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Community Blog: Ilum PvP issues


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I really hope they actually DO, what they are talking about :)


I have said this in various threads, but people don't seem to get it. The game is meant to be fair. Like it or not. It's what you signed up for. Bioware is trying to make it a fair fight for everybody. Fair challenges. No cheats, no bots, no exploits. And that is a bad thing? Are you serious?


We all know, the whole PvP system needs work, so stop ranting about that. They ARE working on it. It WILL get better. So. All of you complaining about eventual rollbacks, valor balancing etc. - you are cheap ***** for having to exploit a game mechanic in order to win. You are noobs. You fail. Good PvPers do not wish to exploit game mechanics. They wish for real, fair challenges to prove their skills. Good PvPers are mature enough to realize, that exploiting a game and not fixing the exploitable stuff will only kill the PvP in the game. It might have been fun, while it lasted, but if good PvP really is, what you want for this game, you have to understand, that a fix is the obvious solution for something, that was clearly broken.


So for Gods sake. Stop whining. Stop being ******es. Stop exploiting. Stop complaining about possible fixes. Instead be glad and happy, that Bioware shows interest in making the PvP system work, making it better and that they actually admit their mistakes and try to work on it.


All you pseudo pro PvPers make me sick. Show your skill in fair fights. THEN and only THEN can you call yourself good. Everyone else doesn't even deserve to call themself PvPers in my opinion >.>

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yeah ilum is simply not fun. i have been 50 for about a week now and was excited about going there when i heard it had been fixed. but it is just low framerate zerg on zerg. no skill or strategy involved whatsoever.


i really can't face the grind of going there to do my daily/weekly any more. i really hope they fix it because it should be so much better, the potential is definitely there. they need to find a way to break up the zerg.

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So everytime the Bioware messes up they're going to point their fingers at the community? So everytime I'm in Ilum I'm supposed to count the exact amount of valor gain and if I feel I gained to much I'm supposed to submit a ticket to roll it back or something? Go ahead and start banning/ penalizing people and wait and see how many start going to other mmo's.
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You are noobs. You fail. Good PvPers do not wish to exploit game mechanics.


You are right they stop doing it altoghether. Ilum is a joke so you guys defending BW and demanding bans stop throwing dust at our eyes.


Ilum is a joke and like I mentioned it should be shutdown and reworked. It´s not a matter of cheating it´s just a matter that there´s nothing to do there. I´ll defend BW (cause I think they are great at making games) where due but seriously they shouldn´t be defended in this situation.


Whats going to happen is one side (most likely imps most of teh time) will spot a lone rep or a group of them, kill them then going to look for their respawn. That´s what people do when there´s like 40 folks trying to get chests and have nothing else to do in teh area. That is called DESIGN issues.


Stop acting like everything´s fine with Ilum. I like teh suggestion for a queue in Ilum like someone mentioned. Something like BH in Wow for instance. Sure it might not solve all the balancing issues but at least it starts being skill issues rather than pop issues.

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Nothing wrong with exploting.


Cheating yes, and expoiting a bug is cheating.


However, exploiting a design oversight (its not even an oversight, the problem is we are really beta testing this stuff) is NOT cheating, it was fixed super quick and the gains made are being wildly over inflated.


Let it go..

Edited by Scan
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Nothing wrong with exploting.


Cheating yes, and expoiting a bug is cheating.


However, exploiting a design oversight (its not even an oversight, the problem is we are really beta testing this stuff) is NOT cheating, it was fixed super quick and the gains made are being wildly over inflated.


Let it go..


That may be their position, but if so, they need to change their Rules of conduct, which prohibit ...


"Abuse or exploit bugs, undocumented features, design errors or problems in the game.




Right now, exploiting a design oversight or error is a violation, and should be punished. If they plan to change that, they need to let everyone know, so we can all participate the next time something occurs.

Edited by Brad-
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That may be their position, but if so, they need to change their Rules of conduct, which prohibit ...


"Abuse or exploit bugs, undocumented features, design errors or problems in the game.




Right now, exploiting a design oversight or error is a violation, and should be punished. If they plan to change that, they need to let everyone know, so we can all participate the next time something occurs.


Can you link that whole paragraph as i think exploiting bugs and design errors IS cheating but not playing the game as intended. Which we did.


Yes we played hard and pushed the rebels right back to their spawn but i did not think at any point we were expoiting a design error or bug.


We were killing players as they spawned, there was not one or two of us there was maybe 50-100 players there. I was healing my guild mates and not doing dps but according to you I deserve a ban.


Thats ludicrous and will not happen, then design was not in error it was as intended, what happened was because it was not tested properly the over stacked imp team pushed further and killed harder than thought.


Thus it was more an oversight, it was fixed in ONE day and the gains you are talkign about are wildly overinflated. Im still valor rank 55 and I was there that day and gained as much as anyone.


I think you are going to be sadly disappointed but to be honest wishing account infractions on your fellow online gamers is a bit over top, dont you think?

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Trading is stupid. If that is really what Bioware intended the all of the people who rolled on a PvP server to play legit will leave. That is all there is to it. Period. Those left can play their PvE focused theme park but the rest will move on.


What is the percentage of the overall population base who is into PvP? Hard to say. But when all you see once you land on Ilum is:


LFG / Ops group who is trading for daily/weekly PST.

Someone replies: Dude - that is cheating, stop.

Person who is asking for trade group responds: GM said it was ok - it is called diplomatic deplomicy...

Me: /palm to forehead....this game is doomed


It won't work. I mean think about it for a second. Here you are on a PvP server, already out numbered if you play repub, and you want to HAND them kills to complete their daily instead of making them earn it. Hell, you should group up and make them not complete theirs so you can gain gear and rank faster. Other wise you are doing nothing but helping them gain yet another advantage over you.


Might as well strap a matress to your back if that is how you roll. I and a few others on our server, regardless of how difficult it is, make it work. Time of day, hit and run, whatever. I'm sure in the he ll not going to stand there and give someone, anyone I don't care who it is, free stuff.


Earn it like a man or a woman or cancel your subscription. NOTE to Bioware: If this is how you intend it to be played then I wish you luck with your 200+ million. It will be free to play if that is the case when people start leaving in droves due to this.

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Trading is stupid. If that is really what Bioware intended the all of the people who rolled on a PvP server to play legit will leave. That is all there is to it. Period. Those left can play their PvE focused theme park but the rest will move on.


What is the percentage of the overall population base who is into PvP? Hard to say. But when all you see once you land on Ilum is:


LFG / Ops group who is trading for daily/weekly PST.

Someone replies: Dude - that is cheating, stop.

Person who is asking for trade group responds: GM said it was ok - it is called diplomatic deplomicy...

Me: /palm to forehead....this game is doomed


It won't work. I mean think about it for a second. Here you are on a PvP server, already out numbered if you play repub, and you want to HAND them kills to complete their daily instead of making them earn it. Hell, you should group up and make them not complete theirs so you can gain gear and rank faster. Other wise you are doing nothing but helping them gain yet another advantage over you.


Might as well strap a matress to your back if that is how you roll. I and a few others on our server, regardless of how difficult it is, make it work. Time of day, hit and run, whatever. I'm sure in the he ll not going to stand there and give someone, anyone I don't care who it is, free stuff.


Earn it like a man or a woman or cancel your subscription. NOTE to Bioware: If this is how you intend it to be played then I wish you luck with your 200+ million. It will be free to play if that is the case when people start leaving in droves due to this.


Now this I think warrants stricter punishment, yet Brad probably thinks its ok.


This is actually ruining the game imo, but well within the rules i guess.


I would never kill swap but i do not think what happened on ilum that day was bad at all. It was inevitable, this however is pre-meditated.

Edited by Scan
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Let me clarify something just in case. I myself did not submit a ticket (although I'm working on that now as we speak) but it is just what some folks on my side (republic) said that "they" did.


Maybe it is the server, maybe it is the norm, I'm not really sure. My own frustration is just trying to play the game I guess the way I assumed it was meant to be played. Maybe I'm the sucker who is doing it wrong, I'm not sure. I mean earlier after that post I went back and tried a few more shakes and it was pretty much the same. I did come across a group of 3 imps roaming and we enged with them. Not too bad outside of loosing more than winning - no big deal.


I did come across another imp for whom I attacked first. He was like - whoa there fella - all I wanted to do is say hi. I'm like - what? You mean like Hi - how is my day going or as in like Hi - make me pause then you get a sucker punch :) He was like, no - I'm bored out of my mind out here. Why don't you let me kill you, then you come on back down and I'll let you kill me. I'm again like - wow - ok. NO. How about you just fight back, kill me, and we part ways.


I guess the confusion is that on one side you have a group of people playing in the zone how "we" think it was meant to be played. You duke it out until the better players, or players of greater number, or maybe even just duration wins. It isn't that we group up tight and all while the other side all shoot - like fishing in a pond with dynomite....only to return on the other side do the same thing.


I've personally not seen any comment from Bioware and their silience is telling. My opinion is that they don't have a solution, there isn't anything to do, and it isn't a priority let alone game breaking.


On the other hand I've decided to just go about my business, get some screen captures, maybe fraps some of this stuff and let whomever know. If that is their stance then so be it. We'll settle it with the subscriber base and their actions. I'm guessing that the true subscribers who want to actually pvp is the minority. If I had to guess.

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One other thing about Ilum...Since it is our "official" OPvP planet, it would be great to get Valor for the Imp kills made in places other than the muck zone. Some of my Shadow's best solo fights in Ilum have been in the cross-questing areas on the starter side of Ilum where peeps are doing dailies. However, when you get a kill there, you get nothing.


Now I understand the trouble you guys have rewarding us for Valor on OPvP kills on other planets, but Ilum is supposed to be the "OPvP" planet. So it would be nice to get some Valor for the kills made there, regardless of whether the kills happen in the zerg zone or not.

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You know, it just hit me. Doesn't or didn't Bioware hire some of the folks from Mythic for the PvP side of things? If so then they of all people know better (unless they are the devs from Warhammer...).


If they are from the DaOC days then I know for a fact trading relics, keeps, or any other form of kills was a bannable offense. No ifs, ands, or butts. They didn't allow it.


The only thing that was fair game was server time and keep / relic takes. Sometimes people would do things at crazy hours and while sort of frowned upon by the subscribers it was legit. So if the devs are former Mythic employees then they for sure know and I'm willing to bet cringing at kill trading.

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First off lets be honest, can you bioware? You screwed up, ok you said you could catch the ones who used illium in the wrong way to obtain valor. So why havent you?


I actually believe this was a PR move and they dont have a clue how to punish or stop the ones (mostly emps) who gained all that valor and have the best pvp armour in less then 4 hours. It gets old getting two hit and not being able to enjoy pvp at end games cause of a design flaw. I love having to to get 4 people on one sith or bh just so we make him take damage.



Just like the credit gains in illium NOTHING will happen to those who used illium to get end game pvp gear.



Can we honestly believe anything bioware says or is it all just pr bs so people stop unsubbing.:mad:

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I love having to to get 4 people on one sith or bh just so we make him take damage


Ok, this is a clear statement you´re just vaguely ranting and have no idea whatsoever on what you´re saying.


Battlemaster gear doesn´t give that much more of expertise so you can´t tie the gear to not be able to dmg one imperial with 4 reps.


Either :


1 - You´re lying just to get an excuse for ranting.

2 - You´re making it up and have no idea about pvp gear.


Either way making these statements doesn´t help.

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Set Faction population caps for layers on Ilum. I'm not sure what the current population cap is set for, but PvP in the zone would be best served if there were faction population caps set to prevent one-side from easily zerging.


Let whatever overflow there is from those caps roll into Ilum 2, Ilum 3.


For example, last night my Pub toon landed on Ilum and was assigned to Ilum 3. There were 17 Pubs in the layer. I could not transfer to Ilum 1 because it was red and full. I roamed out into the assault areas and saw zero Imps for at least an hour's time. Also saw no spotted notifications for Imps.


What this tells me is that the Imp players are all zerg joining Ilum 1. When I finally got into Ilum 1, there were 33 Pubs there. Now if the Pubs from Ilum 3 would have been together with the Pubs from Ilum 1, we could have actually had some good fights. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and the Imps were essentially rolling Ilum 1 or nothing.


The solution to the faction imbalance is right in your face. Set layer faction population caps and you will better distribute the populations while creating the potential for good fights in Ilum.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I must have missed it:


Rest assured though, anyone and everyone who is found to have exploited the situation to an unreasonable degree will be investigated and actions taken as needed.


When did they action this and what did they do?

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Lets clear 1 thing up, and no im not sticking up for BW/EA for the fact that they keep giving me corrupted data every "FIX" patch they send me. But on topic, They "BW/EA" does not have to supply any Names or even say that they banned someone, all they can tell "US" the players is that there may be bans.



I mean if someone does get banned, i would like to see them come forward, not for the fact that they will be pissed of and angry but it will shut some of you up about how you all want them to name names and this and that. If they ever gave out any names they would have a law suit on their hands......



I don't understand why BW can't post this stuff....and thats why so many people wonder if they actually read the forums



**** you all and have a nice day

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I did come across another imp for whom I attacked first. He was like - whoa there fella - all I wanted to do is say hi. I'm like - what? You mean like Hi - how is my day going or as in like Hi - make me pause then you get a sucker punch :) He was like, no - I'm bored out of my mind out here. Why don't you let me kill you, then you come on back down and I'll let you kill me. I'm again like - wow - ok. NO. How about you just fight back, kill me, and we part ways.


A way to fix this would be to nerf how big the dailys are, they take forever to do and myself and many others cbf'd trying to get 30 kills because well, im melee i get credit for about 3 kills before i die and by the time i stroll over its finished, and whichever side lost doesn't come back for more.


And thats when there is pvp happening there, when i checked it, it was empty most of the time. Although i am an Aussie, its one of our unofficial servers, theres just not enough motivation to be out on Illum for republic until some numbers balancing starts to happen.


Or nerf the huge daily that takes hours to do and in some cases i can earn a bag through WZ's in less time than it takes to do the daily.

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They should take pointers from Rift, they did Open World PVP right.


Right now Illum is just a huge waste of 8 hours a day trying to get daily/weekly done. What ends up happening on my server is that Republic hide in their base and we wait all day for them to come out. We fake retreat to lure them out, we camp in front and pull single players out and zerg them. It's stupid this isn't world PVP.

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Wouldn't creating Illum instances just make it easier? Have a que up for an Illum instance contain like 100 Imp, and 100 Rep per instance? Shouldn't be to hard to set up, and would make it a lot easier to actually fight Illum instead of having a million players run wild at the same location causing major lags and fps loss.
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