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George Lucas Retires from Star Wars


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Oh, you mean like tweaking Empire Strikes Back, which Lucas has been quoted by Irvin Kershner as calling "Irvin's film," or tweaking Return of the Jedi, which was directed by Richard Marquand, and which Lucas has stated his only directorial involvement was advising on special effects? Is that the kind of tweaking of other people's films you're referring to?


Sorry, but both Kershner and Marquand have been quoted as calling them Lucas' films. Nor does directing make it "your" film. Lucas was heavily involved with both movies from start to finish, he hired everyone who made the movies, they were based on his story treatments and he had final say on all scripts, and decisions. He paid for everything, and even from a legal standpoint he owns them. They are George Lucas' movies in every sense of the word and it's exactly the sort of fallacy you're spewing that I find so wrong-headed.


So nope. Nowhere within a kazillion miles of the sort of tweaking I'm talking about. Night and day difference.



I've watched those same extras, and I'm sorry, but you're full of it. The exasperation was pretty damn evident on the set. Maybe he tweaked one specific image for spin, but it doesn't change the underlying fact that Lucas annoyed the crap out of his crew, and you can see them visibly swallowing their pride while trying to put up with his bs.


Oh come on now. You're extrapolating quite a lot there. Which again, is the sort of BS that goes beyond an honest "I don't like what George Lucas is doing these days" and becomes nothing a but bitter angry fairytale by someone with an axe to grind. You know, like Plinkett's so-called "review."

Edited by Jmannseelo
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George Lucas is a child. Worse, he's a child throwing a temper tantrum.


Fact is, he made up an awesome universe, and, when there were people to reel back his more stupid ideas, he made a decent movie (The Empire Strikes Back, ftw!).


But then a bunch of far-more-talented writers started playing in his universe and doing MUCH better jobs at it (Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, Aaron Allston...). Those guys, the authors of the EU made Star Wars the mega-awesome, incredibly alive, and amazing universe that it is today. Those guys are why people are still hard-core fanatics about Star Wars.


Most Star Wars fans will tell you they hate George Lucas. Why? Because he has a lot of really stupid ideas, and he's completely disconnected with his audience (i.e. - Gungans, Ewoks, and Midichlorians).


He was throwing a tantrum with the prequels. He was basically saying, "No! These are my toys! And, I don't care that you've all done amazing things with them, they're mine. And, I'm going to do what I want with them! And, there's nothing you can do about it! Neener, neener, neener!"


And, nobody could reign him in this time.


He's the worst kind of "artist." He's the kind of artist who doesn't trust his audience, who doesn't think his audience is smart enough to get his story. He doesn't realize that once you publish or produce a work it's not "yours" anymore. Not in the strictest sense, anyway. Good writing will mean something slightly different to each person experiencing it. With the prequels, we got to see just what kind of writer Lucas was with such wonderfully cardboard lines as:


"...I have trained you since you were a small boy." Obi-Wan says this to Anakin in ROTS, like he's talking to a stranger. Like he has to explain to Anakin that they've been hanging out for the past 20 years, practically living together, forming an almost father/son relationship. Like Anakin doesn't know who Obi-Wan is or why he should listen to him.




"My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count." Are we watching DragonBall Z? Does Anakin have some kind of Force-o-Meter to tell him how good he is? Nobody would say that!


Mr. Lucas is breaking a fundamental rule of good writing. He's using dialogue for exposition. His characters are literally describing things in their world for the audience. Instead of letting the action tell us how ****** Anakin is, he has his character come out and quantify it for us. Instead of trusting the audience to know who Obi-Wan and Anakin are by the time ROTS comes out, he has one of his characters come out and say it. This is stuff you learn in Creative Writing 101. One doesn't use dialogue for exposition. It's bad writing, and it's insulting to your audience.


It's not enough that he makes boatloads of money off of every book/toy/videogame/comic/idea that has anything to do with Star Wars, he has to pull his wang out and remind everyone that it was his idea to start with. It's not enough that he's raking in cash off of people far more talented than he. It's not enough that people still love Star Wars because of these more talented people and the stories they've told within that universe. He can't just sit back and watch this beautiful universe unfold and grow and expand. He's got to remind everyone that it's not how he would have done it, and therefore, it's not "official."


Well, Mr. Lucas, if you had kept it all to yourself; if you had told the story the way you wanted to, nobody would ever have read/watched it. You wouldn't have an infinite revenue stream. You wouldn't have Skywalker Ranch. You wouldn't have everything you have now. You'd be that nerd in a basement writing stories and making movies for his Mom as she reads and watches patiently, knowing they're terrible but massaging your ego anyway because you don't have any friends.


Good, you're "retiring." Maybe now the universe will be just a little less stupid. Maybe now we won't have to endure things like beloved characters being killed off because you don't trust your audience to know the difference between Anakin Skywalker and Anakin Solo (because no two people in any universe have ever shared a name, George /sarcasm). Maybe now we won't have to endure gungans or the idea that teddy bears with sticks and rocks could defeat an army of trained and battle-hardened STORMTROOPERS wearing armor designed to deflect small-grade blaster fire.


You know why you get hate-mail George? It's because you're that spoiled kid everyone knew growing up. You're the kid nobody wanted to play with after about half an hour because nobody would play the way you wanted them to. You get hate-mail because even though you're that jerk, you make unlimited amounts of money. You reap the rewards of those better suited to tell this story than you, and you're upset about it! You sit on a pile of money that you don't have to work for and then have the audacity to complain about and degrade the way that money gets there.


Sure, you created the universe, bully for you. We'd like you better if you weren't such a dick about it.






What he said George Lucas. You suck and need to piss off and thanks for ruining the disastrous prequels, lol, gawd they were bad.

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Sorry, but both Kershner and Marquand have been quoted as calling them Lucas' films. Nor does directing make it "your" film. Lucas was heavily involved with both movies from start to finish, he hired everyone who made the movies, they were based on his story treatments and he had final say on all scripts, and decisions. He paid for everything, and even from a legal standpoint he owns them. They are George Lucas' movies in every sense of the word and it's exactly the sort of fallacy you're spewing that I find so wrong-headed.


So nope. Nowhere within a kazillion miles of the sort of tweaking I'm talking about. Night and day difference.

It's becoming clear to me that your understanding of this topic is at best limited.


Oh come on now. You're extrapolating quite a lot there. Which again, is the sort of BS that goes beyond an honest "I don't like what George Lucas is doing these days" and becomes nothing a but bitter angry fairytale by someone with an axe to grind. You know, like Plinkett's so-called "review."

You know, the reviews of Red Tails basically cite its overemphasis on visual effects over story and character development. Sound familiar?

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cant believe how wrong this thread is. Lucas said he is only going to make the movies HE wants. and there is more important things to deal with then fanboys that can never be pleased. people that say 'make the movies WE want' are just needy,and the movies WE want might not be the movies other fans want. Im happy with what I got. just deal with it.
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The relative talent of the EU writers and that of Lucas is highly subjective - you cannot with any authority say that the EU writers are better than Lucas in all cases for all people.


I've read a number of EU stories, from various Han Solo books, to NJO and the like. Many are good books. I honestly can't think of any that compare to the sci-fi/fantasy greats, like Jordan, Tolkien, Gemmel, Feist, Eddings, etc. Nor any of the new wave of greats, like Hobb, Cannavan, Sanderson, Weeks, etc. Sure, they are solid books, and enjoyable, but are distinctly 'middle-ground' when it comes to story-telling. All of this is from MY perspective, based on MY tastes.


I've never been able to decide whether Lucas was a terrible writer or an absolute genius. After all, despite what seems to be incredibly wooden dialogue, and over-use of exposition in said dialogue, the films somehow -work-. They've been hugely successful.


Final point, throwing my lot in with the pro-Lucas crowd here. It's his damn story, and he should tell it how he wants to. He has absolutely NO obligation to some arbitrary greater good or bigger picture. He doesn't owe the fans a damn thing - he created a story, of which we paid for the privilege of viewing, and that's as far as the transaction goes, folks.



TL;DR - Self-style hardcore fans need to get their heads out of their arses, realise that they are not the only fans, nor the majority, realise that they don't have some special entitlement to how someone else writes their story, and that whilst their view on the EU stories may be that they are ZOMGBESTSTORIESEVA, that opinion does not necessarily reflect the opinion of others.

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It's becoming clear to me that your understanding of this topic is at best limited.


Says the guy who's understanding is limited to mindless Lucas bashing. Pot, meet kettle.


You know, the reviews of Red Tails basically cite its overemphasis on visual effects over story and character development. Sound familiar?


And they manage to do it without stooping to deliberately misleading cherry-picked quotes, unfounded character assassination and presenting opinion as fact. In short, negative or not, they are legitimate reviews.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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Says the guy who's understanding is limited to mindless Lucas bashing. Pot, meet kettle.

Thank you for proving my point. Generalization is a hallmark argument of the ignorant.


And they manage to do it without stooping to deliberately misleading cherry-picked quotes, unfounded character assassination and presenting opinion as fact. In short, negative or not, they are legitimate reviews.

You missed the point entirely.

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If there is any truth to be found within all of this, it's this;


"...you're going to find that many of the truths we cling to depend greatly on our own point of view."


The defenders of Lucas have a point with it being his sandbox to **** in, if he wants. The detractors have a point that the prequels are, indeed, crap. Disregarding the EU entirely, he breaks continuity so badly, and so often with the Original Trilogy that it's hard to believe the two are supposed to be linked.


To clarify, nobody on the detractor side of things is saying Lucas can't change the films. He obviously can do whatever he wants. They're saying he's been making nothing but bad decisions since he started messing with them, which is an opinion based on facts that can be proven. The only difference is the weight you put on things like continuity, character development, and emotional connection to a story.


The majority of what I've been seeing people on the defender side of things post is mostly "It's his movie, he can do what he wants." Which we're not even arguing about. I've yet to see anyone give an example that shows the prequels were good. I'll be honest, I did buy ROTS. The one thing I liked about it was the 45-minute saber fight. But, I like stunt-work and choreography. I also watch the videos for the LCC online (lightsaber choreography competition). But, I bought it in the discount bin at Walmart because I could find no other redeeming qualities to the movie.


So, challenge to the defenders, give us some examples where the dialogue wasn't atrocious. Give us some examples of real character development that isn't explained to us in dialogue. Go back and watch the original trilogy, then try to explain all the loopholes in continuity in the prequels.


Just sayin'.


And, all that being said, remember that Truth is subjective. Everything is perspective. And, you don't need to attack the person to refute the idea.


- Myk

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I can't believe how wrong this thread is. Lucas said he is only going to make the movies HE wants. And, there are more important things to deal with than fanboys that can never be pleased. People that say 'make the movies WE want' are just needy, and the movies WE want might not be the movies other fans want. I'm happy with what I got. Just deal with it.


Corrected the grammar and spelling because I have a problem...sorry.


But, to the point, we're not even arguing about this. Nobody said he can't do whatever he wants. He obviously can, and does, and will continue to do so.


- Myk

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Thank you for answering your own question.


Sorry, but "artist" isn't a job title. You're not only an artist while you're in the process of creating art. As long as you possess the talent and ability to create art, you're an artist.



The defenders of Lucas have a point with it being his sandbox to **** in, if he wants. The detractors have a point that the prequels are, indeed, crap.


...in their opinion. The detractors' opinion that the prequels are complete crap are just as valid as the opinions of those who think they were all amazing.


They're saying he's been making nothing but bad decisions since he started messing with them, which is an opinion based on facts that can be proven. The only difference is the weight you put on things like continuity, character development, and emotional connection to a story.


Again, "opinions based on facts that can be proven" sounds like you're trying to say that it's fact that the movies were bad. You might say something like "Fact: It was a bad idea to change Mandalorians," but no, that's still just opinion. So what are you left with? Opinions based on opinions of changes.


I've yet to see anyone give an example that shows the prequels were good.


I can honestly say that I can put on the entire Star Wars saga, 1 through 6, and enjoy all of it. There, my example that the prequels are good. I enjoy watching them just for what they are. I mean, do I need some sort of factual proof or some sort of quantifiable measure of the enjoyment I get out of them? I don't think so. If people enjoy the movie, then it's good.


If the re-release of the 3D movies turns out to be a dismal and catastrophic failure, like only a hundred tickets are sold across the States, then I suppose we can say that the movie is so bad that it can't sell tickets. But if hundreds of thousands of people go to see them (or whatever satisfies the "this movie did good" requirement), and it makes a ton of money, then perhaps we'll have to throw the movie in the "it's good, regardless of how many people think George Lucas is ruining the Expanded Universe."


So, challenge to the defenders, give us some examples where the dialogue wasn't atrocious. Give us some examples of real character development that isn't explained to us in dialogue. Go back and watch the original trilogy, then try to explain all the loopholes in continuity in the prequels.


Just sayin'.


Sorry, we're not clones. We don't all watch movies for the same reason. I like the fighting scenes. I like the space battles. I like seeing people get chopped apart. I love seeing Yoda use his lightsaber like a little freak. I like seeing Jango Fett's head getting lopped off and seeing Boba get all emo about it like that was his real dad. I like the podraces. I like Anakin being so pissed off he force-chokes his wife. I like duels above raging rivers of lava. I like Artoo not just being a slicing bucket, but having jets that let him fly. I like Order 66. I like armies of clones! I like the battle at Kashyyyk.


Character development? What was so great about the original trilogy in this regard? Everyone found out they were related and Han decides to be a good guy? Great, amazing. You know what I liked better than all that? Exploding Alderaan. The Rancor. Jabba. The Sarlaac that ate that emo guy. Vader blocking lasers with his hands. Han Solo being turned into a sidewalk. I could go on.


And continuity? Just... not that important to me. When something comes up that breaks continuity like "You served my father in the clone wars," my reaction isn't "UNBELIEVEABLE! How could Lucas make this crap?!" My reaction is more like "Ha, that's wrong, isn't it?"


Mistakes/retcons/whatever aren't game-breakers to me.

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Haters on a crusade. I like the prequels, but I'm not on some mission to make other people like them. I could care less...


I don't blame him for retiring. I hope we get to see some other people take on star wars and create some cool new content like the EU stuff. Who knows... Maybe if Lucas isn't involved the crusaders will relax. Wouldn't that be nice. :cool:

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I've never been able to decide whether Lucas was a terrible writer or an absolute genius. After all, despite what seems to be incredibly wooden dialogue, and over-use of exposition in said dialogue, the films somehow -work-. They've been hugely successful.



"Genius" and "Terrible writer" are not mutually exclusive terms. Both apply to Lucas.


When it comes to getting the image inside his head translated onto screen, Lucas is one of the all time great directors. In the fields of cinematography, special effects, film and sound technology, and the nitty gritty of crafting the look and feel of a film, "genius" is an inadequate term. The man is a $%^&-ing VISIONARY. It's almost impossible to overestimate how much impact he's had on the actual technical process of film making & set design during the last 4 decades.


But the man's limits as a storyteller or lead scriptwriter are pretty obvious when you watch the prequels. Murky and incoherent plots. Dialogue that wouldn't survive a creative writing seminar at a community college. Inexplicable actions by major characters. An outright intolerance for nuance & subtlety.


In more action oriented film's like those of the original trilogy these problems are overcome by keeping the lead characters heroic and constantly in action. We like Luke, Leia and Han, and can forgive their more leaden lines. But it all caught up with Lucas in the prequels, where he was also trying for genuine intrigue & tragedy.


The lead character is never really likable. And he's surrounded by people no more likable than he is. The bad guys do things that seem pretty dumb. The _good_ guys do things that are kind of morally depraved. There are awe-inspiring visuals and action scenes, but we never have any clear idea why any of the action on screen is taking place.

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To clarify, nobody on the detractor side of things is saying Lucas can't change the films. He obviously can do whatever he wants. They're saying he's been making nothing but bad decisions since he started messing with them, which is an opinion based on facts that can be proven.


No it isn't. It's an opinion based on opinion. The so-called "continuity errors" with the OT are nothing but nit-picky little things that are either easily explained or just don't matter. Luke "has a feeling" about Dagobah? Ok...he has a feeling about Dagobah. There is no need to come up with an onscreen resolution for that. Perhaps it's familiarity is just a matter of the Force. Leia vaguely remembers her mother? Well yeah, with her adopted family having been friends with her mom, and being raised in a political environment, I'm sure she's gotten a lot more subliminal reminders growing up. Pictures, holovids, etc.


Continuity "errors" with the EU aren't errors either. The EU just isn't important, that's all.


Emotional connection to characters...that's subjective. I felt an acute emotional connection to the characters, you obviously didn't. Who is right? I'd say both and neither of us. It's simply a matter of opinion.



So, challenge to the defenders, give us some examples where the dialogue wasn't atrocious.


Compared to the OT, practically all of it. Star Wars has never been known for it's sparkling dialogue.


Give us some examples of real character development that isn't explained to us in dialogue.


Here's a personal favorite of mine. I think it's very clever and subtle:


Ok, so Anakin has just chopped off Windu's hand, joined Sidious, been given the title Darth Vader, and is off to Mustafar to finish off the Separatists. At this point he seems very much on Sidious' side. He's killed younglings without question, he's sided with Sidious against the Jedi both in action and in talking to Padme, and very much seems on course as his apprentice. When he arrives on Mustafar to kill the leaders, Nute Gunray greets him as "Lord Vader."


Now let's pause a bit here. How does (from Anakin's perspective) Gunray know this? He's only just been given the title. The only person in the universe who could possibly know this is Sidious, and if Sidious was in communication with Gunray.......


Witness the lightbulb go off in Anakin's head, and the pieces all come together. Note that after he flies into a righteous fury, killing all and sunder, the next thing he does is stare out at the Mustafar surface, pondering and in tears. He knows that he's been had. He knows who it was who tricked him. And the final sign is (and here's your character development) when he openly talks to Padme of overthrowing Sidious. Any loyalty is out the window. The relationship has changed, without a word of exposition but everything shown on screen.


(And of course, this happens again when Sidious convinces Vader that he killed Padme, turning his rage and loathing inward and deflecting it away from himself.)


Go back and watch the original trilogy, then try to explain all the loopholes in continuity in the prequels.


Like I said, there is nothing inexplicable, only unexplained. And inconsequential plot points at that.



And, all that being said, remember that Truth is subjective. Everything is perspective. And, you don't need to attack the person to refute the idea.


- Myk


Which applies equally to George Lucas himself. A lesson that the Plinketts and his ilk could do well to learn.

Edited by Jmannseelo
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Han shot first.


I never forgave the fat bastard for changing that, you might say it was what turned me to the dark side... =p


The way I see it, there are plenty of writers that can do what he did better, after he kicked off the universe he became dead weight anyway.

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Did anyone see this coming? I mean I can understand him not feeling 'appreciated' for the work he's done, but come on. . .talk about passive aggressive nerd rage :rolleyes:


I thought this quote stuck out. . .




Your welcome for giving you so much money George. Thank you for not listening to your audience and giving us the versions of movies we wanted /sarcasm


Wow. You kinda made his point, eh?

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This was in another thread, and it belongs here too:


People's expectations were set way too high for the PT, which was for a completely different generation which is where most of the hate comes from. Expectations were set too high, and from there thats where it all went downhill for some people. But remember....those are just opinions, not fact its not Lucas's fault that people's expectations were set too high its their own fault but they don't wanna admit it.


The OT was made for the generation of the 70's/80's, the PT was made for the generation in the early 2000's its that simple. Blaming someone for ruining something, that isn't ruined is just really dumb if it was ruined there wouldn't be Star Wars anymore and people wouldn't be talking about it anymore. NOTHING is ruined, Star Wars is still going on and you know what?


Lucas worked his *** off to bring us this franchise, he had heart problems when he was filming the OT. There was problems with sets, models, things needed to be changed, money was going in all directions. In fact Star Wars was almost non-existent because of all those things, so saying that Luacs is "dumb" or "selfish" or what have you in my book is wrong.


Instead of complaining and whining people, go make your own franchise that changes the world(literally) and makes billions of dollars from nothing and then come back and tell me. Because at the start, Lucas only had a story and a dream.

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Sorry, but both Kershner and Marquand have been quoted as calling them Lucas' films. Nor does directing make it "your" film. Lucas was heavily involved with both movies from start to finish, he hired everyone who made the movies, they were based on his story treatments and he had final say on all scripts, and decisions. He paid for everything, and even from a legal standpoint he owns them. They are George Lucas' movies in every sense of the word and it's exactly the sort of fallacy you're spewing that I find so wrong-headed.


So nope. Nowhere within a kazillion miles of the sort of tweaking I'm talking about. Night and day difference.


First, find me these quotes of yours, because I know for a fact you're just making crap up. Because if you actually listen to ESB's commentary, Irvin Kershner explicitly states that Lucas declared ESB to be Irvin's film.


Second, on what planet are you living where directing has ever not made it your film?

  • Jaws - written by Peter Benchley and Carl Gottlieb, Produced by David Brown and Richard D. Zanuck, DIRECTED BY STEPHEN SPIELBERG
  • Apollo 13 - written by William Broyles, Jr. and Al Reinert, Produced by Brian Grazer, DIRECTED BY RON HOWARD
  • Transformers - written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, Produced by Ian Bryce, Tom DeSanto, Lorenzo di Bonaventura and Don Murphy, DIRECTED BY MICHAEL BAY
  • Batman - written by Sam Hamm, Warren Skaaren, Produced by Peter Guber, Jon Peters, Benjamin Melniker, Michael Uslan, DIRECTED BY TIM BURTON


I picked these films at random as the first ones I pulled up where the director wasn't also the writer or producer. By the by, since it's a producer's job to "hire everyone who made those movies", why don't you know any of those producers? Or since they came up with story, why don't you know any of those writers? Oh right, because they're not their films.


Just because Lucas has gotten away with 30 years of spin doesn't mean those films are his and his alone.


Oh come on now. You're extrapolating quite a lot there. Which again, is the sort of BS that goes beyond an honest "I don't like what George Lucas is doing these days" and becomes nothing a but bitter angry fairytale by someone with an axe to grind. You know, like Plinkett's so-called "review."


Stop trying to handwave your way out of a valid point. I haven't even touched the subject of "what George Lucas is doing these days." All I have done is provided counterpoints to your arguments that Plinkett is pure spin. You whined that Plinkett misrepresented the conditions on the set by taking a snippet and twisting it. I showed you an unedited behind the scenes clip that validates his comment. In what way is that BS?


(I should also point out that was the very first behind-the-scenes clip I came across. It's pretty bad that it took me so little time to find video of his crew getting annoyed with him.)

Edited by PeepsMcJuggs
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Now let's pause a bit here. How does (from Anakin's perspective) Gunray know this? He's only just been given the title. The only person in the universe who could possibly know this is Sidious, and if Sidious was in communication with Gunray.......


Ummm....why is Anakin supposed to be shocked that Gunray is a (now disposable) tool of Sidious?


Anakin & Obi-Wan have know Sidious is somehow behind the Civil War for quite a while at this point. And they've known specifically of the Gunray-Sidious link all the way back to Episode 1. Palpatine has already unmasked himself as Sidious....and told Anakin exactly where the Separatists are hiding..which he knows _because_ he's SIDIOUS!


Maybe with some rewriting this might have been a viable way of handling this scene for tragic effect. But as written, Anakin's lack of loyalty to Sidious just comes across as more emo whining & arrogance of the sort that Anakin displays constantly in Ep2&3. Its more of the same, not "character development".

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**** if I care, good.


He's already going to release ALL OF THE MOVIES IN 3D, like the other 38 versions of all of them was a bit short of his goal. He already takes ***** in a toilet made out of gold plated 100 dollar bills, and gets money simply because this forum exists.


Hell he barely even created Star Wars, he just took **** from like 4 different old stories and mashed them together with lasers. Granted, it was ****** and still rules, but you get my point.






You know what I REALLY care about?


He *********** remade the Tuskegee Airmen, are you *********** KIDDING ME? Since when do you just pick a fantastic movie about an amazing inspirational historical subject (that has *********** Cuba Gooding Jr. in it to boot) and just go "nah I'm gunna jazz this up, it's not what I want".


The very audacity of someone to do that is beyond me.

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