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I wasn't a big fan of her. Her anarchist attitude didn't jive with my "get down to business" agent very well, from a looks standpoint she didn't appeal to me (Watcher 2 on the other hand...), and by the time I was in my mid-twenties I wasn't liking her as a combat companion as she'd die far too easily (no matter how I geared her).


I was very happy to finally get Vector, and from that point on I rarely ever pulled her out (mostly just for really tough boss fights where I needed a bit more defence than what Vector could handle). Now that I've got Scorpio, I don't ever see myself pulling Kaliyo out (whereas I can see reasons to have all of the other combat companions tag along with me).

Edited by saltorio
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Does anyone like her? Personality wise? Looks? She does not look that bad, but her attitude really ticks me off. What about you guys?


I can pinpoint exactly what her attitude is towards some choices - but overall, she's a rebel without a cause and chooses to live the free life no matter who's feelings she hurts. Honestly - I thin she would've been better suited as a smuggler companion.

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I hope the Legacy system will allow Sith Pureblood Imperial Agents just so that I can use the racial ability on her.

I refused her invitation for a drink 1st of all because I don't do bald chicks. But she talks too damn much and she deserves a good slap across the mouth, especially when she's insulting me.

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I hope the Legacy system will allow Sith Pureblood Imperial Agents just so that I can use the racial ability on her.

I refused her invitation for a drink 1st of all because I don't do bald chicks. But she talks too damn much and she deserves a good slap across the mouth, especially when she's insulting me.



i want to slap her so much.

she hates me for

letting watcher x live

and i thought she would be all up for that, with her mischief and all, but i guess it's because

he has her history records and stuff and she figured i let him live to get the snoop on her


frankly when she asks me to go see her friend, i might try and refuse the quest outright.


but hey, shes good for "girls night out" and stuff. but it stops there. id never trust her with anything outside combat, and even then i'd not be surprised if she all the sudden abandoned or turned on me for the right price.

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i want to slap her so much.

she hates me for

letting watcher x live

and i thought she would be all up for that, with her mischief and all, but i guess it's because

he has her history records and stuff and she figured i let him live to get the snoop on her


frankly when she asks me to go see her friend, i might try and refuse the quest outright.


but hey, shes good for "girls night out" and stuff. but it stops there. id never trust her with anything outside combat, and even then i'd not be surprised if she all the sudden abandoned or turned on me for the right price.


for me, that was one of those huge hints she gives out telling you "IT'S EITHER A CHUNK OF ALIGNMENT OR A CHUNK OF AFFECTION!" kaliyo seems very easy to read when you can gain or lose alot of points with her, I just sortof gave up on lightside to get affection now

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She's definitely grown on me a lot. When I first figured I'd be stuck with her after Hutta I assumed she'd be a bit of a pain in the rear. To be honest, her attitude's rubbed off on the way I play my agent, but I still don't hesitate to tick her off by being obedient and doing the job without any lip. I chuckle every time the -15 pops up. Still, I'll never regret telling Jadus to stick in his "dark side" just before he gets blown up, owe it all to Kaliyo. Plus, I'm pretty sure she hates RV just as much as I do.
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I hate her, and would dump her out the airlock without a spacesuit if I could. She is a gigantic liability - try backing out of her personal quests, and she'll blackmail you. Imperial Intelligence should not, by any means, tolerate her or her behavior.
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Is people complaining about Kaliyo? You must meet Khem Val. He compares you with his former master all the time.


Both Khem and Kaliyo are about violence. The thing is, Khem does so to devour the weak, whereas Kaliyo just does. There's no "good reason" for her to do so outside of some hedonist sadism. She's Jack from ME2 without all the angst and background that makes her interesting.


As I mention in another post, I enjoyed her on Hutta. Her anarchist attitude fit there. However, once she became part of Intelligence, it pissed me off that when I made choices that weren't in line with her likes while I was undercover and I lost affection points with her. I mean, dammit, woman! I'm working here! Moreover, WE'RE working here! I will say and do things that are going to get my job done. Seriously.

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Both Khem and Kaliyo are about violence. The thing is, Khem does so to devour the weak, whereas Kaliyo just does. There's no "good reason" for her to do so outside of some hedonist sadism. She's Jack from ME2 without all the angst and background that makes her interesting.


As I mention in another post, I enjoyed her on Hutta. Her anarchist attitude fit there. However, once she became part of Intelligence, it pissed me off that when I made choices that weren't in line with her likes while I was undercover and I lost affection points with her. I mean, dammit, woman! I'm working here! Moreover, WE'RE working here! I will say and do things that are going to get my job done. Seriously.



her family got stoned to death, she had to leave rattatak to escape their fate, she became a criminal just to survive



yeah, I'de kindof wanna kill everyone too...

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Both Khem and Kaliyo are about violence. The thing is, Khem does so to devour the weak, whereas Kaliyo just does. There's no "good reason" for her to do so outside of some hedonist sadism. She's Jack from ME2 without all the angst and background that makes her interesting.


As I mention in another post, I enjoyed her on Hutta. Her anarchist attitude fit there. However, once she became part of Intelligence, it pissed me off that when I made choices that weren't in line with her likes while I was undercover and I lost affection points with her. I mean, dammit, woman! I'm working here! Moreover, WE'RE working here! I will say and do things that are going to get my job done. Seriously.


Her behaviors and subtle differences in them indicate she may well have a reason. She definitely has those she see's as innocents who she disapproves of harming. There is clearly a moral compass of some sort as a result. They share similar traits and that's all I'm gonna say.


And what I really cannot understand why are people so infatuated with having their companions like every decision the make. A little disagreement is the psice of life.

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I'm in the absolutely hating her camp. Horribly obnoxious, bears no loyalty to anyone but her self. That "Death Marks Kaliyo" companion mission REALLY peeved me off:



Especially with the last kill who was a good looking girl who Kaliyo completely screwed over and left for dead. I really hoped I would be able to betray Kaliyo, put a blaster to her head, and have that bombshell replace her in my crew. But alas, I was forced to kill her for Kaliyo's sake



Also whoever said that she makes a poor IA companion is spot on. I mean surely intelligence should have seen something wrong with hiring a habitual liar, backstabber and unstable criminal to work with a secret agent who's work should be 100% anonymous and professional. I mean Khem Val would have probably been more frickin subtle than this bald cretin.

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I don't know about anybody else but for some odd reason she reminds me a lot of Harley Quinn those who know the batman animated series.


Now that you mentioned it I can see it too.


Also, at the beginning I thought "WTH she's a [female dog] and has a bald head" but she grew on me and now I really like her. She's a bada55 woman going her way and her backstory and character are REALLY interesting (especially when compared to one-dimensional characters like Mako).

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Dont understand why she had to be our First and Only companion for such a long time...


Her personality suits a Bounty Hunter, not an Imperial Agent.

Almost every conversation results in a -1...


Idiot bald...


Now that I think of it, it would have made sense to swap Kaliyo and Mako - Kaliyo has the anarchistic, free-spirit vibe BH's love, whereas Mako is a slicing expert who's skills would be of great use to Imperial Intelligence.


Of course I wouldn't want to wish that on our BH friends though.

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Now that I think of it, it would have made sense to swap Kaliyo and Mako - Kaliyo has the anarchistic, free-spirit vibe BH's love, whereas Mako is a slicing expert who's skills would be of great use to Imperial Intelligence.


Of course I wouldn't want to wish that on our BH friends though.


Ill agree with you there. For a loyal imperial, i dont see how Kaliyo can be justified as our companion in our inner circle. I could see her as as contract agent someone we use from time to time to blow something up or cause issues throughout a story mission but thats it. She is no one my imperial would have voluntarily around. Still kicking myself for doing some of her affection quests that lost out on watcher two interaction at end of chapter one.

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My IA believes that the Sith are the biggest threat to the Empire, Kaliyo's dislike for authority fits in well with that. I still get plenty of -1s for helping out my fellow Imperial citizens, but I'll take that.


Kali also doesn't mind too much when I flirt and fade to black (stictly business of course).



Tho Im kind of surprised there werent any interesting options with Anspi'shel when we met her...


There's also this:


Kaliyo's Lips > Watcher Two's Lips

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Does anyone like her? Personality wise? Looks? She does not look that bad, but her attitude really ticks me off. What about you guys?


I'am a fan of Jack from ME2 so that mentality caries over to Kayilo for me personailty wise. As for looks, I have her wearing a helmet to whole time so the only time that I see her face is when I do the compaion conversations in cantinas or on the ship. That said, I'm going to dump her for Temple

beacuse you lose Kayilo for a little bit at the start of Corelia.

when I finish hoth in day or two.

My 2 cents.

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I love Kaliyo she's my favorite companion so far. Also anyone who thinks she's too much a liar, backstabber, out for herself double faced type to work for Imperial Intelligence, DOES NOT know about Imperial Intelligence. lol Pick up a few more SW games and books and see for yourself! That's exactly what Imp Intel is all about! :D
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I wish the game would let me kill her. She's a twit.


I just saw something about this from a fan sight pre-launch, and it might not be true, but



apparently if you have extremely low affection, she tries betraying you, so you need to kill her


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