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Will lack of innovation REALLY hurt this game success?


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And who would rather play WoW 1.0 than 2.0?


Honestly, how "different" can you make an RPG based game anyway?


This different?



But, you're right better to play 2.0 imo. I'm not a fan of the Swtor art style but it's 100x's better than WoW's.

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UI, class design, art style (cartoony style nods at WoW's success), trinity, flightpoints are the same, menu interface is the same, guild interface is the same, PVP grouping functionality is the same.


Cartoony style is a nod to using stylized graphics as to allow the game to run on the maximum number of machines as possible.


So, they copied Blizzard's business model. Oh, no, lack of innovation!!! Actually though, have you ever seen WoW? The art in SWTOR actually looks nothing like WoW.


Class designs aren't really that similar either, unless its your argument that having DPS, Healers and Tanks is copying WoW, in which case, I have really bad news for you...


WoW is a copy of EQ. Oh, no. I think that might make your head explode.


Guild functionality? Largely stolen from other games as well. EQ, Warhammer Onlibe, etc, etc, etc.


Virtually nothing about WoW wasn't "stolen" from something else.

Edited by Karlemgne
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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


I really don't consider myself a fanboy. Geez I am not even in-game yet. But I think people need to realize that Wow became the standard by using ideas from other games as well. For example Wow took Warhammer Online's guild progression years after wow launched and they saw how much people liked that part of WO. Their whole concept of instances taken from UO (maybe from somewhere before that). And I am sure many other examples. Basically I am saying that when someone comes up with a great Idea the industry will use a lot of the same in their projects. Wow is not the first to create these similarities you find. They were just the first to find a mass amount of subscriptions to become the "standard" if you will.

Edited by Pelligea
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My opinion is yes.


PvP isn't an afterthought, but it wasn't a main thought.


From my time in beta...I never found PvP enjoyable. I was on a PvP server, and open world PvP can add a level of excitement sometimes but overall I felt like it was lacking.


PvP warzones....didn't find them much fun. However, in the defense of that let me say that many people who PvP'd weren't really working together, and that is not the game's fault.


My beef is mainly that your class doesn't have a place in PvP, in my experience. It's going to come down to who can deal teh damage the fastest.


That isn't to say that healing and CC don't have a place...but in the overall scheme of things, expect to see PvP filled with DPS classes that are build for maximum damage in the shortest time.


That might be your cup of tea, but for me I like to see a variety in PvP. Why even have the force if I can't use it?

What gave you the feeling that CC and healing isn't important in SWTOR PvP? I haven't played myself (yet), but from some PvP videos I've seen, clutch healing is just as much as a game changer as DPS, and so are snares/roots/slows/the usual.

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What gave you the feeling that CC and healing isn't important in SWTOR PvP? I haven't played myself (yet), but from some PvP videos I've seen, clutch healing is just as much as a game changer as DPS, and so are snares/roots/slows/the usual.


but is it enough to build team comps over, and actually get a team together and call specific targets, fall back on your healer if hes getting pressured, call for some kind of removal be it condition hex or otherwise (is there even such thing in this game?), pressure a DPS to get him to fall back. That's what gets me goin' as a pvp'er .

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This different?



But, you're right better to play 2.0 imo. I'm not a fan of the Swtor art style but it's 100x's better than WoW's.


My point is though, even in guild wars you get experience, do quests, level up, obtain gear, have a profession etc etc. That's just the way RPG's are.


I don't really mind the art style :)

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Will lack of innovation REALLY hurt this game success?


It's almost comical how so many people relate games to WoW as if things they find in newer games that are similar to that game were done first in that game. There were actually very few aspects of WoW that were new. Bliz just took a lot of aspects from other games, and in a lot of cases polished things up and did them better than they had been done before. That's how this genre has evolved, and will keep evolving. SWTOR is just the next step. WoW offered very little that was "innovative", but was wildly successful.


If you want radical change, you are not going to get it in a game like this. Look for it to come from some smallish development house.

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Lacks depth. Will make it hard to keep an active subscription to end game some loot. I hope some good things SWG did make it soon. Customizable player housing being one of the things I spent stupid time on.


Just random things that give you a sense of ownership. So far I felt like my character did have nothing at all worth caring about.


If some dev in beta said delete your toon I would not care. There is nothing unique about the characters. My overall feeling is that you aren't collecting anything unique.


In swg lets just take crafting. I owned a resource business. Sold good collected minerals to crafters. Some held in reserve. Others cheap. I was pretty good at it. I actually did care about my avatar there.


I think I won't care about any avatar I create in this game. Much like guild wars.


I might like to keep a "name" but that is not really important.


I am going to level 2 of each class.


This game for all its story based talk, really doesn't deliver on making you feel like a special character. All the equipment is there. The way they did the modding gives you a way to look how you want as far as clothing.


I just don't see the whole end game. You are this avatar. If you want to play a smuggler later do you even care? Hey guildie, hold my stuff. BRB.




I didn't feel they did anything to make you care about the pixels. It sounds weird but if I am going to sub to a game for a few years I sure would like something that allow me to care I am playing my avatar.


Simple things like quests. Getting the track speed records. Building a bio others could read.


I have zero ability to add an identity to any character. I might play an RP server just to get a community/avatar connection because right now?


Its guild wars and I only played that so long. You can only fight the same battle so many times before you just say? Na. Expansions? I stopped at the first one. Just not connected. I feel like bioware missed on some fluffy why should I care about my avatar.

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What gave you the feeling that CC and healing isn't important in SWTOR PvP? I haven't played myself (yet), but from some PvP videos I've seen, clutch healing is just as much as a game changer as DPS, and so are snares/roots/slows/the usual.


In the Warzones...with a team that works together, or at least understands what they are doing..sure, it can be important.


But from what I saw, the majority that entered PvP were DPS based. Even with a healer on you full time, DPS can king.


Hopefully they are gonna watch this and continue to balance things, becuase I watched a Bounty Hunter Merc go full heal on a Sith Assassin and it was like throwing band-aids at a severed limb. I was used to seeing people got for the healer first, but in this case he just burned the assassin down and nearly got the Merc too. It was very close.


That was when I had a huge ? about PvP....

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The only thing that will kill this game will be a lack of timely content updates, which is one part of what is currently killing WoW.


If we're already just 2-3 days into early speed-leveling and people are already getting 30-40 without the pvp cheat, how soon before the two end game raids are burned through and the vocal minority get bored and start raising a stink?


If new content isn't ready by then...

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Mythic is a EA studio. They have one of if not the longest running MMO's out that still is played by tons of people and just recently had a xpac come out. Ultima Online.


Now if EA can have that kind of success with a game based the Ultima games of old with a company like Mythic dont you think Bio and EA will be able take SWToR and run with it.


Though I am a little disapointed in the space part. Was hoping for some more simular to JTL free flowing sandbox type of fighting would make this game perfect.

Edited by Majires
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but is it enough to build team comps over, and actually get a team together and call specific targets, fall back on your healer if hes getting pressured, call for some kind of removal be it condition hex or otherwise (is there even such thing in this game?), pressure a DPS to get him to fall back. That's what gets me goin' as a pvp'er .

Obviously going to be a save-the-healer fest, since they're obvious targets and, from what I've seen, classes have a good amount of utility for peeling.


Will say this though, the amount of stuns, crowd control and healer survivability in WoW is way over the top, so a bit more focus on blood and guts is fine with me. I PvP as Rogue on WoW, so I know all about the fun of completely controlling an opponent and making strategical use of your skills. I hope that's present in this game as well, but won't know until people start digging deep into the mechanics of their classes.

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The only thing that will kill this game will be a lack of timely content updates, which is one part of what is currently killing WoW.


If we're already just 2-3 days into early speed-leveling and people are already getting 30-40 without the pvp cheat, how soon before the two end game raids are burned through and the vocal minority get bored and start raising a stink?


If new content isn't ready by then...


They've already hinted (although a vague and easily dismissible hint) that they will bring new content every 3 months, plus Xpacs. It was in some interview, with some guy. Yeah sorry, can't be more clear, but the content upgrades are already in development they said.

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In my honost opinion, I played wow from Burning Crusade to Cataclysm (1st Patch Wave). After January of this year it got so boring that I just quit all together, a long with a lot of people. WOW's population has decreased around 2 million since Cataclysm, and is continuing to drop. WOW will probably be dead no later then 3.5 years with Mists of Pandaria. Not to mention, Blizzard is a major rip-off company. Who the hell wants to pay $10 just for a name change? The direction WOW has been headed since early Cataclysm has sent the game downhill. And this is where SWTOR comes in. I estimate SWTOR will have around 3 million players in 2 years. So to answer your question, no. These games are headed in two completely different directions.
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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


Innovation like what? Crossing the console/PC divide? Games that did that bombed massively just as an example.


You know cars have had 4 wheels and an internal combustion engine for around 2 centuries now, innovation is fine if its within the confines of evolving a sucessful design. "Different" for differents sake is rarely a success

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Obviously going to be a save-the-healer fest, since they're obvious targets and, from what I've seen, classes have a good amount of utility for peeling.


Will say this though, the amount of stuns, crowd control and healer survivability in WoW is way over the top, so a bit more focus on blood and guts is fine with me. I PvP as Rogue on WoW, so I know all about the fun of completely controlling an opponent and making strategical use of your skills. I hope that's present in this game as well, but won't know until people start digging deep into the mechanics of their classes.


I just can't really wait to get my hands on this game for the first time to start building my own impressions, so far it's all pretty much bad. The only good things i've really been hearing is the PvE story-telling that's amazing...


I'm worried Moriya, give me the benefit of the doubt. GIVE IT TO ME!!! *force pull?*

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What the title says.


I know I probably will get a lot of "no" because this place being rampant with fanboys, but I think similarities to WoW will hurt this game for a lot of people.


Wow paid sponser above free game time for every bad post they write.

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They've already hinted (although a vague and easily dismissible hint) that they will bring new content every 3 months, plus Xpacs. It was in some interview, with some guy. Yeah sorry, can't be more clear, but the content upgrades are already in development they said.


I've learned not to trust development companies "Hinting" at anything, or promising to get content out in "x-timeframe", or expansions.


Years of gaming have taught me that schedules often change, and rarely hold true.

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Innovation like what? Crossing the console/PC divide? Games that did that bombed massively just as an example.


You know cars have had 4 wheels and an internal combustion engine for around 2 centuries now, innovation is fine if its within the confines of evolving a sucessful design. "Different" for differents sake is rarely a success


I like it, although im interested to see how EVE/DUST514 works out. If it aint broke don't fix it, and I like star wars more than the warcraft setting. plus, full voice overs makes me feel like im playing mass effect and just teaming up with people at certain points.

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In the Warzones...with a team that works together, or at least understands what they are doing..sure, it can be important.


But from what I saw, the majority that entered PvP were DPS based. Even with a healer on you full time, DPS can king.


Hopefully they are gonna watch this and continue to balance things, becuase I watched a Bounty Hunter Merc go full heal on a Sith Assassin and it was like throwing band-aids at a severed limb. I was used to seeing people got for the healer first, but in this case he just burned the assassin down and nearly got the Merc too. It was very close.


That was when I had a huge ? about PvP....


The healing problem I had was a really lengthy cast time. Don't know if others had this but SI Sorcerer I was like seriously? I stand here and hit 2 keys? Shield heal.


Maybe it gets more fun but I was so bored I rolled madness dps. As a healer I hated this game.


I found it to not be treated like a primary roll. You did NOT get a bunch of sweet heals. A sense that you where a valued roll. No stealth. Something that was like cool I feel like a battlefield doctor. I didn't get the buff and heal and dot removal and state removal feel. The cooldowns are a joke on some of this stuff.


You end up standing around. Just not as fun as I expected.


Like I said might get better but in all honesty it needs work.


Than again its not even 2 days out of beta... so....

Edited by PlagaNerezza
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