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Force Leap and Huttball.


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This is what makes Huttball pointless for some classes.


If you do not have: A leap, an enemy pull, a friendly player pull or a speed burst ... GG ... go home.


The difference for my agent going from Huttball (completely uselessness) to the other two (amazing contribution) is mind blowing.


Huttball is a sport. It is like heading out to play basketball against 6'10" pro players but you aren't allowed to jump.


Huttball is not 8 ball handlers vs 8 ball handlers.


Not being an ideal ball handler does not make you useless. That's just an excuse.


Let the tanks get the ball, let the healers heal, etc. If you are pure dps then kill people who need to die (NOT random players nowhere near the ball), if you are another tank then guard the tank with the ball, etc.


There's far more to the warzone than holding the ball, especially if you want to actually get medals & therefore valor & commendations.

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You have to be level 50 to get that intercede ability, I'm surprised nobody's complaining about lower level powertech/vanguard speced in defense having both grapple and charge and has more utility than jugg/guardian has.


Sorc/sage IMO are the best ball carriers, the barrier and force speed are almost unstoppable when reaching the goalline.

Edited by Sookster
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Yes, it's far more difficult than tab targeting to someone in front of you and leaping with a keyboard key.


Please don't even attempt to argue otherwise.


Here's my pass:


G, click


Here's my jet charge:


Click (or tab - tab - tab until i get a target in the right place), V



I don't see a huge difference.

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Huttball is not 8 ball handlers vs 8 ball handlers.


Not being an ideal ball handler does not make you useless. That's just an excuse.


Let the tanks get the ball, let the healers heal, etc. If you are pure dps then kill people who need to die (NOT random players nowhere near the ball), if you are another tank then guard the tank with the ball, etc.


There's far more to the warzone than holding the ball, especially if you want to actually get medals & therefore valor & commendations.


And if you don't have any tanks(Juggernaut)/healers(Sorcs)? Oh thats the reason why are are able to quit WZs without penalties. Its all starting to fit together.

Edited by DarthDartheous
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Warriors can be probably the most annoying class in the game. Also, force leap/force charge (along with 'pull' abilities) have to be the most rigged advantage I've seen in HUTTBALL.


You forgot to add Force Speed. Force speed from the top runway down trough the fire unscathed to score.


Btw force charge is fine learn2play

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And if you don't have any tanks(Juggernaut)/healers(Sorcs)? Oh thats the reason why are are able to quit WZs without penalties. Its all starting to fit together.


No healers and no tanks? Not happened to me once in about 100 levels over main & alts.


But I'm sure it happens all the time for you but sadly you have no screenshots. ;)

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Here let me put this in simple terms for simple people. When you are a sith warrior, you can pass to FRIENDLIES or you can charge an ENEMY. Your ability to bypass obstacles has now doubled over someone who cannot charge. Also Enemies tend to spawn closer to the goal line, making charging enemies better than passing.


Understand now?


Pretending that you're intelligent, and treating others as simpletons when you're utterly incapable of seeing the big picture is laughable.


BH/Trooper can just walk slowly through fire and acid taking minimal damage from pitfalls that almost instantly kill the rest of us.


Then there's the 'grapple/force pull your enemy to an instant, unavaoidable death' move.


How about force rush where you shrug off all CCs and speed off into the distance?


AoE Knockback, maybe? where you can launch most of an enemies' team off into the pit, or into fire, or acid.


How about simply the ability to heal? Or being able to damage someone at range? or having a spammable AoE damage ability?


No, but you're right - this low damage, single-target-melee-tank class being able to charge an idiot opponent standing on the line OR a friendly who is clever enough to be positioned there, is game-breaking. God forbid the poor juggs/guards from being able to carry the ball, and actually having a USE in huttball!

Edited by IllicitSolicit
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You have to be level 50 to get that intercede ability, I'm surprised nobody's complaining about lower level powertech/vanguard speced in defense having both grapple and charge and has more utility than jugg/guardian has.

Thats true, playing as a powertech I know how beastly a shield tech can be in huttball... unfortunately they are easily killed 1v1 at least in my experience of killing them as a pyro.


Sorc/sage IMO are the best ball carriers, the barrier and force speed (speced into breaking CC) are almost unstoppable when reaching the goalline.

Once again never said anything about Inquistors


It should be that all movement increasing/aiding effects are disabled while carrying the huttball.

Edited by DarthDartheous
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Warriors can be probably the most annoying class in the game. Also, force leap/force charge (along with 'pull' abilities) have to be the most rigged advantage I've seen in HUTTBALL.


You've gotta be kidding me. Sith Marauders are the most gimped PVP class in the game, and it's not even close.

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BH/Trooper can just walk slowly through fire and acid taking minimal damage


I stopped reading after that line, as you have just lost all of your PvP credibility. You might wanna go play some PvP before you start claiming that BHs can walk through flame vents.

Edited by DarthDartheous
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Force Charge and Force Jump are a pretty big deal, but if you're ready for them, you can stop a ball handler from doing them.


The cooldown is generally too long for people to use ULTRA SPRINT multiple times (except the one class that can charge and then charge again, Marauders I think?) but if you don't catch that one Jedi before he starts hauling ***, you're in trouble.


Still, I've figured out ways to avoid this. Not standing near the edge as a class that can get charged is a great way to keep people from charging out of the pit and into the endzone. If you see a person with a lightsaber standing down in the pit with the ball, LOS them, or stand so close to the edge that they waste a charge and fall down. IF it's a Force Sprint enabled class, keep the snares on them, knock them down early and hard, or pop **** and do so much DPS to them that they have to get rid of the ball.


Or just punt them when they get close to the end. I cannot even begin to count how many times I've run out of spawn and punted someone straight back into our pit.


There are ways to deal with this stuff. The sprint is -very- powerful in Huttball, especially since it allows you to sprint through fire traps and take next to no damage.


Hey, there's an idea.


Make it so that the fire traps purge all beneficial buffs, and make entry immediately apply damage instead of sometimes allowing people to super-sprint through without being harmed.


Purging all buffs in fire would make it hard for even a team of Sages or Sorcerers to keep someone up in a firepit, which I've seen with shields and heals a few times, and purging movement buffs would make folks think twice about super-sprinting through an active fire trap. Those should be feared, not trivialized; you should at the very least have to Force Leap past them and not through them.

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Huttball is not 8 ball handlers vs 8 ball handlers.


Not being an ideal ball handler does not make you useless. That's just an excuse.


Let the tanks get the ball, let the healers heal, etc. If you are pure dps then kill people who need to die (NOT random players nowhere near the ball), if you are another tank then guard the tank with the ball, etc.


There's far more to the warzone than holding the ball, especially if you want to actually get medals & therefore valor & commendations.


Finally someone with some common sense!


This right here needs to be read by everyone. If you're a sniper, your job is to weaken the enemies for your team, you do realize that there is a gate that essentially filters their revival back into the arena right? Being a smuggler/sniper you can keep people stunned, slowed, knocked down, or just plain dead. Also Sniper gets the ability to blow their cover to knock back others I believe.

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You've gotta be kidding me. Sith Marauders are the most gimped PVP class in the game, and it's not even close.


Naw, I play Marauder - I'm an effing menace in warzones. The tears flow endlessly. xD

Good gear and annihilation spec is all you need. Point-blank 9 sec charges, enough DoTs to kill a rancor and self-healing. You can be a monster too.


The only area where we're gimped is in medal collection now, which is a joke. I believe we're the only class/sub-class that can only do one thing now med-pack heals have been removed.


Every other class can get damage/healing medals or damage/shielding or even damage/shielding/healing. We get damage only, and we don't even do that best.

Edited by IllicitSolicit
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Are you serious?


Mara / sent requires skill to play well but when played well they are amazing.


I'm not saying they're worthless. They can be good. But in Huttball, they're next to worthless with no knockbacks, a long CD break, a short duration stun that requires channelling (you can't do anything else while you stun them), and a short duration snare/root (depending on how you build). They're pretty much just along for the ride in huttball and there to try and kill people hurting the ball carrier. They do get force leap, which allows them to jump to the other side's scoring zone in some instances, but with such low survivability, they aren't going to be able to hold off 2 toons while waiting for a pass (and you need to trigger your stun mitigation before you bother because even if you get a pass there you'll spend the next 20 seconds on stun lock and get slaughtered).


Of course, if you're not playing against a skilled team then it doesn't really matter.

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You'd think it was awesome (it is) but most of the time another class will push you off.


PS. When I'm not on my Knight, I don't give others the ability to leap to me with the ball, so don't stand by the goal line/edge of the pit when there's one in the pit like 99% OF OTHER PEOPLE DO! You just give me the chance to score, if you didn't walk up there, I'd be dead!


Allowing a class to use such an obvious ability you should learn to counter from level 10+ is your own fault, not ours. The only time it's a bit OP is when you drop down from spawn and I leap to you.


Also if you're going to stand by the other side of the fire, don't give me room to leap to you, stand back, drop down, or stand right by the fire so I land in it.

Edited by ChrisJSY
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I'm not saying they're worthless. They can be good. But in Huttball, they're next to worthless with no knockbacks, a long CD break, a short duration stun that requires channelling (you can't do anything else while you stun them), and a short duration snare/root (depending on how you build). They're pretty much just along for the ride in huttball and there to try and kill people hurting the ball carrier. They do get force leap, which allows them to jump to the other side's scoring zone in some instances, but with such low survivability, they aren't going to be able to hold off 2 toons while waiting for a pass (and you need to trigger your stun mitigation before you bother because even if you get a pass there you'll spend the next 20 seconds on stun lock and get slaughtered).


Of course, if you're not playing against a skilled team then it doesn't really matter.


No, they are not next to worthless.


See that enemy ball handler? Unless he passes to your team of the ball debuff runs out he has to be killed to get the ball back.

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I'm not saying they're worthless. They can be good. But in Huttball, they're next to worthless with no knockbacks, a long CD break, a short duration stun that requires channelling (you can't do anything else while you stun them), and a short duration snare/root (depending on how you build). They're pretty much just along for the ride in huttball and there to try and kill people hurting the ball carrier. They do get force leap, which allows them to jump to the other side's scoring zone in some instances, but with such low survivability, they aren't going to be able to hold off 2 toons while waiting for a pass (and you need to trigger your stun mitigation before you bother because even if you get a pass there you'll spend the next 20 seconds on stun lock and get slaughtered).


Of course, if you're not playing against a skilled team then it doesn't really matter.


Mara's are one of the best ball runners. Pred. speed boost, short cooldown charge, and the ability to be immune to damage for a short time.


We cant defend our side, but I can usually get the ball across the line. Try this, run into the pit area, charge the first person you see near the edge, then AoE CC. If they all jump on you, use Undying rage, and walk the ball in. Worst comes to worse combat stealth so they dont get the ball

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PS. When I'm not on my Knight, I don't give others the ability to leap to me with the ball, so don't stand by the goal line/edge of the pit when there's one in the pit like 99% OF OTHER PEOPLE DO! You just give me the chance to score, if you didn't walk up there, I'd be dead!




I have been known to run up the ramps and drop down behind the fight instead if I'm concerned about being leapt at.

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Mara's are one of the best ball runners. Pred. speed boost, short cooldown charge, and the ability to be immune to damage for a short time.


We cant defend our side, but I can usually get the ball across the line. Try this, run into the pit area, charge the first person you see near the edge, then AoE CC. If they all jump on you, use Undying rage, and walk the ball in. Worst comes to worse combat stealth so they dont get the ball




And we melt face.

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