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Everything posted by LasCruces

  1. I played Sniper until lvl 50 and then started playing Sorcerer (currently lvl 29) -- there's a night and day difference. If sorcerer is considered balanced then sniper need a lot of buffs to even come close. I'm just going to speak on the leveling process of the classes and not endgame. The largest problem in leveling is Kaliyo. The defense companions were nerfed too hard before the game went live and need to be buffed a bit. Orbital strike should be given much earlier. Cover should be given a larger (any?) defense bonus against all types of damage. There should also be a small self-heal of some sort. Or do none of the above and increase the damage done by sniper by about 33%. The ease of leveling advantage that sorcerer has is probably 5-8 character class levels. When I leveled sniper, I thought that all of the classes were about on par with one another but this clearly isn't the case.
  2. This fight may be easy if you use certain companions but definitely isn't with Scorpio -- my favorite companion. I got owned twice in a row as a lvl 49 with this companion. This guy does no damage to speak of if your at range but if a companion or yourself is up close, he does a LOT of damage. A tank companion won't be doing a lot of DPS and will get owned since they are up close. That leaves you without help and if one side can heal to full and you can't, you'll lose. I chose the healer companion, Dr. Lokin, for this fight and was able to do it. He interrupted with his carbonite CC enough along with whatever CC I had to complete this. I was spec'd full lethality. The elites in this zone are easy as this spec but this guy wasn't. A DPS companion would have probably made this fight easy if it was done from range. All of the advise on just using interrupts is worthless since if he wants to heal, he can keep doing it until your interrupts are on cooldown. You need to be doing burst damage in this fight if your companion isn't the DPS. Maybe the interrupt thing works better when your companion is the DPS.
  3. The problem with today's MMOs is that leveling is way too fast. It should take months to hit max level rather than weeks. Why go through all of the trouble of creating a world only to have most of your time spent at max level going to a raid instance. A company could make a lot of money simply creating a game where the game starts at max level and put all of their money into making end-game raids. That seems to be what a majority of people want. I'd prefer more time be spent in the actual world rather than in a raid but different strokes for different folks.
  4. So, since the reasons you want the item don't seem to matter to you -- is spite a good enough reason? If you were in my group, I'd roll need on everything since the concept of need/greed seems to be over your head. The system allows anybody to roll need, right? It must be legitimate to do so.
  5. It happens 100% of the time regardless of video mode for me at this specific spot and nowhere else -- it's not the least bit random. Updated audio and video drivers. Windows event logs show no error in application, security, or setup when the game crashes to the desktop. If this were a defective hardware issue, the event logs would pick it up. This on a Win7-64 SP1 system with 16GB, I7-2600K, and crossfired 6950's. I found a workaround -- at least for the darkside choice -- hitting the spacebar continuously until the lightspeed animation is skipped allowed me to continue and finish the instance. There's something definitely wrong at that spot though.
  6. I've done all of that. This hasn't happened with any other part of the game so far. Google search showed others with AMD Radeon cards (maybe a coincidence) having the same problem.
  7. The game crashes to the desktop when the ship goes to light speed after the conversation on the bridge. This repeats with new instances or instance reset and on different days. Graphics settings/resolution doesn't seem to change anything. Solo or different group leader makes no difference. Dismissed companion -- same thing. Different conversation options -- no difference. Repair game -- no difference. PC has a i7-2600K CPU and dual 6950 GPU's. I've not had the game crash in any other situation so far. Search function on these forums isn't available. Has this happened to anybody else? What's the solution?
  8. To the condescending OP, you're not running this game at max settings until you're seeing it at > 5760x1200 resolution. And getting a constant 60FPS at this resolution seems to be impossible even with crossfired 6950's and a i7-2600K CPU. You're probably playing at 1920x1080 resolution or lower which isn't nearly as challenging to get reasonable performance on. MMO's are a lot more immersive at high resolutions or multiple monitors and that really takes a high-end rig to make happen along with a game that's not graphically challenging at lower resolutions. So, I'm glad that it doesn't take a monster machine to run this game at 1920x1080 or multiscreen setups would be impossible. And like Blizzard, EA/BW wants this game to be accessible by as large of audience as possible so they aren't requiring their player base to go out and buy a new rig to play effectively. They seemed to have done a good job in balancing their game graphics with current hardware.
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