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Bioware issues response - Why no rollback?


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I simply can't believe they're going to go through, server by server, and examine Valor gain on an individual basis and adjust accordingly. How do they have the resources to actually do this? I'd like to believe they will but honestly I'm not counting on it. I'm pretty sure people I know who took advantage will still reap the rewards of what they got.


Ah well, I'll never be on the top of the food chain so them having an even higher edge in this doesn't really affect me much. But it's not right for those of you that do work your butts off day in and day out.

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Punishing players for playing by their rules....Please BioWare, explain to us players how we're supposed to be able to read your minds and know that attacking an enemy factions base wasn't your intent.






I'd think its pretty obvious when you're sitting in a huge zerg spamming AOE on the spawn point for hours while the other side cant even move 3 inches...

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They would probably lose more subs at this point if they rolled back than just leaving it as is.


It was a bone head move to put this in as it is but they didn't nip it in the bud within the first few hours so now we are stuck with it.


I guess if you are an imp on most servers and can zerg your way to valor 60 you are happy though.

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I simply can't believe they're going to go through, server by server, and examine Valor gain on an individual basis and adjust accordingly. How do they have the resources to actually do this? I'd like to believe they will but honestly I'm not counting on it. I'm pretty sure people I know who took advantage will still reap the rewards of what they got.


Ah well, I'll never be on the top of the food chain so them having an even higher edge in this doesn't really affect me much. But it's not right for those of you that do work your butts off day in and day out.


It should be relatively easy if all the data is sitting in a SQL database with timestamps.


Just parse the date/hour and average valor gain for that date/hour combination. Filter this result on expected hourly valor gain and identify any outliers.

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I simply can't believe they're going to go through, server by server, and examine Valor gain on an individual basis and adjust accordingly. How do they have the resources to actually do this? I'd like to believe they will but honestly I'm not counting on it. I'm pretty sure people I know who took advantage will still reap the rewards of what they got.


This from the same people who take 2 weeks to ban AFK WZ farmers. What a joke.


Shameless lying.

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It should be relatively easy if all the data is sitting in a SQL database with timestamps.


Just parse the date/hour and average valor gain for that date/hour combination. Filter this result on expected hourly valor gain and identify any outliers.


They can probably do even better than that by factoring the character's location during that time. Depending on the amount of detail in their logs, they might even be able to automatically identify the people who were spamming AoE attacks on the republic base.

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There are probably at least 5,000 players needing a ban and at least 20k players who need a valor rollback.


That's a ton of work just to do all the individual data manipulation even after you've got a metric showing you people who might be questionable.


Unless what they really mean is a targeted valor rollback for anyone who was on ilum at that time, but they specifically said that's not what they mean.


There's no way they're doing individual investigations when it takes them 2 weeks just to ban WZ AFKers. So either they're lying about the action they're going to take being individual or they're lying about the action they're going to take period.

Edited by yukirshiro
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Punishing players for playing by their rules....Please BioWare, explain to us players how we're supposed to be able to read your minds and know that attacking an enemy factions base wasn't your intent.




Overwhelmingly stupid comment... probably by someone who knows they exploited a situation and is in fear of receiving disciplinary actions for taking part in something that was obviously not intended, clearly exploitative, and fundamentally wrong.


Although I am sure that the Bioware post is all talk and no real actions will be taken, I still have some faint hope those of you who took part in these actions will be disciplined.

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I simply can't believe they're going to go through, server by server, and examine Valor gain on an individual basis and adjust accordingly. How do they have the resources to actually do this? I'd like to believe they will but honestly I'm not counting on it. I'm pretty sure people I know who took advantage will still reap the rewards of what they got.


Ah well, I'll never be on the top of the food chain so them having an even higher edge in this doesn't really affect me much. But it's not right for those of you that do work your butts off day in and day out.


It's not that hard? 1 person per server to watch.

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They can probably do even better than that by factoring the character's location during that time. Depending on the amount of detail in their logs, they might even be able to automatically identify the people who were spamming AoE attacks on the republic base.


You cant reach the spawn point with aoe's from the base entrance. The turrets would take you out before you got close enough.

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im sorry but spawn camping people to the point they have to close the game to actually play on another toon is rediculous and the people who did this deserve worse.

it is griefing simple as that. anyone who says its not is lieing to themselves.

i did not get farmed in fact no reps on my server were. the first day i guarentee we killed far more imps than they killed us. we held our base formed ops groups

1 that ran around capping points and killing stragglers

1 that held our base and killed them as they tried to enter it.


now that they changed it to where opponents cant enter enemy bases they still sit outside our base trying to kill us and we simply forcepush them inside for insta deaths and pull them inside to push them back and while they try to run we demolish them. they end up reforming and coming right back to try it again.

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I'd think its pretty obvious when you're sitting in a huge zerg spamming AOE on the spawn point for hours while the other side cant even move 3 inches...


Spawn camping is a separate issue.


What about people who engaged in pvp at the entrance to the base? The enemies could spawn, buff, taxi out if they wanted. The only reason they walked to the entrance was because they chose to fight.


Should people be punished for 100% consensual pvp?

Edited by Jestunhi
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Punishing players for playing by their rules....Please BioWare, explain to us players how we're supposed to be able to read your minds and know that attacking an enemy factions base wasn't your intent.






so by your logic if some1 discovers a bug he should exploit instead of reporting it to get fixed and then when he gets discovered and gets punishment for his actions its company's fault right??


Nice logic you got there continue thinking like that,time for you to grow up i think

Edited by Nerithiel
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Spawn camping is a separate issue.


What about people who engaged in pvp at the entrance to the base? The enemies could spawn, buff, taxi out if they wanted. The only reason they walked to the entrance was because they chose to fight.


Should people be punished for 100% consensual pvp?


Sorry if you were one of them and you engaged in this activity and yes you most likely will have something happen to you and justly so,maybe you should change your handle to Jestunbye.

Edited by Sathid
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So what I've learned from this is don't attack enemy players in pvp areas?


Not unless you have explicit permission from Bioware that the piece of land you are standing on is intended for pvp.


The fact that being there turns on your pvp flag and has pvp objectives is apparently not enough to show the purpose of the land.

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Sorry if you were one of them and you engaged in this activity and yes you most likely will have something happen to you and justly so,maybe you should change your handle to Jestunbye.


You mean they will take away the 2 levels of valor I gained while doing a daily & weekly mission?


OHNOES! How will I survive?!




47 to 49 too, not even big levels, relatively speaking

Edited by Jestunhi
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Punishing players for playing by their rules....Please BioWare, explain to us players how we're supposed to be able to read your minds and know that attacking an enemy factions base wasn't your intent.





People that "took advantage" of this, as Bioware put it, know who they are, and should probably expect action to be taken against them.


People like me, who dug around in Ilum for armaments, and who fought the republic players around THE ASSAULT AREAS, as was intended, probably shouldn't.


As for what you've said about "playing by their rules", anyone that truly took advantage of this situation knew full well that it was not intended to be the way they were using it, clearly.


The fact that being there turns on your pvp flag and has pvp objectives is apparently not enough to show the purpose of the land.


People like you should stop playing stupid simply because you abused an obvious, blatant, bug and are likely to have any benefit you gained from it stripped away.


It was obvious that those turrets were intended to protect those spawn zones, and that spawn camping was not intended to be possible. And, quite frankly, if you're kill swapping, you know full well you're doing things wrong, and do not deserve your gain.

Edited by Celebrus
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Because their metrics allow them to tell EXACTLY how much valor every player on Ilum that day made?


Why rollback players who didn't exploit when all they have to do is define how much they consider exploiting (IE entering a certain amount of valor gained that day) plugging it in, and watching all the player names pop up?


This is a FAR better response, it may be frustration and take longer and make impatient players mad, but would you rather take the Blizzard response? "A couple thousand people exploited our game, we are too lazy to address this rationally, so we are punishing all 12 million of you, kthx"


They don't have to rollback and entire server the reason is in the post, metrics. And I'll repeat: THEY CAN GIVE THEIR METRICS SYSTEM ANY PARAMETERS THEY WANT, anyone who exploited it will be easily be caught, all BioWare has to do is look at their metrics, filter players on Ilum that day, and then set a filter for a certain amount of valor, BAM players who exploited are known, and people who didn't exploit don't lose legitimate progress.

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You cant reach the spawn point with aoe's from the base entrance. The turrets would take you out before you got close enough.


You could before the patch to make the base camp un-campable - I was there getting destroyed as soon as I revived at the only Med Centre available - in between the two turrets.

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