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Update on Ability Delay from Georg


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Unfortunately, this fix doesn't help my particular issues. What I'm experiencing isn't a problem with the global cooldown or my abilities not working, it's that my graphics performance is so terrible that I can't play the game. I hope they're working on that as well and not confusing this "ability delay" with serious performance issues on the part of the engine.
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Thank you for keeping us posted... really that's all a lot of are asking, you acknowledged the problem, just keep us appraised of the progress. I've got some confidence back that you guys can solve this problem!



OMG they new about this in beta.. still not fixed... will it ever be fixed after all the lies...



I hope so but dont think so

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Broski I ran WoW on a single core HP now I have a quad core and your telling me its a issue with duel core computers? enough with the lies. It doesn't matter what the cause of the problems is, if you took your creative finger pointing ideas into actually fixing the damn task you might actually have a working solution now, not an "um a er, maybe?" reply.


Benjamin Franklin had a saying for you "Better to be silent and let people think you a fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt"

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My major issue is Jedi Consular Shadow with the animation for backstrike abilities on both SHADOWSTRIKE and sith inquistior assassin.

The character feels clunky and unenjoyable when it goes to do one of the most important strikes from stealth back attack.


I know there are issues involved but maybe the damage could land and the strike register then the animation. I would rather have it NOT sync up than the current form which is jarring and the only thing upon the character that seems very broken


thankful for your response developers its good to have feedback.

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Im very impressed with the latest series of updates and annoucments of incoming updates. Have patience people. Bioware is an amazing video game company. KOTOR, Jade Empire, Mass Effect are all amazing games. They know how to craft an amazing game. This is their first MMO. Give them time to hammer out the bugs. They are listening to the community, and your valid complaints will be heard.


Yes, Ilum leaves some things to be desired, but the latest patch and subsequent emergency patch actually has poeple PvPing there now. Give them some more time and they will introduce some amazing new content. As far as Ilum goes, the biggest downfall is the population imbalance on most serves.


Keep up the good work Bioware!

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Benjamin Franklin had a saying for you "Better to be silent and let people think you a fool then open your mouth and remove all doubt"


while i agree with your sentiment the word "then" completely changes the meaning of the quote you just used.... "than" was the word you were looking for.

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This effects EVERYONE. It can affect PvE just as much as PvP. You probably don't even realize it because you are so used to button mashing your abilities to compensate.

That is actually not a correct statement.


As discussed in the past, 'Ability Delay' is a broad term for number of griefances and bugs seen. We have started about 100 different investigations into feedback items gathered from the relevant threads.


Some of the issues we found under the heading 'ability delay' affect people uniformly.


A good number of them however require specific combinations of settings (e.g. miniqueue length), processor hardware, hard drive type, server or client load, number of people in your vicinity or even a specific character class to manifest at varying magnitude. Playstyle (clicker vs. keyboarder) also factors in.


On top of that, people also have different tolerances.


For that reason, it is perfectly valid for some people to say that they have not seen an issue with ability responsiveness at all while others can validly say it is happening all the time.


That said, what matters is that we fix it. Even if two thirds of our players claimed it doesn't happen, we still fix it. Serious problems don't require a majority vote to get addressed.



-- Georg

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After reading this I'm concerned that the devs don't actually understand the issue.


yeah. what they're "fixing" is not what has been talked about in the ability delay bug, which leads me to believe it's not something they'll be able to fix due to the way the hero engine is implemented.

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Thanks for the info, these messages is what we need. Keeping us in the dark about the game we're playing is maddening enought. The game looks better and better with these issues being solved. Now if you could disable camera auto-adjust already....
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This is a good, well structured update. You tell us very concisely and specifically a few issues you've identified that contribute to the problem, and gave us a rough time table on getting them fixed.


This issue was one of the bug ones determining whether or not you'd have me as a long term customer, and while I think you could have been more open than you have been in general, this response is satisfactory.


I look forward to seeing these improvements in action!

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This sounds like bug fixes and improvement to UI responsiveness rather than the communication between server and clients delay/issues which are far bigger.


The second paragraph seems to refer to the issue where you spam an ability and it never goes off, but who knows. Can we have a more technical explanation please?

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Im very impressed with the latest series of updates and annoucments of incoming updates. Have patience people. Bioware is an amazing video game company. KOTOR, Jade Empire, Mass Effect are all amazing games. They know how to craft an amazing game. This is their first MMO. Give them time to hammer out the bugs. They are listening to the community, and your valid complaints will be heard.


Yes, Ilum leaves some things to be desired, but the latest patch and subsequent emergency patch actually has poeple PvPing there now. Give them some more time and they will introduce some amazing new content. As far as Ilum goes, the biggest downfall is the population imbalance on most serves.


Keep up the good work Bioware!


Easy to be patient when you're an Imp.

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Thanks for the update!


I know a lot of people complain incessantly on the forums about how Bioware fails to respond to its customers, but I have to say that I am extremely impressed with the pace at which new content and fixes are being introduced.


Is it annoying to have a lot of big 8-hour patch windows? Sure. But you can't deny the fact that they are listening to the community and diligently working on both improving the game by fixing problems and expanding it with new content.

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