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Why do you like Star Wars: The Clone Wars?


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For the record, I'm talking about the CGI series and here are my reasons for liking the show:


-The action is spectacular. The creators of this show are able to put a lot of detail in the action scenes without making the audience confused.


-The Mandalorian retcon. Seriously, that needed to happen. I'm glad that Filoni and the gang took such a bold move. The prequel-era Mandalorians were a magnificent mess beforehand and it's good that LucasFilm fixed them.


-The stories are unique. Take the recent episode "Deception", where you have Obi-Wan fake his death and infiltrate a prison by disguising himself as his "killer". It sets both him and Anakin for some dramatic irony later in the arc because if they ever meet again, Anakin would be making a mistake trying to kill him.


-Cad Bane. Nuff said.


-Riff Tamson's death at the end of the Mon Cal arc, where he's blown up into a dozen pieces and you actually see the blood and gore.


-The clones are actual people now as opposed to how they were in the dumb micro-series. It's one of the main reasons people like this show and one of the main reason I like it as well.


-Anakin is heroic and likable. The Anakin in this show is more like the Anakin that was described in A New Hope. It shows Obi-Wan and Anakin as close friends, rather than two guys arguing with each other all the time.


-The series itself keeps getting better.


-The characters have become more likable over time. Take Ahsoka Tano, who was hated at first, but now respect among the Star Wars fandom. Lux Bonteri is another example of a character that started out bad but then got better later on. In "Heroes on Both Sides", Lux is whiny and a moma's boy. In "A Friend in Need", Lux is... still a moma's boy, but he's also more bold, independent, and actually accomplishes stuff. Progress.


-It's got that classic Star Wars feel.

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The OP is right as this is how I expected Anakin and Obi Wan to be together when we first hear about Anakin in ANH.


The writing is good and Asoka has become a BA. I mean in "A Friend in Need", she cuts the heads of 4 Mandolorians off..at the same time. That one was tough to explain to my 5year old. It would be cool if toward the end of the series, she turns to the darkside and Anakin is forced to kill her. Would actually flesh out Anakin's eventual turn as well.

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The Clone Wars are to me what the prequels should have been. The show does have it's childish moments, it is a show aimed at kids of course so that is to be expected, but because I am able to put myself in the mental state I had 10 years ago, I am able to enjoy this show. At first I thought it was stupid when I saw the movie (Actually the show's pilot, but whatever) but over time the show's quality improved and I started enjoying it.


Is it my favourite show? Not by a long shot, but between Boardwalk Empire and House it's nice to have something to just watch just because it's kinda fun, I mostly watch rather dark and serious shows, so having something to lighten the mood is a good balancing act.


And objectively speaking, the show improved by a lot around late season 2 and season 3, becoming much more adult friendly for lack of a better term, it got darker but didn't go overboard and I think that strengthened the show.


So I'm taking off my cynical old school Star Wars fan pants (I may only be 21 but I grew up during the late 70's and 80's in spirit) and I am saying: I like the Clone Wars for what it is, a mostly lighthhearted and fun show.

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The Clone Wars are to me what the prequels should have been. The show does have it's childish moments, it is a show aimed at kids of course so that is to be expected, but because I am able to put myself in the mental state I had 10 years ago, I am able to enjoy this show. At first I thought it was stupid when I saw the movie (Actually the show's pilot, but whatever) but over time the show's quality improved and I started enjoying it.


Is it my favourite show? Not by a long shot, but between Boardwalk Empire and House it's nice to have something to just watch just because it's kinda fun, I mostly watch rather dark and serious shows, so having something to lighten the mood is a good balancing act.


And objectively speaking, the show improved by a lot around late season 2 and season 3, becoming much more adult friendly for lack of a better term, it got darker but didn't go overboard and I think that strengthened the show.


So I'm taking off my cynical old school Star Wars fan pants (I may only be 21 but I grew up during the late 70's and 80's in spirit) and I am saying: I like the Clone Wars for what it is, a mostly lighthhearted and fun show.


I will say that some of the stuff is interesting, but I don't get how Anakin can have a patawan. It doesn't make a lot of sense.

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I will say that some of the stuff is interesting, but I don't get how Anakin can have a patawan. It doesn't make a lot of sense.


He is a Knight, normally you can not become a Master untill you have trained a Padawan, if memory serves. It's been a while since I read up on that part of lore so if someone ends up correcting me I won't be surprised.


And speaking of Ahsoka. I absolutely hated her at first, I thought she was most of what was wrong with the movie, but over time she grew on me and has come more into her own as a character. I'm also glad the changed her model/outfit, as the old one was a bit too jailbaity for my tastes.

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I will say that some of the stuff is interesting, but I don't get how Anakin can have a patawan. It doesn't make a lot of sense.


Anakin was no longer an apprentice himeself, so the council assigned him one.

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The Clone Wars are to me what the prequels should have been.


This. The relationship between Anakin and Obi-Wan and their personalities are excellent. Its much closer to how I believed they should have been in the movies. The stories are also really well done. I appreciate that they don't pull any punches and its still a pretty mature show. As the show has progressed it has only gotten better. The only thing I take real exception to is the episode where they meet the embodiment of the force (I can't remember the name of the episode). Perhaps my favorite thing about the show though is the clone troopers. Its great to see a big part of the show go to non-force users. They get some great story lines. The show is a great example of what Star Wars could be without Lucas micromanaging everything. My understanding is he has the final say on a lot of it, but when the writing and story creation is left mainly in the hands of talented writers its possible to get something really cool.

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For the record, I'm talking about the CGI series and here are my reasons for liking the show:


-The action is spectacular. The creators of this show are able to put a lot of detail in the action scenes without making the audience confused.


I agree completely.


-The stories are unique.


That they are, but I think a few story lines have botched up somewhat.

I thought the Mortis Trilogy Episode arc ultimately was completely pointless.


-The clones are actual people now as opposed to how they were in the dumb micro-series. It's one of the main reasons people like this show and one of the main reason I like it as well.


This is primary reason I like the show. It's quite amazing how 1 voice actor can portray that many different personalities from what Is basically 1 guy.

The Krell story arc Is by far my favorite story from the series, It really showed all the Clone Troopers in a much more humane way, and showed that they were pretty far from "biological droids". Hell, by the end of the last Episode in the Krell arc, I was rooting for Rex, and Fives to not follow through If they made It as far as Order 66 being issued.


-Anakin is heroic and likable. The Anakin in this show is more like the Anakin that was described in A New Hope. It shows Obi-Wan and Anakin as close friends, rather than two guys arguing with each other all the time.


Definitely, this Is the Anakin we should have seen in Episode 3.


-It's got that classic Star Wars feel.


Couldn't agree more.

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-Anakin is heroic and likable. The Anakin in this show is more like the Anakin that was described in A New Hope. It shows Obi-Wan and Anakin as close friends, rather than two guys arguing with each other all the time.


I don't totally agree with that assessment. I of course agree that the portrayal of Anakin in the Clone Wars series is being done properly. But by the time of Episode 3 (which obviously takes place after the Clone Wars series going on now), Palpatine had been subtly influencing Anakin for quite some time, and he was clearly on the fast track towards going to the dark side. So by the time of Episode 3, the interaction between Anakin and Obi-Wan would be getting more tense and strained. So the frequent arguing between them would be logical.


Also, if you noticed, Anakin and Obi-Wan frequently argue in the Clone Wars series, although it is more like friendly bickering. By the time of the movie, when Anakin is getting darker, that friendly bickering would be turning into more heated arguing.


Edited to add: I forgot to mention that I definitely like the Clone Wars series. I didn't get to see much of it when it came out, so I bought the movie and the 1st 3 seasons on blu-ray. I'm waiting to get season 4 when that comes out. As for Ashoka, I don't know why anyone disliked her in the beginning. I really liked her even from the beginning, in the movie. I just love her cocky, smart-aleck attitude. Like I mentioned in SWTOR chat the other day when someone said Ashoka is "crazier than Anakin," I said something to the effect that she may be crazier than Anakin, but she doesn't have his darkness, which makes her really interesting. What I thought REALLY hilarious is how the Jedi Council assigned a Padawan to Anakin with the intent of settling him down, but that apprentice is even more reckless than Anakin. Of course, this is all just my own opinion.



Edited by Eldartank
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Pretty much the action to be honest. That and back stories. The Clone Wars series has filled in many un answered questions. It also makes me wish that Asaaj was in the film at some point. He he. Another thing is that it's Star Wars! It's been years since we've had a film release in the series. Anything to keep the Saga going is good in my books.
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Why do I like the Clone Wars? Bunch of reasons.


1: The Clones. They get fleshed out in really amazing ways; it's really hard sometimes to go back to see the 2D series and see how fast the clones get *** pwned like cannon fodder. Not much else to say except you really feel for these guys and wish they got a better fate than becmoing Palpatine's red (white?) shirts.


2: Action. The action in TCW, while certainly including a bit too many 'forgot about the Force' moments, is not only much better scaled that you can believe that Jedi can be killed, but also it's usually well balanced and the droids can still rake up a high enough body count to make you uncomfortable when there's snipers taking shots at Ahsoka or Rex.


3: Anakin's portrayal. Here, he's portrayed as a generally heroic character, but he has dark side moments that stand out approperiately and he comes off much more as a hero who's wondering how far he has to go. And he's willing to go quite far to protect his friends.


4: Good writing. TCW is a hit and miss series; when it hits, it makes you wish every episode was like it. When it misses, even the diehard fans of the show have to cringe. I've always felt that a lot of the early failure was a mix of the writers being awkward and still getting used to writing the series and the movie litterally being three episodes slung together for the theaters. Once TCW found its niche, it really scored well.


5: Mortis Arc. I know someone voiced it was pointless, but it also highlighted a lot of key concepts in the characters. None of them will abandon each other. Anakin will do whatever it takes to protect his friends and, in the end, would do dark things for the good of all. (In fact, Revan was supposed to make a Force Ghost-ish appearance in the arc, but it was cut. In a later arc similar to it, I'd like to see Anakin 'facing the mirror' in the form of Revan. The two are a lot alike...)


6: The tie-in novels. Say what you will about Traviss, "No Prisoners" was easily her crowning moment. She deconstructed the entire Clone Wars and hung lampshades that I can't get out of my head (IE, Pellaeon's thoughts on padawans like Ahsoka, often fresh from the Jedi Temple, being commanders, the fact that these kids forced to be officers are older than the troops (who are visibly adult) they're leading, etc. etc.). I would recomend the novel "No Prisoners" to any TCW fan, if you like Traviss or not, because that novel really summed up how karked up the Clone Wars were when you seriously think about it.


All in all, TCW is a good series. It has its ups and downs, but it's overall come out well. I think it can easily be characterized by Ahsoka and Rex's character development. Ahsoka started out with overconfidence and even arrogence, but it got toned down as she matured. In a sense, it's like the show: Had some brazen/weird moments early, but then settled down into a more mature way. Then Rex; started out as by the book, but by late Season 3/Season 4, he's not only as improvisional as Anakin was, he's as willing as Anakin is to call orders out. So the show's grown a nice beard (as they say on TV Tropes).


Some of the issues probably are writer dependant; not so great that you'd think it's not the same character (usually; from the Let's Play that I watched Ahsoka's portrayal in "Republic Heroes", which starts immediately after the Ryloth arc, you'd have a tough time differing her from a karking Sith Warrior from how much of a blood knight she was written as!), but most of the issues are more in the nuance now rather than the obvious.

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I like it because the Anakin and Obi friend thing is how it should be, the way Obi described it in ANH.


Otherwise, it looks like this:


Obi "He was the best starpilot in the galaxy, and a cunning warrior. And he was a good friend."


*looks back to episodes 2 and 3, realising what a whiney, annoying, desperate, murdering ***** he was*


... yeah, I think if he was asked about Anakin at some point these days, he would change the subject and keep quiet.

Edited by JJDunn
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All good points; figured I would repost this here as it more or less states why I prefer the CGI series to the animated one.


Please note, my original post was in response to the question whether we view the old (Animated Series) or new (CGI Series) as Star Wars cannon and to explain our response. Not exactlly on topic but one that I feel would work in this thread.



-------OLD POST------


Reason for my choice is because I can not stand OP characters in ANY form.


Now it is true that the CGI version does have its far share of op moments; as mentioned above with Ashoka vs Grevious; but all that pales (imo) to the scenes from the animated version.


The one part were mace windu pretty much destroys an entire droid army single handedly; with his BARE HANDS no less; then takes out the droid super weapon in three seconds, followed by him force leaping to a nearby mountain top to get a drink is the most enraging.


That scene played out more like a Jedi Mountain Dew commercial than a cannonicly (sp?) accurate take on the Star Wars lore.


Also that scene with Grevious taking on the four (or was it five) jedi was a little over the top as well; espcecially when the cartoon show more or less tells the audience that General Grevious > the Star Wars version of an attack helicopter.


The animated version of the Clone Wars to me, sits on the same leve as the Force Unleashed video games. Pretty much a fanboy-ish take on jedi / sith and force powers in general.


I mean if mace windu was really that powerful then why even bother with the clone army? Just send him to each seperatist planet, and watch as he would proceed to faceroll the entire enemy army by himself.


More or less the animated clone wars series and the force unleashed games has given me a deep seated hatred of force users in general.


The whole: "Well, I have the Force so I automatically win at everything." veiwpoint is frustrating to me, and (IMO) does not match the way Jedi / Sith were portrayed in the OT.


/end nerd rage filled rant


----END OLD POST------


One other thing I thought I would bring up concerning the GCI Clone Wars, however is the fact that the droids are mentally handicapped. I know I am stated as being against anything OP in a work of fiction but the opposite remains true as well.


Numerous times on the show Ashoka, Padme, Jar Jar, or some other character has confused droids about to capture them. Examples include but are not limited to pretending to be a bad guy with appropriate clearence, cause the droid to argue with each other and then slip by unnoticed, and sometimes even scaring the robots.


Granted this is a children's show and the droids operated the same way in Episode 3, but the fact that characters could bluff thier way past robots specifically designed and programed for the sole purpose of war is stretching it a little bit.


The most common explanation for this behavior is that the mass production of the droids have resulted in lower intelligence overall. While I can see this side to the subject; wouldn't the droids be more likely to shoot people on sight then ask questions, considering their function as BATTLE Droids.


The fact that Lucas gave the droids a "personality" in the form of having an actual personality detracts from the whole Clone Wars series as a whole (IMO). Not only because it makes the bad guys look like bumbling idiots, but it also doesn't speak very well of the Republic if it took them soooo long to win the war in the first place.


Maybe it's just my preference to robots like: The Terminator, or Warhammer 40K's Necrons that sets me against the light hearted CIS, but still the fact that they (droids) are called BATTLE DROIDS seems to detract from the seperatists over all.


Overall the CGI clone wars is much prefered vs the PT and the animated series, and; like stated above; I love the humanizing done to the clone, and Anikan's and Obi Wan's friendship. Now if only they could work on the droid army in general.

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I like it for different reasons, one being I am a fan of animation and another being I love Star Wars, but it has a lot that appeals to me from their style to their intent, to their stories, to their concepts, and a lot more.


Its not perfection incarnate from the heavens. However, it is pretty impressive.


Once TCW is over I would love a spin-off set in The Old Republic to tell more stories and have more Sith and Jedi. :wea_03:

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I like it for different reasons, one being I am a fan of animation and another being I love Star Wars, but it has a lot that appeals to me from their style to their intent, to their stories, to their concepts, and a lot more.


Its not perfection incarnate from the heavens. However, it is pretty impressive.


Once TCW is over I would love a spin-off set in The Old Republic to tell more stories and have more Sith and Jedi. :wea_03:


and Vanguards punching out Sith Lords with the Gut ability? Ca'mon, nothing more hilarious than a Sith Warrior going all dark side rage then getting gutted because a (non-Mando) Republic Trooper Vanguard decided to be pragmatic and bring a Beskar vibroknife :p

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I do not like it so much. Many episodes are ok and a few are really good, but also many are really crappy. I think the first clone wars animated series was way better. It captured the spirit more, and in less time with an unusual drawing style.


Did you ever see the animated series Samurai Jack? That was an awesome series, and the artist who did the animation for that series is the same one who did the animation for the animated Clone Wars series. If you ever see Samurai Jack, you will definitely recognize the style of the animation.

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I also love TCW I just wish that they spent less time on Anakin and obi wan and more time on jedi like Ayla or Shaak TI. Ashoka is also okay as a focus just when it devolves her personality and character. That latest esp. with her and that other kid was god awful though... I mean she threw away galactic peace for ONE person it completely out of whack from her personality.
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I also love TCW I just wish that they spent less time on Anakin and obi wan and more time on jedi like Ayla or Shaak TI. Ashoka is also okay as a focus just when it devolves her personality and character. That latest esp. with her and that other kid was god awful though... I mean she threw away galactic peace for ONE person it completely out of whack from her personality.


To be honest, the entire set up of that story should of taken longer. Keep in mind, Padme said that Ahsoka needed to do what she could, and I think they implied the talks weren't going to go anywhere anyways. What really got me was that Satine was unusually quiet. One would expect her to step in and say, in regards to Lux barging in, "I will enforce the peace, not either side."


Again, I blame sloppy writing of the set up than the actual character. At least Ahsoka wasn't using her lightsaber; that'd of really screwed the entire thing up. Other than that quibble, the ep was pretty good.

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To be honest, the entire set up of that story should of taken longer. Keep in mind, Padme said that Ahsoka needed to do what she could, and I think they implied the talks weren't going to go anywhere anyways. What really got me was that Satine was unusually quiet. One would expect her to step in and say, in regards to Lux barging in, "I will enforce the peace, not either side."


Again, I blame sloppy writing of the set up than the actual character. At least Ahsoka wasn't using her lightsaber; that'd of really screwed the entire thing up. Other than that quibble, the ep was pretty good.


well when you put it that way the eps it a lot less cheesy.

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For me, i love how it shines light on all the other jedi in the galaxy and not just the ones from the prequals. Watches all episodes as of this date and i really like it. The episode writing can be a hit or miss, kind of disapointing when you wait a week for the next episode and its something completley irrelivent and boring.
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I watched many seasons till i lost track somewhere at season 3 or 4. Basically it felt Star Warsky and i really liked the characters. If i remember right, the series pick up on maturity content after season3 with alot of "punishment" and dark-side influence and i liked it even more!



but like i said i lost track of it and not sure which episodes i stopped at.

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I had a hard time with TCW, and initially i did dismiss TCW.


I mean Ahsoka Tano really goes from brat girl to annoying brat girl.

Clone Troopers seem to be totally *derp*

And don't get me started on the inconsequently of the ...how to put this...."fighting strength?" of all Jedis.


At one point Anakin drops his weapon and surrenders because they are "too many" (7 Droids). Just to rush and crush 30 at once in the next scene with no effort. This happens a lot. And no, this was not planned to get to the leader.


Next Jedi powers....at one point ahsoka fears to "fall" down a gap of 15 meters just to deliberately jump from a 600 meter cliff and force lands safely with no sweat. :rolleyes:


(yes yes i know it made for kids). Still they could have been more subtle with this stuff happening.




Anyway, the character really do grow, and for the first time in the whole SW Franchise (for me) Anakin (or a main lead role) did turn out to be a really great character.


I really couldn't understand Anakin at all in the first three movies, he always seemed like a total spoiled brat with next to zero humility. But in TCW he has time to really show his emotions and motives. He does not demand all the fame, to be the biggest, he just does what he thinks is right for the cause and fights against his emotions, like protecting his padawan when he really is not supposed to do.


In short, i really like TCW Anakin, and thus a main role :D, and his sidekick didn't turn out to be that much "brat" after a while.


And the clone Troopers? Well still to much *derp* but they get along. I'd take those over cthreeepeeeooohhh and arrrrrghtwwo episodes any day. :t_tongue:



Looking so much forward to the end of Season 4 and start of season 5.

Edited by -sasori
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