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Is anyone else lvl 50 and bored?


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Boredom hit me about 2 days ago. I'm playing less and less. I only do MMOs for the PvP. I have some serious concerns that this game will not keep PvPers around long-term. I'm not one to roll multiple classes. I stick with one class and excel with it. I'm with a good group of players too. This game has all of a sudden became less and less exciting for me. Does anyone have any advice as to how to spice up my game player? Or is this the story with theme park MMOs?
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Due to its theme park nature and linear gear progression. At this point all my guild is doing is rerolling alts to lowbie PvP together. The PvP at max level is just a gear grind and just as a whole isn't very well done. The class stories on the other hand were very enjoyable and couple that with solid PvP sessions without having to worry about the pressure to gear makes this game a lot more enjoyable. If you are half decent at PvP, it shouldn't matter what gear others are wearing as you will always be able to catch up.


The game is fun but its not great. My suggestion is to focus on the good parts of it while maintaining your PvP habit. This may be odd as your play style is very different from what I'm saying but I think TOR is the perfect game to do that. I'm very much like you where I like to devote my attention to one character to make it the best it can possibly be, but you are missing out on a lot of what TOR has to offer if you do the same thing here. They obviously spent more money on developing the story and leveling, it would be a shame to not see more than just one story. Otherwise moving on is always a good idea.

Edited by Rykke
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Boredom hit me about 2 days ago. I'm playing less and less. I only do MMOs for the PvP. I have some serious concerns that this game will not keep PvPers around long-term. I'm not one to roll multiple classes. I stick with one class and excel with it. I'm with a good group of players too. This game has all of a sudden became less and less exciting for me. Does anyone have any advice as to how to spice up my game player? Or is this the story with theme park MMOs?


wow no wonder you're bored you roll 1 class lol

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ilum is pointless, warzones take longer, no gear to grind after battlemaster...


yes, i'm bored.


This. I'm not battlemaster yet.. I'm like valor 57 or 58 or something.. I just don't feel like it anymore. Queue's take 20 minutes thanks to them seperating brackets WAY to soon, a lot of ilum cheaters on my server running around with BM gear... Huttball again and again and again.... meh.

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Same boat here, Rank 50, Valor 54, since the Ilum Daily nerf, I find myself logging on less and less each day. Today I won 1 warzone and logged off.


Atleast when the Ilum daily was easier, I would go there get the caps and do a bit of PvP afterwards then a few warzones. PvP with players to make sure to get the Valor buff etc.


But I don't bother with Ilum daily now, 30 armamanets when there are 20 people and what, 2 spawns at a time? No thank you. Trying to get 30 kills, since the rep's don't leave their base..... the Ilum daily put the fear, that Bioware really doesn't have a good understanding of what Open World PvP is about....

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I am. After WoW I just can't bring myself to PvE anymore, so I'm 100% focused on PvP, of which there aren't very much. Unless something is done soon about:


1) Ilum and the poor performance there.

2) The ridiculous REP/EMP ratio.

3) The Warzones, or rather the lack thereof.


...February will my last month subscribing to this "game".

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I went to cancel on the 20th and realised that I had been automatically billed. Doh!.


If they gave me the option to "move" my toon to Republic, so I could have a rank 50 I would do it straight away. I just hated the boring quest grind in this game, especially Nar Shaddar (the "funky" cit) then Hoth and Belsavis, spending sooo long running around hte map. Really didn't want me to do it again. So I hit 50 and wanted to get to Battlemaster, I've done all of the Flashpoints and Eternity Vault etc but they are always the same so bored of those.

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I'm level 50 and frustrated, not bored.


I'm one of the few level 50's currently in my guild - so all my guildies queue together and have an awesome time, while I queue solo and only win about one out of every 5 matches.


And then those wins don't even count for my dailies/weeklies.


Fix that bug, and I'll be a lot happier.



As for Ilum - I went there last night and finished my daily in about 20 minutes. It was awesome. So I'll probably just be doing Ilum instead of warzones.

Edited by BubbleDncr
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Pre 1.1 release I was level 50 rank 53 valor and really enjoying the game. I love pvping. Since 1.1 I'm still rank 53 valor... Our server hasn't had one warzone for the 50s since.. I'm trying to stay and I've since rolled an alt hoping for more 50s... I have to say I'm extremely bored playing my alt, I want to pvp on my main and get BM gear... So this is most likely my last month, unless BW does something to help the 50s out on low pop servers.
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The reality is the 50's bracket is going to make this game boring for alot of players as far as pvp goes. Most players cant handle getting rocked by pre-mades allday. I mean i start laughing non-stop when I see people in warzones that they waited 30 min+ for and have no chance at winning. Then you just score 5 times and farm them for medals until you know there is no longer enough time to grab any other medals. Then we just queue instantly again and rock the next game. I mean what isnt boring about being those other people. The only chance bad players have to enjoy this game was 10-50 bracket.......


good lvl 50 players > bad lvl 50 players > lowbies


the sad truth is bad players will be your core subs.....eventually it will be something along the lines of good players = 5%, bad players = 35% and lowbies = 60%


Now the kicker is yes you have more lowbies but that just cuz its level 10-49 and are more casual to there gaming (not always in WZ's and online). But those 35% of bad level 50's will want to actually win and play every single day for hours, or at least feel like they made a diffrence, not just get carried. And sadly the only way they ever gonna get that feeling is beating on lowbies.


Like i said, the good players are going to dominate regardless, but letting the bad players struggle every single day through queue's and pre-mades is only going to drive them away from the game. They will get bored of it, times have changed, most people just dont know how to apply themselves to excel anymore.

Edited by Vegathegreat
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Before 1.1 I loved this game. I had just hit Battlemaster and found Warzones to be a blast. I never heard any sub-50 players (rather, good players) complain about gear or level 50s PvPing with them. I was rewarded for medals. I got to play with friends. I didn't havae to participate in zerg fest in Ilum.


Now....Meh. I went from loving the PvP in this game to almost hating it in the blink of an eye with 1.1.


The sad thing, is that the bracket system will only cause more QQ'ing in the end from the fresh 50's that arrive in the 50 bracket without any skill, strategy, communication ability AND the gear they whined about before. PvPing on my alt's is lol funny. No one talks...Everyone just runs around death matching.

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If all you do is PvP, and you have been at 50 endgame for a few weeks already, I imagine you may be getting a bit bored. PvP Endgame is, essentially, just a gear race. Since many of the existing 50s were able to farm their gear without even PvPing (farming lowbies in WZs and trading dailies in Ilum), actually having to PvP for their rewards is too much effort for many of them at this point. As there is no easy quick fix anymore, many of these players are bolting because they are "bored."


However, the overall lack of a main PvP objective of some sort does hurt the PvP endgame. Ilum, while much improved now (the dailies for the zone actually encourage PvP), isn't much to fight over. Its relevance is really just subject to faction population swings, and the one valor buff available that does impact gameplay beyond the zone is only good for a short time in WZs. Endgame PvP certainly does need some objective which matters to players and is worth fighting over that is beyond gear and Ilum.


That said, if you are really here to PvP, then you really only care about the good fight, and fights are happening in abundance on Ilum now. While the faction imbalance is a bit of a pain, I saw a larger variety of fights this weekend than I saw the entire time up to 1.1. There was zerg v zerg, small group action, and plenty of solo fights to be had. To me this is a sign of good things to come. Already, OPvP is shifting to something much better than we had previously. Endgame PvP now just needs that one thing to rally each faction that is worth fighting over and impacts the rest of the galaxy.

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Boredom hit me about 2 days ago. I'm playing less and less. I only do MMOs for the PvP. I have some serious concerns that this game will not keep PvPers around long-term. I'm not one to roll multiple classes. I stick with one class and excel with it. I'm with a good group of players too. This game has all of a sudden became less and less exciting for me. Does anyone have any advice as to how to spice up my game player? Or is this the story with theme park MMOs?


Unsub. It is the only way to send BW a message that the PvP in this game is FUBAR.

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I have been on the ropes about doing a resub on this game. There simply are too many flaws. Huttball, huttball, and more huttball. I level my toon almost exclusively on warzones. and I have done enough Huttball for a life time. To think that I still have 4 levels to go before I hit valor 60 and that each of those levels will be achieved only by doing yet more Huttball all but takes the wind out of my sails.


As for HMs ... many of the flashpoints still have bug issues. Hell, I was doing Colicoid War Games yesterday just to kill some time and we couldn't even finish stage one. People were simply having issues with using the turrets. Some wouldn't fire. Others were on auto fire. Some fired on right mouse click. Others on left mouse click. After about 10 attempts the group gave up ... and I don't blame them. It almost felt like beta testing and we were trying to troubleshoot the cause of a game glitch.


As for space missions ... only two give anything worth the time now. And after doing the daily I have no desire to do them again that day.


Then there are the dailies. Ilum dailies are okay, but Sabotage mission is broken more often than not for the Imps. And Poisonous Strategy can be a hassel finding players for. With 4 people it is a cake walk. With two it is a struggle.


As for the Ilum PVP daily ... I need not go into the grueling details here. Others have done that for me.


So my day goes, space combat, Ilum dailies, pvp warzones for a few matches, and then wait for a pug HM. Two and a half hours in and I am simply wondering why I even bothered to login that day. Hanging out at the Fleet waiting on yet another Huttball match or a HM lost its appeal too long ago.

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PvPing on my alt's is lol funny. No one talks...Everyone just runs around death matching.


Word, lol. Lowbie pvp is hilarious, bunch of chickens running around headless. Random valor 3 guy who gained 1 medal the entire match raging about how badly everyone else sucks, etc.

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