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Shelving the Assasin till.....


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Haha and you honestly dont think a few of those are superior over the others? Cmon man!




Is superior! You know why? Becose its a 3x procc build with an extra breakout and cooldown reset on shock meaning i can indeffinatly thrash, shock, thrash, shock making shock a 100% crit + 45% chance for 2nd 50% damage, 50% higher crit damage on thrash and you get to use crushing darkness in combat and you have probably the best stealth detection spell in the game while still being helpfull for the team.


Deception does litte for the team as its team as its easiily shutdown and its damage is mitigated by shields and defense with no gap closer thru CC.


Belive me im not being ignorant to your opinion but stating that alot of those builds are viable in the current PVP wz's vs skilled players is not helping new players.


Of course some are superior to others. But it depends on how you choose to play the class. If I play as a tank 31/0/10 is far superior to 23/0/18 or 25/0/16. If I play as deception 2/31/8 is far superior to 27/14/0 or 18/23/0.


It's all personal preference. I actually seem to perform better in a 2/31/8 spec and am hardly useless when it comes to team play. I hardly ever get shutdown because I don't run into an encounter head up in a group of 4 people. I pick and choose my battles according to what causes the most disruption to a team, and that's not always "ZOMG I need to do more damage." It boils down to what you know about the spec and how to use. I was merely giving examples of specs that I've tried and not felt like a bump on a log. I assure you that there are more than 1-2 and that was my point.


I don't consider myself some "uber" pvper, or leet pro. But its not that hard to figure out what works, why, and how to use it. I also refrain from using the "xx/xx/xx spec is the best because" mindset because not everyone plays the class the way that I do and the assassin AC has the flexibility to allow a player to choose how they want to play and still be a major contributer to a team game. You don't HAVE TO min/max to be good at this game. Which seems to be what you think works.

Edited by Cowflab
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I dont mind be underpowered because I truely we wil lget a few small buffs but I can not for the life of me play this class untill we get some sort of Proc Bar Indicator. Having to squint to see if my 3 stack harnassed Darkness is up, or Duplicity procs, or Raze procs makes this game almost unbearable.



I agree with you OP. The people who are going out of their way in a over the top way to disagree are just people who like to disagree with any suggestion.


I would however advise putting this in the suggestion forum.

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really you need a proc bar? How hard is it to glance down for a second for abilities that are a chance to proc and you should never need to see a proc bar for harnessed darkness. I mean really you know exactly what procs it 100% of the time.


Memorize what the icons look like and you wont spend a lot of time looking at bar at all.


You realize there's other classes and specs besides yours right? Not everyone has 100% chance to procc abilities.


I hate the people responding with this sentiment. CAN people look at their buff bar and tell if something has procced? Yes. Is that the most responsive and fun way to play? No.


Welcome to modern mmo's. Customizable buff and procc bars and features like it are normally the standard. Whether it's pve or pvp the split second you take your eyes away from your surroundings to find out if an ability procced or not can mean the difference between life and death. Seriously, most 1v1 encounters in pvp last how long? 20 seconds? Now factor in 2-3 seconds of looking at your buffs and tell me it's not a big deal.


I don't see why people think the ability to find information that's inconveniently located should be a factor in combat when it doesn't have to be. You're essentially asking people to go watch old school muscle cars race at the track instead of going to see the cutting edge drag racing cars of modern day, and then telling them they're stupid for preferring the latter.


LOL @ the people telling the OP to L2P better. He probably pwns you noobs on the reg. The fact that he knows the difference a customizable procc bar would make and you apparently don't speaks volumes about your level of skill and past experience.

Edited by Arnathis
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Another important aspect is that there is no animation/effect to show procs. I managed to play high end pvp on wow without any addons (before they implemented built in procbar ) but at least you would know when it proced. Here there is absolutely no way to know w/o looking at the minuscule squares, so having a proc bar is a necessity.
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are you for real? You are not going to play a class because you can't see a proc? Might just quit this game and go back to wow. Every class will have the same issue. Then you are going to insult people with the childish insults ever and consider yourself a video game god.... You need to get out more. Game is easy they do not need anything to show you that you have a proc. So many people said they can look down there for not even a SECOND. Sounds to me you are not the pro player at all if you cant look down for less than a second.
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I don't understand the issue. I understand being aware of buff timings and procs. I understand keeping your eyes on the game. I am confused at the problem of being able to do both without squinting or looking away from the battle? Can you explain why it's an issue to see both what your character is doing and the procs/timing of buffs?


I'm able to see both without compromising any combat issues. I have a pretty decent monitor size which may help me out. And with the upcoming UI customizations, I think this will solve any lingering issues.


I guess its because I don't play in 640x480 on a 14 inch monitor? I dunno; my character is in the middle of the screen and my buff bar is way down on the bottom of the screen away from the action.


I guess good for you that you can see everything going on with the screen. I guess I'm handicapped or blind or incapable so maybe I'd like to have some kind of visual cue that something just triggered so I can do something with it.


As far as to why it'd be an issue:

It's an issue for madness assassins for example because I need to make sure I fire off that raze proc which means I have to chase down some guy and thrash him repeatedly while also watching for his cast bar or any visual indicators that he's done something (it's not worth blowing all your damage cooldowns on someone with guard up while you're taunted off to another target.)


It becomes a problem because proc based builds are balanced around the idea that they pretty much use procs as they come.


Skill shouldn't come from how quickly you can find information, but more from what you do with said information. When I heal for example I unlock my raid frames and move them closer to the center of the screen. That way I can keep an eye on health bars while still contributing in other ways to a given warzone/flashpoint.

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are you for real? You are not going to play a class because you can't see a proc? Might just quit this game and go back to wow. Every class will have the same issue. Then you are going to insult people with the childish insults ever and consider yourself a video game god.... You need to get out more. Game is easy they do not need anything to show you that you have a proc. So many people said they can look down there for not even a SECOND. Sounds to me you are not the pro player at all if you cant look down for less than a second.


First off, I never said I wasn't going to play the class or this game because of this issue, I am only trying to propose ways to make this game better. Second, I never insulted anybody .And third,if every class has this issue that means we need to find a solution for the benefit of everyone not only our class . I can look for procs but I would rather concentrate on other things especially when pvping.

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I think its a legitimate request. Its not about having 10000 addons to make things easier. We are all different and our vision is different as well. TO be able to move my icons where i want and to scale them the way i want to maximize my own vision efficiency is a legitimate demand. UI scaling is planned on the next patch as far as i know, but not the ability to move the icons independently.
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The buff bars are too small. Yes, i can usually recognize which procs are which after a while, but thanks to the way the timers shows on the icon, it can be tough to see, at a quick glance, which is which and how many stacks are up.


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Another important aspect is that there is no animation/effect to show procs. I managed to play high end pvp on wow without any addons (before they implemented built in procbar ) but at least you would know when it proced. Here there is absolutely no way to know w/o looking at the minuscule squares, so having a proc bar is a necessity.


Definitely agree. It's easy on my Arsenal Merc to know when my proc comes up. There's a giant swirly graphic on my character. There are no graphics on my Assassin procs though, so I'm forced to take peeks at my buffbar.


It's certainly not the end of the world. I was just surprised at the stark difference in proc noticability between the two.

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Well, really, not even that. I can keep an eye on my procs and my surroundings perfectly fine at the same time. But the location of the buff coupled with the tiny size of them just makes it annoying. I can and am playing perfectly fine like this, but honestly some option to just increase icon size would be more comfortable for the eyes at least. /shrug


Edit: I'd like to add that a few weeks ago my GPU was overheating so drastically I had to seriously lower the resolution. Then it actually became really hard to tell one icon from another (to give an indication, I had to put chat on Large so I could even read it properly). It's fixed now and I'm happy, but people who really are playing like this, I mean, that must suck hard. :eek:


Edit 2: Also not everyone has such great eyes as most of us seem to have. Reading off how many stacks are on that icon isn't as easy for everyone as it is for us.

Edited by Bludjinni
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I guess its because I don't play in 640x480 on a 14 inch monitor? I dunno; my character is in the middle of the screen and my buff bar is way down on the bottom of the screen away from the action.


I guess good for you that you can see everything going on with the screen. I guess I'm handicapped or blind or incapable so maybe I'd like to have some kind of visual cue that something just triggered so I can do something with it.

Maybe you should start playing in 640x480 since you have an issue being blind, handicapped, or incapable. Your first two paragraphs are really unneeded. My post mentioned nothing about any physical or imaginary flaws you may possess or your screen size and resolution.


As far as to why it'd be an issue:

It's an issue for madness assassins for example because I need to make sure I fire off that raze proc which means I have to chase down some guy and thrash him repeatedly while also watching for his cast bar or any visual indicators that he's done something (it's not worth blowing all your damage cooldowns on someone with guard up while you're taunted off to another target.)


It becomes a problem because proc based builds are balanced around the idea that they pretty much use procs as they come.


Skill shouldn't come from how quickly you can find information, but more from what you do with said information. When I heal for example I unlock my raid frames and move them closer to the center of the screen. That way I can keep an eye on health bars while still contributing in other ways to a given warzone/flashpoint.


I also play an assassin and rely on my proc based abilities to perform well. I understand the importance of being able to time your procs. Again, I do not understand how it becomes difficult to see you procs/buffs/debuffs while playing competently. That was my query.


My thinking, since you have been on too many forums fighting with trolls based on your first strike attempt at sarcasm, is if I can understand what the issue is, maybe I can help, offer a solution, or perhaps I am may not be as observant as I think and am missing something.


Thanks for responding though, next time try answering the post you are responding to and don't start with unneeded and poor sarcasm.


For the record, I'm not against UI customization. I feel there should always be the option for each player to customize as they see fit to suit their needs.

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i kinda agree with the op, but is more an ui issue rather than an assassin one and it can get difficult to track temp buffs/procs especially in a raid situation.


hopefully devs will rework the ui making it more user friendly and customizable (that doesnt mean macros :p) with simple options as to show only your buffs, split temp buff from long duration ones (as the class buffs or adrenals) and the ability to move and resize the buff bar (and giving an option to darken the icon while they refresh :PpP)


l2p have nothing to do with such options, this is about customization and to give to players the tools to tweak their UI based on their preferences and playstyle

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Rift was even easier with the one button macros. Do not even need any mods to tell you what to do. Just hit that one button tied to the macro and the correct ability will always fire.

Lies! Rogues needs 3 buttons anyway. 1 for single target builder, 1 for finisher and 1 for aoe. :p


Well this game is basically made to promote razor nagas to be honest. I checked it out and I normaly use 21 ability keybinds tanking a single target boss. A tad to much to be honest. I would not mind to have that reduced with a few more passives but oh well...

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I don't see why there is so much massively negative response in this thread, why must people throw all their toys out of the pram simply because their opinion differs to someone else's? Grow the **** up! :p


Frankly, I think the OP has a very valid point, although admittedly he might not have made it in the most concise and productive manner. I also don't agree that "shelving your Assassin" is quite required, little extreme!


Yes, it is possible to monitor your procs by keeping an eye on the icons. I do this currently to perfectly good effect. It would, however, be nice to have something to make this process a little easier.


I'm not suggesting we need WoW-style 3rd party addons which put giant text in the middle of your screen telling you what to press and when. Just some form of *OPTIONAL* visual indicator would be nice. Or, alternatively, giving some of the procs some form of graphical effect. 2x Voltaic buff makes your hands crackle with lightning maybe... although that would clash with Recklessness so maybe not... but you get the point :p

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2x Voltaic buff makes your hands crackle with lightning maybe... although that would clash with Recklessness so maybe not... but you get the point :p


But Voltaic is 100% how would you not know that your shock is procced?


Bad example maybe :p


But still, if people want this in PvE fine by me, but it will get to the point where you NEED these kinds of things in PvP to even be competitive. One of the big arguements is does it affect your experience? If it effects PvP then yes, yes it does. If you need a huge neon sign to tell you to use a certian ability, why not just program the game to activate the ability for you? You know which abilites cause certian procs, why is it so hard to anticipate them? You see a new icon out of the corner of your eye right when you used it, chances are... it proced, what a shocker.


The fact is people are used to a certian thing, and now it is gone, and they are having a hard time adjusting, thats really all it comes down to.

Edited by Midnight_Malice
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Cant be bothered to read all the replies (read page 1).


But I agree, the UI leaves a lot to desire.

For me the placment of most things (buttons, character bars and things is anoying to say the least, I dont want to be forced to look down and pretty small icons for things, I would rather have a buff row with slightly bigger icons higher up, cause face it, you want to see the game area, not just the lower part of your screen.


But I understand, it should be optional, just remeber that not everyone likes the way the default UI looks.


(PS! the "whats comming" video atleast shows more movability and scaling of the ui itself)

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I don't see why there is so much massively negative response in this thread, why must people throw all their toys out of the pram simply because their opinion differs to someone else's? Grow the **** up! :p


Frankly, I think the OP has a very valid point, although admittedly he might not have made it in the most concise and productive manner. I also don't agree that "shelving your Assassin" is quite required, little extreme!


Yes, it is possible to monitor your procs by keeping an eye on the icons. I do this currently to perfectly good effect. It would, however, be nice to have something to make this process a little easier.


I'm not suggesting we need WoW-style 3rd party addons which put giant text in the middle of your screen telling you what to press and when. Just some form of *OPTIONAL* visual indicator would be nice. Or, alternatively, giving some of the procs some form of graphical effect. 2x Voltaic buff makes your hands crackle with lightning maybe... although that would clash with Recklessness so maybe not... but you get the point :p



The negative reaction comes from the responses of the op. He is arrogant and brash. So in return, you have counter arrogance. As you said, someone stating they're "shelving" their character because of a minuscule option for everyone and their mother to see is a bit extreme.


Moral of the story? Don't present your case like a spoiled child and you may actually have a constructive conversation.

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I also play an assassin and rely on my proc based abilities to perform well. I understand the importance of being able to time your procs. Again, I do not understand how it becomes difficult to see you procs/buffs/debuffs while playing competently. That was my query.


24" monitor + 1920 x 1080 res = buffs/procs are small and a good bit away from the action, and situations that need to be reacted too.


Now while you may be able to see everything just fine like that and know when everything procs, and not have to take your eyes away from battle, not all of us are able to as easily. Sometimes I'm able to notice them all other times, depending on where I'm fighting (referring to where that portion of the screen is and over what colors ect) what i'm waiting for, etc... Other times? I'll completely miss them and only notice them as they run out, or I'm out of position to use them.


Now while my vision might not be perfect...the buff area and the buffs themselves, when on my preferred resolution are not exactly optimal.


For the record, I'm not against UI customization. I feel there should always be the option for each player to customize as they see fit to suit their needs.


I might believe you if you weren't saying people aren't competent because they have issues seeing something that can be fairly tiny and out of the way of the actual battle that needs reacting to.

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I might believe you if you weren't saying people aren't competent because they have issues seeing something that can be fairly tiny and out of the way of the actual battle that needs reacting to.


Thanks for a decent response. I use about the same size monitor, 24" widescreen in 1920x1080. But I also spend all day at work analyzing numbers over 2 monitors, so maybe I have an advantage to looking at everything at once compared to others.


BTW I wasn't questioning anyone else's competency. I intended to state I was able to play competently. So feel free to remove any doubt on customization.


Soon the customization will be here and hopefully benefits everyone. I'd rather fight a great opponent who whups up on me then a fail player who can't proc.

Edited by Mazaroth
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