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Why are so many people against Arena in Swtor?


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baddies cant take being exposed as baddies


"Scurbs" "Baddies" "LP2" all those were made up by children and now you are running around using slang created by a child.


Arena makes no sense in games that are about two factions at war. Arena came out during WoW's expansion where the two factions decided to hold hands and love eachother.


Actually since you like child slang here is one for you " carebear". Arena's are for carebears who can't function in a non sterile environment without all their cooldowns and the comp of the month.

Edited by Paralassa
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"Scurbs" "Baddies" "LP2" all those were made up by children and now you are running around using slang created by a child.


Arena makes no sense in games that are about two factions at war. Arena came out during WoW's expansion where the two factions decided to hold hands and love eachother.


Actually since you like child slang here is one for you " carebear". Arena's are for carebears who can't function in a non sterile environment without all their cooldowns and the comp of the month.


so which seasons were you a gladiator in?


casuals cant take playing alongside hardcore players because not only will have have a gear disadvantage from hours invested, they also have anywhere from a slight to completely crippling skill advantage. it won't matter if its arena, or rated warzones, or whatever they call it, when you have PvP, someone wins and someone loses.


there's an infinite number of excuses you can come up with to soothe yourself, if thats how you want to deal with it, but the fact remains people QQ because they are unable to admit that they aren't good enough.

Edited by Paralassa
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Because with arena, it makes class balance EXTREMELY difficult.


You need to not only balance classes, you need to make sure certain class combos are balanced. Then, you need to make sure that PVP and PVE skills/talents balance out.


Then you need to balance gear progression. If arena gear is too easy to get, people will arena for end game gear and vice-versa.


If arena was only open to say, Battlemasters and the only reward was some sort of recognition: Lets say a Big Banner, statues of the team members in Fleet areas, certain cities (maybe the common areas in Nar Shaddaa), something to commemortate the players and team, etc.......................then I would be cool with it.

Edited by RycheMykola
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so which seasons were you a gladiator in?


fact remains that arena is for the hardcore only. casuals cant take playing alongside hardcore players because not only will have have a gear disadvantage from hours invested, they also have anywhere from a slight to completely crippling skill advantage


there's an infinite number of excuses you can come up with to soothe yourself, if thats how you want to deal with it, but the fact remains people QQ because they don't like to admit they aren't good enough and never will be


Do you think before you type? QQ doesn't even make any sense outside the mind of someone that is preteen.


If arena attracts people like you then the benefits to the community a lone will be worth not having it.

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Do you think before you type? QQ doesn't even make any sense outside the mind of someone that is preteen.


If arena attracts people like you then the benefits to the community a lone will be worth not having it.


all i hear is whining and crying from someone who felt bad about his epeen when some gladiator riding a frost wyrm rode up next to him and his crappy bear mount


you know its already too late for you right? they're bringing in rated warfronts. i know one of your excuses is oh arena is not really pvp its too small scale, everyone has all their cooldowns, yadda yadda, but skill is skill, and it will translate into any pvp including these warfonts. get used to your crappy bear mount

Edited by bicuspid
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people are against arenas because then the devs would actually balance PvP and people just cant smash their tracer missle/gravround/force lightning/backstab/etc

WOW still doesn't have balanced PVP since Arena came out. the opposite occurs, it makes imbalance even more glaringly obvious.


BHers spam Tracer missile because of all the bonuses/procs tied to it.

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WOW still doesn't have balanced PVP since Arena came out. the opposite occurs, it makes imbalance even more glaringly obvious.


BHers spam Tracer missile because of all the bonuses/procs tied to it.


Yes, but in a hypothetical 2's arena, the BH class would be COMPLETELY shut down because their tracer would be silenced literally 100% of the time.


Even in premades now where there are sometimes a lot of BH's (trying) to spam tracers on the other team, my buddies and I have very little problem shutting them down. Every class in this game has a low cd interrupt. 75% of people chose not to make use of it. I would bet they don't even have it on their bar. Instead they whine on forums.


I'm not saying BH isn't a little OP because they have great gains for very little work, but in competent level pvp the class is useless as anything other than a healer. I don't know how anyone dies to a BH 1 on 1 to be honest, when so much of their setup is dependent on an easily interrupted skill that roots them while they cast it.

Edited by bicuspid
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all i hear is whining and crying from someone who felt bad about his epeen when some gladiator riding a frost wyrm rode up next to him and his crappy bear mount


All I see is a weak ego that is invested in online pixels and still using adolescent phrases. You talk about that frost wyrm a lot, maybe you should crawl back to THAT game and ride around on it.

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Because with arena, it makes class balance EXTREMELY difficult.


You need to not only balance classes, you need to make sure certain class combos are balanced. Then, you need to make sure that PVP and PVE skills/talents balance out.


Then you need to balance gear progression. If arena gear is too easy to get, people will arena for end game gear and vice-versa.


If arena was only open to say, Battlemasters and the only reward was some sort of recognition: Lets say a Big Banner, statues of the team members in Fleet areas, certain cities (maybe the common areas in Nar Shaddaa), something to commemortate the players and team, etc.......................then I would be cool with it.


^^^^^ This, pretty much. ^^^^^


Go look at arena rankings, and you'll notice that some classes are severely underrepresented.....because most people feel they suck for arenas. So, you end up seeing the same overpowered team compositions over and over again. Arenas, for the most part, have little to do with skill and lots to do with gear and team composition.

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Yes, but in a hypothetical 2's arena, the BH class would be COMPLETELY shut down because their tracer would be silenced literally 100% of the time.


Even in premades now where there are sometimes a lot of BH's (trying) to spam tracers on the other team, my buddies and I have very little problem shutting them down. Every class in this game has a low cd interrupt. 75% of people chose not to make use of it. I would bet they don't even have it on their bar. Instead they whine on forums.


I'm not saying BH isn't a little OP because they have great gains for very little work, but in competent level pvp the class is useless as anything other than a healer. I don't know how anyone dies to a BH 1 on 1 to be honest, when so much of their setup is dependent on an easily interrupted skill that roots them while they cast it.


Theres a reason why the animation for Tracer Missile has BHers bending over.......... :-P

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All I see is a weak ego that is invested in online pixels and still using adolescent phrases. You talk about that frost wyrm a lot, maybe you should crawl back to THAT game and ride around on it.


been there done that


i don't know what your point is, the only one you seem to make is that people shouldnt say things like 'qq'.


well sometimes if a few letters can correctly identify what someone should do, then its best to just write



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Because Arena is dull simplistic gameplay, you are the playing the wrong (low skilled) genre of game if you want to prove skill (Try an RTS or at the very least a game that requies aiming/parrying/dodging) and that most MMORPGs struggle to balance even normal PvP, adding arena takes the difficulty of balancing up a notch with its rock/paper/scissors gameplay. Edited by Zimbles
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been there done that


i don't know what your point is, the only one you seem to make is that people shouldnt say things like 'qq'.


well sometimes if a few letters can correctly identify what someone should do, then its best to just write




Doesn't make sense.

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This. Also as I saw from Blizzard, they had such a hard time trying to make PvE and PvP balanced with Arenas implemented that it was causing chaos between PvPers and PvEers with nerfs/buff demands that it got out of control.


Trust me, I was there, the problem with PvP/PvE balance was there Way before the Arena was. To be honest, WoW have Never been very well balanced. There have never been a version of their client that haven't had a dominating class. Be it Beastmaster specced hunters, Fury warriors,Mace specced Rogues, Shadow Priests etc. And this led over to it Always having "the best" combo's in Arena.


But, it is a MMO. It's always changing and tweaking. And this is how it works. You can only hope that your moment in the sun comes soon.

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You dragonslayers will manage with the balance.


Its much easier to balance PVE content around an already balanced PVP structure than vice versa. Balance PVP and then introduce player vs. developer challenges that work within this framework.


There you go MMO developers, I just solved your game for you.

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Because Arena is dull simplistic gameplay, you are the playing the wrong (low skilled) genre of game if you want to prove skill (Try an RTS or at the very least a game that requies aiming/parrying/dodging) and that most MMORPGs struggle to balance even normal PvP, adding arena takes the difficulty of balancing up a notch with its rock/paper/scissors gameplay.


Love it how ignorant people are. Calling MMORPG PvP rock,paper,scizzor..Sure, you will have to get grinded a few times until you get the better gear, but most of this can be alleviated with a good matchmaking system.


Just saying that PvP in a MMO doesn't require skill/aim/dodge is just.. well ignorant :p

You have to pay attention to what your teammates do atm, what they will do in the next minute. What your enemies are doing atm, what they will do in the next minute and how you will counter it. What you Should do, what you Are doing. To compete at max level you cant spend 5 seconds trying to select the right enemy, or use tab to find him...You can't just stand there in the open and press your buttons. Have to always move, LoS, hunt them or be hunted etc.

I would say that playing an RTS at a high, competetive level requires about the Exact same skills as playing Arena on same high level.


Watch a top arena match or two and then come back to me mate.


I have rarely seen games that require as little brain as the FPS market out there. Have a quick trigger finger? well then you're set. That's it :p

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Just saying that PvP in a MMO doesn't require skill/aim/dodge is just.. well ignorant :p

You have to pay attention to what your teammates do atm, what they will do in the next minute. What your enemies are doing atm, what they will do in the next minute and how you will counter it. What you Should do, what you Are doing. To compete at max level you cant spend 5 seconds trying to select the right enemy, or use tab to find him...You can't just stand there in the open and press your buttons. Have to always move, LoS, hunt them or be hunted etc.


And it still doesn't require a 1/4 of the amount of brainpower or "skill" that a game of chess does. If you are truly interested in just out-thinking someone or skill why not just play online chess at a high level? Don't tell me you need flashy graphics or sound effects to make it worth it.

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if you see what the Arena did to WoW.. you would not ask for it.


Actually, I would. Arena is the only aspect of WoW that I still find fun.


I really don't see why people are so up in arms about no arena.


Look, if you give it the same implementation as WoW, where arenas used to be

the end-all be-all of high end PvP, then yes, I could see why people would be against it. If you make it an equivalent progression path where you have rated warzones, and rated arenas, then what's the big deal?


Personally, when rated warzones are added, I hope they don't tie gear progression into that system. Rated PvP (or all PvP for that matter, but I understand that this is an MMO, and some sort of progression is required) should be played with no gear inequalities, people should want to do it to have fun, and to try to be the best. You can add titles, speeders, and other vanity rewards to it.


Anyway, my point is simply, if rated warzones are added, then how can it be possibly hurt to also have arenas alongside of them?


As for the balance argument, SWTOR devs seem to be a lot more intent on balancing PvP than WoW's devs, so thinking that somehow arena would wreck class balancing doesn't make any sense to me. They are trying to balance PvP as a whole, whether that means world PvP, warzones, or potential arenas, it really doesn't matter.

Edited by Illidor
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