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Forget open world PvP, get back to RvR style PvP Bioware


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Seriously, Ilum was **** before and still is **** now since Republic are outnumbered and most of them ***** it up in their base and wait for victims to pull in for insta death.


Capturing Ilum Control Points should have been more like Warhammer's design, not something that just gets capped so easily it's not even worth going to Ilum. Except for those that got to 50 in the first few weeks and basically licked each others nut sacks so they could get fully PvP geared before the majority of players got to it.


Implement some sort of a handicap system to get the Republic actually out fighting. Add in more RvR style areas on the planets, heck give us guilds some player bases of our own in "front line" style instances of the planets. Give us a reason to fight over, not some stupid system like Ilum.


Probably will just end up leaving out of boredom for a while till this gets fixed, unless a huge majority think the same, then SWTOR will become one of the biggest disappointments for MMOs. Awesome leveling experience hands down. PvP was an afterthought like always, but with an IP like Star Wars, I would have expected more.


Your first expansion should have a 3rd faction to balance out this BS, Hutt, Blacksun, something.

Edited by Mailek
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Ilum is terrible and likely always will be terrible.


Its fine for them to try, but I hate the fact that we are forced to go there for progression purposes. Its either pointless pve things, or massive zergfests without actual play. Id rather everything were just WZ based.

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Ilum is terrible and likely always will be terrible.


Its fine for them to try, but I hate the fact that we are forced to go there for progression purposes. Its either pointless pve things, or massive zergfests without actual play. Id rather everything were just WZ based.


I would agree with War Zones but 8 man only sucks, they had 12 in beta, for some idiotic reason they put it back down to 8 man. A 16 man - 24 man War Zone per side would do wonders for this mess.

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This game desperately needs an equivalent to Warhammer's Against All Odds buff.


Outnumbered side gets a scaling bonus upto 400% valor earned per kill/objective.


This will provide incentive for the minority faction to get to Ilum without breaking balance and, moreover, improve the gameplay of the minority faction to guerilla/small-gank groups against the zerg of the majority faction as we saw after its introduction in Warhammer.

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The Ilum changes have potential for being alot of fun. Fix 2 things and people will be enjoying it.


1) Even out the faction numbers somehow.


2) fix the lag


Another improvement would be to put another couple of pvp dailies in the pvp area. Collect x amount of items for your faction. Put some empire and republic npc's on the edges that each side need to kill x amount. This will keep people in the zone longer. There is too much empty space in the pvp area.

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This game desperately needs an equivalent to Warhammer's Against All Odds buff.


Outnumbered side gets a scaling bonus upto 400% valor earned per kill/objective.


This will provide incentive for the minority faction to get to Ilum without breaking balance and, moreover, improve the gameplay of the minority faction to guerilla/small-gank groups against the zerg of the majority faction as we saw after its introduction in Warhammer.


Exactly this right here, this with a complete redesign of Ilum itself would be a huge step in the right direction for me and many others.


I'm on the Imperial side, I don't like to see the Republic so scared to come out and PvP since the odds are clearly against them. People will just get fed up and quit...and shortly after that Imperials will start doing the same. Remember Aion?

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I would agree with War Zones but 8 man only sucks, they had 12 in beta, for some idiotic reason they put it back down to 8 man. A 16 man - 24 man War Zone per side would do wonders for this mess.


On my server Republic has now difficulties to mange more than 5 ppl per WZ imagine 16 or worst 24 forget the project lol.


Not to mention the after effect of this being WZ starting with 12 empire vs 5 republic and then we get steamrolled and imps get another win to their reccord after 120 sec. Pretty efficient to complete daily/weekly

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On my server Republic has now difficulties to mange more than 5 ppl per WZ imagine 16 or worst 24 forget the project lol.


Not to mention the after effect of this being WZ starting with 12 empire vs 5 republic and then we get steamrolled and imps get another win to their reccord after 120 sec. Pretty efficient to complete daily/weekly


I hate to reference my short time with WoW here, but they had a 16 man instance I think and that was fine IMO. Allow guilds to premade it against other guilds then to make it more coordinated. Just something else.

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Ilum changes aren't that bad- and the faction population will even out eventually as the game settles. we're still only a month and change old.


I've had some pretty good fights in Ilum, you just have to give the 5 Pubs that show up a little more credit- Sure, there's always gonna be a handful of Pubs squatting in the base, but just as often there's a hit squad out in the boonies camping the taxi drop or hitting imps as they run down to central.


And RVR in WAR was a joke and shouldn't be used as a model for anything. Win trading keeps, anyone?

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The fact remain that not even more than 5 ppl on the republic side whish to pvp lvl 50 now because of the battlemaster giveaway ticket ride for the empire BW galantly gave them past wednesday. We made a test on the Republic fleet on peek hours we average 100 ppl and we made fake alt lvl 10 imps just to see the numbers and they average 500-600 on peek hours.


I even thought maybe playing lowbies to pvp will be better but no all those battlemaster who dont have anything to do now and find Qs too long now re-create same problem on low lvl bracket. So now our server is dying fast pvp-wise and we just dont hear from BW at all.


It's almost as if they were watching their boat sink while making a military salute.

Edited by Ferid
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I always relate open world pvp to rvr and when I think of rvr I remember the frontiers of daoc and capturing keeps and relics which gave bonuses to the entire faction in both rvr and pve. Also controlling a majority of the keeps opened a unique pve area called darkness falls. The integration between rvr and pve was immense. This kind of system needs to be done. Just look at the cinematics and you have the empire attacking coruscant and reclaiming korriban.


On a separate note get rid of the pvp gear grind with expertise and let the players decide their customization with both looks and stats via the orange gear. This is a Fantastic idea that the devs throw away at 50. This also puts to rest long queue times in the 50s bracket as they can group everyone together again.


I don't want WoW pvp.

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I always relate open world pvp to rvr and when I think of rvr I remember the frontiers of daoc and capturing keeps and relics which gave bonuses to the entire faction in both rvr and pve. Also controlling a majority of the keeps opened a unique pve area called darkness falls. The integration between rvr and pve was immense. This kind of system needs to be done. Just look at the cinematics and you have the empire attacking coruscant and reclaiming korriban.


On a separate note get rid of the pvp gear grind with expertise and let the players decide their customization with both looks and stats via the orange gear. This is a Fantastic idea that the devs throw away at 50. This also puts to rest long queue times in the 50s bracket as they can group everyone together again.


I don't want WoW pvp.

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Meh, who ever say the the balance will even out, is so wrong. It will not balance out as the gap between the factions is to great, and people are still able to make Empire characters on a server that has a 5-1 ratio on Imps-Republic.


What will happend, if nothing is done. Is that all the casuals that play on Republic side will either stop PvP and stay to PvE, or quit/reroll to Empire because they play the game for fun. And it is more fun to be on the winning side than the losing one. For casuals that is.


Guilds on Republic will stay untill they are totaly done with the entier game and move on to somthing else or the game is fixed.


Just so its said there is hope that some PvP focused guild will re-roll to Republic, but the problem is as the time passes there is less chance that this will happend. As they all get geared and new content come out.

So in the end no one will want to re-roll Republic. And all new players will most likely roll Empire just for the same fact that the rest of people playing Empire did.

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Because warhammer is such a huge success.


If you knew anything about WAR, you'd know that AAO was introduced 2 years after its release, and was a unanimous success at improving open pvp despite the game's other shortcomings.

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Because warhammer is such a huge success.


Ohh god you have no clue. WAR has one of the best (DAOC is best) RvR systems out there. You could level to max level by only doing RvR and Warzones, and you would still have fun at every tier. The classes also were also well made, in its mechanics (not balance). Where tanks were realy usefull in PvP with theire Guard and Taunts. Not to mention one of the best CC and diminishing returns


The only reason the game failed was because of 3 things.

1. Early balance. Bright Wizard and Warrior Priest anyone?

2. Kill time was to quick. Most of the big battles you would die in 2-4 seconds because of AoE and what not.

3. End content. Failed hard after you invade a City and there was little to do, an only few PvE dungeons that were woth doing.


So yes, get you facts straight. The game ca be sucessfull even if it dies.

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Illum is without doubt the saddest idea for pvp ever envisioned, I feel sorry for the devs cos I know they worked hard. But what were they thinking. making a game of green doorways where you pop from one to other, an then have the gaul to say its a pvp game.... na sorry guys.


Your pvp team obviously drew their inspiration from rift an Wow. That alone says volumes.Couple that with the fact you have hordes of ravening teens complaining now that they dont get their shinys fast enough, you know bioware are gonna end up giving them shinys just for logging on.

I dont know what sort of player base tor will retain, but I know for damn sure GW2 comes out an I am gone so fast it will leave a smoke trail lol.


I saw 4 level 50s last night in full gear (obviously exploiters) attacking level 30s on Hoth, an they would keep going for pets every time... 2 got punted over a cliff an yet they kept doing it.. It shows that there is no pvp in the game. Dont get me wrong I dont give a damn about being attacked by 50s, but the idiotic ability, or lack of screams farmers an botters..

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ok ya got me, I have no clue and warhammer is the bestest most successful mmo evar! you win the intarwebz.




That said, I would about kill for some daoc style rvr. But this isn't even a pvp game its a tvt game. and its only been out for a month.

Edited by Kelticfury
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Ohh god you have no clue. WAR has one of the best (DAOC is best) RvR systems out there. You could level to max level by only doing RvR and Warzones, and you would still have fun at every tier. The classes also were also well made, in its mechanics (not balance). Where tanks were realy usefull in PvP with theire Guard and Taunts. Not to mention one of the best CC and diminishing returns


The only reason the game failed was because of 3 things.

1. Early balance. Bright Wizard and Warrior Priest anyone?

2. Kill time was to quick. Most of the big battles you would die in 2-4 seconds because of AoE and what not.

3. End content. Failed hard after you invade a City and there was little to do, an only few PvE dungeons that were woth doing.


So yes, get you facts straight. The game ca be sucessfull even if it dies.


War was never good, from day one, it had no diversity as such, lack of content one of the worst pvp systems seen since wow destroyed the genra. This was the team that created the greatest RVR game ever made, with more diversity than any MMO in last 7 years combined. They failed badly. Now we have it again, the new team they have are not the true Mythic that is quite obvious.They tried to micro manage to much an tor does exactly same thing.

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seriously wow kids ILUM IS NOT OPEN WORLD PVP!


Ilum is an abomination of a warzone (it's instanced, it has pve objectives), and it's worse than a warzone because it doesn't have any population balance mechanics.


world pvp was eq1, ultima online, asheron's call ffa, pre-cu swg, vanguard ffa.


wow kid pvp (warzones, guards, pve objectives, arenas) is WoW, Warhammer, swtor etc

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WAR RvR was horrid on release. It was Norden Watch, Mord Temple, some lava ****, Serpant Vally all the way to 50 and beyond, that's why their retention rate after the first month was terrible. They eventually fixed it but it was too little too late. Of course now that they've perfected it, it would have been perfect to put into SWTOR....but noooo lets all focus on work on voice acting. Edited by youwillburn
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seriously wow kids ILUM IS NOT OPEN WORLD PVP!


Ilum is an abomination of a warzone (it's instanced, it has pve objectives), and it's worse than a warzone because it doesn't have any population balance mechanics.


world pvp was eq1, ultima online, asheron's call ffa, pre-cu swg, vanguard ffa.


wow kid pvp (warzones, guards, pve objectives, arenas) is WoW, Warhammer, swtor etc


Ultima online! that was pure pvp at its most evil. I would love to be able to loot my kills!

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