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Solo flashpoints with companions


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I find better suggestions come out of deeper thinking, t tell you the truth.


As regards this one, the deep thinking may come in how to implement it. I don't deny that might take some deep thinking indeed...but on the bright side, people with the capability to come up with non-obvious solutions to things are often rewarded for their trouble.

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Gotta say, I really like this idea.


My main is level 47 and the only flashpoints I've seen so far are Esseles/Black Talon due to time constraints and my friends not being the same level as I am. I know it's supposed to be massively multiplayer, but most of the time I just can't stand other people, always need rolling for their companions, wanting to skip the cutscenes, or just generally being obnoxious (don't you just love anonymity?). I see too much of this kind of behavior when I group for heroics.


I've missed a large part of this game and I'd love to see it. This probably wouldn't / shouldn't be feasible for HM flashpoints which require more coordination and intelligence than your typical AI companion can provide, and that's fine, but it would really give casual players like me a nice way to see the story without having to deal with jerks from pugs.


Probably never happen, but it'd be great if it did.

Your problem has a pretty simple solution already available in the game:

Find a good friendly and mature guild!


Yes, there are such guilds out there in this game :)

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Your problem has a pretty simple solution already available in the game:

Find a good friendly and mature guild!


Yes, there are such guilds out there in this game :)


The problem is you have to wade thru so many crappy guilds to find the few good ones. It begins to sour you on the guild aspect.

I run FP's solo. I recently started 2 boxing. Most FP's can be done with companions only but it is more difficult since you can't make them stand in place and not follow you. In Foundry you have to keep spamming passive on them to stop them from following HK into his chamber and insta-dieing.

It's next to impossible to find a "QUICK" group that doesn't have to wait around for someone to get started. I get 2 hours a day to play and I don't want to spend 1 hour of it waiting for a group to form.

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The problem is you have to wade thru so many crappy guilds to find the few good ones. It begins to sour you on the guild aspect.

I run FP's solo. I recently started 2 boxing. Most FP's can be done with companions only but it is more difficult since you can't make them stand in place and not follow you. In Foundry you have to keep spamming passive on them to stop them from following HK into his chamber and insta-dieing.

It's next to impossible to find a "QUICK" group that doesn't have to wait around for someone to get started. I get 2 hours a day to play and I don't want to spend 1 hour of it waiting for a group to form.


This is probably one of the best reasons why solo versions of flashpoints with 3 companions should be added, the time factor.

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Would be interesting :)


98% of respondants also think so, waiting till 20/3 for some kind of announcement even if its only an indication of if & when such a thing may or may not be introduced. After that i'll be gone, 7 years of wow hasnt made me a very impatient person i'm afraid and given alot of responses on the forums i'd say that applies to alot of players. Patience is no longer a virtue

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I see the arguement that this is a MMO and we should be playing with others but I like this idea. Gives players another option if they cannot find a group and will increase the enjoyment as they get to experience parts of the game they may not be able to enjoy otherwise. It should be harder considering you have 3 NPCs playing and not humans but atleast give it as an option for FPs and Heroic Areas.
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I see the arguement that this is a MMO and we should be playing with others but I like this idea. Gives players another option if they cannot find a group and will increase the enjoyment as they get to experience parts of the game they may not be able to enjoy otherwise. It should be harder considering you have 3 NPCs playing and not humans but atleast give it as an option for FPs and Heroic Areas.


Agreed, for me it's not just about playing everything solo. When your friends arent on it gives a player an alternative to pugs or pvp.


Please BW yes or no?

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Here's my two cents:


1. Flashpoints easy mode Flashpoints CAN be done solo.

A) I soloed Black Talon at level 16 and Esseles at Level 15 (minus the bonus boss due to requiring two people).

B)I soloed Boarding party at level 42 and The Foundry at level 49 (the trick is to not stand near HK-47s adds because at level 49 they only aggro if you are close or attacking them).

C) My guild leader managed to Solo Red Reaper (but he had HardMode gear :rolleyes:)


2. I don't think having 3-5 companions would be fair - companions are about 70% as potent as players but not as smart (Vette and Andronikos are great with ranged DPS, Talos and Quinn are good healers). In KOTOR you got to bring 2 companions with you. I say that seems fair for soloing FPs.


3. You're not supposed to be able to solo endgame FPs like The False Emperor even with HardMode gear - if someone managed that I'd eat my socks (they're thin so I probably could).



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Progressive content for solo/duo players is a must especially at level cap. This game has a fantastic solo experience from 1-50 and then ..... Nothing. A solo progressive endgame would do much for retaining subscriptions of the casual crowd.
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roll a trooper.


problem solved ;)



but otherwise hell no...why bother playing online if you just want to solo everything?


the basic fact is EVERY aspect of the game is better in a group even basic questing..why deliberatly try to veer away from that?

Edited by Leyv
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What about those of us who play at real obscure times? I dont want to role on a EU server cause its phisically in Germany or France and there would be LAG issues.


I would want NEW content That Allows Me to have M1-4X Elara Aric Jorgan and my self out playing content togather. I used Aric till i got Elara tehn i used M1-4X Till i was 50 and had gear to outfit Elara now i use her most of the time. Ide like to use all of them. Ide like a whole new planet with about 100 new quests to do like this. Hell give me Dathomir I wanna hunt Rancors and witches.


PS off topic why is there no Krayt Dragon on Tatooine? wouldnt that be a good world boss?

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roll a trooper.


problem solved ;)



but otherwise hell no...why bother playing online if you just want to solo everything?


the basic fact is EVERY aspect of the game is better in a group even basic questing..why deliberatly try to veer away from that?


...... another one of these responses eh?


This game already provides a fantastic 1-50 SOLO experience. Once you hit 50 you either group up, grind the same six boring dailies ad naseum, reroll, or quit. Why provide an excellent solo experience if it is not extended past 50 after investing all that time?


MMOs are about options and different ways to play and not forcing everyone into one tiny little narrow view of what an MMO is supposed to be.

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Here's my two cents:


1. Flashpoints easy mode Flashpoints CAN be done solo.

A) I soloed Black Talon at level 16 and Esseles at Level 15 (minus the bonus boss due to requiring two people).

B)I soloed Boarding party at level 42 and The Foundry at level 49 (the trick is to not stand near HK-47s adds because at level 49 they only aggro if you are close or attacking them).

C) My guild leader managed to Solo Red Reaper (but he had HardMode gear :rolleyes:)


2. I don't think having 3-5 companions would be fair - companions are about 70% as potent as players but not as smart (Vette and Andronikos are great with ranged DPS, Talos and Quinn are good healers). In KOTOR you got to bring 2 companions with you. I say that seems fair for soloing FPs.


3. You're not supposed to be able to solo endgame FPs like The False Emperor even with HardMode gear - if someone managed that I'd eat my socks (they're thin so I probably could).



All fair comments, but what i'm actually looking for is solo versions of current group flashpoints and operations. Primarily to utilise our companions more than just 1 at a time and to provide some much needed character progression for solo players once they hit 50.


Very similar system to what they are using in Lotro, skirmish system allowing dungeons to be run with either 1, 2, 4, 8, or 16 players. Loot varies of course, the greater the number of players the better the loot.

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I would like to be able to truly solo flashpoints & operations with 3-5 of my companions


I have dps, tank, & healing companions but most never get used nor do I bother to gear them for that reason. Being able to run solo versions of flashpoints & operations using companions would change that, not to mention I would run flashpoints more often. There could be a lower loot table and modified boss mechanics, that would provide months of entertainment.


Completely agree with OP...


To many people will say, It's an MMO, your supposed to group....Well that's BS.


the fundamental problem with this game is it has no social interaction aside from Endgame and Heroics, and tbh that is not enough to keep the masses happy.


Personally i have 16-20 good regular MMO friends, we have played together for years and are playing together now, here......But.


There are times we are not all on together, there are times when other's are doing other things, and in a game that has NO REAL CRAFTING, NO HOUSING, NO GUILD EVENT@s, NO SOCIAL EVENT'S, NO SOCIAL CLASSES, (ie entertainer in swg) Then people are going to get bored...


Personally i would welcome with open arms, some scaled down Companion Flashpoints, to maybe give at best Tionese items.....I mean lets be fair, there crap for anything other than a companion so why not make them Companion drops, in Companion Flashpoints..???

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The ENTIRE point of flashpoints is that they are meant to be done by groups of living people. That is the only reason they are in game. OP's suggestion is equal to just removing them from the game. It's the same as if I said, "I want to solo multiplayer. I want to do the multiplayer stuff but be the only human doing it." If that sounds reasonable you should re-examine your premises. Edited by Laokoon
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The ENTIRE point of flashpoints is that they are meant to be done by groups of living people. That is the only reason they are in game. OP's suggestion is equal to just removing them from the game. It's the same as if I said, "I want to solo multiplayer. I want to do the multiplayer stuff but be the only human doing it." If that sounds reasonable you should re-examine your premises.


Yeah creating 3-4 solo Companion based flashpoints, that drop gear lower rated than HM Multiplayer Flashpoints is the same....


Ok then.


Ow wait....no it isnt.

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Yeah creating 3-4 solo Companion based flashpoints, that drop gear lower rated than HM Multiplayer Flashpoints is the same....


Ok then.


Ow wait....no it isnt.


*IF* that had been the OPs suggestion (Companion based flashpoints), I totally would have been on board. Re-read the OP's post. He wants the CURRENT flashpoints to have a lower difficulty setting so he can do them with companions. I would be all for adding in new solo-with-companions only flashpoints, sounds great. But don't take content that was designed, implemented, and added for the SOLE purpose of grouping with people and make it solo-able. That is bad idea junction.

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*IF* that had been the OPs suggestion (Companion based flashpoints), I totally would have been on board. Re-read the OP's post. He wants the CURRENT flashpoints to have a lower difficulty setting so he can do them with companions. I would be all for adding in new solo-with-companions only flashpoints, sounds great. But don't take content that was designed, implemented, and added for the SOLE purpose of grouping with people and make it solo-able. That is bad idea junction.


He also says about lowering the loot table drops, by that i think he means to not drop Columi, but maybe Tionese...


Anyhow im not gonna argue mate, think were on the same wavelength. TBH it wouldn't hurt the game, I pretty mush drop any Tionese pieces i get onto companion's as it is, having Instance's to run with companion's would be a good idea...


Funny thing is, I have 4/5 Columi on my main, and 2 companions with 3/5 Columi...So for me, I probably wouldn't bother...


But if some guy wants to do them on his own with companions for mediocre rewards, (and im sure he isn't the only one) then who am i to stop him....


However as you say, if he wants comparable gear...We'll, get a group then...:-)

Edited by Nippon
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*IF* that had been the OPs suggestion (Companion based flashpoints), I totally would have been on board. Re-read the OP's post. He wants the CURRENT flashpoints to have a lower difficulty setting so he can do them with companions. I would be all for adding in new solo-with-companions only flashpoints, sounds great. But don't take content that was designed, implemented, and added for the SOLE purpose of grouping with people and make it solo-able. That is bad idea junction.

Actually if you bothered to read any of my posts you would realise that I'm interest in solo versions of existing flashpoints. Why? because the scripting is already done, it would take minimal effort to create and not drag resources from elsewhere. In these solo versions you would take along 3 companions instead of players, yes the boss mechanics & loot drops for solo flashpoints would need to be adjusted.


People just dont realise how popular this would be, not just amongst solo players but people who would normally group with guildies or friends when they are not on. Not every player enjoys pugging for good reason. I just find the companion system to be a winner but by only allowing players to utilise 1 of them is a shame.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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roll a trooper.


problem solved ;)

Actually it's not and yes I have a 48 trooper


The particular quest you are refering to still only allows you to play with 1 companion, the other 4 are off assisting your mission but you never get to see it nor participate in their actions. So problem not solved



but otherwise hell no...why bother playing online if you just want to solo everything?


the basic fact is EVERY aspect of the game is better in a group even basic questing..why deliberatly try to veer away from that?

Because not everyone enjoys pugging, or playing games with strangers it's quite simple really. Leave group content for players that want it and same versions of solo content for players that prefer that. The fact that their are so many complaints on the forums about players not wanting to group should tell you something. If end game progression isnt provided for these players a significant segment of the playerbase will get bored and move on.

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