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George Lucas Retires from Star Wars


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Did anyone see this coming? I mean I can understand him not feeling 'appreciated' for the work he's done, but come on. . .talk about passive aggressive nerd rage :rolleyes:


I thought this quote stuck out. . .


I think there are a lot more important things in the world than feuds with fanboys, Lucas says with a kind of weary diffidence.


Your welcome for giving you so much money George. Thank you for not listening to your audience and giving us the versions of movies we wanted /sarcasm

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Best news I have heard in a long time. Lucas lost his way with the franchise. He didn't even research his own movies when making the new ones. All kinds of continuity issues. The Phantom Menace was the worst movie I have ever seen. To this day I can not watch it.
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George Lucas is a child. Worse, he's a child throwing a temper tantrum.


Fact is, he made up an awesome universe, and, when there were people to reel back his more stupid ideas, he made a decent movie (The Empire Strikes Back, ftw!).


But then a bunch of far-more-talented writers started playing in his universe and doing MUCH better jobs at it (Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, Aaron Allston...). Those guys, the authors of the EU made Star Wars the mega-awesome, incredibly alive, and amazing universe that it is today. Those guys are why people are still hard-core fanatics about Star Wars.


Most Star Wars fans will tell you they hate George Lucas. Why? Because he has a lot of really stupid ideas, and he's completely disconnected with his audience (i.e. - Gungans, Ewoks, and Midichlorians).


He was throwing a tantrum with the prequels. He was basically saying, "No! These are my toys! And, I don't care that you've all done amazing things with them, they're mine. And, I'm going to do what I want with them! And, there's nothing you can do about it! Neener, neener, neener!"


And, nobody could reign him in this time.


He's the worst kind of "artist." He's the kind of artist who doesn't trust his audience, who doesn't think his audience is smart enough to get his story. He doesn't realize that once you publish or produce a work it's not "yours" anymore. Not in the strictest sense, anyway. Good writing will mean something slightly different to each person experiencing it. With the prequels, we got to see just what kind of writer Lucas was with such wonderfully cardboard lines as:


"...I have trained you since you were a small boy." Obi-Wan says this to Anakin in ROTS, like he's talking to a stranger. Like he has to explain to Anakin that they've been hanging out for the past 20 years, practically living together, forming an almost father/son relationship. Like Anakin doesn't know who Obi-Wan is or why he should listen to him.




"My powers have doubled since the last time we met, Count." Are we watching DragonBall Z? Does Anakin have some kind of Force-o-Meter to tell him how good he is? Nobody would say that!


Mr. Lucas is breaking a fundamental rule of good writing. He's using dialogue for exposition. His characters are literally describing things in their world for the audience. Instead of letting the action tell us how ****** Anakin is, he has his character come out and quantify it for us. Instead of trusting the audience to know who Obi-Wan and Anakin are by the time ROTS comes out, he has one of his characters come out and say it. This is stuff you learn in Creative Writing 101. One doesn't use dialogue for exposition. It's bad writing, and it's insulting to your audience.


It's not enough that he makes boatloads of money off of every book/toy/videogame/comic/idea that has anything to do with Star Wars, he has to pull his wang out and remind everyone that it was his idea to start with. It's not enough that he's raking in cash off of people far more talented than he. It's not enough that people still love Star Wars because of these more talented people and the stories they've told within that universe. He can't just sit back and watch this beautiful universe unfold and grow and expand. He's got to remind everyone that it's not how he would have done it, and therefore, it's not "official."


Well, Mr. Lucas, if you had kept it all to yourself; if you had told the story the way you wanted to, nobody would ever have read/watched it. You wouldn't have an infinite revenue stream. You wouldn't have Skywalker Ranch. You wouldn't have everything you have now. You'd be that nerd in a basement writing stories and making movies for his Mom as she reads and watches patiently, knowing they're terrible but massaging your ego anyway because you don't have any friends.


Good, you're "retiring." Maybe now the universe will be just a little less stupid. Maybe now we won't have to endure things like beloved characters being killed off because you don't trust your audience to know the difference between Anakin Skywalker and Anakin Solo (because no two people in any universe have ever shared a name, George /sarcasm). Maybe now we won't have to endure gungans or the idea that teddy bears with sticks and rocks could defeat an army of trained and battle-hardened STORMTROOPERS wearing armor designed to deflect small-grade blaster fire.


You know why you get hate-mail George? It's because you're that spoiled kid everyone knew growing up. You're the kid nobody wanted to play with after about half an hour because nobody would play the way you wanted them to. You get hate-mail because even though you're that jerk, you make unlimited amounts of money. You reap the rewards of those better suited to tell this story than you, and you're upset about it! You sit on a pile of money that you don't have to work for and then have the audacity to complain about and degrade the way that money gets there.


Sure, you created the universe, bully for you. We'd like you better if you weren't such a dick about it.





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I read the article through the first 3 pages and then skimmed the rest. I'm convinced he just doesn't get it. It would have been more acceptable for him to do a remake with an entirely new cast and crew and subtle story variations than it was for him to go back and edit the original movies. Accept the fact that the original movies are going to be dated and tell a new story.
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You know why you get hate-mail George? It's because you're that spoiled kid everyone knew growing up.


And this, right here, sums up the hypocrisy of the so-called fans. Lucas is labelled as the "spoled kid," by a person who thinks that he somehow has some ownership over the franchise simply because he spent his own money (of his own free will, might I add) to watch a movie, read a book, and play a game.

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And this, right here, sums up the hypocrisy of the so-called fans. Lucas is labelled as the "spoled kid," by a person who thinks that he somehow has some ownership over the franchise simply because he spent his own money (of his own free will, might I add) to watch a movie, read a book, and play a game.


You, sir, have missed the point.


Good writing is "owned" by those who read it. That's why there are classes on Hemingway, and Faulkner. Those guys understood that once a story leaves your desk and is released unto the masses, it is no longer "yours" any more than it is "theirs." Those two would never come out and say, "But, I meant for it to be _______ " or "This is what I wanted for _______ ." They understood that a good story will mean any number of things dependent upon the person who reads it. Lucas does not. It's his thing, and nobody is playing with it the way he wants them to.


I never claimed ownership of anything, and you obviously only read what you wanted to of my post. It's not about fan ownership. It's about a man who let other people play in "his sandbox" and then got upset when they made a better sandcastle than he did. It's about a man who, like a spoiled child, threw a tantrum about it.

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I never claimed ownership of anything, and you obviously only read what you wanted to of my post. It's not about fan ownership. It's about a man who let other people play in "his sandbox" and then got upset when they made a better sandcastle than he did. It's about a man who, like a spoiled child, threw a tantrum about it.


QFT. TY for the universe George, but its about time you left it to the Zahns and the Stovers ect..(you know the people who can actually tell a good story.).

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You, sir, have missed the point.


Good writing is "owned" by those who read it. That's why there are classes on Hemingway, and Faulkner. Those guys understood that once a story leaves your desk and is released unto the masses, it is no longer "yours" any more than it is "theirs." Those two would never come out and say, "But, I meant for it to be _______ " or "This is what I wanted for _______ ." They understood that a good story will mean any number of things dependent upon the person who reads it. Lucas does not. It's his thing, and nobody is playing with it the way he wants them to.


I never claimed ownership of anything, and you obviously only read what you wanted to of my post. It's not about fan ownership. It's about a man who let other people play in "his sandbox" and then got upset when they made a better sandcastle than he did. It's about a man who, like a spoiled child, threw a tantrum about it.


You're right. I did mis-read what you were saying. My apologies. That being said, I still take exception to the assertion that "good writing is 'owned' by those who read it." It isn't. The interpretation of that writing is up to those who read it, true, but whether you interpreted it the way an author intended is, quite frankly, irrelevant. Regardless of whether the disconnect comes from the author failing to get his or her point across, or the reader (ironically, demonstrated by myself just now) failing to correctly understand what was written, the fact of the matter is the story belongs solely to the author, and no one else.


If no author had "true ownership" of his or her work, then no sequel of any work could ever be produced, because there will always be someone out there who will disagree with the author's premise. And if the disconnect comes from the author's inability to get things across to the reader properly, then why can't that author edit things to more correctly reflect what he or she was trying to say?


For instance, Lucas changed Han Solo to shooting second because he was uncomfortable with how Han was portrayed. He didn't want Han coming across as an amoral, almost sociopathic character. He wanted Han to be a good guy right from the beginning, and the way he originally shot it (and fans subsequently interpreted it) didn't give that impression. So, he changed it. Personally, I prefer the original. It gave Han more character growth, from heartless mercenary to reluctant hero to fully committed to a cause that spanned all three movies.


But it's not my call to make. It's Lucas'. He was making a movie paying homage to the serials of the 30s and 40s, and no good guy ever acted that way during that time. That wasn't what Lucas wanted Han to be portrayed as, so he "fixed" it. I don't like the change, but I can't say Lucas has no right to make it. If I dislike it enough, I simply don't buy anything with those changes. Otherwise, I shut up and pay it, knowing that there are enough things I like to outweigh the things I dislike.


The one thing I don't do, however, is continue to pay him money, then whine and moan about how he gets so much money from me whilst bashing him for what he makes.

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It goes without saying that George lucas did a beautiful thing. He created a world that we all love, till the day we die. We wouldn't have this awesome game without him. For that I am forever grateful.


While i agree he technically owns his writing, don't you guys agree that he has a responsibility to his fans to at least hear them out. There is an in between area where you can still carry creative license and please a majority of your fans. That's the beauty of respecting your fans. It's a symbiotic relationship of creativity. While technically he has every right to say, too bad it's my way or the highway, don't you guys think that's fundamentally not a very nice thing to do? After all the fans have done for him?

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It goes without saying that George lucas did a beautiful thing. He created a world that we all love, till the day we die. We wouldn't have this awesome game without him. For that I am forever grateful.


While i agree he technically owns his writing, don't you guys agree that he has a responsibility to his fans to at least hear them out. There is an in between area where you can still carry creative license and please a majority of your fans. That's the beauty of respecting your fans. It's a symbiotic relationship of creativity. While technically he has every right to say, too bad it's my way or the highway, don't you guys think that's fundamentally not a very nice thing to do? After all the fans have done for him?


What, exactly, have the fans done for him to warrant listening to them as to how his story should go? Have you actually read what people on this very board think are good ideas for a story? We have no idea what makes a good story. Most of the ideas we, as fans, come up with are tired, hackneyed, overly used plot devices that would get a story rejected by any editor out there in the publishing world. For God's sake, most of the so-called fans on this board think the Thrawn Trilogy is a brilliant piece of work. Somehow, it doesn't occur to them that it is absolutely idiotic a premise for anyone to study a piece of art and from that come up with an unbeatable battle plan. That would be like studying the Mona Lisa, and being able to defeat the Italian Army. These are the people Lucas should be listening to? There is nothing Lucas came up with that is worse than that plot device.


Even if every single idea we came up with somehow managed to be good ideas, which ones should he use? There isn't a concensus as to which ideas should be used and which should be ignored. So, now he's still going to "ignore" a portion of his fan base. Are they still justified in calling him arrogant and dismissive of his fan base?


I'm going to end this on one note: ask any professional author out there as to what story an aspiring author should write. Every single one of them will tell you, "Write the story you want to write." Not a single one of them will say, "Write the story that someone else wants you to write."

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George Lucas is a child. Worse, he's a child throwing a temper tantrum.


Fact is, he made up an awesome universe, and, when there were people to reel back his more stupid ideas, he made a decent movie (The Empire Strikes Back, ftw!).


So what your telling me is that your mad because the movie Lucas made did not pan out to what you imagined, WHOA welcome to life when have you ever seen a movie and were like"man thats a perfect version of what I had in mind" never. I happen to love all the star wars movies and understand them, yes if I made the movies I would have done things diffrently but I didnt creat this amazing fantasy world that everyone knows and loves. Yes there are things that might have been korny and kiddie. I will give you that I do find it hard to belive that a group of Storm troopers who are related to the group that wiped out the jedi, would be killed by small bear like animals with sticks and rocks. That being said I think your way to mad about this there movies and there all pretty good. The only thing that I think should have been done was more on Anikins turn to the dark side I think that was the main point of the pre's and the movies did not do a very goo job of this.

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The one thing I don't do, however, is continue to pay him money, then whine and moan about how he gets so much money from me whilst bashing him for what he makes.


Fantastic disarm, sir.


In any case, though. While your point of ownership of a work is a valid one, I believe my point still stands.


When George Lucas gave the okay for these other authors to begin forging stories in the galaxy he created, I believe he relinquished some modicum of control. Yes, he created the galaxy, but now that galaxy has grown and flourished on its own, and he can no longer say that it is all his. Legally, maybe he can. Ethically, I don’t think so. All things being perspective, there is certainly room for other schools of thought here, but I think we can agree that it is not really smart to purposefully anger your own audience.


The fact is, that, yes, George Lucas can do anything he wants. However, as you’ve pointed out, we don’t have to give him our money. And, I strongly believe that if he hadn’t allowed those better authors to build the galaxy up as it is now; if he kept the galaxy to himself, and gave us the story he wanted, he wouldn’t be where he is today (i.e. – sitting atop a giant stack of money and complaining about it).


He had a great idea. Then he opened it up to other authors and it grew beyond his scope. I think it annoyed him to no end that he didn’t get to name Coruscant or decide what it looked like. I think he was pissed that the fans knew more about his galaxy than he did when he went to start the prequels. I think, had he had his way, had nobody been there to say, “George…you’re going to lose every last one of them if you do this” we wouldn’t have seen Coruscant in the films. The EU is where the hard-core fans reside. It’s also home to some fantastic writing by some fantastic authors who’ve brought Star Wars to life in a way Lucas couldn’t and, evidently, won’t.


He degrades the EU as that thing that’s “neat” but it’s not the way he would have done it, and, therefore, inferior. He’s never read any of it, and doesn’t care that most of “his” fans only like Star Wars because of the EU. I guess, more than anything, it’d be nice to see him recognize the fact that this thing he created is bigger than he is, instead of being so condescending about authors and stories that are leaps and bounds better than he. It’s an injustice, in my eyes.


If there’s anything in the world that pushes my buttons, it’s injustice…and, the world’s chock full of it.


And, I don’t pay him for things that he makes then bash him for it. I end up paying him for things that other, better authors have made, and then have to listen to him be condescending about those other authors because they’re still writing in his world. That, I believe, is the source of a lot of...anger. The fact is; other authors have made better stories, but he still gets paid for them because it's his world they're writing in. If it were just him, you'd be 100% right, and nobody would have any cause to be upset. And, I wouldn't buy any of it because it'd be really stupid.


I love Star Wars, but hardly any of what I love is made by George Lucas. He gets my money by proxy. I come for great writing and a fantastic universe. I come for Stackpole and Zahn, for Mara Jade and Corran Horn, for compelling stories set in a fantastic galaxy far, far away. That's why I'm here. I'm not buying what he makes, then bashing him for it. I'm buying what others have made in a galaxy that he made up, and bashing him for being a poor writer, and a sore loser (even though he's winning).

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This is SAD!! He should make another star wars anyway and make it however he wants, last time I checked GEORGE LUCAS name was on it not anyone else's! You want to remember Star Wars the way it used to be then don't watch anything else he produce's. I truly hope George wake's up out his lil'slump with a F every single one of you that don't like it, attitude "It's MY MONEY" and makes another movie however he wants!!
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In the span of time between the original trilogy and the prequels, fans had been introduced to and fallen in love with authors and stories that were not made by George Lucas, but were set in his world. We grew to expect that caliber of story-telling in Star Wars based upon authors (not George Lucas) giving us great writing and fantastic stories.


So, we, being naive or foolish or hopeful, went into the prequels expecting a caliber of film that was at least on par with those other authors' works. Instead we got Gungans.


I watched the other two prequels like a person will watch a train-wreck.


For years, he sat back and made money off the work of other authors. The reason he was able to make the prequels any way he wanted to was because of those other authors and their fans. He was making money off the video games and books and comic books that he had little to nothing to do with other than saying, "sure, go make me more money!" He didn't do anything, but watch the money come in and watch his galaxy grow by the works of better story-tellers. Then he came back and said, "Thanks for all the money! I'm now going to degrade the works that made me all this money, and tell you all how I would have done it."


Yeah, he can do whatever the hell he wants. Yeah, I watched the prequels in the theater because I am foolishly optimistic. But, I didn't buy the DvDs of those movies. They were awful. He ends up getting my money because I love the galaxy he created, and the great authors that made it real. I'm not mad because he didn't write the movie the way I would have. I'm a little peeved that he can be so condescending toward a large group of fans that are only "his" fans because of a sandcastle someone else built in his sandbox.


It'd be like me building a canvas and painting a picture of a lake, having DaVinci and Michelangelo and a hundred other artists flesh out the surrounding scene, getting credit for their work because the idea was mine to start with, then turning around and saying their work doesn't have meaning because I created the lake around which they created their masterpieces.

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(Timothy Zahn, Mike Stackpole, Aaron Allston...)


I don't read a lot of books but I've read some Stackpole, and the way that he writes that all Correllians have no use for odds and other Star Wars stereotypes infuriates me in the same manner that him wanting to do his stories his way infuriates you.


He's a good writer but damn he can piss me off sometimes.


And... don't get me started on A.C. Crispin... With all her use of the ellipses... She should be charged every time she presses the period key...



Rant aside though, I'm of the opinion that it's his movie, and he can do what he wants with it. I'm an artist and sometimes a writer (hobby), and if a bunch of fans (if I had them) ever started telling me that I'm doing this or that wrong, I'd tell them to go to hell. I don't care who else wanted to come into my world and write things about it, at the end of the day, it's my choice.


I very much agree with this:

But my movie, with my name on it, that says I did it, needs to be the way I want it.
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In the span of time between the original trilogy and the prequels, fans had been introduced to and fallen in love with authors and stories that were not made by George Lucas, but were set in his world. We grew to expect that caliber of story-telling in Star Wars based upon authors (not George Lucas) giving us great writing and fantastic stories.


So, we, being naive or foolish or hopeful, went into the prequels expecting a caliber of film that was at least on par with those other authors' works. Instead we got Gungans.


I watched the other two prequels like a person will watch a train-wreck.


For years, he sat back and made money off the work of other authors. The reason he was able to make the prequels any way he wanted to was because of those other authors and their fans. He was making money off the video games and books and comic books that he had little to nothing to do with other than saying, "sure, go make me more money!" He didn't do anything, but watch the money come in and watch his galaxy grow by the works of better story-tellers. Then he came back and said, "Thanks for all the money! I'm now going to degrade the works that made me all this money, and tell you all how I would have done it."


Yeah, he can do whatever the hell he wants. Yeah, I watched the prequels in the theater because I am foolishly optimistic. But, I didn't buy the DvDs of those movies. They were awful. He ends up getting my money because I love the galaxy he created, and the great authors that made it real. I'm not mad because he didn't write the movie the way I would have. I'm a little peeved that he can be so condescending toward a large group of fans that are only "his" fans because of a sandcastle someone else built in his sandbox.


It'd be like me building a canvas and painting a picture of a lake, having DaVinci and Michelangelo and a hundred other artists flesh out the surrounding scene, getting credit for their work because the idea was mine to start with, then turning around and saying their work doesn't have meaning because I created the lake around which they created their masterpieces.


Your analogy is a little flawed. First of all, comparing Zahn and the rest of the EU authors to DaVinci and Michaelangelo is...a little over the top.


Second, you're not quite representing the situation accurately. It would be more like, you create a painting, complete with lake and lakeside. Other painters see your work, and ask if they can make their own works based on yours. You agree, and they create their own paintings of that same lake, only from different angles, points of view, times of day, etc.


While all this is going on, however, you've been looking at your own painting and thinking that something about it is wrong (for lack of a better word). You'd wanted to include a house on a hillside beside your lake when you originally painted it, but you lacked the brush that would allow you to paint one that would not have the house turn into a formless blob on the canvas. Then, at some point in the future, someone was able to make that brush for you. You rush out, buy it, and proceed to add that house you wanted in the first place.


That another painter had put a tower on that very spot you put the house is unfortunate, but ultimately irrelevant. The painting is yours, to do with as you see fit. The other painters have no right to tell you that the house doesn't belong there, since someone else put a tower on that spot already.

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Did anyone see this coming? I mean I can understand him not feeling 'appreciated' for the work he's done, but come on. . .talk about passive aggressive nerd rage :rolleyes:


I thought this quote stuck out. . .




Your welcome for giving you so much money George. Thank you for not listening to your audience and giving us the versions of movies we wanted /sarcasm


There could always be a positive out of this for SW francise. I hope someone outside makes the series.

Edited by DarthJopeous
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I don't think anyone can fairly say, "Star Wars is OURS, Lucas, hands off!" because that's just a little ridiculous.


What we -can- say is "Lucas, you ****ed up."


There are two approaches you can take to hating Lucas - you can hate him because he tried to re-do his own movies with the special editions, or you can hate him because he made the prequel trilogy so hilariously bad.


After 17 years, Lucas finally started writing the script for Episode 1. Seventeen years of expanded universe material he admits to not having read or even liking, seventeen years of nothing but merchandising, of barely even thinking about his own creation, save from throwing a bunch of empty, lifeless CG into his old movies. Old movies that many believe were perfect just the way they were, regardless of the producers opinion. If Lucas wanted to 'recreate his vision', truly, and not just add eye candy to appeal to a less mindful audience, then he would have literally remade them.


With the special editions, Lucas wasn't just stepping on his own toes, or the toes of 20 years of fandom, he was second-guessing himself and overwriting a lot of effort that IL&M and everyone else on the set put into those emmy award-winning creations. In that sense, I think he ****ed up. I honestly don't believe that Lucas sees in the original trilogy what everyone else sees. Maybe he did at one point, but not anymore. If you don't know what I'm talking about, look into some of the original plans he had for the movies. Some are just plain stupid.


With the prequel trilogy, they had good ideas. Lots of people, my friends included, and myself, say that Lucas is a good idea man. And he is. But like other people have said, he second-guesses himself. Even with the Force, in the original trilogy, we had one definition - "Its an energy field that surrounds us, binds us, and holds the galaxy together." (can't remember the exact quote, but) Obi-wan said it best, and for 20 years that's all we needed. New Lucas thought that the next generation wanted some kind of pseudo-scientologic definition for the force or we wouldn't buy into it. So now instead of it being mysterious, it's sentient mitochondria (Parasite Eve anyone?).


Other bad ideas: Pod racing. Anakin's entire development and involvement with the story. Most of the plot. Gungan language and Jar-jar (though I think if the language were altered the Gungans would be tolerable. Jar-jar wouldn't, though).


But there were plenty of great ideas, just implemented horribly - Darth Maul. Instantly iconic, but only had one line. The Galactic Senate, the Jedi Council, the various new worlds and technology - all pretty sweet (though how much hand he had in the aesthetics I don't know). General Grievous, and Queen Amidala were good characters, just maybe implemented badly. There were a lot of things he added to the universe in the prequel trilogy we don't often think about.


But from a movie-making standpoint, they were just bad movies. Lucas admitted he is a control-freak, and made the movies his own way, and wouldn't listen to anyone's input. So what people really loved and connected with in the original trilogy - the characters, the witty dialogue, the flow and pacing - completely absent from the prequels. Saying "oh, it's a movie about space wizards, what are you complaining about?" has absolutely no bearing in argument. The original trilogy was timeless because you can substitute the plot and characters into almost any setting and it would still be astounding. Special effects added a minimal amount to the storytelling. It helped with establishing the -setting-, but did it help us relate to and love the films? Absolutely not.


So on that account, Lucas ****ed up there too. I can't say I hate the guy, because he was largely responsible for the three best movies ever made. But I can say I hate what he's become, and that yes, he ****ed up.

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