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I find her incredibly obnoxious and having her follow you everywhere makes it really annoying to play the Imperial Agent straight (though one of my complaints in general is how hard Bioware seems to want to shove the idea of playing a renegade IA down your throat )
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I find her incredibly obnoxious and having her follow you everywhere makes it really annoying to play the Imperial Agent straight (though one of my complaints in general is how hard Bioware seems to want to shove the idea of playing a renegade IA down your throat )


I agree with the annoyance of having to put up with the obnoxious Kaliyo for so long but I never felt that the game forced me to go down the renegade path with my IA. On the contrary I'm playing my IA as fully loyal and fully lightside and I think its suits it perfectly. Heck, thats what I think distinguishes it from the cliched "Me smash!" Sith classes.

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I agree with the annoyance of having to put up with the obnoxious Kaliyo for so long but I never felt that the game forced me to go down the renegade path with my IA. On the contrary I'm playing my IA as fully loyal and fully lightside and I think its suits it perfectly. Heck, thats what I think distinguishes it from the cliched "Me smash!" Sith classes.


Let me guess, you never played a Juggernaut/Marauder as pure LS? Sure they're still Blood Knights, but they get VERY philosophical and can out-Jedi most Jedis.

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I found Kaliyo to be a really interesting companion, if you stick with her. Some of things that she does definitely make you want to smack her, and at one point I wanted to put her out an airlock, but by the end of Act 3, we were on the same page. I went for the "rogue agent" ending, which is perfect if you're with Kaliyo.
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Honestly I like Kaliyo as a character (as a companion I find her frustrating and useless in combat).


I'm only level 26 and on Nar Shadaa, but I think Kaliyo has really become an interesting dynamic in my mind. See, my Sniper is a real **stard. On Hutta, when I met Kaliyo, I was a new face in Imperial Intelligence and neutral. She was the crazy psycho. As the game has gone on, my Imperial Agent has become a lot more ruthless and evil. Kaliyo, on the other hand, actually seems more mellowed now. The best way to describe our relationship is in D&D terms - I'm Lawful Evil, while she is Chaotic Neutral. She likes it when I'm up for some violence, but even she seems to be concerned with some of the choices I'm making - my political ruthlessness seems to be putting her off. That's just the vibe I'm getting from her, she doesn't seem to be a complete b*tch (yet).


It might be partly because of the customization I gave her after I got off Hutta. I believe it was Customization 2 (the one where she wears no jewellery and has striped tattoos all over her face). It makes her quite demure, maybe because her mouth and chin are all painted dark so they seem smaller and less intimidating?


I look forward to the day when my Agent snaps out of it and comes to his senses, dropping off the Sith corruption from his face. If Kaliyo does something really evil then that may be the time...

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