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Why so few Snipers?


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The snipers are the second most OP class right after sorcs, after the operative nerfs


The reason they have to use cover is because they have the most overpowered ranged burst in the game and tons of survivability and CC immunities whill in cover, snipers being used in groups have amazing results and make the other classes look useless


If you are just a random solo noob then pick another class more suited to you like the tracer missle class, its a group based class so get over it, and no they arent underpowered not by a long shot



tons of survivability and cc immunites ?


Care to tell me those? we have a knock back and we have a cc block ..


Explain to me again why im op?


oh and all my abilities can be absorbed by shields and all are affected by armor?


Try playing a sniper at lvl 50 then try again

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Huh? We can shoot in any direction just fine... There is also the much whined about auto target lock for everything we have, so you can run through us, behind us, jump and make faces - it won't cancel the cast.


i cant snipe when i take cover and they walk up behind me? :confused:

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Lethality snipers are ok in PUGs, can do good damage numbers. But if your against any decent players, your dots are gonna get purged and have fun with your 12 second main dot cool down. Snipers are gimp right now.


If your healers have time to purge my continually applied DOTs then my team is plainly not doing their job. Remember lethality and dirty fighting specs get 2 energy for every DOT crit and IMO should have puglism up at all times via 2 spent talent points in the heal tree.


As well if you really don't think I'm a threat I'm not being focused. If you are focusing me it's likely because I'm doing my job. Also, as great as shrap bomb/corrosive bomb is, do not be fooled. Corrosive Dart/Vital Shot is still our bread and butter and that is nothing if not spammable.



Beyond everything else though, my job as DOT spec is not to destroy people on my own. I hold my own and I can lay down the hurt, especially on DOT weakened opponents, but my biggest strength is that I open the door for team mates to wreck shop. Either my damage needs to be constantly healed or dispelled or burst damage has it's door swung not only swung open but ripped off. If your healing/dispelling my damage then that is GCD's that you could be spending on other things, especially since I'm just going to re-apply anyways.






I'd really like to see you "taking down quickly" 20k hp tank with his shield and +def ability up carrying the ball. You can't? Correct. But that tank can't mitigate or deflect missile or lightning. So who would you pick up for your premade if you're any smart?


That is an issue that goes far beyond just snipers/gunslingers and I expect it to be adjusted.

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i cant snipe when i take cover and they walk up behind me? :confused:


Snipe harder then... It works just fine...


If Snipers would not be able to shoot at things opposite to their cover position, I would be the first to QQ about it.

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If you play a Sniper in the 1-49 bracket cut your damage in half and you know the damage you do in the 50s bracket.


Also I love sniping force classes and then just get a "deflect".

They didn't even use a defensive cd.

They ever deflect a rocket ?

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Well I never expected when I posted this last night to wake up to 9 pages of repies. For the most part there seemed to be an overall agreement on most things. I do kind of like being an underplayed class which feels a bit more unique. If BW runs this game the same way Blizzard runs WoW I'm sure the sniper will go from underpowered to overpowered and back again a bunch of times just as every other class will.
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^^^ you are really gimped as a sniper because all your damage is weapon damage. Which is mitgated by everything in existance.


Well, every non noob sniper/slinger is in DOT tree.


I melt defensive oriented powertechs. They could have no armor at all for all I care and feel.

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Considering they sit there mezzed for a fat part of this whole thing - yes... Heck even Leg Shot + all that works just fine, if not better, since only desperate people blow their cc breaker on root.


As if I never used it... Btw you can still drop explosive probe in the end of any cast.

Dropping flashbang is like saying "Hey, I'm about to nuke you". People usually use cc breaker at that point. If not they just pop up shield + sprint and run to the nearest corner after your ambush.

If there is a premade the healer is guarded and you are taunted. So you can't rly burst him. But it would be the same for mercs and sorcs.

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All of our utility abilities require cover, while no other class in the game needs cover to use similar abilities.


AoE Knockback? Requires cover.


CC immunity cd? Requires cover.


DMG reduction aoe cd? Requires cover.


Hardest hitting abilities? Requires cover.


Ranged stun for troopers/BH's/Sorcers/Sages.

Sniper/Gunslinger stun? Requires melee range.


Speed boost talents or sprint abilities? None.


Heals? None.


Force pulls, force leaps, grapples, ect.? None.




Now go back through the list with a Sorcerer/Sage and you will see why no one plays Sniper/Gunslinger.




AoE Knockback? None.


CC immunity cd? None.


DMG reduction aoe cd? We have 2, one on a long CD one on a short CD.


Hardest hitting abilities? Welll...we don't use cover obviously.


Stun? None.


Speed boost talents or sprint abilities? None.


Heals? None. Unless you're annihilation/whatever the sentinel counterpart is but that's only off bleed crits and they don't heal for much.


Force pulls, force leaps, grapples, ect.? Force choke and force leap, force leap is our only mobility and force choke isn't fantastic unless you're a Juggernaut because it's a channeled ability.


It's almost as if Snipers/Gunslingers are the ranged counterpart of Marauders/Sentinels...practically useless.

Edited by Tyestor
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1. Too many hoops to jump through just to use best abilities (long cast times, cover needed).

2. Said cast times are not commensurate with the damage delivered.

3. Attacks easily circumvented (running out of range or out of line of sight).

4. Range is not very sniper-like (I think other classes have similar range without a sniper rifle).

5. True support class best success picking off otherwise engaged enemies who are low on health.

6. While they have CC, few tools to "seal the deal" in close quarters PvP.



Few reasons there I ma sure there are more.

Edited by Doxxs
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As if I never used it... Btw you can still drop explosive probe in the end of any cast.

Dropping flashbang is like saying "Hey, I'm about to nuke you". People usually use cc breaker at that point. If not they just pop up shield + sprint and run to the nearest corner after your ambush.

If there is a premade the healer is guarded and you are taunted. So you can't rly burst him. But it would be the same for mercs and sorcs.



Putting Explosive Probe after the cast kinda defeats the whole point.


At any rate IF you see that a healer is guarded you can always switch to some squishy and nuke it down just like that. TBH, I did not have much issue with guard and healers, because healers usually stay back, while tanks rush in... which usually deactivates guard since the max distance between the two needs to be 15m max. It is usually that in Alderaan, but not in Voidstar/Huttball.


If lead CC fails, you can fallback on Leg Shot, this usually means the target will get away, unless you really crit his face off, but well pillaring and LoSing healer is a healer that does not heal his team... that's already something. And if your team is smart enough, they will finish him off anyway, it's not like you have to do everything yourself.


Now look, I am not claiming this works all the time at all, but if it works, which it often does, it works big time and is something that our Sorc and Merc overlords can't even dream of.

Edited by Gaidax
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I play a lvl 50 gunslinger and enjoy it a lot. That said I am a dirty fighting spec and find the dots very useful in defending the doors on voidstar and the nodes on civil war. Before I get killed I always make sure to dot everyone in the area to prevent them from planting the bomb on the door or capturing the node leaving my teammates and myself ample time to return in force to stop them. The cover system definitely needs refinements though, but I am pretty confident at going against any class in the game in one on one. I can't help but remember that post publish 9 in swg pre-cu many jedi who were MLS could block over 85% of your shots as a ranged bher so I feel a lot less gimped as a gunslinger in this game than I did as a ranged bher in that game.
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I laughed


Ill trade that imaginary survivability for a sorcs ability to sprint,heal,and burst a bubble.

I cant wait for population to evolve into sorcs and BHs since the sniper class is fine and the cover system which is awesome according to most wont save you from lightning,flame,and missiles but other snipers.

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Because Gunsliger and Sniper is not easy mode. You actually have to play well to survive.


Play a sorc or sage. You'll understand.


gunslingers/snipers assasins/shadows actualy require skill to play them. they are not easymode class's.



as for the rest of the class are all just 1 to 4 button wonder spammers.

Edited by Paralassa
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I enjoy the challenge and the utility that my sniper brings to the table. The only complaints that I have with the class are:


1) Lethality costs far too much energy for the damage it produces.


2) Marksman tree depends on the cover mechanic which is both buggy and places a huge "KILL ME" sign on the sniper.


Sure, there are days where I wish I could spam tracer missle and get 500k damage, but those days are few. So for now, I'll play my heart out for 300k and feel good knowing that it took me some finesse to get there.

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The real reason that there arent many snipers is because there is no middleground for a warzone match.


You are mostly ignored and can obliterate people from afar one match


Then the next t here is some (insert any class here excecpt another sniper) whos parents were apparently killed by a sniper and chase you down and target you out the entire match. Thats a 15 min skull****....


You either get **** all over or have a decant match.

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Because Gunsliger and Sniper is not easy mode. You actually have to play well to survive.


Play a sorc or sage. You'll understand.


Because you have to play 5x harder then any other class out there, to achieve the same thing. That's not skill or fun, that's called being stupid. I never understand the thinking, that because I have to hit 10 buttons. And you only have to hit 5, that my class takes skill and yours doesn't.


Sure there are a going to be people that love them for what they are, but myself and all my friends, and people I have talked to all say the same thing. They hate the cover mechanic, I have no doubts if they took out the cover part of the class. You would see a lot more people playing them, heck I would role up a gunslinger myself.


I mean really they could put a class in that needs 15 key presses, just to set up there 20 sec cast timer, that only hits for 100 damage. And you would have a handful of people play them, and defend them saying its skill.

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The system is so cumbersome, I tried to level smuggler/operative at least 15 times. Never got past lvl 8.

It is very static and very broken. Everyone I know who started out with "I am going to roll a sniper!" in mind, ended as a scrapper or medic at lvl 10.

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