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No lie, this game's release felt like


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I will say that I felt kind of duped with flashpoints. The first one I did, The Esseles, set the expectation that they all will have that level of decision making and story telling. So far, everything after that has had very little of either. It's like they include a token light/dark side conversation choice somewhere, but otherwise it's just a normal instance.


Though I'm thoroughly enjoying SWTOR, I definitely agree with this. Bioware kept showing the first flashpoint in all their previews, setting the expectation that this was what it was going to be for grouping. And then gave us regular instances and standard group quests after that. Pretty shady.

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1 - phantom menace was a good game. majority of moviegoers do not give a crap about what elitist sw fans think. they liked it.


2 - this game is better than ANY mmo i have played. and, i have not only played all major mmos since 1993, but also have leaded guilds in them.


3 - please lock this thread, mods.


The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:



The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more.


Share your thoughts, do you agree with my view or not?


Please don't lock this thread mods, it's a discussion/topic about the release hype of this game.

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I will say that I felt kind of duped with flashpoints. The first one I did, The Esseles, set the expectation that they all will have that level of decision making and story telling. So far, everything after that has had very little of either. It's like they include a token light/dark side conversation choice somewhere, but otherwise it's just a normal instance.


This is so damn true. It's like they put 5 times more work into the Esseles flashpoint than any other, so people who played it would tell all their friends how great the game was. Here's proof:




Upon his completion of TOR’s Esseles “Flashpoint,” which a World of Warcraft player might call an “instance” even though there isn’t really a direct analogy, Gabriel sent me a mail which read:


Start playing star wars


What bait and switch tactics by Bioware. What laziness with all the other flashpoints.

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ok.. so tell me lets say bioware put you in charge effective today.


how would you "turn this boat around" so to speak since TOR was such an absolute total and utter failure to you.


i heard bioware may even go out of business and take down EA with it :eek: at least that's what a buddy of mine said when he only say 86 people in the republic fleet.


Appearance tab.

Three PVP brackets.

Fix Level 50 planet. Level 50 pvp issues.

LFD tool.

Open world PVP rewards of some sort.

Social armor for each class. Light/medium/heavy.

Fix the trooper and other classes that have broken cast timers.

Change crafting to provide something worthwhile.

Fix space combat, something like what STO has might work.

Personally after playing STO, I wondered what TOR could have been like if it used a similar approach. I think the game could have felt more involved/cooler.


Add in space control points as well was ground control points for each planet after level 20.

Control points give you tokens for that point. Leveled rewards and appropriate gear for taking part in it.


Space points reward with new ships and equipment.


Combat gives out armor and ground based things.


And so on.

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I don't even want to describe to you what is wrong with the prequels, so I'll let this man do it:




Those reviews aren't funny to me, because he tries too *********** hard. They are actually more painful than watching the prequels, and that's a pretty amazing accomplishment in my opinion. Okay, maybe that's too harsh. The reviews have their moments, few and far between... kind of like the prequels.

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Those reviews aren't funny to me, because he tries too *********** hard. They are actually more painful than watching the prequels, and that's a pretty amazing accomplishment in my opinion. Okay, maybe that's too harsh. The reviews have their moments, few and far between... kind of like the prequels.

I must be part of a increasingly small base of people who enjoyed all 6 movies. Even the changes made to the original three don't bother me.


Yes I watched them in 4-5-6 / 1-2-3 Back when I was little. I also grew up with the end of the original Trek and with TNG/DS9.

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Well there's your problem.


regarding republic side. In a nutshell you got it right there. The sides are so overwhelmingly unbalanced its gamebreaking. The argument that animations favor the imperials only makes it even worse. (This doesn't even need to be true, the perception that imperial skills go off smoother trumps all)


BW needs to come out and buff the crap out of the republic. I am serious, make it UNFAIR until the numbers even out a bit. Faster leveling, global buffs whatever it takes.

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Those reviews aren't funny to me, because he tries too *********** hard. They are actually more painful than watching the prequels, and that's a pretty amazing accomplishment in my opinion. Okay, maybe that's too harsh. The reviews have their moments, few and far between... kind of like the prequels.


Those reviews are the finest reviews of any movie ever made. If you don't think they are absolutely hilarious you have no soul or taste in anything good.


Which may also be why you like the prequels.

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I'm enjoying the game, but definitely feel it came up short in many areas.


It just doesn't feel much like an MMO. It's mostly solo-oriented until you hit 50.


While I enjoy the companion/crew skills system, crafting as a whole is a fairly big let down. Far too little variety (and I care more about utility than appearance). They should've allowed you to tinker more with the stats of various items while selecting a certain appearance for the item, instead of locking us into one particular item for every 5-7 levels. Very uncreative.


I hate playing games on rails. Absolutely hate them. I don't want to be able to play the game while looking at my mini-map. The immersion factor in the world is very poor. The immersion factor in your character is good with the cutscenes and voice acting, but frankly, any company that emphasizes voice acting at the expense of things to do is looking extremely short term (because now that I'm on my third alt, I find the cut scenes to be annoying and just space bar through all of these repeated conversations).


Space combat was dreadfully disappointing. After doing a few of them, I've never gone back to it. Bleh.


I like the combat graphics and the skills..


PVP needs a lot of work.

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The release of The Phantom Menace.


The amazing trailer(s) and years of hype.. and we get this.



Enjoyable to play sometimes, but nothing as great as I expected.:cool:



The key to remember when you're going to post here is that.. admit it, you were probably expecting more.


Share your thoughts, do you agree with my view or not?


Please don't lock this thread mods, it's a discussion/topic about the release hype of this game.


Honestly it's no ones fault but your own for getting excited and then being let down... I didn't have many expectations of the game, and begrudgingly came from the game that shall not be mentioned because of RL friends.. I'm having a great ole time and thing the game is pretty well done... I've suffered through bugs in other games and realize that it'll all get worked out or polished in the end.. So I for the most part enjoy it, since none of it (that I've come across) is really game breaking.

Edited by InnateOne
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I must be part of a increasingly small base of people who enjoyed all 6 movies. Even the changes made to the original three don't bother me.


Yes I watched them in 4-5-6 / 1-2-3 Back when I was little. I also grew up with the end of the original Trek and with TNG/DS9.


Don't worry. Your not alone on this. I enjoy all 6 of the movies and I find it funny how the people who say that true fans act like the prequels never existed. :rolleyes:


Does that mean I think the prequels are better than the original trilogy? Of course not, doesn't mean I don't enjoy all 6 movies.


In relation to this thread, I went in with average expectations and was impressed and hope to be impressed in the future.

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Don't worry. Your not alone on this. I enjoy all 6 of the movies and I find it funny how the people who say that true fans act like the prequels never existed. :rolleyes:


Does that mean I think the prequels are better than the original trilogy? Of course not, doesn't mean I don't enjoy all 6 movies.


In relation to this thread, I went in with average expectations and was impressed and hope to be impressed in the future.

I watched ESB so many times I wore the tape out, and my uncle had some really cool toys and models until he moved out.


I still have the original 3 on tape in my bedroom, along with DVD copies of all 6. I plan on buying the collection on blu-ray when money allows.

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Actually mine was the other way around. Initially I hated the game.... then I loved it. Still have a great time playing it. :)


I'm starting to feel this way honestly.


I believe the game is slowly growing on me. I think for the most part, it has to do with my current guild.

Edited by CalvinDu
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I don't know if it was over-hyped. I didn't see any commercials for it until just before and a little after release.


I am a little let down though. I think KOTORI and II were better in the story aspect, and that other MMO's are better in the MMO aspect.


I think this is the biggest problem. Its mediocre in a lot of different areas without being truly great at anything.

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I was expecting way more.

Good FPS, mostly... A game that can run properly.



Hey! Anyone remembers Bioware's comment on "this game has poor graphic"?

Something like "We want people to be able to play our game with older machines".

Makes me laugh whenever I think about it.

And my machine is not even old.

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ok.. so tell me lets say bioware put you in charge effective today.


how would you "turn this boat around" so to speak since TOR was such an absolute total and utter failure to you.


i heard bioware may even go out of business and take down EA with it :eek: at least that's what a buddy of mine said when he only say 86 people in the republic fleet.


First: I would have every programmer in the company working on bug fixes, period. The game needs to play well before I start adding new stuff to it, even though this will cause some players to leave because they get bored.


Second: Hire an independent auditor for the customer service department and fire everyone they recommend getting rid of. Customer service is a joke for this game, and I used to play SOE games so when I say it's bad, it's really bad.


Third: Check in to the current iteration of the game engine and see if the game can be upgraded to it in the future. Among other things, this may be the only way to fix some of the bugs currently present. I don't know if it would or could work, but since the engine was taken pre-beta and used to develop the game, it may be necessary.


Fourth: Kick my development team leaders' in the *** and tell them to learn to care about their customer base or seek employment elsewhere.


Fifth: Set up a pole examining what the customers want out of future expansions and then implement the most popular suggestions, BUT only after the bugs are fixed.


And that ought to cover it, honestly. The game was released in an under-developed state and the games' developers have an attitude problem, end of story. Five simple things to fix a multi-million dollar project does not seem like all that much to ask.

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