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AFKing in PVP WZ


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On my server there are a few people who constantly join the WZ and move to a corner or pillar and run into it the entire match. For some reason there is no report a player that queues them to make a human action to not be kicked. This NEEDS to be changed as the small size of WZ (much too small imo) makes 1 player of huge importance.


There is NO reason this should not be put into the game and any spam or trolling will be reported.


Thank you.

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On my server there are a few people who constantly join the WZ and move to a corner or pillar and run into it the entire match. For some reason there is no report a player that queues them to make a human action to not be kicked. This NEEDS to be changed as the small size of WZ (much too small imo) makes 1 player of huge importance.


There is NO reason this should not be put into the game and any spam or trolling will be reported.


Thank you.


Bots will always exist. If you make the criteria to detect harder, the bot that is developed will just be made more sophisticated. It's unfortunate, but the simple fact of the matter is that there will always be better circumvention measures than protection measures, because there are more people working on the former.


There are far more pressing issues that require attention than a handful of botters.

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Bots will always exist. If you make the criteria to detect harder, the bot that is developed will just be made more sophisticated. It's unfortunate, but the simple fact of the matter is that there will always be better circumvention measures than protection measures, because there are more people working on the former.


There are far more pressing issues that require attention than a handful of botters.


There are both players and bots doing this. If your excuse for accepting botting is that its "too hard" for bioware then I am shocked at how weak this community is and how low their expectations are.

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I would say it is a pretty big issue. If you have 1 AFKer then that means you are now down 1/8th of your team. At that point unless you are a premade or the other team just flat out sucks, you may as well just go AFK with them as you are gonna lose anyways. Edited by DarthDartheous
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I played a Voidstar where 3 people were hiding afk. The only people playing were 3 of my guildmates, me and a guy trolling us nonstop for not being able to de defeat the entire Republic team on our own. One of the guys that was afk has a habit of doing it too as ive seen him hiding several times. Edited by _Silversoth_
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A system to kick AFK/Botters sounds wonderful...


How would you code that so legit players do not get booted because some people did not like them etc...


If it is a bot that keeps them in a warzone, a lazy person running into the corner (maybe even using abilities via a G15 for example) while he does something else, or a legit player playing it all looks as if they are playing.


This would be a coding nightmare.

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i had one match where it was republic vs republic in huttball and i noticed on the other team a level 41 at the start went and hid in one of those what are they trash bins off to the side, so i killed him, then he tried to hide in the same area but up top trying to make it harder to reach him, nope reached him and killed him but he faught back a bit, me level 14 or so commando vs him he still lost


then he got mad, came after me, well he died, he ended up with like 26k damage and nothing else, i tried to get everyone to report him, i know i did, next match was voidstar and guess who was on my team, well this time he tried a bit but would mostly hang back behind the action


although sometimes its a bit of a help i remember a alderaan match where a afk'er just stood at our left turret and did nothing but respawn if he died and went back, well it helped because it looked like we had 3 ppl there constantly when we just had 2 and some dead weight

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Not just Vote to Kick, but logic in the game that uses the damage, healing and defender points gained to determine whether a person was participating.


Right now the Warzones are pointless as there are more and more people AFK, and soon it will be the AwayZones.

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This problem is dumb, just like leaving a WZ there is 0 consequence. People farmed Ilum for 1 day and there is an emergency patch but apparently exploiting WZs is perfectly acceptable if not encouraged.


Cool, so when you have the ball and don't pass it we can vote kick you if we all agree? If you are defending a turret and don't call out incoming and the enemy takes it, we can vote kick you? Then you can't re-queue because you have a timer. I can tell you really think things out ahead of time.

Edited by RedEnsign
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Cool, so when you have the ball and don't pass it we can vote kick you if we all agree? If you are defending a turret and don't call out incoming and the enemy takes it, we can vote kick you? Then you can't re-queue because you have a timer. I can tell you really think things out ahead of time.


As Red pointed out, Vote Kick could be used in a way it wasn't intended for. Ideally, Vote Kick should put a debuff on you, say 45-60 seconds, and if you don't attack/heal or participate in any shape or form, only then it would actually kick you out of the warzone.

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Vote to kick will never be implemented into instanced PvP. It would be a nightmare for an already struggling MMO PvP system.


Also, there is nothing you can do about people that choose not to play. If you Bot, you can get banned. If a person just wants to sit there and do nothing at all, there's nothing you can do about it unfortunately. If (by some miracle) a GM tried to contact them and they were able to respond, it's well within their right to just sit there.


It's the way an instanced PvP system with gear rewards works. Why bother doing anything when you can sit there and farm. Not much you can do to change that, and the developers would never open up the possibility of abuse the kick feature would cause. Only solution is to deal with it or head off to Ilum, which is pretty borked itself.

Edited by Qilz
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Cool, so when you have the ball and don't pass it we can vote kick you if we all agree? If you are defending a turret and don't call out incoming and the enemy takes it, we can vote kick you? Then you can't re-queue because you have a timer. I can tell you really think things out ahead of time.


Played WOW for years, have done, literally, thousands of BG's (sad to admit), was kicked twice (both times I stepped away for a couple of minutes and deserved it) and reported /AFK as a form of abuse twice. Both of those times I just left the node, ran into combat and solved the problem. Pissed me off but it didn't really matter.


You don't need a pure vote-kick, that would be abused until the end of the world, you just need something to catch the AFK/Bots. And really that should be on the developer to catch not the players. Really you need a better system than pvp as a gear grind but that's another topic.

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Cool, so when you have the ball and don't pass it we can vote kick you if we all agree? If you are defending a turret and don't call out incoming and the enemy takes it, we can vote kick you? Then you can't re-queue because you have a timer. I can tell you really think things out ahead of time.


Yes, kick and timer, agreed on all points.


Thank you. Move on to the next thread please, and let the PvPers have this one. If this feature was in, I wouldn't have to carry players like you all of the time.

Edited by adrenalinee
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While I totally get what you're saying, and yes I've seen that happen too, but I don't think it's a huge problem if people use their brains.


There's this level 49 Sin on my server that AFKs in WZs for hours on end. Probably half the PvPers already have him on their ignore list. He's going to have a miserable time when he tries to find a guild, or PvP alongside other people. Because most people who PvP know him already and hate his guts.


That's why I'm loving no-cross-server WZs. People like that get singled out quickly, and end up paying for it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

just like to bump this because this is SO FRUSTRATING.


had a player twice today doing this (same guy both times)


reported him, and actually got a reply from bioware saying "we cant seem to find this player on your server, sorry. make sure you dont suck at spelling"


I looked back at my copy of the message, and back at my friends list (because i added the guy just to CHECK the spelling) and it was spelled correctly....


sigh bioware.


reported him again, because he is a worthless piece of garbage. we will see what happens

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