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The Travel System Is Severely Hurting The Gameplay!


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I gather that's sarcasm, but the scary thing is, that's not far from the truth of what happens. Once they put their feet on the slope, the start slipping along it until what you described is actually what we have, along with an empty world.

The current "solution" is also sub-optimal though. Players spend so much time travelling, zoning and loading that the world is just as empty. And without a sandbox world to play in, it's basically dead time for the player. Very pretty dead time, sometimes. But as often as not, it's a literal reskin of exactly the same spaceport geometry that you've seen a million times over.


Either the spaceports need to be cut, or there needs to be a point to the area, beyond fluffing.

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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Yes Bioware, and while were at it we need a instant level 50 button, instant patch fix button, no need to travel just think your there and POOF you are there solution! We need all the armor for free, Max crafting out button. I mean why level? Just get it over all now and not worry about it! My god Bioware what were you thinking?

To be fair, I don't think the game would be hurt at all by a lack of levelling.


Give everyone level 50, balance all content for that level and let us follow the stories. Maybe increase the price of the training for each level ability a little. (well, OK. A LOT, especially for the highest level abilities)

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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The great thing is, if they do add ways to make it not take 25 minutes to get somewhere, and you want to keep it as is, you can take the long route. Don't assume that because YOU like something everyone else must to. We don't. People complain about the travel system constantly. Just because you aren't one of them doesn't make any of them wrong.


Dont assume that because you dont like something, changing it would be good for the game.


Travel system is fine, not just fine, but downright awesome.

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Dont assume that because you dont like something, changing it would be good for the game.


Travel system is fine, not just fine, but downright awesome.

Yes, because being at least 25 minutes and several loading screens away from in-game friends you might want to play with is downright awesome.

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The problem I have with the current system, yes there's a lot of load screens, but more importantly that the travelling is done in hubs that look exactly the same as the other. In the beautiful star wars universe, I wish more of this walking time could be transferred to perhaps on the actual planet where there's an environment to immerse yourself in. I definitely do not feel immersed in a space shuttle, I feel somewhat frustrated.


Remember in wow you had to get the quest from some random dude on another continent if you wanted that blue level 27 gear piece? And you had to go to a main city, or have friends that were the same level, and organize a balanced group to run the instance that was located not only a flightpath away but without your mount it took literally 20+ minutes to walk to that BFD 5man. Perhaps I was young and more patient with MMOs or I actually didn't mind all that walking, because most of it was immersed in an environment.

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Why does everyone want instant travel so bad? Why not enjoy the landscape the devs worked so hard to lay out for everyone. I for one think ista-port to anywhere in WoW was ridiculous.



The landscape is this game is horrible and putrid, i could do better myself to be honest, ~

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I never had it take 25min to get anywhere.


Get a better computer.

Yes, because SWTOR really justifies it, with all those beautiful next-gen textures and everything, doesn't it?


(In fairness, I am possibly exaggerating the travel times).

Edited by TheTurniipKing
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X1000 Op


The loading screens are totally killing me.. Takes 3 min+ for me each. Last night we had a world boss night in guild... Took 2 hours to do the tour, half of it in loading screens... It's just sad. I remember being asked several times in beta if the loading screens were too long and answering no each time... Have the loading times increased?


Helping guildies takes forever... Its not cool. I'm switching computers next week and hoping to cut down on these loading times, lets hope its not too much of a deception...

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i honestly dont mind, find travel to be entertaining in its own right...


this could easily be bettered by lowering the cooldown on fleet passes too, but i honestly like having to use my own ship to move from planet to planet and not just "clik here, select a planet, appear there" i want there to be inmersion and to me , using my ship to travelt the galaxy is part of that inmersion

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I've made a thread of my own about the useless Orbital Stations and the fact that our loading screens are long already, we don't need empty space station to increase that.

I don't get why ships can't land on some planets - Hoth for example.


Do you know what they say in a quest line? "You can't land on Hoth because of the cold"

Space is apparently a lot warmer than Hoth. And don't tell me "Ice" with all the De-icing tools, like the one you buy from a vendor for the Datacron, plus many other things to fix that.



Please for the love of god at least delete all the Space Stations.


They are an empty space NO ONE uses and NO ONE RPs on, or even spends more than 30 seconds on, unless going afk there for the sake of it.



I just cannot understand why somebody came up with this idea. It's beyond me.



And consider something like "Summoning Shuttles" too. These things would be very helpful.

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How about a compromise idea, when you form a group with someone the new teammates have the option at any time to TP to the other so when the guy you want to help is on tatooine and you're on Nar Shadda. you're just one load screen away Edited by Chocbo
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How about a compromise idea, when you form a group with someone the new teammates have the option at any time to TP to the other so when the guy you want to help is on tatooine and you're on Nar Shadda. you're just one load screen away


"instantly teleport from anywhere to anywhere without a cooldown"

Bad idea, sorry.

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I think the travel system is mostly fine. However, I would recommend three changes/additions:


1. Let the Quick Travel cooldown timer clear when you change planets. This would let you Quick Travel to the spaceport and then Quick Travel immediately upon arrival at your new planet.


2. Put a Quick Travel bind point close to the Starship Hangers and/or on the Orbital Station.


3. Put a Return Flashpoint Shuttle on the Fleet that would return you to the Flashpoint Shuttle location on your last planet.


Number 2 is what needs to happen. Put it somewhere right smack in the middle of all the hangars. I'd also appreciate a fast travel to ship, but if you can give me the second option; I'd be fine.

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I really agree with the ´Beam me up´-option!

Just make us be able to quicktravel to our ship.

That would be fine enough.


And maybe put a flight-point at our ship-docks also?


It would be wise in the long run, to favour guilds, and give the players

bonuses for being in a guild.

Cause IMO, one of the things that keeps me playing a game like this,

is being in a guild, and talking and playing with the friends i make there.


That, and no ability delay :) But luckily they are fixing that as well. Phew, i say! :)

I just might resubscribe next month.

Actually i think i will.


It is a lot easier to be patient with a games development,

when i know that they are working to fix the issue, that is destroying my experience with combat.

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The TRAVEL is supposed to be MEANINGFUL and your location in the WORLD is supposed to MEAN SOMETHING.


Games where you TELEPORT INSTANTLY lose all feeling of REAL SPACE and because travel is instant, all CONTENT has to be made LONGER-LASTING to compensate for instant travel.


Which results in having to kill 50 mobs instead of 30 and in generally more grind, because the developers HAVE TO MAKE YOU SPEND YOUR TIME SOMEHOW.

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See this is why devs don't listen to players. I'm not a fan of artificially padding content with travel time or other tedium, but without it people are done done quick and then they say there is nothing to do. Deny it if you like but MMOs need filler time. No team can make enough content to keep up. So argue all you want but until the game ets more mature time sinks are needed. I know it's not what you want to hear but it's the same in all game. But keep on arguing like it will do anything. If you don't like tedium and filler quit MMOS or only play those that have existed for years. New ones need something to keep you from saying there's nothing to do .
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Your point was semi vaild until you started accusing everybody who disagrees with you of being a fanboy which in fact makes you a fanboy...


Any way, the dude on the first page had a very valid and polite point. You are over stacking the SWTOR Travel points and under stacking the WoW ones.


First not every (infact very few) planets use a space station, but I will agree the ones that do are annoying.


Secondly your wow list should fit the same "valid" points the SWTOR one does. You have a point, you don't need to hype or under hype one or the other to get that point across.


WoW travel would be more like this if anything.


Run to major city.

Run up mountains/lifts and flight tower.

Wait for airship/boat to arrive

Get on air ship/boat and wait for it to leave

Loading Screen

Wait for ship to dock

Get off ship and run to flight master

Click flight master and take flight path closish to guildy

Get on mount and THEN go to guildy.


Now yes we can debate portals and summonings, but don't forget that those are not always free, and getting a warlock and two other people to summon the stone and then summon you? People never did that when I played WoW, beyond that what are the odds of a warlock just randomly being around your buddy every time they need help? Unless they are a warlock in say its pretty slim.


Again I believe you have a valid point, as the travel can be a bit tedious, but there is no need to inflate your list.

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Typical fanboy. Completely ignore the point of my post and point out a spelling or other minor error instead of responding with a logical or rational counter-argument.


I was going to comment on your post, but after reading that response to a very valid question about your method of counting steps, I'll just leave you to your topic.


Good luck, I think. Or not. I don't care anymore.

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Make travelling in general faster and i would re-subscribe. Sometimes i log off the damn game because i know the 15 minute run of tedium i have to go through to change planets.


People saying "Look at the environments! Stop whining, its about exploration!". Its nice to start with, but by level 10, the tedium ramps up. Why do you think every large world game out there has some form of refular fast travel? Why not give the option to the people (the majority) who don't want to run through barren landscapes and loading screens just to get to a destination? A fast travel option certainly wouldn't hurt those who want to continue the tedious travel.

Edited by Paralassa
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I honestly just end up logging off if I am going to have to the shuttle>orbital station>elevator>ship>elevator>orbital station>shuttle sequence. It is boring and I can't believe they launched the game with this travel system.
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