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The Travel System Is Severely Hurting The Gameplay!


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To be honest, while I appreciate the thought and time it took to post this, I completely disagree. Travel in this game is already probably easier and faster than any other MMO I've ever played.


Sure, parts of it could be faster, but it doesn't hurt my gameplay in any way whatsoever. In fact, I think travel (with the possible exception of an extra loading screen here and there) was very well-implemented, and getting from one place to another is really fast and easy, in my opinion.


Faster and Easier? Compared to games where Quest Hubs are centralized, no such thing in this game, quests are spread out waaayy too much.


Give me a 10 minute cooldown on my insta-travel Globe and I can deal with travel time, 30 minutes? ugh

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yeh they can make a option teres like several places were you can take a fast shuttle to empires fleet ? .. so what you just leave your own ship in the hangar on that planet but when you visit hangar in empire fleet its magicly broughttere :p ??


i dont see why people are against this tere are indeed way to many stepts and after seeing them 1000 times it gets old ... and most of all anoying ...



should just make also shuttle crafts on each planet .. hey maybe make them ven right next to the fleet shuttles , so that a list pops off with each planet for fast rtavel .. if it can with fleet why not toher planets ...


otherwise ... its okay for fleet travel to magicly leave your own ship in planets hangar , but for other planets it would seem unrealistic ... right :p


and also making cooldowns faster on quiktravel and fleet badge , i would say 15 mins on quiktravel and 30 mins on fleet ... realy ... its not about being lazy ... its about lowering repetitiveness and maximizing efficienty in general

Edited by Genesizs
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Why is it that the people who have issues with the game seem to be automatically labeled as whiners and the ones who disagree with them and support game features "as is" are almost always labeled as a fanboy? I think people are throwing those labels around a bit too carelessly.


Idea: Since people are talking about them so much, why not make "whiners" and "fanboys" playable races?

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Your likes and dislikes =/= everyone else's.


QTF. Also applies to you.


EDIT: Not taking sides. Just wish one could state their opinion without trying to degrade another's.


Personally, I'd like to see some sort of instant travel or summoning for grouping, but the travel is so fast as it is, I can see why some don't have a problem with it.

Edited by lucasomega
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Why is it that the people who have issues with the game seem to be automatically labeled as whiners and the ones who disagree with them and support game features "as is" are almost always labeled as a fanboy? I think people are throwing those labels around a bit too carelessly.


Idea: Since people are talking about them so much, why not make "whiners" and "fanboys" playable races?


LOL i like it!

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I also feel the travel system could use improvements. It really is a hassle to get from point A to point B. This is a game, after all... no need to make it feel so taxing. I often find myself, and friends of mine, simply logging off and doing something else instead of taking the long, segmented trip to ilum just to see if any republic are around to kill.


And to those saying "Oh you're just lazy".. I work enough along with school, so I have a right to be "lazy" in game, at least when it comes to traveling.

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Umm try playing wow before mages and locks could port. Finish fight. Run to nearest town find griffon stand. Pay griffon stand to travel to junction point. Take another griffon to port or zeplin stand. Wait at set stand for 5 to 10 minutes. grab zepplin and go to other continent. Find next griffon stand take to junction point. Grab second griffon to get to major city.


Mages are the only class that can portal to major cities. Warlocks summon other people to their location. huge difference.


OH WAIT - Don't have proper flight paths. Well in that case run.


At least with TOR travel points that are part of a quest are automatically available to you.


Travel time in wow prior to ports could take 30 minutes plus to get from point a to point b. I have never spent more then 10 minutes in TOR to get from point a to b.

Nothing in wow, unless you ran on foot the entire time, took you 30 minutes. The longest flight path in wow is Silvermoon to Booty Bay (horde) and is 14 minutes, nonstop.


When you're early level on horde on either undead or blood elf, you are sent on a quest to go from silvermoon -> U.C. -> Org or, UC to ORG to Thunderbluff. Getting from silvermoon, uc, org was easy. getting from Org to Thunderbluf the first time was run through barrens to mulgore. That is only a 15 minute run, mainly because they don't put MOBS on the main roads you run along.


TOR has been around for less then 1 month and their travel system is already far better then most mmo. Wow took years and an expansion or 2 to smarten up on travel.

I'm glad that that should be true. It would be pretty sad if when Blizzard figured out that people don't like long travel times, loading screens and useless breaks in the travel process 5 years ago and Bioware didn't do the same thing.



o wait, they didnt did they?


Oh and I forgot top mention. Traveling in TOR (Non shipwise) is free.

your speeder from checkpoint to checkpoint costs money.


P.S I want you to log into wow. Go into the middle of a Zone like north barrens. Mount up on your 100% mount (not fly) to the nearest town. grab a griffion and get to the first Boat or zepplin port. Then wait for the zepplin or boat to get to next continent. Get to next flight path and take griffon to first capital city you can and time it all. If you are gonna tell me this is gonna take 10 minutes without using an epic flying mount you have another thing coming.


Did this.

north of crossroads -> crossroads ->org -> U.C. -> flight path -> brill.

exactly 10 minutes



travel time from Zep tower to UC flight path to brill is 2 minutes. when you jump off the zep tower, brill is 30 seconds away.


flight path from crossroads to org is 2 minutes. The wait for the zep to leave port is 1 minute and a total of 2:15 from org to U.C. This is independent of the time it takes to load when switching from eastern Kingdom to Kalimdor. The wait time for a zeplin is never longer than 3 minutes.


Funny thing is that warcraft has a built in command to time things like this.



Once that is down log into TOR. Get to nearest flight path. take it to spaceport. Board ship and go to next planet. Dock. I bet this will take less then 10 minutes and space port to spaceport is no different then 1 city on one continent to another city on another continent in wow.


I would but my game time is expired. but all you need to time is the time it takes to run from the closest speeder location to your ship, to the next planet then back out of the airlock (or an orbital station)


In warcraft, This will never be longer than 4 minutes, to get from one continents departure to arrive at another.



Anyone who wants to compare WOW with TOR please get your facts straight before posting something like this. I played wow from beta and travel was absolutely terrible at first. Many years later then finally fixed it.


You didn't play beta. Nothing that any one in my guild can remember anything broken about flight paths. When they changed the flight paths so you don't stop at each gryphon master, some times you would bug out and "land" but have the 420% speed buff allowing you to fly around the world, but that was fixed in a week.



Patch 1.1.10 Released 28 March 2006, aprox 1 year, 4 months.

New Final Destination Flight Paths!

If you're making several jumps to get to your destination, you will now be able to choose that flight path from your initial Flight Master. The costs will remain the same, but you no longer need to manually click on each path. The UI has also been improved significantly.


Other things added to wow in 2006, weather and max level experience to gold conversion.


Things not added to swtor in 2012? max lvl Xp to Credit and Weather.

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The forced travel times are a pain in the ***.


Be it the damned orbital stations, the instanced quests that throw in an empty hallway to run through, or the incredibly annoying increase in scale of planet size as you level up. Sure, you're given a speeder at the "appropriate" time, BUT THE CONTENT DOES NOT SCALE WITH THE PLANET SIZE! We're left with far too much empty space between quests, mobs, players etc.


I want to play through other classes, but the thought of having to run or bike it over all of the distance again... It's not challenging, there's nothing to fight or danger to dodge, nothing more than space to traverse until you reach your destination.

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Why does everyone want instant travel so bad? Why not enjoy the landscape the devs worked so hard to lay out for everyone. I for one think ista-port to anywhere in WoW was ridiculous.


Enjoy the "landscape"?


Same Starports, Same City Planets, same boxed in areas.


Let me ask you a question, have you actually taken the time to run around the full perimiter of the Hangar your Ship is sitting in?


I have, I see alot of npc's doing specific animations in a gigantic space that took months of dev time to create. Guess what, i'll bet 99.9% of every person playing this game hasnt done that.


Log into Hangar, look at map for exit, head to that point.

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I like the system we have. It could use some patching, but I think it's OK.


One thing they should add (unless they have it already) is an item similar to the Fleet Pass that grants you instant access to your ship from anywhere on the map. It would have a like a 20 minute cooldown but it would come in handy when you want to leave a planet but are no where near your ship. *coughcoughDuneSeacoughTatooinecoughcough*

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Just wanted to add about your 4 minute loading screen...


On my laptop which is a i5 2.53ghz (2 cores, 4 virtual) my loading screens are more than quadruple what it is for my desktop which is a i7 920 D0 @ 3.6ghz with HT (4 cores, 8 virtual). Loading times on my desktop are less than 20 seconds for initial world loads.


So, it's more of your computer (and possibly internet speed) fault than it is SWTOR.


Anyways, I agree with the spaceport being useless, just take me to my ship. :cool:

Edited by Kingicewind
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this wouldnt be so annoying if some of our class quests didnt require you to travel to Dromund Kaas (as empire) back and forth a hundred times, often just for a 10 second conversation. Thats just absurd. Endless amounts of zoning and travel just to get blown off by some NPC on Dromund Kaas who in turn asks me to return to the planet i was previously on. I mean seriously? That NPC couldnt have contacted me via Holoterminal?
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The linking of all bind points on a planet as potential shuttle-points was a huge help, and once you are familair with where the fleet-shuttles are located (which are supposed to be for flashpoints, but come on we all just use them to return to the fleet) were another big help.


But just skipping the middle man and giving us a "Return to Fleet" option button in the corner when we use our 30-minute shuttle would be another huge step forward.


I do not have much of an issue with it taking time to get way out in the middle of nowhere, as that is usually at the beginning of my play session. The irritation is far greater when, as I decide to log, it then takes a bunch of load screens and waypoints to get back to the fleet and do my last training/selling/etc for the day.

Edited by LordChucks
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The whole airlock/orbital station is what bothers me. It's not even an issue of the extra time it takes, they just seem like such a bizarre design idea. I might understand having them on one or two planets to make things a little different. One scene in my characters story actually took place in the airlock, so it wasn't entirely useless as a set. But to have them on (almost?) every planet and expect players to go through them all the time is just weird. Even if they're just meant to add to the RP experience, it doesn't seem logical to expect every ship to dock at a the orbital station, and fly the passengers to the surface rather than just having the ships land at the spaceport directly.


I dunno, maybe I'm missing something. :confused:

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Idea: Since people are talking about them so much, why not make "whiners" and "fanboys" playable races?


They already are. It's just that they are limited to the forum zone of play.


And honestly, travel times are fine for now. You are not meant to insta travel everywhere in the galaxy. But you can get from one planet to another in just a couple minutes. Travel times inside the planets is longer, yet I see less complaining about that (maybe because people are accustomed to it from other MMOs.)


I'm sure they will tweak them over time and give some quick travel perks in coming patches.


Travel time is NOT where I want to see them put resources at this time.


Peoples lack of patience amazes me sometimes.

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