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Why this game sucks...


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It is yet another in a long line of boring and lifeless themepark MMOs.


Sandbox MMOs are so much more alive. Player economies make the world feel real, and there is so much more random interaction between people. Gear/reward based progression, carrot on a stick, is just so flawed and pointless. So many things I could list that are better in sandbox MMOs, but my point is made.


Themepark MMOs suck. Bring on the next generation of sandbox MMOs!

Edited by -Fenix
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It is yet another in a long line of boring and lifeless themepark MMOs.


Sandbox MMOs are so much more alive. Player economies make the world feel real, and there is so much more random interaction between people. Gear/reward based progression, carrot on a stick, is just so flawed and pointless. So many things I could list that are better in sandbox MMOs, but my point is made.


Themepark MMOs suck. Bring on the next generation of sandbox MMOs!


I agree, with so many design flaws (not even counting all the bugs) you really gotta wonder *** they were thinking..

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I agree, with so many design flaws (not even counting all the bugs) you really gotta wonder *** they were thinking..


I had high hopes that they (Bioware) would fill the void of Star Wars Galaxies. SWG was flawed in many ways, but it had a lot of positives, even after two complete redos of the entire game's combat system.


I at least expected them to try and merge the two types of MMO's. But all we got was another WOW clone with a storyline and Mass Effect dialogue system. Bleh. PVP is a joke, and I don't think I need to elaborate.

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What exactly do you want to do that you are not able to? Go create the havoc you want in the world. There may not be rewards in game for whatever it is you want to do, but it is rewards you want, then it doesn't sound like you really want a sandbox game.
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It is yet another in a long line of boring and lifeless themepark MMOs.


Sandbox MMOs are so much more alive. Player economies make the world feel real, and there is so much more random interaction between people. Gear/reward based progression, carrot on a stick, is just so flawed and pointless. So many things I could list that are better in sandbox MMOs, but my point is made.


Themepark MMOs suck. Bring on the next generation of sandbox MMOs!


Sandbox mmos are dead. The general population doesnt like the lack of direction and/or the lack of linear progression. You can cry and whine all you want, but the fact still remains that you're in the minority.

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It is yet another in a long line of boring and lifeless themepark MMOs.


Sandbox MMOs are so much more alive. Player economies make the world feel real, and there is so much more random interaction between people. Gear/reward based progression, carrot on a stick, is just so flawed and pointless. So many things I could list that are better in sandbox MMOs, but my point is made.


Themepark MMOs suck. Bring on the next generation of sandbox MMOs!


Sandbox games also bring in less money. Are niche, and unless they have "something for everyone" usually crash and burn.

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EVE is only good in short runs...as long as your alliance is able to hold onto a chunk of nullsec space. As soon as the one I was in started failing...it was time to go...we jumped ship just before the whole thing collapsed (but not due to our small corp leaving). Since then everyone has pretty much taken a break to train up.


Sandbox MMOs are good...but difficult to pull off. The variety of options you have to include to make it a rich and vibrant world make it very difficult to balance. SWG had this problem the whole time before the NGE. EVE has this problem too.

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Different strokes for different folks.


I, personally, think that TOR is great. The story, PvP, combat, and flashpoints are all fun and entertaining, and I enjoy a lot of the other systems. I think, overall, the design is FAR superior to WoW's and Rift's, and they were immensely successful. I can easily see TOR being more successful than WoW, or giving it some competition like Rift. It's all up in the air.


One thing I can say, is that I'll be playing it for a long time. I've already decided I have to make at least two of each class, and then there's the addition of future content, which will make me have to make MORE characters for any future romances or stuff like that. So, really, it all comes down to playstyle.


I'm an altoholic that enjoys a well-written story with LEGIT humor that doesn't feed of outside jokes or references. I also enjoy sandboxes, which is why TES and Fallout series are among my favorites. It's just personal preference, and you can't say the design is terrible because YOU don't like it.


Gamers can in all shapes, sizes, breeds, and preferences, and they'll all look for something that fits them. For a lot of people, TOR will be perfect, because there's a lot of content and it fits a fairly large niche (story and solo-play, with a large chunk of group-play), so it will attract a large audience.


Edit: If you really want to have a good sandbox MMO, start a Minecraft server with an ***-load of capacity. It takes some work, but you can get just what you want, with just who you want.

Edited by Explosive_Lasers
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I had high hopes that they (Bioware) would fill the void of Star Wars Galaxies. SWG was flawed in many ways, but it had a lot of positives, even after two complete redos of the entire game's combat system.


I at least expected them to try and merge the two types of MMO's. But all we got was another WOW clone with a storyline and Mass Effect dialogue system. Bleh. PVP is a joke, and I don't think I need to elaborate.


You didn't get a WoW clone.


You got a WoW clone with SUPER-DUPER LINEAR QUESTS!!!

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It is yet another in a long line of boring and lifeless themepark MMOs.


Sandbox MMOs are so much more alive. Player economies make the world feel real, and there is so much more random interaction between people. Gear/reward based progression, carrot on a stick, is just so flawed and pointless. So many things I could list that are better in sandbox MMOs, but my point is made.


Themepark MMOs suck. Bring on the next generation of sandbox MMOs!


Must be why themepark MMOs have millions and millions of subs and sondbox MMOs are niche or dying or dead...


P.S. Did you not understand what this game was before you bought it?

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I don't get how this game doesn't have sandbox elements.. I mean I can travel around on my ship to whatever world I want.. I can kill whatever I want.. I can run around searching for republics to kill.. If I want to I can climb mountains and jump off of them (I've done it)..


So if I can roam freely and basically do whatever I want then how isn't this a sandbox?

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I don't get how this game doesn't have sandbox elements.. I mean I can travel around on my ship to whatever world I want.. I can kill whatever I want.. I can run around searching for republics to kill.. If I want to I can climb mountains and jump off of them (I've done it)..


So if I can roam freely and basically do whatever I want then how isn't this a sandbox?


No, you cant. In fact if your even caught being too low level in Illum, its a bannable offense.

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I had high hopes that they (Bioware) would fill the void of Star Wars Galaxies.


And there it is - THIS IS NOT SWG2. I was never stated to be. Just because you failed to read and understand what the game would be does not make it a failed game. I played SWG since launch - it is what it was and now it's gone. Deal with it.

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