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Ditch the voiceover for all future expansions


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So I gotta ask everyone, if you roll another toon, aside from the Class Quests are you really going to watch all of those interactive cut scenes again? When you go back through that Flashpoint again for the 5th time are you really looking forward to that dialog? My guess is probably not. I haven't done an Operation yet, but I sure hope there isn't a boat load of dialog in them. Week in week out of having to skip the dialog during your Operation seems painful.


I enjoy the voice overs and interaction for the class quests and maybe a main quest line per planet, after that they over did it and probably spent too much $$ on this feature.


For me, yes. I will absolutely watch all of the dialogue again, especially if I'm playing a different character personality type. Perhaps after doing the same quest 4 times I would skip through the dialogue. I've played DA:O, DA2, ME1, ME2, and countless other games over and over and I very rarely skip any dialogue. For people who focus on the story and the superb voice acting, I don't think it's unreasonable to listen to it repeatedly.


If voice acting were to be left out of future quests I would unsub in a heartbeat. If I wanted that I'd go back to any other MMO.

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So you want them to ignore the keystone feature that there game is based on, and instead have that replaced with features every other mmo has?


Go play those other games if you want those features, or wait patiently for them to be implemented here as well.


The choice is yours, but the VO and story aren't going anywhere.

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Day/Night cycles - Would be nice for truer immersion

More planets to level up on in the same bracket so rolling alts is not boring - More content will be coming, but it takes time to build planets that don't just seem like cut/paste jobs

Killable npc's in each factions base - Maybe in pvp areas but not major quest hubs, I don't think we need barrens 2.0 here

All invisible barriers removed - WoW has exhaustion zones, it's part of the game design that they chose to implement, not a priority with everything else that's needed to keep this game growing

Ability to level up with friends without having to do each class quest numerous times - Class quests are part of the game, they are intended to help shape the characters individual story. More variety comes with more content, takes time just have patience.

Faster future content as I am sure creating cinematics for each quest takes ages and costs a fortune. - Faster content releases with less time to make sure they're not going to be bugged, or slower content releases that are better quality and run smoothly.

Remove the instancing while you are at it - No, no thank you


You can dismiss my comments as being a fanboy but I'll admit that readily, doesn't mean there isn't any truth to them. The game is barely a month old and it has flaws, several of them are extremely frustrating, but what 1 month old mmo didn't?

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The day they decide to ditch VO for quests of any kind is the day i cancel my subscription.


Cancelling voice over is the worst idea in the history of bad ideas i think i have ever heard. Voice over is awesome, i never want to go back to reading quest text again. Heck the issues you stated aren't even that big of a deal... there are far more pressing things they should be concentrating on imo OP.

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There should be zero developer time spent on voice overs. All of the technology should be in place for them already.


The only argument is then that they should not spend money on the voice overs at the expense of spending money on features.


Depending on the size of the subscriber base both should be practical.

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How are people still impressed by voiceovers telling you the story of unimportant sidequests after 100+ hours of it? How do you not grow tired of spending exorbitant amounts of time on things that aren't interesting? Voiceovers and cutscenes work for main story quests and class story quests, but they represent an enormous time sink for both the player and the developer as well as a money sink for hiring voice actors for thousands of dialog lines that don't make boring sidequests any more interesting.


It's like people don't understand that intrigue in a story line doesn't derive from it being voiced. Certain tasks in an MMO will always be tedious and uninteresting. We've accepted that fact by playing it. But adding voiceovers doesn't make that any less tedious and uninteresting (it actually makes it MORE, especially when you level through the SAME quests on an alt). You cannot make the task of thinning the ranks of enemy soldiers or killing arbitrary numbers of manka cats interesting with voice acting. You can supplement emotional events within the game by voicing them, but tedious BS will forever and always be tedious BS.


It would actually be much better if they reserved voice acting for special occasions when they knew they would be telling a story that wasn't MMO filler content. Whenever a cutscene or voice acting started in the new old world of WoW or in the Cataclysm zones, I knew **** was getting real. It meant that they were telling a story that they felt deserved more than text to tell it. Made it more special, made it more interesting. The fastest way to spoil your pleasures is to make them routine.

Edited by krameriffic
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The reason I stopped playing WoW was because the emphasis was so heavily focused on the endgame content, which I found incredibly tedious and unrewarding. I liked the leveling process, because I actually care about the RPG part in MMORPG. As for PvP, well, if I want to play a game where I compete against other players, I'll hop on my Xbox and pop in Street Fighter of Call of Duty. I don't need that from an RPG.


I do agree that multiple paths to 50 would be appreciated, because it would be awesome to skip the planets I dislike.


And if by "instancing" you mean phasing, well, I want more of that. It annoys me to no end that I have to spawn camp quest mobs, and I'm tired of other players ninja-ing my quest objectives while I'm busy killing the mobs that were guarding them.


I appreciate your desire for a more linear play fashion, and that is a great thing. This is why we need PvE servers. But an MMO will have competition even on PvE servers.


The issue at hand though is not one of should they have voice overs or not - the issue at hand is should they have spent money on the voice overs instead of creating better end game content. Since they have already spent the money on the story line voice overs from 1-50 I would like them to say NO to any more voice overs and spend that money on creating better end game content.


IF (that's a big if) they could have their cake and eat it too, then I would say yes to voice overs for the game (they do add a bit of flavor) but they can't do it at the expense of the end game content.

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If we have a choice between all the features we expect in an MMO or slick voice over cinematics for the missions then I choose the MMO features.


I would rather have the following at the expense of voiceovers and cinematics


Day/Night cycles

More planets to level up on in the same bracket so rolling alts is not boring.

Killable npc's in each factions base

All invisible barriers removed

Ability to level up with friends without having to do each class quest numerous times

Faster future content as I am sure creating cinematics for each quest takes ages and costs a fortune.

Remove the instancing while you are at it




Don't listen to this guy. He has an opinion. Neat. So do I. I enjoy the RP aspects of this game BECAUSE it's voiced. Otherwise this would be another skip quests to end game mmo, which are already out there.


Certainly improve the game - don't lose voice...

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So I gotta ask everyone, if you roll another toon, aside from the Class Quests are you really going to watch all of those interactive cut scenes again? When you go back through that Flashpoint again for the 5th time are you really looking forward to that dialog? My guess is probably not. I haven't done an Operation yet, but I sure hope there isn't a boat load of dialog in them. Week in week out of having to skip the dialog during your Operation seems painful.


I enjoy the voice overs and interaction for the class quests and maybe a main quest line per planet, after that they over did it and probably spent too much $$ on this feature.


I've done Black Talon over 20 times, but I've only done Hammer Station twice.




For me it is the lack of voice overs in Hammer Station.

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I appreciate your desire for a more linear play fashion, and that is a great thing. This is why we need PvE servers. But an MMO will have competition even on PvE servers.


The issue at hand though is not one of should they have voice overs or not - the issue at hand is should they have spent money on the voice overs instead of creating better end game content. Since they have already spent the money on the story line voice overs from 1-50 I would like them to say NO to any more voice overs and spend that money on creating better end game content.


IF (that's a big if) they could have their cake and eat it too, then I would say yes to voice overs for the game (they do add a bit of flavor) but they can't do it at the expense of the end game content.


In my opinion the VO makes it better and I want them to keep doing it the same way new content.

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How are people still impressed by voiceovers telling you the story of unimportant sidequests after 100+ hours of it? How do you not grow tired of spending exorbitant amounts of time on things that aren't interesting? Voiceovers and cutscenes work for main story quests and class story quests, but they represent an enormous time sink for both the player and the developer as well as a money sink for hiring voice actors for thousands of dialog lines that don't make boring sidequests any more interesting.


It's like people don't understand that intrigue in a story line doesn't derive from it being voiced. Certain tasks in an MMO will always be tedious and uninteresting. We've accepted that fact by playing it. But adding voiceovers doesn't make that any less tedious and uninteresting (it actually makes it MORE, especially when you level through the SAME quests on an alt). You cannot make the task of thinning the ranks of enemy soldiers or killing arbitrary numbers of manka cats interesting with voice acting. You can supplement emotional events within the game by voicing them, but tedious BS will forever and always be tedious BS.


It would actually be much better if they reserved voice acting for special occasions when they knew they would be telling a story that wasn't MMO filler content. Whenever a cutscene or voice acting started in the new old world of WoW or in the Cataclysm zones, I knew **** was getting real. It meant that they were telling a story that they felt deserved more than text to tell it. Made it more special, made it more interesting. The fastest way to spoil your pleasures is to make them routine.


Not everyone agrees with you. I find that voice acting every quest is far more immersive and interesting than just getting a boring paragraph about making boar stew or some such. I also quite enjoy choosing responses, shaping my character's personality, and actually hearing/seeing the story progress. I don't care at all about the side quests in WoW but I don't find them nearly as boring in SWTOR, most likely due to the voice acting and cinematics. Just because you find these side quests tedious does not mean that people who enjoy the voice acting are missing the point or deluded. People like different things and the main focus of the particular game IS on the storytelling. The voice acting is a key part of that and has be shown off for ages before the game was released.

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Don't listen to this guy. He has an opinion. Neat. So do I. I enjoy the RP aspects of this game BECAUSE it's voiced. Otherwise this would be another skip quests to end game mmo, which are already out there.


Certainly improve the game - don't lose voice...



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If we have a choice between all the features we expect in an MMO or slick voice over cinematics for the missions then I choose the MMO features.


I would rather have the following at the expense of voiceovers and cinematics


Day/Night cycles

More planets to level up on in the same bracket so rolling alts is not boring.

Killable npc's in each factions base

All invisible barriers removed

Ability to level up with friends without having to do each class quest numerous times

Faster future content as I am sure creating cinematics for each quest takes ages and costs a fortune.

Remove the instancing while you are at it



You know, you got a huge problem?

You could have used some time researching a bit before buying the game, there have been several videos on youtube showing you what to expect, and even in good time before launch.


On a side note, Guild Wars uses a lot of voice over too, guess how many copies they sold?

Edited by Mineria
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If we have a choice between all the features we expect in an MMO or slick voice over cinematics for the missions then I choose the MMO features.


I would rather have the following at the expense of voiceovers and cinematics


Day/Night cycles

More planets to level up on in the same bracket so rolling alts is not boring.

Killable npc's in each factions base

All invisible barriers removed

Ability to level up with friends without having to do each class quest numerous times

Faster future content as I am sure creating cinematics for each quest takes ages and costs a fortune.

Remove the instancing while you are at it




NO... NO NO NO NO... Voice overs are a must for this game. That is one of the things Bioware is known for is the voice overs. That is a big reason why I jumped onboard with this game. The professional voice actors are top notch. Without the voices you have just another mmo.

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The fanboys are gonna ruin any hope this game has of being good.



"No, we don't want better gameplay and more features, we want more Voice Acting!"


Because the Voice Actors are gonna program my UI customization and make me a raid... k

Edited by Hahkil
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How are people still impressed by voiceovers telling you the story of unimportant sidequests after 100+ hours of it? How do you not grow tired of spending exorbitant amounts of time on things that aren't interesting? Voiceovers and cutscenes work for main story quests and class story quests, but they represent an enormous time sink for both the player and the developer as well as a money sink for hiring voice actors for thousands of dialog lines that don't make boring sidequests any more interesting.


It's like people don't understand that intrigue in a story line doesn't derive from it being voiced. Certain tasks in an MMO will always be tedious and uninteresting. We've accepted that fact by playing it. But adding voiceovers doesn't make that any less tedious and uninteresting (it actually makes it MORE, especially when you level through the SAME quests on an alt). You cannot make the task of thinning the ranks of enemy soldiers or killing arbitrary numbers of manka cats interesting with voice acting. You can supplement emotional events within the game by voicing them, but tedious BS will forever and always be tedious BS.


It would actually be much better if they reserved voice acting for special occasions when they knew they would be telling a story that wasn't MMO filler content. Whenever a cutscene or voice acting started in the new old world of WoW or in the Cataclysm zones, I knew **** was getting real. It meant that they were telling a story that they felt deserved more than text to tell it. Made it more special, made it more interesting. The fastest way to spoil your pleasures is to make them routine.


I disagree with your opinion and feel the exact opposite. I don't feel the need to rush to catch up with my buddies, and I don't mind hitting space bar when I've seen the cutscenes more than once. I never get tired of it. And the Cataclysm cutscenes, in my opinion, were horrible. I'm not telling you that you should feel like I do, I just don't share your feelings on the dialogue.

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It's all about striking a balance


VO are good for:

-Planet Stories

-Class Stories


They are ok, but not necessary for:

-Regular Quests


They are absolutely not necessary for:

-Daily Quests

-PvP Warzones.



Just apply common sense and don;t go overboard with the VOs. Saves time and money for everyone involved

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If we have a choice between all the features we expect in an MMO or slick voice over cinematics for the missions then I choose the MMO features.




I disagree with you because i have a different opinion. That and i've already played that game you describe and don't want to go back.

Edited by TheHeadCapper
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