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Nerf this healing BS


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Sorcs have basically 1 true cc saver that will save them a whooping 4 secs and that's providing the person you use it on doesn't just break it instantly. Don't even get me started on our overload as the healer spec version doesn't root you when you land, it only tosses you a few yards. It's not hard to re-close that gap. As for our whirlwind, any competent team or dps will EASILY interupt this before you have a chance to get 1 sec into the cast time.


So in reality as a heal spec, we have our 2 sec burst of speed which is usually a 50/50 on wether it even works. Most times you're either stunned at the end of it or just grappled straight back to where you started.


Killing healers isn't hard in this game at all unless they've got guard on them. The two work arounds for this imo are try and seperate the healer from the tank and just burst em down with all your dps or better yet, stick one dps on the healer to keep them occupied on them-selves and focus all your burst on that tank. Kill the tank, no guard left. If they've got a second healer in there, well unless you can coordinate a cc on them at the same time, just reque imo )


Now a solo healer with no guard, it generally won't matter how good the healer is, if 2-3 dps that know how to play their class get on them, they're dead 99% of the time. This game doesn't revolve around pushing 2-3 buttons for most classes like WoW did. PVP, you are meant < and not saying all classes with their various specs as I know some just press a few buttons > to utilize all the abilities you have at your disposal. If people actually did that every match, these forums would turn into a "OMG, HEALERS NEED A 300% INC IN OUR HEALING IN WARZONES CAUSE WE DIE INSTANTLY EVERY MATCH".

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I'm a commando, and I'm still a little new with PVP. When I get attacked, I start healing myself. Simple concept. One of two scenarios happen. Sometimes I can stand there healing myself between two attackers until my ammo runs dry, and I die with a sense of victory having distracted more than one person for so long... OR ... someone knows how to CC me and I drop like a rock. I've kept myself alive through 3 attackers until my ammo and cooldowns run cold, but I've also been dropped in 2.5 seconds by a lone sorcerer. I'm still shaking off the nightmares of that sorcerer+assassin team I ran into in Huttball once. *shivers*


I agree with the arguments presented that there are very easy and effective strategies to countering our heals. We can even be countered and dropped quick enough to leave time for the ceremonial tea-bagging. You just have to learn how to do it.


I would also like to point out that the devs said early on not to expect every class to be balanced against each other, but to expect a more "Rock, Paper, Scissors" kind of balance. In a pure battle of 1v1 DPS (while I'm DPS-specc'd), I've been able to wear out Sith Warrior with ease, while a Sorcerer dropped me twice as fast as I was dropping him.

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On my server (and it seems to be the only one) we have to many healers and no tankers. Everyone is assasin/healers. When we get a tank it's a god send and or Bounty Hunters. We loose because that's all we have, I can count more times then not we would loose because of no CC control. A true sith healer has no true CC, we got dots and heals, that's our game. We have 2 cc one on a huge timer the other on a small timer with a "chance" to stun. I am of course talking about a full heal spec sorc. But alas, if we didn't have this, we could deal with the other side better.


When it comes down to it thou, you ask me what wins games , CC my friend, good CC and teamwork! My guild is finally grouping in pvp instances and it's night and day. The only time we loose on our server is against this one organized rebel group (sadly I never catch the guild name) but they work togather, Setting up people (say in hutball) to catch the ball etc... They play to win, not play to kill.

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Let's take the Sage since this is the one class I think I actualy know what all their spells are called (this appears to be an actual problem, hard to know what to interrupt when all healing spells have completely ambigious names as to their function).


I believe Sage have a big single target heal (Deliverance), small single target heal (Benevolence), AE big heal (Salvation), and HoT (Healing Trance). I think they got some instant HoT but that's irrelevent for purpose of interruption/counter, because it's instant. They might not have all these spells, but we'll assume they do for this simulation.


Normally a Sage will attempt to cast their big heal since it's very Force efficient. If you see them cast Deliverance, interrupt it. If you see Salvation, you might have to use one of your hard CCs to stop it. However since healer scenario is only meaningful in at least 2 on 2 (a healer is only effective if he's healing someone else who can dish damage), you actually should expect to have 2 spell interrupts. You might not have perfect coordination but 2 character's worth of spell interrupts can stop a lot of things.


Now if the Sage has both of his big heals locked out, his small heals cannot keep up with DPS on himself due to his lack of mitigation. At this point he'll be likely to try to use CC to try to create separation or time to get a Deliverance/Salvation off. If he succeeds in doing this then you got problems. If he fails, he's usually dead because none of his other spells can keep up with the damage intake, especially if he's already dipped low enough into Execute range.


This scenario is generally true with any other healer except the Commandos. They have the best mitigation for a healer, and they can talent to make their defensive cooldown give them interrupt immunity, so they're very likely to succeed in casting a big heal even when fully pressured. This is why Commandoes are more powerful than other classes, and this is a balance issue. That said, there's nothing stopping your side from having Mercs to cancel out enemy Commandos.

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Interupting is fail in this game, you do it and they can just instantly heal with a different spell, there is no global interupt, so i interupt knock down, stun, interupt... HEAL - back to 90%, 100%, healing other players. Rinse and repeat.


Huttball is the only map where a heal team doesn't work. So let me ask you this.

What part of voidstar of cival war can you pull someone so far from the point hes defending that he cant walk back whilst insta healing, or being healed by other team mates?


And for those crying about sorcerrers, firstly im an assassin not sorcerrer, and you moan about lighting spam, but republic just do rock spam, secondly, that isnt the issue being discussed so **** and write your own thread.


Each healer only has 1 interruptable heal that can outpace a single persons damage(and barely at that). If you interrupt the RIGHT heal you win. If you interrupt the wrong heal well then just try again in 10s.

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I agree with the OP, as well as some of the responders. A healer is not hard to kill in terms of they can't hurt you back, but they do generally take more than 1 person to kill in less than 3 minutes.


1 healer can keep 1 person alive against 4 DPS. I think some sort of deminishing returns on healing *From the same Class* would be a good idea. This would mean receiving healing from a bunch of sages or sorcs would be worse than receiving heals from 3 different healing classes.

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Multiple competent healers are unstoppable in warzones.


A increase on interrupt duration or a healing debuff would be great.


Multiple competent anything are unstoppable in warzones. The key word there is competent, not healers.

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I agree with the OP, as well as some of the responders. A healer is not hard to kill in terms of they can't hurt you back, but they do generally take more than 1 person to kill in less than 3 minutes.


1 healer can keep 1 person alive against 4 DPS. I think some sort of deminishing returns on healing *From the same Class* would be a good idea. This would mean receiving healing from a bunch of sages or sorcs would be worse than receiving heals from 3 different healing classes.




well said, that would solve the issue of the crazy healing repeats in pvp. Being an avid pvp player, I could see this working, even thou I am a healer :p , but alas it makes sense. Great idea indeed!

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In before WoW style warzones with 50% healers and gameplay so exciting it makes you sleepy.


I'd much rather have a game where long and drawn out fights are common instead of a game where everyone including myself gets killed in 15 seconds. What is the point of having all of those abilities that you are given if you can only use about 2 or 3 before you die?


Sounds like the game you want to play is counter strike.

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don't get so ruffled up about something like this. The more you stack healers, the less likely people on a team will die. And it looks like these people are good players as well. I've done 400k heals in a wz before but it's also because the opposing team was doing a ton of damage. More damage = more heals and with more than 2 healers all healing eachother, it's unlikely anyone will kill them unless they are perfect with interrupts etc. But if you're making them pull 500k healing, you must be dealing good dmg too so be proud!
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there are healers doing 500-600k healing. I think the MOST dmg i have ever seen a player do was 400k range. So obviously a healer can pump out more hp to players than a dps can make a player lose..


I have seen 500k single target from a player and 800k splashing ae in a voidstar.

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The main problem with healing is that you can go down the heal tree and get some very strong heals.. that are INSTANT. This means you cannot interrupt and must use cc in order to stop them. It is the main reason i like healing in the game, its like having 3 rakkata med packs in addition to your rakkata med pack!
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So shouldn't 8 healers, be able to keep people alive?


The DPSers in this game don't think so.


Healers should be able to one shotted, heal for damage to themselves and other players, get valor taken away from them for playing, and should be charged 30 dollars a month instead of 15.

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This is the oddest thread I've ever seen. Lots of people have disagreed with the OP (as they should), but it baffles me that people agree. It's hard to kill 3 good healers. How many warzones do you actually see 3 good healers? I doubt there are very many. You're lucky to get two healers, and they might just be okay at best.


This is a non-issue. Healers heal. Dps dps. Tanks tank. Welcome to mmos.

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So. I'm a healing sorcerer with 9% healing bonus from expertise.


Resurgence - instant cast, 6 second cooldown, makes our "big" heal Dark Infusion cast faster. Initial heals for ~1k, small HoT.

Dark Infusion - 2.2 second cast time, 1.2 with aformentioned buff. Crits for ~3k.

Dark Heal - 1.2 second cast, crits for ~900.

Innervate - Channeled heal, 9 sec cooldown. Heals for ~3k if all the ticks go off, some crit, and it doesn't get interrupted.


I can't really speak to other healing classes, but if you interrupt my Dark Infusion I *am* going to be screwed, unless your dps is terrible. Perhaps you are interrupting too soon?


healing is a bit weak pre 50, and judging from those numbers you're either sub 50 or in really bad gear, add static barrier into that mix and really the only thing killing you should be a) a zerg, b) a sith assassin.

Edited by Adzzy
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