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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

PvP flop


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Right, why dont you drop the name calling and tell me what your problem is. Trolling doesn't work on me buddy, so go somewhere else.


I read post after post from you and everytime its about how BW is doing what it should, everything is great, its all perfect,..blah blah blah

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I read post after post from you and everytime its about how BW is doing what it should, everything is great, its all perfect,..blah blah blah


Ofcourse you have, cuz the information I spread is the same info Bioware has said many times before and even does right now. That they are aware of the issues and are working on solutions.


Also I hardly agree with everything bioware says, so stop making up ********.

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Op, maybe you are just bad at pvp?
Or maybe he is good enough to recognize the fail PvP system that was copy and pasted from other games and still somehow cost Bioware 100 million dollars and took 4 years to develop?


Hint; all that time and money didn't go into PvP development.

Edited by KonduitX
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This is why there was Beta Testing.


And like I said before, 100 million dollars and 4 years in development and this is the best they can offer? Doesn't look like there is much for PvP on the horizon for this game either, what do you expect from a developer that sidelines PvP for PvE.


Except- beta testing won't uncover population imbalances- which is the number one issue. They didn't catch every bug in beta testing- and they likely knew of some but had a deadline so were working on their fixes while they put the game out.


But, again- you are not going to get accurate population numbers from beta testing because it's both a tiny sample, and an abnormal sample- the average consumer isn't interested in beta. That, and beta testers don't go hardcore into any specific thing- like getting BM gear within a week- since it'll be wiped.


The pvp itself is fine- there's still some FPS and ability lag- but the upcoming patch will be dealing with both those issues.

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Except- beta testing won't uncover population imbalances- which is the number one issue. T


Imo, it is a very likely problem to occur, so BW should have designed some quick responses in case it occured -- sort of like having a plan for what happens when a patch causes a major problem.
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Yea I've been trying to tell myself it will get better but something is seriously wrong when a month into the game I'm bored to tears with pvp already.


Maybe because you've never experienced a new MMO before, ever in your entire life? We are ONE month into release. Wait a YEAR and then start complaining. This is standard for all MMOs. WoW was utter ***** when it was released and 2-3 years later it still had horrendous flaws.

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Imo, it is a very likely problem to occur, so BW should have designed some quick responses in case it occured -- sort of like having a plan for what happens when a patch causes a major problem.


True- which is why they made Huttball- clearly something to balance out servers with an imbalance so they wouldn't be bored with endless queues like other games.


In hindsight, it's easy to predict bugs- which being able to camp the base was. While it wouldn't be ideal to not be able to step outside your base, at least you could die once, realize you'll never win against those numbers, and fly away... or even gather numbers. The bug however let people just sit on the spawn point and farm away. Wasn't instantly fixed- but they locked Ilum after a few hours to prep for their patch the next day.


It's fairly quite response when compared to some other mmos- consider how long you could solo farm Tribute Runs in DM- which with raiding exclusiveness, was endgame for 99% of players- all due to a bug. A few hours isn't horrible- and yes, no bugs should make it into a game, but bugs will, always, without exception.




Also, they're picking up their game- there's been alot quicker responses, more communication, and more information since 1.1, it's almost like we're looking at a different BW team than before. Not ideal that this wasn't the team from day one- but, again, some mmos do not fix their problems at all- WAR is a shining example of a game that just refused to be fixed. Others- like AoC- took several months for fixes to appear- and years for the content that should have been in from day one to show up.



I can't complain about TOR's content- because it is there- there is a world pvp zone, there is a few WZ, there's FPs, there's operations, there's more than enough levelling content, there's side things, there's an acceptable crafting system that has potential to improve and, potential to at least have some unique patterns (some of those high level gear pieces take a lot of tries to get the final version of- and even more to get one with augments to proc).


We know more's on the way too, including much asked for other things like UI customization and actual Legacy content.

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I've canceled my script - I'm now inactive and don't miss this game at all. I hit 50 - realized this game's PVP was never taken seriously in development, and now have quit and lost the little bit of respect that I once held for the Mythic brand name.


Daoc will never be replaced; its gone and it can't even be replicated by the company, or shell of the company, that once created it. Dumbed down, courier-boy, questing is all that MMO's have to offer now.


Maybe I've just outgrown video games, maybe not -- but I'm sure as heck done with this game. The fun and excitement that I expected to find in raging open world pvp battles being fought over something meaningful, like Daoc's relic system and Darkness Falls when it first came out, wasn't even an afterthought to the developers of this game. They wasted so much money on all the storyline dialog, but didn't add anything in terms of depth for a game that is based around war. It's freaking STARWARS for crying out loud - what a shame this game's player versus player implementation is so terrible!


What a disappointment and waste of time this last month has been! No you can't have my stuff - quit paying for garbage and cancel your accounts too.



With Bio I should have know what i was going to get. A great single player game with a good story


BUT!!! They entered the MMO industry and can't deliver on the MMO


No community, no real MMO feel, CERTAINLY no PVP ( I could ragefest on this )and no sustaining content outside of the story line.


To add to the Joy they have bugs , performance issues that tax even the best of Pc's and a very slow reaction time to all these glaring problems.


I have never wished ANY game to fall apart or go under ( I've played some real turkeys too) but someone needs to take a beating for this mess to show other developers and companies, this is exactly how NOT to release a game.


Such a huge budget and taking a very long time in development for it but making very remedial mistakes.


Unforgivable !!

Edited by GothicSaint
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same here


cancelled yseterday


the PVP all around is complete joke, gearing up in PVP after rank 60 valor is a kick in the nuts


0/16 on battlemaster bags


relevant progression is non-existent, actually, gearing up your toon AT ALL is pointless when you look at things in the long-run, as OP said, they spent so much of their resources on courier-boy missions/quests/dialogue and neglected to put any significant depth into end-game which is what would have saved their game.


Instead they thought they would be doing something new with this dialogue crap which everyone will eventually start skipping through, tbh, they copied WoW so much from the UI to basic ideas like crew skills to classes overall, they just messed with it a bit, this game in the end is going to be the biggest embarassment of all time in terms of gaming.

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I think people just get disappointed, when we spend a lot of money on a game to begin with, some of you buying the CE....Personally I think your effing batty, but anyway...You run out pay all that cash, read nothing but great awesomesauce things, know that Mythic peeps are helping with the PVP, so yeah your excited, then you play.....and meh.


A few things are killing this game. PVP is one of them, but ya know the deep emphasis on the story is another. Let me ask you MMO players something. Do you like an MMO where the server community writes the story, and the game story is just a back drop? Or do you like the forced down your throat cut scene every two minutes, MMO?


I like the community to make the story, every server is it's own story. Furthermore, people hit lvl 50 before the game actually released <BOGGLE> That's piss poor planning, and now a month into the game people are already in end game gear? Wow, that's a steep curve for people to overcome that don't have that kind of time.


These are just a few of the things that are killing this MMO and most new MMO's. I'm one of those that cancelled....this just isn't my thing, headed back to rift until GW2 comes out. Maybe they'll get PVP right.


But I ask you all this, and I ask myself the same thing. We all loved DAOC, we did, it is great. You know that it's still live right? All the servers are merged, PVP happens all day every day in the frontier. I'll tell you this, it's a hard game to play, we've become used to these easy mode MMO's but I still play, not hard core competitively in the frontier but for fun in the BG's by far the most fun anywhere.


But until I hit the powerball, you'll all be stuck in the cesspool that is modern day MMO's. Good Luck and God Speed Ladies and Gents.

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Maybe because you've never experienced a new MMO before, ever in your entire life? We are ONE month into release. Wait a YEAR and then start complaining. This is standard for all MMOs. WoW was utter ***** when it was released and 2-3 years later it still had horrendous flaws.


This is number 9 in beta/release for me.


I think you havnt seen many releases yourself to say ,Hey wait around for a year and then make a judgement.


It takes a very short time in the MMO community for the word to get around that a game sucks


The word is getting out that Swtor is NOT good/fun. Now wait and see how that effects new people coming to this game.


It will pull an AOC, Warhammer, Vanguard disappearing act in 6 months because of this poor start.


I also don't have faith that this company has enough smarts to pull out some miracle content or improvements in a short time to counter the perceived impression of this game, nor to attract enough new players or old players that are leaving now.


Not enough to be the success they are trying to tout that they are now

Edited by GothicSaint
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This is what happens when a game developer sidelines PvP development for PvE. To the OP, I completely agree, DaoC was the best MMO PvP to date.


Relic raids, sending the call to battle out to every zone and having 300 people show up to defend the frontier and fight over faction buffs. It wasn't about grinding for that next piece of gear, it was about fun, epic battles and realm pride.


Most players nowadays wont even participate in PvP unless its to get that next piece of gear to have the advantage over other players. Look at Ilum pre patch 1.1, than look at Ilum the day 1.1 went live, perfect example.


The WoW generation ruined gaming.



Add in realm ranks and yeah, I remember DAOC when it first came out, and the epic excitment when Darkness Falls opened, along with the frontiers. That was truly well balanced PvP at the core and so far no other game can even come close to what that had. I just don't understand it =( Maybe someday Bioware or another developer will go back and use what works very well.

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Im with op, I was pretty excited about this game but it honestly feels like the devs didn't even think about pvp at all. when agents/smugglers get nerfed and mercs/commandos damage gets normalized all of those players will leave too. Not even mentioning the hilarious population imbalance that hasn't even been spoken to.


At least the game ran smoothly for such a young MMO lol, but when that's the best thing you can say about it? bummer

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Not when the majority hit 50 and realize what a steaming pile this game is. They will leave like everyone else.


I hope they go to your house and you guys all hold hands and design the perfect game. Make sure to invite everyone who agrees with you from the SWTOR community, just to help you test.


Don't cry as your boyfriends **** all over your hard work and money sink just to go lol about it.

Edited by asilos
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