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Everything posted by _Silversoth_

  1. Yeah I was hoping to have some of the same experiences that I had in WoW going through zones like the Booty Bay place for example. The only planet that I actually killed and got killed on multiple times, getting to feel that old feeling, during my questing process was Hoth.
  2. You realize of course that the mere fact of choosing Republic doesn't turn people into saints right? On my server the only people who ive seen figure out how to leave the starting zone of Voidstar before the match begins were Republic players for example. Though I have never seen Imperials use this particular exploit myself, I'm sure Republic players on The Swiftsure have probably encountered Imperials using it too.
  3. I agree, im pretty happy with the overall balance.
  4. Ever since they implemented the 50's bracket we win most of the WZ's ive played in here on The Swiftsure. Before the 50's bracket it was horrible.
  5. My problem as a Juggernaut against Troopers/Bounty Hunters comes when theres 3 or more of them in the Warzone. The individual Trooper/BH doesn't really seem OP at all to me because a lot of their stuff can be interrupted. When there are 3 or more Troopers in the WZ though I can pretty much no longer play. They will keep me stunned, rooted, slowed, frozen, knocked back, etc. to infinity and beyond and resolve doesn't seem to help at all. Not saying that they are OP and need to be nerfed, but they are most definately the most annoying class for me by far when there are more than a couple in a WZ.
  6. When one class obligates each and every other class to utilize teamwork in order to have a chance at survival, that class probably has issues. Thank you for unwittingly pointing out why the Ops/Scoundrel nerf is completely justified.
  7. Please by that logic lets make Immortal Juggernauts have insane HP and defensive stats so that it requires 4 players working as a team to take them down, we can encourage teamwork amongst an even larger amount of players! You just pointed it out yourself, when each and every class needs to work as a team in order to survive stopping one class, it means that one class probably has a problem.
  8. I played a Voidstar where 3 people were hiding afk. The only people playing were 3 of my guildmates, me and a guy trolling us nonstop for not being able to de defeat the entire Republic team on our own. One of the guys that was afk has a habit of doing it too as ive seen him hiding several times.
  9. Normally I would agree with you about it being too soon for the nerf bat, while there are several abilities/classes that I think need tweaking, it is something that should be done carefully and after more important issues are solved. In this case however I do believe it was necessary because they didn't just have slightly too much damage, they could literally annihilate well geared players (tanks included, since apparently most of their damage penetrates defenses) in a flash before they could even react, not to mention the frequency with which they could do it. TLDR: I agree its too soon to start tweaking classes but I think it was obviously necessary to fix the extreme burst that ops/scoundrels were inflicting as soon as possible.
  10. On my server "The Swiftsure" the Republic seems to own everything, specially Alderaan.
  11. I haven't played any other class so I can't compare it with the others, but I have no complaints so far. I think I enjoy it more than I did the Dark Avenger from Lineage or the Warrior from WoW if that helps at all, it also feels more competent to me in PvP against other classes in this game than the other 2 did in theirs.
  12. Sieges in Lineage were awesome, so I would definately love to see something to that effect.
  13. I don't understand what is so terribly bad about cross server warzones.
  14. I'm a Juggernaut as well, loving the PvP so far. I don't feel like we are that gimped personally, we have quite a few mechanisms to slow or stop ranged players. Here is how I sometimes go about it: - Force Charge to close the gap. - If they pull away where I can't hit them, Forche Choke. - Force Scream and Saber Throw also work at a distance. - Force throw. This one may seem contradictory, but if you fling them against a wall or another object they won't fly very far and it takes them a couple of valuable seconds to get back up. - Chilling Scream (Not sure if that is the name for it, the one that is an AOE slow) is great for keeping them slowed down when everything else is on CD. I might also use this if i want to save something else like Force Choke for a better occasion such as when someone is above the flames in Huttball. - Fortunately, it feels like Force Charge doesn't have a terribly long cooldown and by the time I exhaust all the previous options its ready again. - Honorable mentions: Backhand that can stun and the AOE fear we have. I'm an Immortal specced Jugg so I suppose I might have more durability than most, but it seems to work fairly well for me. Happy New Years everyone!
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