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  1. slumpywpg

    So Many Noobs

    Not really. And comparing ToR PVP to Jimmi Hendrix is not at all analogous. Maybe it would make sense if everyone were given the same tools, skills and gear... But they aren't... So your theory is terrible. There are some OP classes. They will be nerfed, some will be buffed. That is the nature of the beast. Get over it. Furthermore if you're going to sit there and claim that gear doesn't factor immensely into the equation then you should probably stop calling people noobs. yeah, yeah, I know it's not your full set of pvp set at all that makes you "better"; smashing people 12 levels lower than you in quest greens, it's pure skill. Totally buy it, dude. Anyone claiming to be "elite" at this point in ToR's existence is an idiot. Wait 6 months when most people are at max level and geared. Bet you won't be so good then, will yeah?
  2. Hmm. Well, if sentence structure and grammar are any indicator, I'd say the only child here is you "BigBoyQQ". I also find it highly ironic that someone with "QQ" in their name is on here q_q'ing about general chat (of all things). yeah! Don't they know who you think you are?! More irony: You say respect and equality for all, but you're disrespecting people who play WoW for some reason. Not sure why so many people seem to have such a negative view of the game - There is really nothing wrong with it or the people who play it. In fact, I'm 95% certain I'd rather play this game with anyone from WoW than you.
  3. Every MMO will have some element of grinding, it's the nature of the beast.
  4. I put my code in sometime in November, I have no idea what the date was. There's probably a way of checking this.. But.. yeah...
  5. What? Just because they pre-ordered it later doesn't mean they haven't been waiting for it, genius... I can't even begin to explain how stupid this statement is...
  6. What is with this elitism? There's nothing wrong with WoW, or the people who play it. Why are people always so resentful towards the most popular game of that genre? Sure, things could be better, it could also be a lot worse. Same goes for this game, or any game for that matter. You get the same stupid **** on the Battlefield 3 forums - Go back and play CoD.. Okay... because they are SO different, right? Nobody ever runs around in BF3 like it's unreal tournament with their f2000 and IRNV scopes.... Oh wait...
  7. I don't even.. Really? Mass Effect is a terrible, terrible series. Almost as bad as Halo.. Too bad nobody ever gives their good games any love, like Baldur's gate and Neverwitner Nights.
  8. I waited until November... I saw gameplay videos (from the beta) and thought the game looked ******.. But the people I knew who took part in the beta swore up and down that it's awesome - That being the case, I never really expected to get 5 days, but it IS misleading when they say "pre-order NOW and get up to 5 days of early access" when in fact if you pre-order now, it is highly unlikely (if not impossible) that you will get five. In any case it doesn't really matter to me when I get in the game... It's not like it's going anywhere. But yeah, it's totally misleading. To anyone who actually cancels their order over this: all I can say is that you're majorly overreacting. To the apologists: You guys need to stop. You're not helping, you're just adding to the problem. As paying customers they have every right to complain about whatever they want. When it comes down to it neither side is right or wrong about this situation. It depends on where you're standing, I guess. As for me, I'm going to play some MechWarrior 4. Because that game is the ****.
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