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Why so few Snipers?


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The system is so cumbersome, I tried to level smuggler/operative at least 15 times. Never got past lvl 8.

It is very static and very broken. Everyone I know who started out with "I am going to roll a sniper!" in mind, ended as a scrapper or medic at lvl 10.


And ending at 10 probaly explains that point of view, snipers arn't easy no, their resource system is tough, but try doing a rotation (admittedly I do a marksman tree build, so may be different for others) and you'll see that it slots nicely into place, you -can- do the most damage in the Pit, not easily but who can play easily? (and do be quiet about sorcerers and sages, light armor kids) The cover can be hella fun, and useful, both as a defense mechanic (and boy does it let you tank) or as a fast movement option, SUPER DOOPER 20 meter roll!



But most importantly, in a universe of future wizards with incredible swords and highly armoured soldiers, what have you got? a sniper rifle, a helmet, and a bad attitude. Long live the sniper elite!

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I'm only level 34 but I usually finish first on damage and kills in war zones. I've heard the PvE aspect of the class is a lot more dull compared to others, is that what is stopping people? Are they awful at 50 when everyone is geared? I've only played this class so I can't compare it.


Edit: BTW I'm Lethality specced which avoids the need for cover.



Short answer, many people either don't get or don't like the stationary cover system.

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Since i see how removing cover would change the class way too much, why not making it that when you use the portable cover you get cloaked, becoming invisible and being able to move slowly while crouched (until you shoot of course)? It wouldnt be unfair, it would make sense from a role perspective and it would at least make the whole system fair. Edited by CoLaN
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Flashbang -GCD- + Cover + Adrenal + Relic + Explosive Probe -GCD- >Ambush -2.5sec->Snipe -GCD or 1.5 sec cast- >Followthrough -GCD- >Leg Shot -GCD- >SoS -3sec channel- >Takedown


Do you really face a lot of people who calmly eat that dmg staying in place for all that time? Lucky you...


You must be targeting players who decided to let their 3 year old play,

by time that ambush wouldve been casted a good sorc wouldve pop a bubble and walk away, scratch that, any classes.

BTW that is one of the worst rotations I've ever seen.

Edited by maximusedward
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Here's a fun fact: in order to get credit for a player kill on Ilum you need to be within 15m.




Can anyone name a low mobility class designed to work outside 15m range?


If that's your only complaint, brilliant, thats a game mode issue, not a class one.


Don't remove cover, make it so that your immune in cover to knockbacks. Listen closely here, not stuns, or immobs, not knock-downs- just knockbacks, thats the only big issue with Snipers I can see.

Edited by Wescotrippin
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Here's a fun fact: in order to get credit for a player kill on Ilum you need to be within 15m.




Can anyone name a low mobility class designed to work outside 15m range?


There has been a lot of superstitious suppositions flying about. The truth is that it's simply buggy and not giving you credit sometimes.

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Seems everything has been pointed out and then some in this thread. It is quite an underwhelming class. I suppose it'll get better once they fix the animation, cover, and ability delay bugs, but we still have quite a few quality of life issues.


One of my main concerns with them right now for PvP is their survivability. It is one of the worst and if you're targeted by someone you're almost certainly going to die. Another would be energy regeneration, especially in PvP. Oftentimes you need to do as much damage in the shortest amount of time to kill someone and that requires you to hit the lowest tier of energy regen, so you end up relying on having to get out of combat to use Recuperate. This isn't as big a problem with Marksmanship but it is very noticeable as Lethality (which imo is a way more PvP-oriented spec because of all it's mobility and burst). Unfortunately Lethality has very high-cost abilities, and a lot of your damage as a Sniper is mitigated.

Edited by xPheno
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I enjoy the challenge and the utility that my sniper brings to the table. The only complaints that I have with the class are:


1) Lethality costs far too much energy for the damage it produces.


2) Marksman tree depends on the cover mechanic which is both buggy and places a huge "KILL ME" sign on the sniper.


Sure, there are days where I wish I could spam tracer missle and get 500k damage, but those days are few. So for now, I'll play my heart out for 300k and feel good knowing that it took me some finesse to get there.


1. You have slightly higher energy costs but a better energy increasing mechanic via DOT crits as well as being 10x harder to mitigate or stop and mobile. You also get some AOE damage. Properly played cull and weakening blast can indeed give you good burst indeed, though these require you to be close.


2. No sniper is supposed to just sit there. If your doing that your doing it wrong. It's more guerrilla warfare of stick and move unless your enemy is stupid. Place your burst in the right place at the right time against targets you know you can take down when not just blasting through enemy bullet fodder.



Also, leg shot is retardedly good in PVP. *hint* it's not just for yourself.

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What the hell are you talking about? As a sharpshooter, you will have 6 energy a second which is more than enough for any player that has half a brain to sustain their burst unless they stay combat for longer than a few minutes spamming all their skills, which is unlikely.


As for your points above, you seem to not fully understand the class very well. You make it out to be far more horrible than it really is.



Actually if you knew what you where talking about, you would know that energy is bugged. You're supposed to get 6 energy a second above 60% as a sniper, but sniper energy is bugged and we get 5 even though it lists as 6. BW knows about the problem, but they haven't fixed it. Also Snipers run out of energy all the time, during rotations in PVE you spend half your time hitting "1" while waiting for energy to regen. Even if our energy gets fixed and changed to a real 6 energy per second, we are still behind the curve when compared to other classes and how fast they run out of their power.

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As for damage, with bolster I used to get 5k ambushes before the nerf to biochem and overcharge adrenals(still get 4200-4500 now).


No you didn't. You are exaggerating. I have 400 biochem, lvl 50 sniper with champ gear and Columni PVE gear. You are fibbing a bit, don't pad your argument.

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And ending at 10 probaly explains that point of view, snipers arn't easy no, their resource system is tough, but try doing a rotation (admittedly I do a marksman tree build, so may be different for others) and you'll see that it slots nicely into place, you -can- do the most damage in the Pit, not easily but who can play easily? (and do be quiet about sorcerers and sages, light armor kids) The cover can be hella fun, and useful, both as a defense mechanic (and boy does it let you tank) or as a fast movement option, SUPER DOOPER 20 meter roll!



But most importantly, in a universe of future wizards with incredible swords and highly armoured soldiers, what have you got? a sniper rifle, a helmet, and a bad attitude. Long live the sniper elite!


Sometimes Snipers get high damage in Huttball, usually sorcs and mercs out DPS them though. You should try honesty. Also, there is nothing fun about the cover system or using it.


Also you can't tank using the cover system, that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard someone say. If you ever even played a sniper, you would know you can't tank anything worthwhile.

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No you didn't. You are exaggerating. I have 400 biochem, lvl 50 sniper with champ gear and Columni PVE gear. You are fibbing a bit, don't pad your argument.


He's not. I'm full PvP - valor 61, champ gear + cent (w/ 56 mods) chest, + battlemaster ear and implants. (roughly 12.something % bonus expertise).


It's 4.5 against equal geared targets, 5+ against lower gear for ambush + the inevitable 2-3k explosive probe.

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reasons why sniper is the least played class:


- because the cover mechanic is TERRIBLE, itjust just doesn't work in pvp (by the time you've taken cover your target has moved out of range or behind an object) sorcs can move around while doing MORE damage.


- they are super squishy, unlike sorcs which can heal and get a massive bubble.


- they always run out of energy and become gimped, unlike sorcs which have huge amounts of force and can regen it infinitely through sacrificing hp should they need to.


- snipers are the only class that does damage that is actually blocked by armor, making tanks, bh's etc really hard to kill, sorcs dmg ignores armor.


seriously why WOULD you play a sniper when u could roll a sorc like everyone else?

Edited by Evuke
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Actually if you knew what you where talking about, you would know that energy is bugged. You're supposed to get 6 energy a second above 60% as a sniper, but sniper energy is bugged and we get 5 even though it lists as 6. BW knows about the problem, but they haven't fixed it. Also Snipers run out of energy all the time, during rotations in PVE you spend half your time hitting "1" while waiting for energy to regen. Even if our energy gets fixed and changed to a real 6 energy per second, we are still behind the curve when compared to other classes and how fast they run out of their power.


wow, you spend half your time in PVE auto attacking? You have no concept of energy management.

I bet you spam charged burst until you deplete it all, then whine about having no damage.

I would absolutely hate to have you as a "DPS" on any raid I'm in. The healers DPSing in between healing would do more than you with your way of doing things.

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No you didn't. You are exaggerating. I have 400 biochem, lvl 50 sniper with champ gear and Columni PVE gear. You are fibbing a bit, don't pad your argument.


In fairness the situation he listed and the situation you listed are vastly different ones that give different results. Bolster does indeed make lowbie snipers/gunslingers hit really hard lol.


Sometimes Snipers get high damage in Huttball, usually sorcs and mercs out DPS them though. You should try honesty. Also, there is nothing fun about the cover system or using it.


Also you can't tank using the cover system, that's the dumbest thing I have ever heard someone say. If you ever even played a sniper, you would know you can't tank anything worthwhile.


To say that they get outdamaged by the 2 classes most likely to receive the next nerfs isn't all that bad really.

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He's not. I'm full PvP - valor 61, champ gear + cent (w/ 56 mods) chest, + battlemaster ear and implants. (roughly 12.something % bonus expertise).


It's 4.5 against equal geared targets, 5+ against lower gear for ambush + the inevitable 2-3k explosive probe.


I am too, so what. Sometimes with champion gear and up, you'll get in the high 4k, but with his gear and not being level 50, like he stated, he's full of crap.

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wow, you spend half your time in PVE auto attacking? You have no concept of energy management.

I bet you spam charged burst until you deplete it all, then whine about having no damage.

I would absolutely hate to have you as a "DPS" on any raid I'm in. The healers DPSing in between healing would do more than you with your way of doing things.


I never said I run my energy down. You're saying that to justify your argument. I said we have to spend a lot of time using our base attack because we run out of energy really fast as snipers.


Personally I don't care about your raids, my guild and I are raiding also, doing the hard mode raids and everything else.


The problem here, is that you don't know what your talking about, despite your anecdotal's about my play style.

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I never said I run my energy down. You're saying that to justify your argument. I said we have to spend a lot of time using our base attack because we run out of energy really fast as snipers.


Personally I don't care about your raids, my guild and I are raiding also, doing the hard mode raids and everything else.


The problem here, is that you don't know what your talking about, despite your anecdotal's about my play style.


Like I said, you need to use your auto attack just to keep your energy from dropping too low. You really should practice some efficient rotations. You aren't being everything you can be for your raid.

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In fairness the situation he listed and the situation you listed are vastly different ones that give different results. Bolster does indeed make lowbie snipers/gunslingers hit really hard lol.


Even when the warzones mixed, people who where bolstered did not hit harder then geared 50's. That's part of the reason why bio-ware separated the 50's out from the lower levels, because of the added DPS from expertise.

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Like I said, you need to use your auto attack just to keep your energy from dropping too low. You really should practice some efficient rotations. You aren't being everything you can be for your raid.


There is no "auto attack".


I use my "base attack", which is set to "1" like most people's when my energy gets close to 60% in order to keep my energy at the highest regen. The point of what I was saying is... snipers can't consistently use "special" attacks like some classes, in order to maintain the highest DPS rotation as MM we have to base attack quite a bit.


I don't know where you are getting this thing you are saying about me running my energy down.

Edited by Reryn
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