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giving up/leaving warzones


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Am I just unlucky or do you guys find that if you start losing a warzone (mainly hutball but not only) half the team give up or leave, tonight I played 7 hutball matches in a row and all but 1 was a 6-0 results.

I was going in alone and the results seemed to just depend on who scored first, some I won and some I lost.


I think the facts there is no deserter buff, and the difference in VP and commendations between winning and losing is so narrow just encourages this kind of sad play.


Can anyone recommend a English speaking EU realm with a decent sized republic population that dosnt behave like this.

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Until they fix sending pre-mades vs. pugs I will NEVER support a deserter debuff. You will only kill PvP at level 50 that way. Do I want to fight a blatantly losing battle with against a pre-made in full battlemaster? No. Will I leave? Yes. If you give me a deserter penalty where I can't queue up for 15 minutes, would I still leave vs. that pre-made? Yes. The only thing you did was make warzone queue times 15 minutes longer. Fix pug vs pre-made and I'll support deserter debuffs all the way. Until then, not a chance.
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I'm glad there is no debuff for leaving warzones, at least when you leave you will be instantly replaced by someone that wants to play, if there was a debuff people would just afk in the warzone and do nothing, they urgently need to fix things like being able to choose which warzone you want to play, not to mention stopping premades from stomping pug teams. Rift offers free server transfers once a week so in the absence of the badly needed cross server warzones you could move to more favourable server where your faction performs better, the devs badly need to do one or the other, cross server warzones or free server transfers.
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People don't want to commit themselves to a fail group from the start....and with no deserter penalties why not leave? can't blame them.


Yeah, gonna have to put a penalty in there. Prior to the bracket change it was really common to watch the 50's just vanish as the game went on. Pretty soon all that was left was the poor guys who came in late. It's much better now in the lower brackets at least.


I went through this in WOW back in the HWL days. Premade's would scout the other team and if it was a premade /AFK. They'd just keep doing that until they found a pug they could farm. Meanwhile, the poor guys who just wanted to Q up and bash some heads spent their time getting GY camped. There was no defense against it. Even if you formed a premade yourself it was really common to show up down a cap and because you'd lag while zoning in you just got pasted initially often leading to you being down a second cap. So, all you could do in defense was the same thing, scount and /AFK. People complain about the lack of CSR response here when Blizzard let that situation go on for months, maybe even a year or more and the first attempts at fixing it were barely attempts.

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Yeah... on my server punishing Empire for leaving would pretty much punish anyone with a brain. On Sith Meditation Sphere there are 2 huge guilds on the Republic side that do nothing but PVP in premade groups. If you play against Republic you are nearly guaranteed to go up against them. You might as well leave in the beginning before you get completely *****.
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I was going to post something like this a while back. A massive growing trend on my server started and it was obvious people were only interested in doing their daily's/weekly's. Once a couple of people leave because you lost two capture points on alderaan or the other team scored within the first minute, its game over.


Yes the servers replace those players fairly quickly, but by the time those players finish loading the warzone, buff up and run from the start, the other team has scored twice more because they are facing half the players.


I agree they're alot of problems with people then just going afk somewhere or as an above poster mentioned a pug being put up against all battle master pre mades. etc Which need their own thought and ideas put into them, but something needs to be done.

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There are guilds on my server that I've seen on multiple occasions send 1 person to scout a WZ to see if they are against another premade, than que dodge if they are.


This is what happens when you combine grind and PvP, and the funny part is most of these people sincerely think they are good players.


I call it the WoW generation.

Edited by KonduitX
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They do need a deserter debuff. People who say it's unfair cause premades get in, you get half a premade. if you can't stand it, start rolling with friends. PvP is not a solo activity, even if the current state of Operatives dictates otherwise. Get some friends, join a guild. If you think that's unfair to you, then you have no one to blame but yourself. If you can't stand to lose a match in PvP, then you really aren't a PvPer, just want an easy ride.
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Until they fix sending pre-mades vs. pugs I will NEVER support a deserter debuff. You will only kill PvP at level 50 that way. Do I want to fight a blatantly losing battle with against a pre-made in full battlemaster? No. Will I leave? Yes. If you give me a deserter penalty where I can't queue up for 15 minutes, would I still leave vs. that pre-made? Yes. The only thing you did was make warzone queue times 15 minutes longer. Fix pug vs pre-made and I'll support deserter debuffs all the way. Until then, not a chance.



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The only time I leave a wz (aside from crashing out) is at the very beginning before the match starts. I hate the voidstar, and I think its a waste of my time that I even have to queue for it at all.


Its the lamest crap excuse for a pvp map EVAR!!!!


Nah seriously, I just don't like that map, probably because I am not a sage/sorc or a jugg/guard

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you have to remember mate non of these farmers are there ot pvp, if oyu were serious about pvp you'd be on Voss or Hoth, they are there for shinys, an they want those shinys fast as possible, so they jump in an out of games looking for winning matches as fast as possible.
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I know the below 50's brackets have players who are so bad at this point that staying in many of the matches is an exercise in futility. I cannot count the number of times I am trying to kill ball carriers as a healer all because the dps either can't or won't try to win the game.
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I usually quit Huttball after realizing the other team has a group of premade hard core pvp'ers. Faster to just move on and not have the headache.


Eventually (year or so) Bioware will make "Solo Q" mean Solo Q and premades mean Premades just like World of Warcraft did.


They are making so many mistakes that a 6 year old game made - they should have had at least 1 team member playing WOW and taking notes on all the MMO PVP pitfalls that exist so they could skip the complaining but they didnt.

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