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headshot vs eviscerate


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I just got headshot, and it makes me wonder why I would ever use eviscerate.


headshot does higher damage

headshot has longer range

they both have the same requirements to use

they both have the same cooldown

even as a concealment operative, I use headshot more


is there something I'm missing with this?

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I just got headshot, and it makes me wonder why I would ever use eviscerate.


headshot does higher damage

headshot has longer range

they both have the same requirements to use

they both have the same cooldown

even as a concealment operative, I use headshot more


is there something I'm missing with this?


the damage may be more but the type of damage is different, so while you think your head shot is better it will get mitigated down more.


But as a sniper the extra dps of the knife isn't worth comin out of cover.

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Just an FYI, Headshot and Evis damage is weapon based. So if your Rifle is better than your Vibroknife, then yes, Headshot will do more damage. It fluctuates based upon which weapon has higher damage at the moment


Edit: I generally use Evis, if only because I like my knife attacks.

Edited by KadenDevante
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I just got headshot, and it makes me wonder why I would ever use eviscerate.


headshot does higher damage

headshot has longer range

they both have the same requirements to use

they both have the same cooldown

even as a concealment operative, I use headshot more


is there something I'm missing with this?


They're on separate cooldowns. Use both!


(Or use neither, since they don't work in PvP...)

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They are different attacks on the same timer because different specializations benefit differently from the attacks...


Head shot is a Ranged damage type, so its damage benefits more from the AIM skill and the higher DPS Sniper Rifle


Eviscerate is a Tech attack so your Knife, Cunning and Tech skills funnel into how much your hitting for.


So Snipers will rarely if ever have any benefit from using Eviscerate since their focus should be on Rifles + AIM, with he reverse for Operatives who use Cunning and get skill tree bonuses into tech and melee damage/crit.


It would probably cause less confusion if they just made HS Sniper specific.


AIM? Seriously? Do you play this class LOL?

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AIM? Seriously? Do you play this class LOL?


Yeah, I do. I edited my post out since I made the mistake of basing it off older information that I never had to test personally since I always played the Operative side of the class, apparently Cunning is the way to roll either way now.


Also, if I'm wrong about something, lets try to act like we're older than 6 and state a constructive argument as to why I'm an idiot rather than just troll.

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I will use either of them based upon the situation. If i stun them and they are low on health i will Evisc, or if i just don't feel like moving. If i need to move then i will headshot being as i am now at a range from the target. Also, if there is another person in group that can stun which will activate these abilities i can headshot that target from range.


And yes i believe the dmg is based off the weapon dmges. At the moment my Evisc does more than headshot. kinda dumb but it's what it is.

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Simple reason to use Headshot over Eviscerate: Range


Throw a Frag Grenade, then Headshot while the mob is on the ground. Drop an Orbital Strike, then Headshot while the mob is on the ground. Simply put, any sort of incapacitate (I believe Eng gets one or two more than Marksman does) + Headshot = WIN.


As a sniper, I use Headshot every time the cooldown is up. If Orbital Strike is on CD (every second fight or so), I'll Frag Grenade + Headshot to take one standard enemy out of the fight quick. Ambush + Followthrough (Marksman), Snipe + Takedown, Frag Grenade + Headshot – there goes three standards, and now I just have to deal with the strong that my companion has been beating on.


As it's near impossible to get a Vibroblade that's better than your Sniper Rifle (since there aren't any orange Vibroblades (no Cunning hilts) and Vibroblades can't be RE'd for upgraded armstech schematics (making purple vibroblades near non-existent), Headshot will do more damage most of the time, and do it at range.

Edited by saltorio
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I ran into a glitch once since patch 1.1 where I used Eviscerate and it went unusable due to cool-down, but Head-shot was still usable. I realized after a couple seconds and used Head-shot as soon as I could. The Cool-down on Eviscerate was about halfway by then and it reset to synch with the head-shot cool-down. Only saw it happen once though...
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