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Did you come from WoW and have you gone back?


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It's called a different opinion, how is this simple human concept baffling to you.


Do we all read the same books and like the same movies? Why should MMO's be the same?




As far as WoW haven't played in a long time, love SWTOR and will be playing this for a long time, Enjoyed it more than WoW on almost every level.


Its like pissing into the wind, you are wasting your time, some people will never get it. No matter how logical you are about it.

Edited by Bladedakoda
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I have played WoW ever since GW2 got announced and i left GW because it would no longer be supported. Played it for what.. 5 or 6 years? I only enjoyed the first 2... the rest i was there for personal reasons.


I totally hate what WoW has become post TBC. I hate everything about it. A game that was difficult to swallow because of addons and unbalanced PvP, become totally unenjoyable with the advent of LFG. The community is terrible and people who still play the game are drones, because the game plays the people and not the people that play the game. The game is stale, boring and its not fun in the least to just socialize. Its all a gear grind where all the social barriers were removed.


Never again will i go back to that abortion of a game. I really dont understand how anyone in their perfect mind can say that that is better than SWTOR.


So yes, i played WoW and now i play SWTOR and will never go back. Blizzard can burn in the fire they set up.

Edited by Nemmar
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I came from SWG....wish I could go back.


SWG may not have had Voiceovers and Cutscenes,....SWG was 1000 times the game SWToR is, in its current form.


SWG was taken away from me because someone, somewhere in authority thought, taking down the game and forcing diehard SW fans who played SWG to play SWToR was a good idea....

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played wow for 6+ years. However, It was a great time. Things change and no matter how many growing pains this game has imo it offers a more depth that pandas and pokemon can deliver. Iam confident at the 6month to 1 year point those who stuck with it will relish in its greatness. So yes Iam staying active sub ftw!
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I came from WoW & I made surE I wouldn't go back.


Burned down my CDs (all of them, From Vanilla to Cata)

Even the damn Authenticator.




lol that's not enough dude. You need to get your account deleted from battlenet!!


Years ago, during a massive ragequit session, I deleted all my toons, cancelled my account, uninstalled and threw out CD's. Problem is, the client can be re-downloaded, accounts can be re-activated, GM's even restored ALL my toons and equipment that I deleted 6 months prior.

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Hadn't played WoW since cata release, quit this and resubbed to it. Best decision ever. This game made me appreciate that one. Something as simple as a smooth combat system never felt so good.


Going back to other MMO after playing SWTOR is like a breath of fresh air. I mean, I can abandon quests I don't want to do, abilities work when I push the button and the cast bar is finished, when I kill a boss we all get loot, I can do looking for group. Lol its the little things that matter I guess. Oh yeah 40 v 40 pvp that I can actually participate in.


The story was well done though, for the most part it was a crap plot, but it was well implemented, the only thing that worked well and wasn't bugged to **** at least in my experience.


I'll be back in 6 months to a year, though once they fix things, it should be the big thing. I mean look at STO, game is awesome now, only took them a year after release to get it working correctly.

Edited by Mitchyslick
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I have played every single MMO since ultima online. (give or take a few, but damn near every one).


Havnt thought about going back to any of them yet, but its getting there with the population being crap on my side, making it nearly impossible to group.


Im hoping for merges soon, their idea of a "heavy" populated server is garbage.

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played wow for 6+ years. However, It was a great time. Things change and no matter how many growing pains this game has imo it offers a more depth that pandas and pokemon can deliver. Iam confident at the 6month to 1 year point those who stuck with it will relish in its greatness. So yes Iam staying active sub ftw!



I loved WoW to bits and played it since late Vanilla. However it grew stale around Firelands and I am currently on break to see if SWTOR can keep my interest.


So far...it's not going too well. I will give it another month or two, but the lack of a Group Finder, the lack of mature endgame guilds actively recruiting on my server and the other issues in game will likely push me back after a while.

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Playing wow since 2.4. I quited playing hardcore 1 year ago. Lastly I made 6 month subscription to wow but only played 1 month , I still have 2 months active sub. for wow but I havent loged in long time and already uninstalled it after swtor.


And I wont buy pooh-pandas-and-pokemons expansion.I dont really care how many million subscriber swtor has , will have or quit. I only care about new patches of swtor.

Edited by kijthae
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Just curious to how many players came from WoW and have returned or how many are still playing ToR?


I myself am playing both games, I know it's crazy but I think it's ok to enjoy more than one game at a time :D


I came from wow but I wont go back to it. Although I may quit this if things don't start getting better.

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Wow has completely lost it for me

I agree... I've felt this way since BC



Pandas? I'd take SWTor and its bugs over wow any day.

Can't agree here...



I will be going to some of my F2P games instead. I can't stand the bugs here. If i go to wow it will be mainly to hang with friends that are still playing it.


It's pretty bad when F2P has more to offer than these P2P games.

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I came from wow but the GPU issues cause me to not be able to play this more than maybe 4-5 hours at the MOST a day (Dont want my nvidia geforce 9800 gt crapping out on me) so i spend the rest of my gaming time helping Swgemu by testing there Edited by Phadian_gess
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From WoW, have grown more and more disenchanted with Blizzard since mid-WotLK, don't have an active sub.


Unfortunately SWTOR plays very similar to Cataclysm so I'm debating on whether or not to pay for a subscription. I certainly won't be going back to WoW since I don't enjoy it anymore, however SWTOR hasn't been that exciting either.

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I've played plenty of MMO's WoW was the most hours spent with about 200 days in game or some huge number like that but FFIV is where I last came from, If people are complaining about the bugs in this game HO HO HO, FFIV is the worst.
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I've played plenty of MMO's WoW was the most hours spent with about 200 days in game or some huge number like that but FFIV is where I last came from, If people are complaining about the bugs in this game HO HO HO, FFIV is the worst.


please tell me you forgot to include the X in FFXIV cuz im like err if your talking final fantasy IV was not an mmo >.>

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I came from wow but the GPU issues cause me to not be able to play this more than maybe 4-5 hours at the MOST a day (Dont want my nvidia geforce 9800 gt crapping out on me) so i spend the rest of my gaming time helping Swgemu by testing there


Have you been experiencing issues with your card? I'm curious, I have an even older (and lesser) card, the 9600GT and haven't run into any problems at all, game plays fine, even during longer sessions (6+ hours).

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