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POLL: How do you feel about SWTOR today?


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With a content patch released, bugs fixed/still existing, performance issues, new stuff on the horizon and old stuff still boggled there's a great deal of varying opinion on this game right now. Having said that, please participate in the poll below and let's show the devs some actual numbers.


POLL HERE: http://www.easypolls.net/poll.html?p=4f1b5dcec2e1b0e4df77c294


Thanks, and remember to share this link with as many people as you can! The more who participate, the more accurate the poll is. Cheers!

Edited by Dunzo
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I'd give it an 8/10


First MMO I've really enjoyed since SWG.


It's missing some essential content (guild banks...really?) But the positives more than make up for the flaws and things will improve with time and patches.


I'll be sticking around.



Would be nice to have High graphics again, I miss the beta graphics.

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Even with the bugs ( I have the flicker screen issue since patch on 1/18 ) I still think this is the best MMO out there at this time. My guild and I are having a lot of fun playing. Hopefully all the bugs will get worked out in a month or so.



Edited by Rhysling
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So many minor but annoying bugs and frustrating design decisions are like suffering death from a thousand cuts.


My trooper is level 29, but I dont think I've learned a useful new ability in a long time, just new ranks of existing abilities. This makes the gameplay very repetative and boring. Haven't logged on for more than 30 minutes in almost a week...I think this game is dead to me, but I really wish it wasn't.


I'm paid up thru March, so I will watch for improvements, but I 'm not holding my breath.

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I'm paid up thru March, so I will watch for improvements, but I 'm not holding my breath.


Same here...


At this point i just wish i could get my money back!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm giving it a -2/10. They did make a few improvements. I originally gave them a -5!!!

Edited by AdmKreagon
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Terrible, 5/10.


Welcome back Papa. Thought your sub was canceled a couple of days ago......


On topic, I like the game. It is very nice with a lot of great features, both current and up coming. Still needs work, but over all I would say 8/10.

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I'm having a lot of fun. Yup, there are a few more or less annoying bugs, but that's what you get when you buy a game right when it's released.

Though unlike quite a few people, who apparently thought SWTOR would be the non plus ultra and such, I hoped for an interesting game in a universe I love, and that's exactly what I got. Actually it is overall better than what I had expected.

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