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Why make excuses For MMO's at launch?


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Try bloody reading my posts, you said there are game breaking issues, if you have done all you have said you have done, then there aren't that many game breaking issues is there? Stop saying game breaking issues when you mean bugs that effect PARTS of the game, they do not stop you from playing....:rolleyes:


I consider it game breaking, when I have to reset my flashpoint and redo it 5 times because it keeps bugging out. I consider it game breaking when the chest with loot bugs out and doesn't give anything after an hour of clearing a boring trash in a long corridor called an instance(yes Boarding Party I am talking about you).


I consider it game breaking, when my character does not respond when I try to use abiltiies and I get messages "Your ability was interrupted by movement" for instant cast spells.


I consider it game breaking that raids were bugged so terribly that we spent 3 hours just trying to get into one.


I consider it game breaking when people are duping and exploiting all over the place.


I consider it game breaking when economy is inexistent because of poor design choices.


Should I continue?


If the only thing you consider game breaking is when you game gets CTDs, then no I didn't get any CTDs, albeit other people did. But no I put far more meaning into gamebreaking when I say it, than that.

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No No No, wasn't saying you are, but the point I tried to get across earlier when I saw a post complaining about the amount of bugs in game at release, was that alot of bugs are not always game related, which your post proves my point as in I don't get them bugs like you do, so it has alot more to do with hardware/software then just the game, but trying to explain that to someone who is blinkered and blames they game for everything is like pissing against a brick wall.:D


Screen flicking is caused by a bug in the server and it was on the dev tracker.

But just noticed that someone toke it out for some reason which is bad job really.

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the fact is even the creators of the hero engine didn't know how good it would end up being.


you can for all intents create a game using the unreal 3 engine, you know what to expect as it is a finished game engine, tried and tested before being released to the market.


can you spot the difference?


bioware took up the hero engine rightly or wrongly in an unfinished state and had no idea whether it would even work as it had never been used before or properly tested as it was not finished to be tested in the first place.


and you go on about poor reading skills? that goes both ways.


I don't know crap about engines, but the fact is that the people complaining about it don't either.


I'm not sure what you're ranting about.

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Wait, wow didnt have pvp at launch, so all those pvp servers I saw was a myth?


I'm pretty sure you know what I meant. It didn't have any reason to PvP. There were no PvP rewards. There was no instanced PvP. There were no open PvP objectives of any sort. If you played on a PvE server there was literally none. If you played on a PvP server, the only reason to do it was for kicks. Nothing about it mattered.

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I don't know crap about engines, but the fact is that the people complaining about it don't either.


I'm not sure what you're ranting about.


I'm afraid you have become unstuck again in this line of thinking. You have no idea what I know about such things.

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Ah, so everyone having any problems are making them up. Sorry fell off my chair there, I laughed so much.


How did you manage to get me saying that people having problems are making them up. I've never once said there are no issues. I just suggested that you don't like the game they have chosen to make and then called it broken.

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I'm pretty sure you know what I meant. It didn't have any reason to PvP. There were no PvP rewards. There was no instanced PvP. There were no open PvP objectives of any sort. If you played on a PvE server there was literally none. If you played on a PvP server, the only reason to do it was for kicks. Nothing about it mattered.


By your logic SWTOR has no pvp, cause all everyone does is just win trading on Illum without killing anyone to get their "pvp gear" and there s no actuall reason to pvp either.


So there is no pvp in SWTOR.


No themepark MMOs have accomplished engaging and meaningful pvp models yet, wow included. You need a sandbox for that.

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By your logic SWTOR has no pvp, cause all everyone does is just win trading on Illum without killing anyone to get their "pvp gear" and there s no actuall reason to pvp either.


So there is no pvp in SWTOR.


No themepark MMOs have accomplished engaging and meaningful pvp models yet, wow included. You need a sandbox for that.


Win trading on Ilum is a point you want to make. Now you are saying a brand new game needs to be better than a 6 year old game. Cata had the same thing.


Win trading is not broken game it's broken players.

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That's your opinion, I call them bugs that need reporting in the correct manner and in the correct forum and wouldn't waste my time complaining about them, because they will get fixed eventually, but until then I can play swtor without problems, many can't, and my whole point in taking part in this thread was to say that not all bugs are game related as so many with different variations in manchines have different problems compared to others. HENCE you will never get any mmo, bug free, thats were I started and will now finish, good night all.


I consider it game breaking, when I have to reset my flashpoint and redo it 5 times because it keeps bugging out. I consider it game breaking when the chest with loot bugs out and doesn't give anything after an hour of clearing a boring trash in a long corridor called an instance(yes Boarding Party I am talking about you).


I consider it game breaking, when my character does not respond when I try to use abiltiies and I get messages "Your ability was interrupted by movement" for instant cast spells.


I consider it game breaking that raids were bugged so terribly that we spent 3 hours just trying to get into one.


I consider it game breaking when people are duping and exploiting all over the place.


I consider it game breaking when economy is inexistent because of poor design choices.


Should I continue?


If the only thing you consider game breaking is when you game gets CTDs, then no I didn't get any CTDs, albeit other people did. But no I put far more meaning into gamebreaking when I say it, than that.

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By your logic SWTOR has no pvp, cause all everyone does is just win trading on Illum without killing anyone to get their "pvp gear" and there s no actuall reason to pvp either.


So there is no pvp in SWTOR.


No themepark MMOs have accomplished engaging and meaningful pvp models yet, wow included. You need a sandbox for that.


Lineage 2.


Castle sieges every 2 weeks on a defined schedule, Territory wars the day before siege.

Castles provide money and materials for the owning clan, territory wars provide stat bonuses for clans that hold the different territory wards.

Clan wars for open pvp anywhere in the world except towns.

Contested raid bosses on long respawn timers (2-11 days depending on the boss) that are actually meaningfull since they provide items you cant get from anywhere else.


the pvp worked, i wont mention the pve because it was a grind from hell in which you were required to bot to stay competitive (on retail servers). i BS you not.

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Win trading on Ilum is a point you want to make. Now you are saying a brand new game needs to be better than a 6 year old game. Cata had the same thing.


Win trading is not broken game it's broken players.


I stated that if WOW had no PVP on release than SWTOR does not have it still. By the logic of the poster that I responded to.


I did no praise WOW pvp, infact I put it down and it's about as bad as SWTOR pvp is, cept at this point it has more content.

Edited by Meluna
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Why hold an MMO at launch to standards even MMOs that have existed for years can't meet?




However, it is normal to hold a new product, to the same standards an existing product is held to.



A new smart phone needs to be just as good as the current smart phones, not the smart phones 4 years ago.



SWTOR's UI should have been just as good as WoW, Rifts, STO, WAR, etc.


SWTOR's Auction House should have been just as good as the AH's in those games.


SWTOR's LFG options should have been just as good as those games.





It is not about looking for TOR to be 'unbelievably' amazing, but simply not be less than current games, with regards to its base design elements.
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However, it is normal to hold a new product, to the same standards an existing product is held to.



A new smart phone needs to be just as good as the current smart phones, not the smart phones 4 years ago.



SWTOR's UI should have been just as good as WoW, Rifts, STO, WAR, etc.


SWTOR's Auction House should have been just as good as the AH's in those games.


SWTOR's LFG options should have been just as good as those games.





It is not about looking for TOR to be 'unbelievably' amazing, but simply not be less than current games, with regards to its base design elements.



Sacrifices were made in order to meet the publishers deadline. We all know EA calls the shots on when a game has to be released and in this case they HAD to cash in on the xmas season.


So they gave you systems that work but are barebones. Systems that they intend to improve as already stated.


Welcome to software development and corporate BS (mostly corporate BS).

Edited by Plexas
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I stated that if WOW had no PVP on release than SWTOR does not have it still. By the logic of the poster that I responded to.


I did no praise WOW pvp, infact I put it down and it's about as bad as SWTOR pvp is, cept at this point it has more content.


When cata was released there was win trading in that just as there is on Ilum. It's not a gamebreaker or a bug. It's things working fine but a community exploiting a game design turning it into a bug.

Edited by Meluna
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However, it is normal to hold a new product, to the same standards an existing product is held to.



A new smart phone needs to be just as good as the current smart phones, not the smart phones 4 years ago.



SWTOR's UI should have been just as good as WoW, Rifts, STO, WAR, etc.


SWTOR's Auction House should have been just as good as the AH's in those games.


SWTOR's LFG options should have been just as good as those games.





It is not about looking for TOR to be 'unbelievably' amazing, but simply not be less than current games, with regards to its base design elements.


Do all movies released now have to have the same, or more, technology that Avatar did to even be considered a movie?

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Lineage 2.


Castle sieges every 2 weeks on a defined schedule, Territory wars the day before siege.

Castles provide money and materials for the owning clan, territory wars provide stat bonuses for clans that hold the different territory wards.

Clan wars for open pvp anywhere in the world except towns.

Contested raid bosses on long respawn timers (2-11 days depending on the boss) that are actually meaningfull since they provide items you cant get from anywhere else.


the pvp worked, i wont mention the pve because it was a grind from hell in which you were required to bot to stay competitive (on retail servers). i BS you not.


Yeah I played L2, I wouldn't call L2 themepark.


It has far too much freedom to be a themepark MMO, not to mention that you can actually loot stuff from people and territory control(sieges making change in the world).


As far as pvp goes I have 3 games at the top for 3 different reasons, in no particular order:


1) EVE because of all the politics involved in pvp and massive fights with a lot of people

2) Darkfall because of the quake-like fast paced aim requiring combat that takes skill

3) Lineage 2 because of the awesome risk&reward system it used to have before it went carebear with the latest expansion.

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what christmas money? everyone is skint or not spending it due to the worst global economic downturn in history.


they should have released the game in a better state at any time simply due to the small fact they would have gotten more subs and more would have bought the game knowing it was in better shape, there will be countless people that want to play the game but are waiting a given period for these main issue's to be resolved before sinking time into this game.


what is causing the issues is of greater concern though, performance from computers should be far far far higher this game is not good enough to tax high end systems yet somehow it is, thats dire optimisation which is suppose to be done before release.


the other issues so many seem to have is a clear sign they were not ready, the launcher issues patching issues corrupt file issues and so on.


the small fact the launcher is done by a 3rd party...i mean really? are they joking even with all their devs they couldn't do their own? that worries me.


hero engine....was not finished when it was taken up by bioware, they had only a vague idea of how well it would actually work, granted probably a very educated idea but did they overestimate it's ability? it's certainly possible.


blaaa i went on a tangent...just just sooo disapointed.


But u have got to admit tho xmas rush as in


kids asking mommy daddy can i have that game for xmas? u not see that happening and them making more money from the game quicker?

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Because most of us have never seen a mmo that launched in perfect condition and have the patience to give them time to fix the bugs, balance issues and so forth.



If you know of a MMO on this scale that launched with no issues...I am impressed. While I would have loved to see a perfect release, I am a realist and realized there were far too many unforseen issues that would pop only after they exceeded the population they beta tested with.


Some people don't have the patience or are the isolated few that have truly game breaking issues, to them I would suggest even if you cancel try again in a few months odds are the issues you have now should be resolved by then.

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talking about reading comprehension is a bad thing. Wanting to say you have all this experience and what not is bad.


When cata was released there was win trading in that just as there is on Ilum. See my point now that I spelled it out for you? It's not a gamebreaker or a bug. It's things working fine but a community exploiting a game design turning it into a bug.


I did not fcking say it was a gamebreaking bug, can you seriously learn to read, oh my god...


I said that if WOW has no pvp then SWTOR has no pvp either, quit looking at letters and imagining them meaning what you want them to mean, actually read my words, please?

Edited by failr
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Because its STARWARS! Period! What!? I said it! Everyone else doesnt have the guts but i do... call me a fanboy cuz im proud of it! If you dont like this MMO LEAVE? Us STARWARS fanboys will stay and help the game become better and better. STARWARS ROAR! :D Edited by KindBudhArsh
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