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PvP flop


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I've canceled my script - I'm now inactive and don't miss this game at all. I hit 50 - realized this game's PVP was never taken seriously in development, and now have quit and lost the little bit of respect that I once held for the Mythic brand name.


Daoc will never be replaced; its gone and it can't even be replicated by the company, or shell of the company, that once created it. Dumbed down, courier-boy, questing is all that MMO's have to offer now.


Maybe I've just outgrown video games, maybe not -- but I'm sure as heck done with this game. The fun and excitement that I expected to find in raging open world pvp battles being fought over something meaningful, like Daoc's relic system and Darkness Falls when it first came out, wasn't even an afterthought to the developers of this game. They wasted so much money on all the storyline dialog, but didn't add anything in terms of depth for a game that is based around war. It's freaking STARWARS for crying out loud - what a shame this game's player versus player implementation is so terrible!


What a disappointment and waste of time this last month has been! No you can't have my stuff - quit paying for garbage and cancel your accounts too.

Edited by faidin
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I've canceled my script - I'm now inactive and don't miss this game at all. I hit 50 - realized this game's PVP was never taken seriously in development, and now have quit and lost the little bit of respect that I once held for the Mythic brand name.


Daoc will never be replaced; its gone and it can't even be replicated by the company, or shell of the company, that once created it. Dumbed down, courier-boy, questing is all that MMO's have to offer now.


Maybe I've just outgrown video games, maybe not -- but I'm sure as heck done with this game. The fun and excitement that I expected to find in raging open world pvp battles being fought over something meaningful, like Daoc's relic system and Darkness Falls when it first came out, wasn't even an afterthought to the developers of this game. They wasted so much money on all the storyline dialog, but didn't add anything in terms of depth for a game that is based around war. It's freaking STARWARS for crying out loud - what a shame this game's player versus player implementation is so terrible!


What a disappointment and waste of time this last month has been! No you can't have my stuff - quit paying for garbage and cancel your accounts too.



Your not alone hommie, i couldnt even cancel my sub since there was no dam button before this patch...after? WOWZER A BUTTON...and its AFTER THE SUB DATE....if thats not a effin scam i dont know what is.


I got one more month andim sure ill prob be right where ur at man.


which i know isnt enough time to make any considerable changes....but meh im not asking them to anymore.


THEY KNOW WHAT GAMERS WANT...well lol...bioware u can keep saying that as u watch ppl walk right out that door.

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i agree pvp in the game is rubbish .there is no meaningfull thing when you hit 50 to fight over and the mecanics of the combat system is rubbish will not resub either or recomend to guild mates who ive played with for years to try out .

( i could go into great detail how the combat mecanics fail but im nnot going to make a wall of text just maybe 1 thing an instant ability should be an instant ability)

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I am waiting for Guild Wars 2. Off first impressions it looks to me that it will be amazing for PVP ...but we all know where hype got us last time...


That’s right, it got us here.


Silly you :-)


GW 1 still has the most balanced PvP; GW2 will be no other and their open PvP is more comparable to DAOC, although it has an own zone dedicated to it.

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I am waiting for Guild Wars 2. Off first impressions it looks to me that it will be amazing for PVP ...but we all know where hype got us last time...


That’s right, it got us here.


Guild wars 2 isnt anything impressive. it wont reinvent the wheel and feels just like any other mmo pvp. So yeah. Your right. Dont get your hopes up


i hear ya. this game is the suck.


it's like a tiny WoW clone.


this game was so hyped that i bought me CE...


...i got pwnd.


you mean like how WoW is a clone of pretty much all the other MMO's before it.

Edited by Syrellaris
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They should not have implemented PVP until after they had everything else working. It should have been a PVE game at launch and then at some point patch in the PVP aspect. For example the ability delay or faction imbalance issue. Those things should have been fixed or taken into account way before any type of pvp was implemented. If they waited they probably could have handled it a lot better since PVP is not Biowares strength from past games. Edited by DDNitz
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This is what happens when a game developer sidelines PvP development for PvE. To the OP, I completely agree, DaoC was the best MMO PvP to date.


Relic raids, sending the call to battle out to every zone and having 300 people show up to defend the frontier and fight over faction buffs. It wasn't about grinding for that next piece of gear, it was about fun, epic battles and realm pride.


Most players nowadays wont even participate in PvP unless its to get that next piece of gear to have the advantage over other players. Look at Ilum pre patch 1.1, than look at Ilum the day 1.1 went live, perfect example.


The WoW generation ruined gaming.

Edited by KonduitX
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They should not have implemented PVP until after they had everything else working. It should have been a PVE game at launch and then at some point patch in the PVP aspect. For example the ability delay or faction imbalance issue. Those things should have been fixed or taken into account way before any type of pvp was implemented. If they waited they probably could have handled it a lot better since PVP is not Biowares strength from past games.
The real question is... 100 million dollars, 4 years in development... and THIS is the best PvP they could come up with???
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The real question is... 100 million dollars, 4 years in development... and THIS is the best PvP they could come up with???


hows it any different then the other types of pvp out there? exactly, hardly none. World pvp is fun, but its still the same type of pvp as you have in warzones or instanced pvp. The latter just comes with objectives.

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hows it any different then the other types of pvp out there? exactly, hardly none. World pvp is fun, but its still the same type of pvp as you have in warzones or instanced pvp. The latter just comes with objectives.


spoken from a true outsider. clearly you haven't experienced daoc pvp or even world pvp back in the days of hillsbrad foothills in vanilla wow. where everyone would battle while waiting for AV queues.

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I have been playing MMO's on and off for 10+ years


This game is fail @ PVP (how about better coding for better FPS while you're at it)


I wouldn't renew past a month but I bought the gametime card to subscribe


The sheer numbers of servers immediately told me 1st start up how fail this game would be - EVE, I don't even play it but they had MMO down to science. It's called massively multiplayer for a reason.


The year is 2012 - try providing larger server capacity, better PVP and a general overall better experience (innovative perhaps?)


We're paying Porsche prices for a Hyundai here.


I feel like I'm playing Diablo 2 on a battlenet server by this point.

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spoken from a true outsider. clearly you haven't experienced daoc pvp or even world pvp back in the days of hillsbrad foothills in vanilla wow. where everyone would battle while waiting for AV queues.


Actually I have played all of that and it is no different then the pvp in this game. Yes there is a problem with the delay and there fixing it, get over it. If they get it fixed, this pvp will be the same as wow pvp, the same as any other mmo pvp etc. There is simply no fundamental difference.

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