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Is this game really in trouble?


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I've been busy playing TOR, and enjoying it despite its flaws. It isn't perfect, but I enjoy it, so that is all that matters.


However, I keep seeing people insult, sometimes downright lie, about the game. It's getting to the point where its depressing, because I feel like this game I'm quickly falling in love with might disappear.


I mean, is there -anyone- out there that enjoys this game? It doesn't look like it from what I'm seeing... and that sucks.


I see the potential in this game, I remember countless other MMOs which had faults, and became something great. Right now, TOR's going to hold my interest for years as is, I don't want to think what it'll do my social life after some more patching and features.


Legacy system looks awesome, especially for role players like myself. I don't even know the point of this post, really. I guess its to say I've watched good games die because people these days are so full of hate and malice for anything they find the slightest fault in. It has gotten to the point where if someone likes the game on these boards, they get insulted, and verbally soul-punched for even mentioning the game is fun or they enjoy it.


I swear, I honestly think there's a smear campaign going on against SW:TOR, and probably backed by Blizzard under-the-table.

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2 million subscribers and a game that cost $200 million to make.


Yet, of those 200 million not a thing was spent on say, the game engine , optimization, server performance. The vast majority of it went straight to dialog and voice acting, which is arguable at best for an MMO. Hey, I love the voice acting as much as the next man, but it isnt voice acting that will keep this game going for a large period of time.

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I love the game. It's so much fun. I just started playing and already have a friend, yeah, lol and am joining a guild as soon as I get home. Last night I was online until 2AM playing despite having to work today. I don't think this game is going anywhere. I think Blizzard and trolls want it to disappear but I don't think it will.
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I use the "forum rule" for determining whether a MMO is in trouble. If someone posts a topic in Gen Discuss and it's still sitting on the first page after a couple hours, then a MMO is in trouble. Topics on SWTOR Gen Discuss stay on the first page for 4 minutes. So no, it is nowhere even close to in trouble.
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Nope. Just the same 100 people complaining on the forums while the other 1,999,900 people are playing the game.


Nice made up number. I wonder if you will be here to admit your wrong when the time comes.


Probably just go hide under a rock and act like you didn't say that.


CLEARLY the game is struggling. Hell, I considered myself one of those who would stick around for a long time. I am bored to death of this broken game, just cancelled. So don't act like you know ANYTHING about the real hard data, because you don't .


At the forefront of the problems is the lack of developer community interaction. For a game this size, this has single handed shaken my trust in this game. If the developers aren't even acknowledging problems until we FORCE them to listen, then whay should I have any hope they care?


They don't care about anything but your money at this point. That is how they are choosing to portray themselves, so they will go down with this ship.

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I have fallen in love with this game more so than I would have initially believed. Been loosing a LOT of sleep as a result but I NEVER FEEL TIRED!!!! :D


Don't listen to the naysayers, the big bugs will get fixed and the game will continue on. Every time I go to the republic fleet I see dozens of peeps in the general channels LFG for any number of flashpoints. That sure doesn't seem like a game in decline to me.

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CLEARLY the game is struggling. Hell, I considered myself one of those who would stick around for a long time. I am bored to death of this broken game, just cancelled. So don't act like you know ANYTHING about the real hard data, because you don't .

At the forefront of the problems is the lack of developer community interaction. For a game this size, this has single handed shaken my trust in this game. If the developers aren't even acknowledging problems until we FORCE them to listen, then whay should I have any hope they care?


They don't care about anything but your money at this point. That is how they are choosing to portray themselves, so they will go down with this ship.


Your own advice...follow it.

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I've been busy playing TOR, and enjoying it despite its flaws. It isn't perfect, but I enjoy it, so that is all that matters.


However, I keep seeing people insult, sometimes downright lie, about the game. It's getting to the point where its depressing, because I feel like this game I'm quickly falling in love with might disappear


There will always be trolls. There are people who complain about the game itself, specific classes, specific abilities, specific gear, etc


The truth is simple: the people that are happy with a game will spend far less time on the forums (if they come to them at all) and more time playing the game. I, for instance, only come here when working since I multitask


In addition to this WoW helped create a spoon-fed self-important gaming community that learned whining yielded results. This is part of the reason the operative nerf is such a concern right now... if BioWare implements a nerf (the first real class nerf so far) based on forum QQing they will show that whining yields results


If you like the game, play it. If servers start to lose people they will be merged. As long as BioWare makes a return on their investment the game itself becomes a cash cow and will be around for a decade or more. As an example, EQ1 is still around (as far as I know) and is easily a decade old

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My opinion, for what it's worth, is the game will be around for quite a while. Several years at a minimum.


The majority of people crying 'doom and gloom' are likely just bitter that their 'wants and needs' have not been catered to instantly. Knowing the likelihood of this ever happening for them in any setting (zero), I suppose they are the types of individuals that are never satisfied. Pay them no mind.


If the game is fun for you, stick around. There are plenty of us that agree.

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I love the game. It's so much fun. I just started playing and already have a friend, yeah, lol and am joining a guild as soon as I get home. Last night I was online until 2AM playing despite having to work today. I don't think this game is going anywhere. I think Blizzard and trolls want it to disappear but I don't think it will.


Lol, go hit 50, raid, and then speak.:D

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Yet, of those 200 million not a thing was spent on say, the game engine , optimization, server performance. The vast majority of it went straight to dialog and voice acting, which is arguable at best for an MMO. Hey, I love the voice acting as much as the next man, but it isnt voice acting that will keep this game going for a large period of time.


You're absolutely right. They got the engine at a charity ball and they are simpy squatting in Blizzard's server room.

Edited by ChipHazard
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the games not "in trouble" but there are a great many people who want the rest of the world to think it is.


wow "fanbois", those who unfamiliar with mmos in general who expect near perfection from an mmo at launch, those who are honestly disappointed because they were expecting something else but are pettily resentful.


the game's not wow. its game systems do not have to be mirrors of that game. neither is it going to pander to the "hardcore" in either pve or pvp, neither is it going to be big on giving you grinds. its quite clear to me that Biowares approach is one that's squarely focused on creating a Star Wars online "theme park" MMO and providing entertainment (rather than setting hefty challenges) all with a heavy emphasis on cohesive narrative and almost full "casual" access to content.


some people have a REALLY hard time understanding the fact things are different in different games.

(the topic about the supposed "over availability" of "epics" the other day was a brilliant illustration of this)

Edited by Sleekit
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You're absolutely right. They got the engine at a charity ball and they are simpy squatting in Blizzard's server room.


The ability delay would have been fixed sooner if it weren't for the pesky janitor who kept chasing them with his broom.

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I think the game will fail because there are so many bugs and no technical support. I played WoW when it first started and had some trouble but nothing like this. My character is stck to the point I can't even get to the UI. Tech support does not have access to in game activities and do not reply to tickets.
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I think the game will fail because there are so many bugs and no technical support. I played WoW when it first started and had some trouble but nothing like this. My character is stck to the point I can't even get to the UI. Tech support does not have access to in game activities and do not reply to tickets.


ctrl + u


Someone already told you to try it.

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This game will continue growing as more and more people come to it from other MMO's. It has a first class design team and a lot more resources to make the game even more amazing in the coming years with an engine that will allow flexibility for the long term including incredible graphics as technology catches up. Vanilla WoW characters still in a game 7 years later ring a bell?


There is full blown panic in some of the competition due to dying guilds and friends leaving other games to come here. So naturally the hate posts are going to be plentiful, I mean is someone stole your girlfriend or wife would you be there supporting them? So for every hater there are thousands of people happily playing the game and while there are serious issues, as with any newly released MMO, in the past month Bioware has shown GREAT intitiative to fix them.


Go to sleep tonight knowing you are playing the MMO that will continue to entertain people such as myself for a long time to come. While no one can predict the future, I can speak for myself that nothing in the pipeline will grab my attention like SWTOR has.

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