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Is has potential, but too many features are missing


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VERY well written OP. Unfortunately a lot of this stuff would take years to implement, but you really hit the nail on the head. I''m not saying I want the game to be WoW by any means, but one thing that Blizzard has been more successful with than any other developer is creating a living, breathing, cohesive "world".


I think the quickest fix would be to add reasons to go BACK to, or at least through zones you've already visited. IMO, they should have either ditched the idea of the fleet entirely or saved it for world events, having it move from one point of interest to another. Let us find flashpoint missions at our respective capitals and then have to travel to the relevant planets on our own.


Another issue is how BioWare handled their servers. I'm pretty sure the actual server loads are fairly common, but being able to see exactly how many people are in my zone at any one time is like leaving the curtain wide open and seeing back stage. "Only 25 people? Oh man, my server's dead!", when in reality WoW had similar numbers per zone during vanilla. On that note, why instance or "shard" zones to begin with? Properly configured, the server should start queuing people well before it reaches capacity. So there's lag, people are less likely to leave due to a drop in fps than feeling like they're on a dying server.


In the end, they need to worry less about trivial complaints like travel times, 10 minute queues, and slight frame rate issues (not to be mistaken with major frame rate issues). None of the above will stop someone who's genuinely interested from playing. Don't believe me? See the first four years of WoW.

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I think i lost the spark :( ... I loveled the leveling part of the game, reaching 50 was exciting and somewhat new..


Now that i am 50 it's like just any other game in the market... Join Warzone queue, make dailies, make 1 heroic... and it's done.


That's just like that other game i shall not mention with + bugs + glitches + poor game performance

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I'm mostly agree with your suggestions...


I was expecting a lot from this game especially thinking that we are in the 2012, the developer is BIOWARE(!!!) and more importantly the publisher is the giant EA (where have been used all "credits" ?! ).


I am getting fun leveling my char but honestly, like others said: this game is missing a lot of stuffs... Bioware I am a your fan, but seriously you have to work hard if you wish keep interested players in this game...What you did until now, isnt enough I think ...


My 2 cents about improvements needed asap:


- delay abilities (not sure if this has been fixed, I will check this evening)


- interface customizations: seriuosly add more quickslots...Also I would like have the possibility to move the compantions abilities in some slots.


- dead worlds: I really dont like istanced and empties worlds: I never met a republic player and I am lvl 38 atm...c'mon...


- PvP: add more features, add something new...DONT just copy and paste around..I am bored of pvp used in the other mmorpg. Take some serious FPS (there are a lot around, like for example "Return to Castle Wolfestein"), create some maps where we have to use vehicles, do objective, escort etc, not only to run around and guard or get a point...Also, where is the World PvP?


- PvE: I didnt try the endgame yet...but about what i saw only the first istances were fun with dialogues and possibility to take different ways in the flashpoint...We need DYNAMIC dungeons, DYNAMIC events in the world, not always the same thing please..


- Quests: kill X, gather Y...2012: we look for new ways, new ideas. The dynamic events proposed in Guild Wars 2 seems nice...let's try it..


- Companions: nice ideas but what about Dragon Age ? There, we were used to get fun checking all the dialogues that compangions had between them.. Here we just have to get a level of affection to discover something new..In few words: buy gift, give gift...Sad thing. On the ship they are statics and never talk..change this please..

They should leave us if we dont play how they like. We need more interactions. More interactions between them too. More actions on the ships...It's a ship not a place where I have to go to log out or just pick up story quest....


Ship: I wanna be able to manage more stuff on my ship. Not just travel and pick up quest or just talk a companion...


- Alignment: fun for the first times but then ? What's the point? You can do better...Also it should be considered neutral aligment too..Why I have to be good or bad? I cant be neutral? The chain of quests should be dynamic btw not just I pick up a quest and choose bad, good, neutral...What I decide in a quest MUST change my story.


- Space Combats: IF a game based on Starwars CANT give me a real space combat, who should create it? Where is the real PvP space combat? Just create a warzone where in the first phase we have to combat using ships and according to the result start a new phase on ground...For example, we have to get inside an enemy ship and kill the general...


Target Dummy: we need this for check our skills. It would be fun having the possibility to duel our companions also...


I know the hard game there is behind game development, I know each game that comes out on the market is ALWAYS bugged and incomplete but here are missing a lot of things that must be done asap. You have the experience and the possibility (EA money) to do that...create new ideas, open new way c'mon...


A player that love your games and is hoping to love this game for a long time (not just level up and get bored in the end-game).


must agree and add to main topic!

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I'll add to my list demarked differences between races. If i chose human or ciborg i havent true changing in gameplay dps-tanking-healing. Why not? I have robotic impiants but i haven't real bonus. I don't want xray vision...its better a laser from my right arm.
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I love the game, but I do agree with alot of your points. Those things could give that extra edge to the game, more feeling. Especially the day/night, weather and more live in the environment sounds good!


Great post.


Wich saddens me are posts like:




It has no potential.


It needed at least another year in development.




yeah college students made TOR as a side project.


Sorry, but if you don't have anything to contribute to the thread, just leave.

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These threads crack me up.



They really do.



"I want everything right naow! and since you don't I'm unsubbing"


or "Fix bugs right naow!, and since you don't I'm unsubbing"


" I want content right naow!, and since you don't I'm unsubbing"


"all this issues break the entire game and I'm unsubbing"


There is no logic to these threads or posts.


You want something for nothing. You dump 1500$ like you have with WoW (7 years x 14 a month + 60 x4 = 1500) this game will surpass everything you have ever played before. I promise you that.


But you kids want everything right now. sayings is 2012. the logic is completely faulty.


As long as this game keeps improving (and it has since release) I will sub. the minute it stops or they stop throwing patches or content. I'm gone.


This game is good, not the best but good, this game has a lot of bugs but not game breaking. Game breaking to me, is when you can not play the game at all... or progress an any way. You can. So stop whining.



These things will come. I promise you.. but not if you unsub and don't support it.

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Except for the UI, and possibly improving the crafting system, your list are things that are pretty much inconsequential in so far as how the game can be improved for the average player. The average player simply doesn't care enough about the rest.


What needs to come first are additions and fixes of things that have driven, and are driving, the average player away.


1. A cross server LFG tool has to be a top priority.


^ This. Ignore everything else - that system is the only thing that will change the future of the game.


They either implement it, or the population collapses.

- players are going to leave this game for a variety of reasons, most due to unrealistic expectations, some due to petty issues etc. I honestly don't care why, but there are plenty of threads on this nonsense.

- as the population drops, players on low population servers will start to find it more difficult to group.

- some of those players will quit.

- the remaining population will find it even more difficult to find groups.


A "population death spiral". See: WAR, Rift etc.


TOR has great single player content, but I suspect that will just give the game time. It's how they use that time to prevent it that matters.

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These threads crack me up.



They really do.



"I want everything right naow! and since you don't I'm unsubbing"


or "Fix bugs right naow!, and since you don't I'm unsubbing"


" I want content right naow!, and since you don't I'm unsubbing"


"all this issues break the entire game and I'm unsubbing"


There is no logic to these threads or posts.


You want something for nothing. You dump 1500$ like you have with WoW (7 years x 14 a month + 60 x4 = 1500) this game will surpass everything you have ever played before. I promise you that.


But you kids want everything right now. sayings is 2012. the logic is completely faulty.


As long as this game keeps improving (and it has since release) I will sub. the minute it stops or they stop throwing patches or content. I'm gone.


This game is good, not the best but good, this game has a lot of bugs but not game breaking. Game breaking to me, is when you can not play the game at all... or progress an any way. You can. So stop whining.



These things will come. I promise you.. but not if you unsub and don't support it.


It's up at the community give voice and tell at the developers what you like and what you dont like...We have to give our feedback if we wish having improvements in a game that we like, we play and we PAY.

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These threads crack me up.



They really do.



"I want everything right naow! and since you don't I'm unsubbing"


or "Fix bugs right naow!, and since you don't I'm unsubbing"


" I want content right naow!, and since you don't I'm unsubbing"


"all this issues break the entire game and I'm unsubbing"


There is no logic to these threads or posts.


You want something for nothing. You dump 1500$ like you have with WoW (7 years x 14 a month + 60 x4 = 1500) this game will surpass everything you have ever played before. I promise you that.


But you kids want everything right now. sayings is 2012. the logic is completely faulty.


As long as this game keeps improving (and it has since release) I will sub. the minute it stops or they stop throwing patches or content. I'm gone.


This game is good, not the best but good, this game has a lot of bugs but not game breaking. Game breaking to me, is when you can not play the game at all... or progress an any way. You can. So stop whining.



These things will come. I promise you.. but not if you unsub and don't support it.


This thread isn't about "fix this or I'm canceling". The OP gave a verbose list of things that would make this game better, and most people are simply adding whether they agree or disagree or what they'd like to see as well. There are very few outright negative posts in this thread. Only a fanboy with blinders on would come to the rapid and absurd conclusion you just did to make your post.


And these things will not come, I promise you that. Why? Because its counter-intuitive to the core design of the game. In order to implement many of the concepts in the OP they would have to start from the ground up, and we're not going to see that. They chose their path and they're stuck with it. Sure, it may improve in the aspects that they already provide, but they're not going to retroactively give us a living world and rework the design of their quest pathing and maps to promote world PvP, or give us more than an Ilum.

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Most of what you listed are trivial to me.


Frankly a game that released without the following features should be ashamed:


  • Target of Target
  • Macros (when at 50 you have almost 40 buttons filled)
  • Flexible UI
  • LFG System (like used for the PVP queues)


Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the game and will continue to subscribe but seriously, the above items should have been in at release.

Edited by Selestian
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Very well thought out post, with examples and counter arguments to existing responses. You obviously put a lot of time and effort in to your comments and suggestions. I agree with everything.


But, for me, actually, I think MMO fatigue has set in. I sensed it at the beginning of last year and am feeling it here. I love the single player elements of the game, cause I love a good story, but the MMO part doesn't excite me much any more. I have one level 50 JKG, but I pretty much ignore him now and am leveling a SI for fun.


I have three months left on my sub, so I am here for a while, who knows after that.

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This thread isn't about "fix this or I'm canceling". The OP gave a verbose list of things that would make this game better, and most people are simply adding whether they agree or disagree or what they'd like to see as well. There are very few outright negative posts in this thread. Only a fanboy with blinders on would come to the rapid and absurd conclusion you just did to make your post.


And these things will not come, I promise you that. Why? Because its counter-intuitive to the core design of the game. In order to implement many of the concepts in the OP they would have to start from the ground up, and we're not going to see that. They chose their path and they're stuck with it. Sure, it may improve in the aspects that they already provide, but they're not going to retroactively give us a living world and rework the design of their quest pathing and maps to promote world PvP, or give us more than an Ilum.


A fanboy with blinders?


because I see the game vastly improving and am willing support it?


Who has the blinders on that can not see that this game is improving in the right direction and is unwilling to pay to play for content and wants everything right now?


You've spent 74 dollars this game. You've gotten more than 200 hours of content.. and you want more for free? Really? Who has the blinders on?


7 years of wow x 14 dollars a month = 60 x 4 (for expansions) = 1500$ (roughly) and you want the same content of a 74 dollar game?


Ever heard of you get what you pay for?


Who has the blinders on that can not see that?

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Very well thought out post, with examples and counter arguments to existing responses. You obviously put a lot of time and effort in to your comments and suggestions. I agree with everything.


But, for me, actually, I think MMO fatigue has set in. I sensed it at the beginning of last year and am feeling it here. I love the single player elements of the game, cause I love a good story, but the MMO part doesn't excite me much any more. I have one level 50 JKG, but I pretty much ignore him now and am leveling a SI for fun.


I have three months left on my sub, so I am here for a while, who knows after that.


You are not alone.

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I definitely think housing makes sense in a game like this one. I'd also love to see much more freedom given to the space flight part of the game. To me, you should be able to pilot your own ship and actually go exploring. Guild capital ships (instead of guild halls), would also be really cool.


Imagine a huge space battle with three or four empire guilds fighting the same number of republic guilds in their ships, with players either working to run the cap ship, or jumping into fighters as required.

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This is not the sandbox (and that is precisely what your novel says the game must morph into) you're looking for....There have been several games, even a Star Wars themed one, that have taken that approach. They've all been massive successes as your premise correctly predicts since they had a lot of these super cereal required features....oh wait.:rolleyes:


Unrelated- Why the *&^% do people find it necessary/effective to quote an entire friggin post to respond with a few short lines or support/disagreement? Too lazy to highlight a few relevant lines?:confused:

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A fanboy with blinders?


because I see the game vastly improving and am willing support it?


Who has the blinders on that can not see that this game is improving in the right direction and is unwilling to pay to play for content and wants everything right now?


You've spent 74 dollars this game. You've gotten more than 200 hours of content.. and you want more for free? Really? Who has the blinders on?


7 years of wow x 14 dollars a month = 60 x 4 (for expansions) = 1500$ (roughly) and you want the same content of a 74 dollar game?


Ever heard of you get what you pay for?


Who has the blinders on that can not see that?


This is about as dead on as it gets.


To many people with the, "I want it all now!" mentality.

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OP, you essentially just described SWG. Now I'm with you with all these things because the thunderstorms on Coruscant, the sandstorms on Tatooine, the waterfalls of Naboo were all spectacular and will be missed but I would rather let Bioware be creative in making their own game.


What's separating them right now is the player interaction with the NPCs. And frankly, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but when it does, the immersion is equally there as to having the dynamic weather system in place.


As for player housing, it's all nice and all but it's not like players spent the majority of their time in their housing in SWG. It was a nice novelty item that took up space and sometimes bogged down the loading of certain zones. Do you really want that?


By adding these things you'll be sacrificing other existing things already in the game that you may or may not already love.

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A fanboy with blinders?


because I see the game vastly improving and am willing support it?


Who has the blinders on that can not see that this game is improving in the right direction and is unwilling to pay to play for content and wants everything right now?


You've spent 74 dollars this game. You've gotten more than 200 hours of content.. and you want more for free? Really? Who has the blinders on?


7 years of wow x 14 dollars a month = 60 x 4 (for expansions) = 1500$ (roughly) and you want the same content of a 74 dollar game?


Ever heard of you get what you pay for?


Who has the blinders on that can not see that?


This proves that you've got blinders. I don't want the same content as WoW, I want the content of an MMO. A lively world where you can have a footprint and a game that promotes interaction and world PvP as opposed to splitting the population up into their side of the map or an instance.


How is the game vastly improving, in the context of what the OP is discussing? I don't care if they add 20 more end-game instances - that is not true MMO content to me. The game world is still dead, there is no persistence. That is what this game lacks.


Maybe if I had blinders on I would think what you do, but I don't. I'm more reasonable.

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This is not the sandbox (and that is precisely what your novel says the game must morph into) you're looking for....There have been several games, even a Star Wars themed one, that have taken that approach. They've all been massive successes as your premise correctly predicts since they had a lot of these super cereal required features....oh wait.:rolleyes:


Unrelated- Why the *&^% do people find it necessary/effective to quote an entire friggin post to respond with a few short lines or support/disagreement? Too lazy to highlight a few relevant lines?:confused:



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This is about as dead on as it gets.


To many people with the, "I want it all now!" mentality.


This isn't about wanting it all now. It's about wanting an MMO to be an MMO. We're not talking about instant gratification rewards, we're talking about the persistence of an MMO world that has a thriving in-game community in multiple aspects of the game.


It's actually the instant gratification want it all now crowd that's more satisfied with the current model with nothing but end-game instances and instanced PvP where they don't have to travel and can bypass the world to do anything they want in the game. The same players that'll end up logging in for nothing more than a scheduled raid, dailies, and instanced PvP.

Edited by Nevron
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This proves that you've got blinders. I don't want the same content as WoW, I want the content of an MMO. A lively world where you can have a footprint and a game that promotes interaction and world PvP as opposed to splitting the population up into their side of the map or an instance.


How is the game vastly improving, in the context of what the OP is discussing? I don't care if they add 20 more end-game instances - that is not true MMO content to me. The game world is still dead, there is no persistence. That is what this game lacks.


Maybe if I had blinders on I would think what you do, but I don't. I'm more reasonable.


Ha. You are more reasonable?


The person that wants shinny objects in the background?


The person that wants to do whatever they want and not do quests/end game content?


Right. Completely reasonable. :rolleyes:


Sounds like you want to play second life, and not an RPG

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I agree with a lot of it, some of it could be done a few months down the line, but some needs doing within 3 months or so.(or asap) (HIGH REZ)


Im enjoying it no problem (for now*), but the OP things listed , a lot of it SHOULD have been in on launch.


* I would like the major issues sorted that are being brought up, but i have faith this will be the case, by the speedy way that Bioware are coming up with the updates.

Edited by Urko
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