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Why can't people see the good side of this game?


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The voice acting is interesting for awhile but at some point you realize that unless it's part of the main series on a planet or a class quest it really isn't worth listening to. NPC states some problem they're having, I inquire, they introduce themselves and elaborate, then I say "How do I fit in?" and I'm off to kill some droids or something. It gets tedious to listen to everything and once you've run a flashpoint once people skip all the dialogue in hard modes as well.


The crafting isn't something I'd laud as being terribly good either. It's a lottery and a grind. I say this having learned many of the epic 49 implants - many of which were utterly worthless. We're talking hours and hours of farming mats and companions crafting blues. There also isn't much demand for the ones that are actually useful either because most people just save up their daily commendations or get implants from hard modes.


The good side of the game was the leveling. It's a good single player game but once the class stuff is over and you're level 50 it relies on the MMO elements and that's where it falls apart.


This above goes to the difference in preferences that is one issue. Most folks that I know love the voice feature of the game, side or main quest. They also enjoy that mix of single and MMO feel to the game. Sure, its mainly for leveling and some hate leveling and want to do endgame like yesterday. Only issue with that is with a new property I would like to move around to a number of choices and playstyles to see what I like.


The group that dislikes the focus on leveling normally have a type of char in mind that mirrors close to what they have played before and would just rather be done with all other things. Thats fine, their choice. And if this game giving some focus onto making leveling abit less bland bothers folks then thats just how it goes. Not the game for you, have fun wherever you end up.

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Because for some reason people insist on holding TOR up to standard that no MMO has met, and doing it at the top of their lungs.


I don't get it either.


You can't have a good side of ability delays.


Many MMOs met the less grind in Timesink issue


Many MMOs have in fact met the antistale asss npcs/world


Just for something I don't even care about but do you really wanna go with High res textures?


This **** is not impossible it just so happen we're all ok with paying with stuff that stops under the "skys limit" and instead of something becoming a "star."

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Seriously. All anyone has to bring up is the features that TOR lacks while ignoring some of the awesome things it brought to the table.


The voice acting is top notch, and the storyline elements that it adds makes questing more than just being about completing the objective and getting the rewards. It adds a human element to the table, and I find that I actually care about my characters as people in the world, as opposed to being an avatar with stats which is what I got from other MMO's.


The companion system is amazing. No other MMO has a "pet" system that is close to being as useful and dynamic as this. You can let your companion act on it's own, which it usually does fairly well. If you want more control, you can manually control the companion on your own. They are quite smart on their own as well, going as far as not breaking CC on enemies.


The crafting system has another element added. Disassembling items to improve upon the schematics is very rewarding.


Flashpoints, which are basically the same as dungeons. However now there is actually a story to care about.


The class system is role-bending to say the least. Healers do not get killed in one to two hits by a boss. Every role is challenging, and being successful requires a fair bit of teamwork.


Dark side/Light side alignment, while simple in nature, adds another enjoyable layer of depth to the game.




On a final note: I pointed a gun at a child's head to force a woman to give back some medicine she stole. Name one other MMO that gives you an option to do that during a quest. This game may lack certain features of MMO's you are used to, but it has much to offer in exchange. Not only that, but the features will be added in due time, and bugs will get fixed. Enjoy what the game offers. If you are not interested in what it offers, leave.



There are 3 groups from 3 divergent mentalities playing SWTOR right now..


Group 1: The "I am enjoying SWTOR right now" group.

This group is fairly explanatory. They are playing the game and enjoying it. Some see the current issues in the game related to bugs. However, it is recognized that certain issues will be over come.


Group 2: The "EX Star Wars Galaxies" group.

This is the jilted lovers group. SWG was cancelled (rightfully so). The came to SWTOR hoping that SWTOR would be SWG part two. SWTOR is not SWG part two. This group has since complained about SWTOR not being SWG part two. This groups wants to make furniture and have extremely large "explorable" worlds with nothing to do in them except be explorable.


Group 3: The "World of warcraft" group.

This is the group that essentially wants WOW but with the Star Wars cover. This is the group asking for insta-queue LFD/LFR, Recount, Arena, and gear score. In the mind of this group SWTOR, is a failure unless these features are added into the game.


Bugs will be fixed over time and this game will work great and play great.


However, the SWG groups and WOW groups will never be satisfied.

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There's not many good sides of the game right now, FACT.


It's tools like this who come to the forums just to bash and whine.


My theory is that the people that whine the most of forums are the one that are the worst at MMO's in general.


In WoW they were BG scrubs, Facepullers, and Keyboard turners.


In SWTOR they a forum trolls.


SWTOR is great, I take it as it is.... omg a game. And its a very good game at that.

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You can't have a good side of ability delays.


Many MMOs met the less grind in Timesink issue


Many MMOs have in fact met the antistale asss npcs/world


Just for something I don't even care about but do you really wanna go with High res textures?


This **** is not impossible it just so happen we're all ok with paying with stuff that stops under the "skys limit" and instead of something becoming a "star."


Ability delays are a serious problem that needs to be fixed.


I never felt like leveling in TOR was a grind. I felt like TOR excelled here.


I have no idea what the 3rd line is supposed to be about.


No idea about textures. My laptop sucks.

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It's tools like this who come to the forums just to bash and whine.


My theory is that the people that whine the most of forums are the one that are the worst at MMO's in general.


In WoW they were BG scrubs, Facepullers, and Keyboard turners.


In SWTOR they a forum trolls.


SWTOR is great, I take it as it is.... omg a game. And its a very good game at that.


Hey! I keyboard turn!


But yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the bashers are people who couldn't finish their class quests due to inability to understand what an interrupt is.

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Hey! I keyboard turn!


But yeah, it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the bashers are people who couldn't finish their class quests due to inability to understand what an interrupt is.


I'm pretty sure they wouldn't even know how to turn on a computer then. :p

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More like the people who do not like it are angry they have to go back to WoW.


Its like having to go back to that unhappy marriage when the sexy new affair doesn't work out :)


Just because people get irritated with SWTOR doesn't mean they will go back to WoW.

Or that they came from WoW to begin with.

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So you like rolling alts... .That means everybody should enjoy alts right?

When I play an mmo I stick to 1 character. Am I doing it wrong? :rolleyes:


There are many ways to play a game, and games can be designed. In SWTOR case, yes you are doing it wrong. (Well in my opinion anyway)


This was designed from day one to be a co-op version of kotor X, I for one am loving it and am happy to pay my monthly fee for story of this magnitude.


While I hope they sort out the pvp and warzone problems soon, if it takes them a few months I'm fine with that, I'll still have a most of the class stories to experience.


Back to saving the galaxy. :cool:

Edited by LongGui
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I'm not seeing a lot of whining in this thread; I'm seeing thoughtful, intelligent posts addressing the many issues paying customers have with the game.


People get frustrated and post valid complaints or rage threads because they want to love the game, but major or sometimes even minor issues prevent them from truly enjoying it like they want to.


This really needs to be reiterated. These forums provide valuable feedback for Bioware. People complain here because they want to enjoy the game, but, for whatever reason, something is keeping them from getting everything they want from The Old Republic.


After two years of playing World of Warcraft - and hating myself every time I renewed my subscription - I quit around the beginning of November in anticipation of The Old Republic. (In fact, part of the reason I first joined WoW was because of TOR.) I love Star Wars. I loved Knights of the Old Republic. This game should have been exactly what I wanted. But it's not. It's not satisfying. It's the same grindstone from WoW that wore my nose down to a nub. Yes, the voice-acting is top notch; yes, the crafting is new and interesting to a point; I (mostly) enjoy having a constant, likeable companion; rewarding players for playing the character the right (or wrong) way is also interesting; and I like that The Old Republic is an mmoRPG with an involving story that matters rather than an MMOrpg that basically ignores the reasoning behind your quests and actions. But at the end of the day, TOR still revolves around the one thing that I HATED about World of Warcraft: arbitrary numbers. And arbitrary numbers lead to boring, tedious combat and boring, tedious quests. What do you have after that? A good, involving story without the game to go with it.


It's kind of depressing to wait in anticipation for three years for the game to turn out to be a $60, one-month rental.

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I expect some of the haters on the forums are people that want to go back to WoW but know that it won't be very much fun if all their friends are here. Therefore they need to convince everyone else that this game is dying so that everyone will go back to WoW and it will be like it was.
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well said let the haters hate..infact the majority are enjoying the game and dont post on forums like the haters do for EVERY SINGLE TINY DETAILS jsut to make swtor look bad.


Its a new fresh mmo EVERYTHING will be fixed in time....

did u guyz saw the vid?


ppl wine about the UI they change it

pvp same

legacy news check

next patch is heavy focus on pvp..again they did listen players

bug are getting fixed

delay ability they are fixing atm they also made a thread about go check.


I dont undestand ppl...if u expect EVERYTHING to be fixed in a month then mmo's ar enot for you.

MMO'S need patience if udont have it dont play it..better go play a SP game.


i remember wow at vanilla been far worse than swtor but look at it now.

Swtor need time to grow so less qq,play more

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I'll tell you why since you seem to be pretty clueless. Voice acting = space bar for about 90% of the people. Huge amount of resources spent on leveling. Which lets face it, in a mmo you should be spending most of your toons life at max level playing end game. Not re-rolling an alt every 2 weeks.


Really? I think you are the clueless one. If you wanted a pew pew kiddie game, then go back to WoW. SWTOR is simply a grand scale, MMO version of KOTOR, one of the best single player adventure games made. What makes it special? Voice acting, detailed plotlines, quests that have meaning. No, its not like other MMOs, where you camp the uber item that gives you 3% better survivability for 4 days straight, killing the same mobs over and over. Its not like MMOs where you incesantly grind mobs to get XP, all so that you can hit "50" and raid the same crap over and over again to get the "l33t l3wtz". You've got EIGHT archtypes, each with their own unique character plotlines. So yes, the game is about the journey, NOT the destination. If you're "space baring" the dialog, you're actually missing the entire plot of the game. Its sort of like watching Star Wars on fast forward, with subtitles. WTH would you do that?


BW spent by many accounts, 100s of millions on this game. I'm guessing only little of it went into the PvP endgame, and the majority went into all the amazing content. Why not try enjoying it?

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Really? I think you are the clueless one. If you wanted a pew pew kiddie game, then go back to WoW. SWTOR is simply a grand scale, MMO version of KOTOR, one of the best single player adventure games made. What makes it special? Voice acting, detailed plotlines, quests that have meaning. No, its not like other MMOs, where you camp the uber item that gives you 3% better survivability for 4 days straight, killing the same mobs over and over. Its not like MMOs where you incesantly grind mobs to get XP, all so that you can hit "50" and raid the same crap over and over again to get the "l33t l3wtz". You've got EIGHT archtypes, each with their own unique character plotlines. So yes, the game is about the journey, NOT the destination. If you're "space baring" the dialog, you're actually missing the entire plot of the game. Its sort of like watching Star Wars on fast forward, with subtitles. WTH would you do that?


BW spent by many accounts, 100s of millions on this game. I'm guessing only little of it went into the PvP endgame, and the majority went into all the amazing content. Why not try enjoying it?


AGREED. "too much talking" advocates need to leave us be.

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I love the game I am thoroughly enjoying the Sith Warrior story line, and the questing. My only complaint I had was when I had to deal with customer service over chat channel issue and it taking almost two weeks to resolve it. Customer service was of no help I found the solution by pure luck on the forums.
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