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Pvp epic bag! Watch this vid lmaooooo!!!


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RNG for gear is still a very bad idea no matter how you look at it, I have been extremely lucky with bags, I am valor 42, I've opened probably less than 20 bags, def. no more than 25 at the very most. I have every piece champion gear except my helmet which is centurion, I have multiples of a couple things that I tossed on my companions.
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Worst part is that seems like a decent drop rate to me. I have opened at least a couple dozen and have 3 pieces.
Have open exactly 13 bags on my sniper and have gotten all commendations..


Stopped trying 2 weeks ago as I really hated the class, so I rerolled.


Got my Merc to level 41, but didn't log in today (didn't re-subscribe), guess posting privileges will be revoked shortly which will most likely thrill the fanboys. This , however, is simply another in a long list of reasons why i'm not subbing at this time.

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It really really isnt that bad. There are a few cases of bad luck which people come here to report but the gear is piss easy to get. Im valor rank 60 and heck I dont even have the chest piece or belt, but im not going to complain about it. I got a majority of the set in like 2 weeks which seems reasonable. The dude in the video is valor 38, heck I think champ gear should be a min of valor 50 to equip and maybe all these kiddies would quit complaining about "bla bla valor 10 friend got full set bla bla".
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Your a sad excuse for a human being lol. Kid.


And you have a weak sense of humor, Adult.


Seriously, level 50's who aren't at least in the 40's by the time they hit 50, are just lazy people who want free gear hand outs and are mad when they don't get everything within the first week.


Is the system good? No, but at the same time I'm tired of seeing Valor rank 33 Marauders with 100% full Champ gear and I'm still missing 4 pieces at 57. Earn something, it won't kill you.

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What do you expect? BW to hand you a full set? Work harder for your set.


I hear grinding warzones and then crossing your fingers/praying/sacrificing a goat when opening bags is hard work. If they just removed duplicate drops it would be a lot more tolerable. Nah. Make gear, even the best PVP gear, totally RNG. That's a great idea! How about we make a ranking system and award skill... I know crazy idea. Can't have that though because then all the bads will whine that they don't have access to good PVP gear and get rolled when they take their horrible self into a WZ.


Do you know why these devs keep coming up with grindtastic, mindless, and infuriating PVP progression systems? Because they can't or won't design any meaningful PVP content aside from a few instanced PVP maps. Then they expect "PVPers" to go and grind the same four maps ad nauseum. A year later they wonder why they lost a lot of the PVP players. That's because most PVP'ers want something to do besides grind instanced WZ's and dailies on a broken planet.

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And you have a weak sense of humor, Adult.


Seriously, level 50's who aren't at least in the 40's by the time they hit 50, are just lazy people who want free gear hand outs and are mad when they don't get everything within the first week.


Is the system good? No, but at the same time I'm tired of seeing Valor rank 33 Marauders with 100% full Champ gear and I'm still missing 4 pieces at 57. Earn something, it won't kill you.


Hard work? It's a video game. Hard work makes zero difference on obtaining PvP gear in this game, it is entirely RNG - in fact it promotes anything but "hard work". That guy in the video had some dang good luck in my opinion. I'm on a 19 bag with ZERO items NO REPEATS even streak.

Edited by TheRealBrave
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Hard work? It's a video game. Hard work makes zero difference on obtaining PvP gear in this game, it is entirely RNG - in fact it promotes anything but "hard work". That guy in the video had some dang good luck in my opinion. I'm on a 19 bag with ZERO items NO REPEATS even.


Don't you have a game to quit? There's no rollbacks coming, go away.

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Aww someone's mad because he can't formulate a coherent and logical argument.


Actually I did, your sig supports it.


And I do believe I already stated that the system isn't good but being rank 38 and expecting to have full sets is silly.


Here's how it should be:


Cent gear is buyable with Warzone/Mercs so fresh 50's have something to wear


Champ gear requries Valor 50, non duplicate random bags that contain CHAMP commends or Unassembled Champ pieces


Battlemaster stays how it is now OR make it so they they all just have 1 commend in them, raise the prices on the gear to keep the pace about the same as it is now.

Edited by Dreadspectre
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Actually I did, your sig supports it.


And I do believe I already stated that the system isn't good but being rank 38 and expecting to have full sets is silly.


Here's how it should be:


Cent gear is buyable with Warzone/Mercs


Champ gear requries Valor 50, non duplicate random bags that contain CHAMP commends or Unassembled Champ pieces


Battlemaster stays how it is now OR make it so they they all just have 1 commend in them, raise the prices on the gear to keep the pace about the same as it is now.


Oh see look, now you're being a logical and sane person. So you hate on the person making the video - yet agree that the system needs to be changed? How hard would it have been to post that instead of being pretentious ***hole and talking about "hard work" when it's a video game. What exactly is hard work in a video game?

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Oh see look, now you're being a logical and sane person. So you hate on the person making the video - yet agree that the system needs to be changed? How hard would it have been to post that instead of being pretentious ***hole and talking about "hard work" when it's a video game. What exactly is hard work in a video game?


Clearly you do not PvP solo much. Trying to get a ragtag bunch of Imps to actually focus on objectives in a Warzone is about as hard of work I've seen. Actually I really get a sense of what Special Ed Teachers must have to go through on a daily basis.


I didn't hate on the person either, I merely play devils advocate. Would you prefer people get the 2nd tier of PvP gear handed to them in the first week of playing at 50 with ZERO Valor requirement?

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