300 that could run the game on max settings that people still have computer from 1990 that get low fps still on low settings? i know everyone doesn't have money but somewhere within the 20 year span of having your computer surely saving 1 dollar a day could afford enough for a computer not still on DOS



Edit: some people are neglecting the fact i said low FPS on LOW settings , how you can possibly have a machine that old is beyond me any computer made within like 6 years would be able to run swtor fine


Edit: If you are gaming on a laptop in the first place what is wrong with you??


Over exaggerate much to try and get a point across? There isn't a $200-$300 laptop that will run SW:TOR on max.


And my laptop that I game with when not at home is just fine for the task thanks.

Core i7, 8gb ram, nVidia 460m w/ 1.5gb DDR5 and 160gb SSDD has no problem with SW:TOR or most anything else out.


And considering you can get laptops with SLI/CROSSFIRE 560m or 6990, 12+gb of ram and core i7 Extremes, you're pretty much talking out your backside asserting people cannot game well on a laptop.


Carry on with your ignorance though

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I was getting 60-120fps maxed out with many effects like AA forced, v-sync, etc. This game is not a system pusher, as it's art style and low/medium quality assets, coupled with low quality shadow/lighting doesn't really punish anything. This isn't Crysis, BF3, or Metro 2033 after all, and it's visuals are already outdated to other MMO's that have launched before it even.


Now, I assure you 80+fps isn't really necessary, but it is nice to maintain at least 60fps to give off that ultra-smooth playing effect. You don't need SLI 580's and a 4.5 OC 2600k with 16GB of RAM to have an enjoyable experience and keep it steady as well. From more "relevant" tech, an i5 2500 + 560ti 448 + 4gb of RAM will eat this game alive, and be relatively cheap to do so.

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Not everyone builds their PC.


true, but the really should look into it. even a half decent machine with mid range components could be built for less than the POS they bought pre built. I also love how some companies put components together that arent even in the same FSB ranges.

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I don't think there is anything wrong with living at home with your parents if there is a need, but most people at 20 have left the nest (or given it a shot at least).


But I do think there might be something wrong when that same person dogs others for not having the ability to purchase a new rig, or at least update there existing one as often as they do.


If you and your spouse/baby daddy live with your folks thats cool, but remember that is not the case with all of us. And FYI paying rent to your parents isn't the same as paying to a landlord or a mortgage, if you don't pay up I'm sure your folks will not kick you out on the street with 2 children, a landlord/bank on the other hand can/will.

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ITT: a 12 year old on mom and dad's credit card who pestered their overly-indulgent parents until they got a $2,000 computer.


I was running at between 40-60 FPS in the weekend beta. There's no noticeable difference in that framerate range, and there's no noticeable difference above that. Anyone who wants to brag about more is wanting to do just that: brag. They aren't worth your consideration.


I swear... the forum community here has started out like WoW's at its worst.

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What you do is go to best buy and get a desktop with a good processor for 300-400. Then you get a 100 dollar graphics card, then you get a new power thingy lol for about 100. Then you're ready to rock!


I am pc illiterate but my pc works good!


its "well", your pc works "well". /facepalm

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You can not play this game on max settings with a laptop ... sorry you just can't...


I have a pretty damned new laptop; $2k+ and the game runs like crap... even if I lower the resolution from 1920 x 1080 down to half that.


My main rig has absolutely no problem playing the game at max settings on my 2560 x 1600 30" monitor but it's a beast...


OP stated you could get a $200 laptop and run on max settings, that's absolute rubbish.


LOL what I have a laptop and I easily run this game on MAX. Granted I have a high end machine, it is very much possible.



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Edit: If you are gaming on a laptop in the first place what is wrong with you??


Sir, I am using a laptop. I run SWTOR just fine. I also run World of Warcraft with the Ultra graphical settings and get 40+ FPS. There is absolutely nothing wrong with gaming on a laptop.


I would actually argue the question as to why anyone would want to buy a desktop PC. Laptops have great specs today. My wife has a desktop that only cost $100 less than my Laptop. Her desktop has signifigantly less capabilities than my laptop. She has 1G less RAM, a video graphics card that will barely run WOW. Her HD is the same as my laptop.


The packaging of your computer makes no difference. Desktop, laptop, or 1985 vintage. What matters is what you are running inside. The guts make the difference. And, no, I am not joking about the 1985 vintage computer. I had a buddy that just continued to upgrade everything in his computer year after year. There isn't a single original component inside the machine, but the shell is 100% all original. Looks like a dinosaur, but will multibox WOW.


I am a laptop user, and I will see you all in the battlegrounds.

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I'm running a duo core and a geforce 8800 GX, and on alderaan I can easily dip into 8 fps on low/no shadow etc.


Upgrading to quad core alone, a phenon amd is already 200€ (250+$) only for the cores, so I would still need about 80€ (120$) to get a motherboard alongside. Even then I am not sure if it would even net me a performance gain or if I should invest in a GPU.


I could afford either upgrade, but not both so yeah unless the prices drop I am one of those with a how you would call it 98' machine although I don't think it is solely on the machine, when I can play skyrim on medium without a problem

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