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Everything posted by ColdStormx

  1. Hmmm what exact spec am I locked into exactly? I would gladly take any bet you put forth that you will miss the spec I have extreme success with. I would say my spec does well against all classes other than mercenaries and marauders. I also know other hybrid specs (read: choice) that counter the class you play (read: fishing for an easier time) much better. I think your lack of experience outside the class that YOU play exclusively has blinded you to the truth that not every person playing a class is running this magical I win spec that crushes everything. Do you ever wonder why some sorc's can't shake you and blow up super fast while others drag the fight out over huge amounts of time slowly whittling you down? Naw you don't bother. The ones you kill are just noobs and the ones that beat you are cheating. It is easier to come to the forums and blanket everyone as OP and demand radical changes that will alter both the play style that we signed on for and the effectiveness of the class drastically. When I see uninformed, opinionated, loudmouth children spewing this garbage on the forums I say "NO".
  2. Why back peddle on what you are saying? You keep claiming you don't want to nerf hybrids and you are all for them but go right back into saying they need changing and anyone who takes the time to create a spec from more than 1 tree by picking and choosing the best they can with the limited number of points we have may as well be cheating the system. I am sorry you picked a class that has either forced you down the road 31 point talents only but some of us like to pick talents from multiple trees! (omg I know.....) You need to reroll a class that makes you happy as you are obviously locked into one that is not suited for the play style that you require.
  3. I'm sorry...what is wrong with hybrids exactly? When have the devs said "hybrids are unintended" If you think that then we should not have specs at all but instead pick 1 of 3 set roles. There will be no different specs and you can be happy with your 31/0/0 specs I guess? You are a joke. This forum is a joke. This game is quickly becoming a joke because of people such as yourself.
  4. This is an MMO. Go play DOTA, LoL, HoN, Any FPS etc. That is what you are looking for. BYE
  5. Took me 5 days of pvp at 50 to change my mindset from the one you currently hold to one of enjoyment. Keep pvping and you will have fun as you learn the class (which as much as you think you know it from 1-49 pvp you DO NOT!!!) and acquire the basic gear you need. PVE lvl 48+ greens just are not going to cut it...ever... You just need to keep at it and then you will have fun don't worry PVE Epics will also help raise your health pool so if you finish weeklys and still want more gearing up run a few hardmodes. Good luck! Edit: Also I hit 50 after the 50bracketing thing so I went through EXACTLY what you are complaining about.
  6. Just happened to me. I say we spam new topics about this. This bug is unsub worthy after the supposed "fix". If you can not fix it don't claim to in the patch notes. So unprofessional its sickening....
  7. 50 at 4.5 days with watching all cut scenes. I think its a little on the slow side but my friends 40 and same play time so.....I am sure there are much worse.
  8. This is truly horrible to see. Thankfully on my server this is no kill swapping that I know of. Empire controls ilum for most of the time but sometimes republic takes it with a big raid and the two sides clash but never trading.
  9. As a sorc I wish to pvp as dps and heal for HM's. This is being made impossible by the current system. Even if I was willing to pay the over the top respec costs I still need to remap ALL my keys ever time. I am playing an alt. If I hit 50 and my main concerns have not yet to be addressed (this is a main one but there are a lot more) I will be cancelling my account. Money is the only thing bioware understands so show them how you feel.
  10. Closed my ticket, no answer, no bonus bags etc. woot for customer service!
  11. Not addressed in patch notes. BUMP
  12. Report afk feature that kicks you when you are unresponsive. Extremely simple solution may game have already done. Stop trying to keep the leaving feature by making absurd "examples" of how noble you are.
  13. 30 min deserter lockout. Easiest fix. I NEVER left a loss in rift. Also add report afk at the same time for obvious reasons.
  14. Not addressed in patch notes. BUMP
  15. While that may fix it, on my server we seem to loose the majority of our games (at least what I have played so far) so when I do get a win the next one may not come for another 5 which is a lot of time imo.
  16. As a fresh 50 being smashed game after game by people rocking huge amounts of pvp gear that they gained from prenerf illum and 10-50 bracket pvp I am finding it extremely frustrating to have my few wins NOT count towards the daily or weekly. I NEED these bonus bags to help gear me up so I can contribute to the team in a meaningful way. Any word on when this will be fixed? This is game breaking for ME personally (I don't care if you love not getting credit for some reason do not troll here)
  17. There are both players and bots doing this. If your excuse for accepting botting is that its "too hard" for bioware then I am shocked at how weak this community is and how low their expectations are.
  18. On my server there are a few people who constantly join the WZ and move to a corner or pillar and run into it the entire match. For some reason there is no report a player that queues them to make a human action to not be kicked. This NEEDS to be changed as the small size of WZ (much too small imo) makes 1 player of huge importance. There is NO reason this should not be put into the game and any spam or trolling will be reported. Thank you.
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